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zhè xie zuì fàn dōu shì shè huì de zhā zǐ。
These criminals are the dregs of society.


zhè liè huǒ chē shì fǒu zhí dá lún dūn?
Does this train go right through to London?


zǎo cān de shí pǔ shàng yǒu yàn mài zhōu ma?
Is/Are porridge oats on the breakfast menu?


tā shū shu sǐ後 tā jí chéng le cái chǎn.
She came into a fortune when her uncle died.


nǐ néng wèi zhè xie yāo qiú tí gōng zhèng jiàn ma?
Can you document these claims?


Mǎ lì méi yǒu shēn qǐng zhù xué jīn de zī gé.
Mary is not eligible for an award.


niú nǎi píng gě shì yòng xí bó zhì chéng de。
Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.


tā wán gù bù huà bǎ wǒ qì de huǒ mào sān zhàng!
His obstinacy drives me mad!


wǒ men shì tìng rèn mìng yùn bǎi bù de kuǐ lěi ma?
Are we the puppets of fate?


dà yǔ shǐ chǎng dì biàn de kēng kēng wā wā。
The ground was pitted by the heavy rain.


jīn tiān xià wǔ nǐ dú de shén me shū?
What is the book you are poring over this afternoon?


jiān yù de dà mén哐 dàng yī shēng guān shàng le。
The prison gate clanged shut.


zhè hái zi yǐ jīng hè le sān pán zhōu le!
The child has eaten three platefuls of porridge!

 她病後显得苍白、 清瘦.

tā bìng後 xiǎn de cāng bái、 qīng shòu.
Her illness had left her looking pale and thin.


nǐ de jià shǐ zhí zhào hé shí dào qī?
When is the expiration of your driving license?


tā bèi hěn duō zhài wù nòng de jiāo zhuó bù ān。
He was embarrassed by many debts.


dù juān zài bié de niǎo cháo zhōng chǎn luǎn.
The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests.


nǐ de dà biàn lǐ yǒu xuè huò zhān yè ma?
Be there any blood or mucus in your stool?


tā pīn mìng bēn pǎo qù zhuī gǎn gōng gòng qì chē.
He ran like fury to catch the bus.


ān de měng shì xī shǒu sì fāng?
Where will I find brave men to guard the four corners of my land?


wǒ men zhèng chù yū yī zhòng quán xīn de jú miàn.
We're into a whole new ball game.


nǐ dǎ suàn tiāo xuǎn shéi cān jiā zhè gè duì?
Who are you going to pick for the team?


wǒ de tào tou máo yī yù rè shuǐ後 shōu suō le.
The hot water shrank my pullover.


tā men yòng měi wèi jiā yáo kuǎn dài kè ren.
They feasted their guests with delicacies.


huǒ yán( zòng pèn zuǐ zhòng) pèn chū lái le.
Flames jetted out (of the nozzles).

 你脸色很难看, 是不舒服了吗?

nǐ liǎn sè hěn nán kàn, shì bù shū fu le ma?
You look ghastly; are you all right?


nà wǎng qiú cái pàn dài著 zhē guāng mào yán。
The tennis umpire wore an eye-shade.


yān zhī hóng yī zhòng qiáng liè dào xiān míng de hóng sè
A strong to vivid red.


zhè jù de huá ji chǎng miàn tài kuā zhāng le.
The comic scenes in the play were overdone.


【 yàn】 lí bā yǒu yǎn, qiáng bì zhǎng ěr。
Hedges have eyes and walls have ears.


zhè yàng yán jùn de fǎ lìng bú yì shí shī.
Such a strict law is not easily enforceable.


jiǎ zhuāng hūn mí zhǐ bù guò shì gè guǐ jì.
Pretending to faint was merely (an) artifice.


wǒ men de shí wù chǔ bèi yǐ xiāo hào dài jìn.
Our stock of food is greatly depleted.


wáng zǐ zì shǐ zhì zhōng zhōng zhēn bù yú。
The prince remained loyal throughout.


zhè rè là là de tài yáng kuài bǎ wǒ kǎo jiāo le!
I am broiling in this hot sun!


zhè zuò xiàng shì( yòng shí tou) diāo kè de.
The statue was carved (out of stone).


jīn wǎn de nu:3 zhǔ chí zhī yī shì Mǎ lì。
One of hostesses on tonight's show is Mary.


nu:3 wáng zài yí shì guò後 tuō qù le wáng páo.
The Queen disrobed after the ceremony.


líng yáng pǎo qǐ lai yǒu shí sù dù jīng rén.
Gazelles can movewith astonishing velocity.

