
大牌134底楼的咖啡店有一家拉面馆. 你没听错哦, 他们在用手"拉"面. 

拉面是大陆西北一带的吃法. 陕西, 甘肃, 青海.

然而这里拉面的厨师却是东北人. 嗯嗯, 猪肉炖粉条. 

东北人拉的西北面, 会正宗吗? 

嘿嘿, 在新加坡能吃得到拉面, 就不错了!

无论如何, 去尝尝吧!


Partial or all of the text content may have been taken from one or more of the following sources. We have done our best to maintain the text as-is without any changes. We also make sure no profit is made from this. 


-Singapore Primary Chinese Textbook

-Singapore Secondary Chinese Textbook