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nà zhòng qiǎn dǐ xiǎo chuán jiào xiǎo zhōu。
The small shallow boat is called a cockle.


tā de jù jué jiāo xī le wǒ men de rè qíng。
His refusal iced our enthusiasm.


tā fā míng le yī zhòng xīn de jīng tǐ guǎn。
He devises a new type of transistor.


tā bǎ shǒu shēn dào pēn quán zhòng wàn shuǐ。
She dabbled her hands in the fountain.


wǒ de mǔ qīn yīn wǒ sā huǎng ér fèn nù。
My mother was wrathful with my lying.


zhè zhǐ mó shù bān de biàn chéng le lu:4 sè。
The paper turned green as if by magic.


wǒ yù zhù dà jiā suì shǒu dà jí。
I wish everybody good luck at the beginning of the year.


tā de xī gài zhuàng dào chuáng jué shàng le.
She hit her knee against the angle of the bed.


xiàn zài yǒū5 fēn zhōng de zhōng jiān xiū xi.
There will now be a 15-minute interlude.


lóng xiā yǒu bā tiáo tuǐ liǎng tiáo zhuǎ zi。
Lobster has eight legs and two long claws.


jīn tiān tā dài le yī tiáo zhēn zhū xiàng liàn。
She wears a pearl necklace today.


tā ràng diàn jù jù diào le yī zhǐ gē bo。
He had his arm lopped off by an electric saw.


tāng mǔ shì cì zi-- tā yǒu yī gè gē ge.
Tom is the second son he has an elder brother.


tā áng zhuó tou, bǎ bèi tǐng de bǐ zhí。
She held her head erect and her back straight.


nà sōu chuán shì bèi qián shuǐ tǐng huǐ huài de。
The vessel was ruined by a submarine.


nèi gè tuì xiū fù nu:3 shì gè lín shí bǎo mǔ。
That retired woman is a baby-sitter.


zài zhè yàng de gāo dù, xuě yǒng bù róng huà。
In these altitudes snow never melts.


wǒ men de jīng jì zhèng chǔ yú fù sū jiē duàn。
Our economy is undergoing a revival.


zài yīn liáng chù xiū xi kuài shǐ nǐ liáng shuǎng。
A rest in the shade will cool you down.


māo qiāo qiāo de cháo zhe lǎo shǔ pá guò qu。
The cat was creeping silently towards the mouse.


zhè jiàn gé lóu shì yòng lái cún fàng dōng xi de。
The loft is used for storing things.


lún chuán hèng zhuó tíng bó zài gǎng kǒu lǐ。
The ship was anchored athwart at the harbor mouth.


jiǎng shī zhèng zài jiǎng é Luó sī wén xué。
The lecturer is lecturing on Russian literature.


bì xū xiàng rén jiè qián shǐ tā gǎn dào xiū rù。
It galled him to have to ask for a loan.


tā men diē jìn le xiōng yǒng de jí liú zhòng。
They fell into the seething waters of the rapids.


nà zhǐ sāo rǎo mián yáng de gǒu bèi shā sǐ le。
The dog that molested the sheep was killed.


lǎo rén bǎ tā de chǔ xù cún zài yín háng lǐ。
The old man kept his savings in the bank.

 我一转身, 忽然看见了汤姆。

wǒ yī zhuǎn shēn, hū rán kàn jiàn le tāng mǔ。
Suddenly I turned and caught sight of Tom.


shàng xīng qī rì wǒ xīn mǎi le yī gè yú gān。
I bought a new fishing rod last Sunday.


tā xǐ huan suí zhe kuài jié zòu de yīn yuè tiào wǔ。
She loves to dance to fast music.


mó shù shī bǎ qīng wā biàn chéng le gōng zhǔ。
The magician transformed the frog into a princess.


yī gè shì zhě jǐ tā duān lái yī bēi xī kā fēi。
A waiter brought him a watery coffee.


huài rén jiāng huì shòu dào yǒng yuǎn de chéng fá。
The bad man will suffer eternal damnation.


tā yòng xì ní lóng xiàn bǎ zhū zi chuàn le qǐ lai。
She strung the beads with a fine nylon.


tā gào su zhào xiàng de rén biè zài chán著 tā.
He told the photographers to stop pestering him.


wǒ zài wǎn huì shàng diū shī le shuǐ jīng xiàng liàn。
I lost my crystal necklace at the party.


qiān kuài zài xiāng dāng dī de wēn dù xià róng huà。
Lead will fuse at quite a low temperature.