 至於你, 你应该感到惭愧.

zhì yū nǐ, nǐ yīng gāi gǎn dào cán kuì.
As for you, you ought to be ashamed of yourself.


nóng mín men zài de lǐ shōu gē( zuò wù).
The farmers are out harvesting (the corn).


mó xíng fēi jī shī kòng zhuì luò xia lai。
The model plane got out of control and crashed.


nǐ yòng de jiāo juān gǎn guāng dù shì duō shao?
What's the speed of the film you're using?


jiǎng kè shí bù yào chà kāi( zhǔ tí).
Don't digress (from the subject) when lecturing.


jūn rén yìng shì róng yù zhòng yū shēng mìng ma?
Should a soldier value honour above life?


tā shì liú làng hàn, guàn yū fēng cān yǔ wò。
He's a tramp and used to living rough.


zhè pán ōu fáng fēng zuò de cài wèi dao hěn guài。
This dish of parsnip tastes strange.


gǒng xíng de jù yǒu gōng de xíng shì de; wān qǔ de
Having the form of a bow; curved.


yī piàn huān hū shēng huān yíng nu:3 wáng lì lín.
Cheers greeted the arrival of the Queen.


nà hái zi( huái lǐ) bào著 wán jù wá wa.
The child cuddled her doll (to her chest).


bǐ lì shí bèi chèng zuò ōu zhōu zhàn chǎng。
Belgium has been called the cockpit of Europe.


cūn mín men chēng qǐ yáo yáo yù zhuì de máo péng。
The villagers shored up sagging huts.


shuǐ( zòng zhù shuǐ chí) huǎn huǎn liú chū.
The water slowly emptied (from the cistern).

 他得悉噩耗: 父亲突然去世.

tā de xī è hào: fù qīn tū rán qù shì.
He's had some bad news: his father has died suddenly.


wǒ xī wàng yòng xiē xiā zi jiàng zhàn zhuó jí。
I'd like some shrimp-roe soy sauce with it.


nǐ néng bù néng biè zài shuō nà zhòng xián huà?
Can you put an end to that kind of gossip?


wǒ men mǎi le yī xiē shū jí、 yī fu děng děng。
We bought some books, clothes, etc.


hái zi men zài huā yuán lǐ xī xì bēn pǎo。
The children were scampering around the garden.


( nǐ) jià qī dé bìng zhēn dǎo méi.
It was very hard luck (on you) to get ill on your holiday.


kào yì lì zhè bǒ tóng xué huì le yóu yǒng。
By perseverance the lame boy learned to swim.


wǒ wén dào méi qì wèi le-- kǎo xiāng kāi著 ne ba?
I can smell gas -- is the oven on?


nǐ kàn de xiàn pái zi shàng xiě de shì shí mó ma?
Can you make out what that sign says?


xǔ duō zhèng kè dōu shì jiǎo huá de guǐ biàn jiā.
Many politicians are cunning sophists.


rén men yǒu quán tōng guò zhè xie tián dì ma?
Is there a right of way across these fields?


bǎ niǎo guān zài lóng zi lǐ cán rěn bù cán rěn?
Is it cruel to confine a bird in a cage?


zhè jiāo juān shì cǎi sè de hái shì hēi bái de?
Is the film in colour or black and white?


tā shuō rì luò shì duō mó de huī huáng càn làn。
He said how glorious the sunset was.


tā men shì zhàn後 fù yù shēng huó de chǎn wù.
They are the products of post-war affluence.

 是什麽原因使得他如此 大方呢?

shì shí mó yuán yīn shǐ de tā rú cǐ dà fāng ne?
What prompted him to be so generous?


tōng huò péng zhàng shuài yǐ jīng chāo guò le8%。
The level of inflation has gone beyond 8%.


tā men rán qǐ gōu huǒ fáng zhǐ yě shòu jiē jìn.
They lit a fire to keep wild animals off.


sī pò ěr sī duì kuài xiáng wèi bǐng jí duì ma?
Will Spurs be relegated to the third division?


yo, dà ren, nǐ xiǎng zhǎo wǒ chá, shì ma?
Oh, Lord, are you going to get on my back?


nǐ zhī dào shì shéi fā míng de zhǐ nán zhēn ma?
Do you know who invents the compass?


yuè guāng( tōng guò chuāng hu) zhào le jìn lái.
The moon is shining (through the window).


tuān jí de shuǐ dào zhè yàng yī gǔ shuǐ liú de qú dào
The channel of such a current.

 她脸上显出严厉、 木然的神情.

tā liǎn shàng xiǎn chū yán lì、 mù rán de shén qíng.
Her face wore a grim, set look.


dà yǔ guò後 yǒu jǐ piàn gēng dì bèi yān.
Several fields are under water after the heavy rain.


tā de tǐ wēn gāo yū[ dī yū] zhèng cháng biāo zhǔn.
Her temperature is above/below normal.


qīng xìn de yǒu xìn lài qīng xiàng de; xìn rèn de
Having a tendency to confide; trusting.


yú lí kāi shuǐ後 huó de shí jiān hěn duǎn.
Fish can survive for only a short time out of water.


zài… zhī nèi zài huò jìn rù lǐ miàn; zài nèi bù
In or into the inner part; inside.


tā zài pǐn dé[ míng yù] shàng háo wú xiá cī.
His character/reputation is without (a) blemish.


` xiǎo biàn' shì` pǎi suī' de wěi wǎn yǔ.
`Pass water' is a euphemism for `urinate'.


sà mǔ tìng le zhè xiāo xi hòu jǐn zhòu méi tóu。
Sam bent his brows upon hearing the news.


nǐ rèn wéi shā táng kě yǐ tì dài fēng mì ma?
Can you think sugar will substitute for honey?


shuāi ruò de quē fá lì qi huò huó lì de; xū ruò de
Lacking strength or vigor; weak.


yǒu xiē yìn de ān rén réng rán zhù zài zhàng peng lǐ。
Some Indians still live in wigwams.


“ tā jiù xiàng yī bǎ dà shān zi”, tā shuō。
He said."He's exactly like a huge fan."


guó jì xiàng qí de gè zhǒng zǒu fǎ nǐ dū huì ma?
Do you know all the possible moves in chess?


cì yào de dì èr wèi de shì; jiào cì yào de wèn tí
A secondary matter; a side issue.


zhè yàng wú liáo de dú wù nǐ zěn néng kàn de xià qu!
How can you bear to read such pap!


xiàn jǐng bǔ zhuō huò yòu bǔ de fāng shì; juān tào
A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap.


jīng yú bèi yú chǎ shè zhòng後 qián rù shuǐ zhòng.
The whale dived as the harpoon struck it.


噍, nà tíng zi gāo gāo dì lì zài kōng zhōng ne。
Look, the pavilion is high in the sky.


tā dāng chū gāng dào lún dūn shí hěn gū dān.
He was very lonely at first when he moved to London.

 我还了抵押借款, 如释重负!

wǒ huán le dǐ yá jiè kuǎn, rú shì zhòng fù!
Paying my mortgage was an enormous weight off my mind!


wǒ men néng pǐ jiàng lì rùn huì jì dào guó wài?
Can we remit our profit to foreign countries?


nǐ néng gào su wǒ nǐ yī gè yuè zuàn duō shao ma?
Can you tell me how much you earn a month?


qì qiú kōng qì wài yì ér huǎn huǎn xià jiàng.
The balloon descended gradually as the air came out.


qīng chè de shuǐ zhòng yìng chū wèi lán de tiān kōng。
The clear water mirrored the blue sky.


zhè jiā gōng sī de zhàng mù shōu zhī shì fǒu píng héng?
Do the firm's accounts balance?


jí zào de cāng cù ér bù jiā sī suǒ de; chōng dòng de
Hasty and unthinking; impetuous.


nèi gè zéi tōu tōu( zòng後 mén) liū chū qù le.
The thief slipped out (by the back door).


nǐ zhī dào bù liè diān qún dǎo de wèi zhi ma?
Do you know the locations of the British Isles?