wǒ men tīng jiàn yuǎn chù lóng lóng de léi shēng。
We heard the thunder growling in the distance.


zài jiù shè huì, guì zú men shēng huó shē chǐ。
In old society, the gentry lived in luxury.


zhè liàng qì chē hàn jiē le yī gè xīn de yì zi bǎn。
The car has had a new wing welded on.


jiāo náng lǐ chōng mǎn le kě róng de xiǎo kē lì。
The capsule is filled with small soluble cases.


zài nèi gé huì yì shàng tǎo lùn le zhè gè wèn tí。
The question was discussed in cabinet.


shēng yīn tōng guò kōng qì zhè yī méi jiè chuán bō。
Sound travels through the medium of air.


shuǐ yàn shān xiè xià, xíng chéng yī tiáo pù bù。
The water formed a cascade down the mountain.


zán men kǎo lu:4 yī xià bān jiā de lì bì ba。
Let's consider the pluses and minuses of moving house.

 割草晾晒的活儿很累, 干一会儿就饿了.

gē cǎo liàng shài de huór hěn lèi, gàn yī huìr jiù è le.
Haymaking is hungry work.


wǒ xǐ huan kàn nèi gè mó shù shī de biǎo yǎn。
I like watching the performance of that magician.

 要是站起来, 能把独木舟弄翻.

yào shì zhàn qǐ lai, néng bǎ dú mù zhōu nòng fān.
If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe.


yīn fēng xuě jiāo jiā dào lù shàng hùn luàn bù kān.
The wintry weather has caused chaos on the roads.


zhè jiàn shì qing zài tā de guǎn xiá quán xiàn zhī nèi。
This affair is within his jurisdiction.


yī zhǐ lǎo shǔ zòng hēi àn de Dòng kǒu pǎo chū。
A mouse ran out from the dark orifice of the cave.


tā yī zhuàn xuàn niǔ, shēng yīn jiù biàn xiǎo le。
As he turned the knob, the sound diminished.


wǒ men shè fǎ xún zhǎo zhē bì bào fēng yǔ de dì fang。
We tried to find cover from the storm.


jīn gāng shā shì fēi cháng jiān yìng de jīn shǔ wù zhì。
The emery is a hard metallic substance.


xiǎo hái chuān zhuó jǐn běng de xuē zi hěn nán shòu。
The child was uncomfortable in his tight boots.


zán men qù jí diǎn bīng qí lìn liáng kuai liáng kuai ba。
Let's go and have icecream to cool off.


hòng hái zi men qù shuì kě bú shì róng yì de shì。
It was hard work getting the children off to bed.


biè xiāng xìn tā, tā xiàng lǎo hú li yí yàng jiǎo huá。
Don't trust him, he is a sly old fox.


zài má zuì jì de zuò yòng xià wǒ gǎn dào shū fu xiē。
I felt comfortable on narcotic effect.


yín háng jù jué zài dài kuǎn jǐ zhè jiā gōng sī。
The bank refused further credits to the company.

 杰逊看到我, 立即从马上下来。

jié xùn kàn dào wǒ, lì jí zòng mǎ shàng xia lai。
Jason saw me and got off the horse immediately.


wǒ men shí fēn qīng chu xíng shì de yán jùn xìng。
We are fully aware of the gravity of the situation.


tā dǎ kāi chuāng hu, fàng chū wū zhuó de kōng qì。
He opened the window to let out the foul air.


zhèng fǔ bān bù le fā xíng yī zhòng zhǐ bì de fǎ lìng。
Government has decreed a paper currency.


tā zòng shāng diàn lǐ dé dào le jǐ zhāng yōu huì quàn。
He redeemed several coupons at the store.


tā de huì huà zhèng zài zhǎn lǎn huì shàng zhǎn chū。
His paintings are on display at the exhibition.


zhè fáng jiān zhǎng15 yīng chǐ, kuān10 yīng chǐ。
The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.


zhè zhǒng bìng de zhèng zhuàng shì fā shāo yù ǒu tù.
The symptoms of this disease are fever and sickness.


duì tā lái shuō, fēi zhōu shì yī piàn shén mì de tǔ dì。
Africa is a mysterious land to him.


guān zhòng bì xū yú xù qǔ yǎn zòu qián rù zuò。
The audience must be in their seats before the overture.