jīng yú huò mǎ yí yàng dōu shì bǔ rǔ dòng wù。
A whale is no less a mammal than a horse is.


mìng yùn de niǔ zhuǎn; diē dàng qǐ fú de gù shì
A twist of fate; a story with a quirky twist.


wǒ men de lu:3 chéng(後 lái) yī lù píng ān.
Our journey ended without (further) mishap.


wǒ bǎ duō yú de fáng jiān chū zū( jǐ fáng kè).
I let (out) my spare rooms (to lodgers).


wǒ zhěng tiān máng gè bù tíng, pí yū bēn mìng。
I've been on the run all day and I'm exhausted.


tā shì fǒu bǎ zhè tái tuō lā jī qī chéng le hóng sè?
Do he paint this tractor red?


xià wēi yí qún dǎo shì Měi guó de shǔ dì ma?
Are the Hawaiian Islands a dependence of the USA?


nǐ zài gā lí shí pǐn zhòng fàng le duō shao là jiāo?
How much chilli did you put in the curry?


tài wù shì hé fà yuán yū kē cí wò ěr dé qiū líng.
The Thames rises in the Cotswold Hills.


běn zhì shì wù de běn zhì、 gōng néng huò xìng zhì
The essential function or nature of a thing.


tā bù dàn bù chéng rèn, fǎn ér zhī wú qí cí。
Instead of admit his guilt, he prevaricate.


nà shāng rén duì yī xiē bǎo shí chuí xián yù dī.
The dealer was slavering over some precious stones.


bù gào pái shàng xiě著` wù tà cǎo dì'.
The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'.


kè lín yī sī wēi tè de tè zhǐ shì tā mǐ mǐ yǎn。
Clint Eastwood's trademark is his squint.


zhè bù xiǎo shuō yǐ zhàn qián de lún dūn wèi bèi jǐng。
The novel is set in pre-war London.


gōng gòng qì chē jiān nán de pá shàng dǒu qiào de shān gǎng.
The bus toiled up the steep hill.


cān chē yǐ guà( zài mò jié chē xiāng) shàng.
The dining-car was coupled on (to the last coach).


tā nán yǐ shuō míng tā wèi shí mó bù jiàn le.
He was hard put (to it) to explain her disappearance.


lún bó lǎng de huì huà shì tiān cái de xiàng zhēng.
Rembrandt's paintings show the cachet of genius.


tā yòng lián zhū pào sì de màn mà lái gōng jī tā。
She attacked him with a torrent of abuse.


shí tou shàng zhǎng zhuó yī xiē róu ruǎn de tái xiǎn。
There grows some spongy moss on the stone.


zhè kuài bù něi yī miàn shì zhèng miàn?
Which is the right side of the cloth (ie the one intended to be seen)?


wǒ zěn yàng cái néng bǎ qiáng shàng de wū gòu qù diào ne?
How can I get the dirt off the walls?


mù hòu de, mì mì de yǐn mán gōng zhòng de; sī xià de
Concealed from the public; private.


guò fèn guān zhù mǒu shì de; xīn bù zài yān de
Excessively concerned with something; distracted.


tā zòng lì zī yuǎn dào ér lái xún zhǎo gōng zuò.
He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.

 他有点迟钝, 但毕竟还能理解.

tā yǒu diǎn chí dùn, dàn bì jìng huán néng lǐ jiě.
He's a bit slow but in the end he latches on.


yù fáng shèng yú zhì liáo( zhì bìng bù rú fáng bìng)。
Prevention is better than cure.


ěr後 de yī jī shǐ tā pā dào zài dì bǎn shàng。
A blow behind the ear stretched him on the floor.


jīn shǔ zhù mó jīn shǔ dìng zài qí zhōng bèi zhù de mó zi
A mold in which such metal is cast.


xià jì de shuǐ táng zhòng, fú róng shèng kāi。
Lotus flowers are in full bloom in the pond in summer.


tā fā cái zhī後 bǎ lǎo péng you dōu pāo qì le.
When he became rich he threw over all his old friends.

 到时候树就落叶、 花就掉瓣.

dào shí hòu shù jiù luò yè、 huā jiù diào bàn.
Trees shed their leaves and flowers shed their petals.


nǐ néng dèng zhuó kàn duō zhǎng shí jiān bù zhǎ yǎn?
How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?


wǒ men de qì chē zài shān dǐng dǒu pō chù pāo máo le.
Our car stalled on the brow of a steep hill.


gāi shāng xìng yū bā yuè fèn gōng bù kuài jì zhàng mù.
The firm publishes its accounts in August.


liú chǎng zhǎng zhǔ chí huì yì, xuān bù kāi huì。
Director Liu, in the chair, opened the meeting.


wǒ zǒng suàn bǎ nǐ kàn tòu le, nǐ zhè gè piàn zi!
I have found you out at last, you cheat!


yī qiè yōu xiù zhàn lu:è de jīng suǐ shì jiǎn dān。
The essence of all good strategy is simplicity.


xiàn zài fēn miǎn shí cháng yòng yìng mó wài zhù shè.
Epidurals are now often used during childbirth.


tā men zài hēi yǒu yǒu de hóng shuǐ zhòng suí bō zhú liú。
Down the sable flood they glided.


tā hěn yàn fán nà xiē mò wán mò le de cáo zá shēng。
She feels wearisome by the constant noise.


< dà xué Yīng yǔ cí huì zōng hé cè shì tí>。
Practice Tests For College English Vocabulary

 路灯在黄昏时开, 拂晓时关.

lù dēng zài huáng hūn shí kāi, fú xiǎo shí guān.
The street lights come on at dusk and go off at dawn.

 她的皮肤仍然十分柔软、 光滑.

tā de pí fū réng rán shí fēn róu ruǎn、 guāng hua.
Her skin is still as smooth as a baby's bottom.

 用手够到你的脚趾, 膝盖别弯曲.

yòng shǒu gòu dào nǐ de jiǎo zhǐ, xī gài biè wān qǔ.
Touch your toes without bending your knees.


gǔ Luó mǎ dì guó zhēng fú le ōu zhōu dà bù fen.
Ancient Rome subjected most of Europe (to its rule).


tā men wèi hǎi jūn zhǐ mù le sì bǎi míng xīn bīng.
They enlisted four hundred recruits for the navy.


zhì mìng de; zhì sǐ de yì yǐn qǐ sǐ wáng de; zhì mìng de
Tending to cause death; deadly.


Shèng dàn jié shì wèi le jì niàn yē sū de dàn shēng。
Christmas commemorates the birth of Christ.


zhè zhǒng jiè kǒu( ràng wǒ) shí zài wú fǎ xiāng xìn.
That excuse simply won't wash (with me).


yì zhì wù xiàn zhì、 zǔ zhǐ huò yā zhì de dōng xi
Something that restrains, blocks, or suppresses.

 河岸决堤後, 田地遭洪水淹没.

hé àn jué dī後, tián dì zāo hóng shuǐ yān mò.
When the river burst its banks the fields were inundated.


nǐ zhī dào tā wèi shén me duì tā rú cǐ lěng dàn ma?
Do you know why she is so strange to him?


nà pān dēng zhě bù dé bù jǐn pá zhuó xuán yá qiào bì。
The climber had to cling onto the cliff.


piāo fú wù piāo fú de wù pǐn huò cái liào; piāo fú wù
Floating objects or material; flotsam.


yī liàng zhí dá de gōng gòng qì chē; yī zhāng zhí tōng piào
A through bus; a through ticket.


gāi zhuāng zhì jiàng yū nián dǐ tóu rù shēng chǎn.
The device will be in production by the end of the year.


kōng xí jī hū bǎ zhè zuò chéng zhèn yí wèi píng dì。
The bombing raid practically leveled the town.

 人们齐声欢呼: `国王万岁!'

rén men qí shēng huān hū: ` guó wáng wàn suì!'
The whole crowd took up the cry: `Long live the King!'


jiàn quán de shēn tǐ bì jīn miǎn gèng yǒu jià zhí。
A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.


nǎo cù biàn zhì lì de tū rán de、 jù liè de bìng biàn
A sudden, violent disturbance of the mind.


tǒng de yáo huàng shǐ yī xiē niú nǎi yì le chū lai。
The sway of the pail cause some milk to spill out.


bù yào bǎ ào de lì gēn ào dà lì yà nòng hùn xiáo le.
Don't confuse Austria and/with Australia.


xǔ duō huā de huā bàn zài yáng guāng zhòng zhàn fàng。
The petals of many flowers expand in the sunshine.


jǐ zhǔ jiào xiě xìn yīng gāi zěn yàng chēng hu?
What form of address should one use when writing to a bishop?


biè zhī zhī wú wú, jǐ wǒ yī gè míng què de dá fù。
Don't shuffle, give me a clear answer.


tā men bù dé bù shú huí bèi bǎng jià de wài jiāo guān。
They had to ransom the kidnapped diplomat.


yī lì suō bái nu:3 wáng shí dài de Yīng guó liú xíng fēng qì
The genius of Elizabethan England.


shí wù tūn xià qu zhī qián xiān yào xì xì jǔ jué。
You must chew your food well before you swallow it.


shì shí mó cù shǐ nǐ zuò chū zhè děng chǔn shì lái de?
What induced you to do such a stupid thing?


jù huì zhī後 wǒ men huí dào gè zi de fáng jiān.
After the party we all went off to our respective rooms.


chǎn shēng zhè wèn tí de gēn yuán zài yū quē fá xìn rèn.
The root of the problem is lack of trust.


nà lǎo rén de liǎn shàng bù mǎn zhòu wén huò zhě zi.
The old man's face was covered in lines and wrinkles.


yīng gāi chēng hu tā` xiān sheng' hái shì` mù shī'?
Should he be styled `Mr' or `Reverend'?


Jī dū jiàng shì zhěng jiù wǒ men bǎi tuō zuì è.
Jesus Christ came into the world to save us from our sins.


yuán pán de biān yuán yǐ yòng jī qì mò píng[ guāng].
The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth.


dāng dì de tiě lù yùn shū zàī958 nián zhōng duàn le.
The local rail service (was) discontinued in 1958.


jiǎ ruò biàn mì jiù yīng gāi duō jí cū cāo shí wù.
If you're constipated you should eat more roughage.


zhè gè zhōu mò wǒ men jiàng qù háng zhōu lu:3 xíng。
We shall make an excursion to Hangzhou this weekend.


shì zhǎng de quán zhàng shì quán wēi de xiàng zhēng。
The mayor has a mace which is held as a sign of authority.


yòng cān shí yáng yì著 rè qíng yǒu hǎo de qì fēn。
The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.


wǒ bù míng bái diàn nǎo yóu xì shì zěn mó shè jì de.
How people design computer games is beyond me.


fèng rèn shí, tā zài shǒu shàng dài yī méi dǐng zhēn。
She put a thimble over the finger when sewing.


zhè lún tāi tài yìng, yào jiǎn shǎo yī diǎn yā lì。
The tyre is too hard reduce the pressure a bit.


gāi guó zhèng jìn xíng bèi zhàn[ zhǔn bèi dǎ zhàng].
The country is making preparations for war/to go to war.


tā měng liè de pēng jī zhèng fǔ de zhèng cè.
He launched into a fierce polemic against the government's policies.


Mǎ lì huò wǒ rè qiè pàn wàng wǎn huì de jǔ xíng。
Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.


yǒu gè míng jiào Fú léi dé de mò shēng rén lái zhǎo wǒ.
A strange man, Fred by name, came to see me.


nǐ kàn jiàn nà bian de yī cóng shù lín le ma?
Do you see yonder clump of trees (ie that clump of trees over there)?


qǐng yǔn xǔ wǒ( xiàng nǐ) jiè shào wǒ de xīn zhù shǒu.
May I present my new assistant (to you).


āi yōu! shā zi zhè me tàng! kuài tàng shāng jué de。
Ouch! The sand is so hot! I can burn my feet.


xià yǔ qián, qǐng jiàng zhàng peng de shéng suǒ fàng sōng。
Please slacken the tent rope before it rains.

 忽视银行经理来函, 後果堪虑.

hū shì yín háng jīng lǐ lái hán, 後 guǒ kān lu:4.
One ignores letters from the bank manager at one's peril.


wǒ men bǎ mǎ shuān zài zhuāng shàng, zǒu jìn le kè zhàn。
I hung up my horse and walked into the inn.