 她用海绵把地板 使劲儿擦了一遍.

tā yòng hǎi mián bǎ dì bǎn shǐ jìn er cā le yī biàn.
She gave the floor a vigorous sponge all over.


lǎo shī zhèng zài shěn yuè tāng mǔ de Yīng yǔ dá juàn。
The teacher is reading Tom's English paper.


zhè xie nián, tā gàn le xǔ duō kě chǐ de shì qing。
He has done many dishonorable things these years


zài wǒ men xué xiào jī hū méi yǒu rén dǒng de dān mài yù。
Few people know Danish in our school.


zhè gè nián qīng de gū niang zhǎng zhuó yī shuāng xìng yǎn。
The young girl has a pair of almond eyes.


dào guǒ zhī qián, xiān bǎ píng zi yáo jǐ xià。
Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.


tā xiàng lǎo hǔ yí yàng qiǎo qiǎo qián jìn tā de liè wù。
He moved like a tiger stalking its prey.


huò tā xiōng dì bù tóng, tā yǒu zhòng yōu mò gǎn。
Unlike his brother, he has a good sense of humor.


fēi jī yǐ měi xiǎo shí900 gōng lǐ de sù dù fēi xíng。
The airplane flies at 900 kilometers an hour.


tā lí kāi xué xiào hòu fú le liǎng nián bīng yì。
He did a two-year stint in the army when he left school.


nà shì yī fú miáo huì chūn tiān jǐng sè de yóu huà。
That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.


tā wǎn fàn jí le yī xiē shí jǐn pào cài huò mǐ fàn。
He had some mixed pickles and rice for supper.


nuó wēi rén shēng huó zài bǐ jiào hán lěng de dì qū。
The Norwegians live in a comparatively cold zone.


gè shāng xìng hù xiāng jìng zhēng yǐ zhāo lǎn gù kè。
Businesses vied with each other to attract customers.


zhàn xīng jiā shēng chēng néng yù zhī huò fú.
Astrologers claim to be able to divine what the stars hold in store for us.

 这人这么和蔼, 我立刻为他着迷。

zhè rén zhè me hé ǎi, wǒ lì kè wèi tā zháo mí。
The man was so genial, so I was drawn to him at once.


yǒu rén xiāng xìn yīng ér de suī shì yī zhòng yào。
Someone believes that a baby's urine is a kind of medicine.


wǒ de tóng shì yǐ jīng jiè diào le xī yān de xí guàn。
My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking.


tōng zhī tā jiāo nà fá kuǎn, dàn tā jù bù fú zòng。
She was told to pay the fine, but refused to comply.


tā yīng gāi shòu dào fǎ lu:4 zuì yán lì de chéng fá。
He deserves to be punished with the full rigor of the law.


mó shù shī zòng tā de mào zi lǐ biàn chū yī zhǐ tù zi。
The magician conjured a rabbit out of his hat.


yī wèi hù shi lái jǐ tā bāo shàng gān jìng de bēng dài。
A nurse came to put on a clean dressing for him.


nà rén yòng fǔ tóu bǎ yī kuài mù tou pǐ chéng liǎng bàn。
The man cleft a block of wood in two with an axe.


chuán zhī zài xiōng yǒng de dà hǎi zhòng huǎn màn qián jìn。
The ship made slow progress through the rough sea.


tā dài zhuó jié hūn jiè zhi, biǎo shì tā yǐ jié hūn。
She wears a wedding ring to show that she's married.


wǒ bù huì gēn nǐ sā huǎng, nà bú shì wǒ de fēng gé。
I wouldn't tell lies to you; that's not my style.


xuè yè zài tā de xī gài shāng kǒu zhōu wéi níng gù le。
The blood had congealed round the cut on her knee.


xué sheng yīng gāi shǐ zhōng jù yǒu qiáng liè de qiú zhī yù。
A student should always be curious to learn.


zhè shǒu shī de zuì hòu liǎng xìng méi yǒu yā hào yùn。
The last two lines of this poem don't rhyme properly.


mù shī měi xīng qī èr zuò lu:3 xíng shén zhí de fǎng wèn。
The priest makes pastoral visits every Tuesday.


tā bǎ huā jīng zhé duàn, zhī yè jiù liú le chū lai。
The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.


yòng cān shí bǎi nòng dāo chā wánr shì bù yǎ de.
It's bad manners to fidget about (with the cutlery) at the table.


tā de qián bèi yī gè jiān zhà de kuài jì piàn qù le。
She was defrauded of her money by a dishonest accountant.


tā de dá fù kàn lai shì bàn kāi wán xiào bàn rèn zhēn de.
His reply was taken half seriously, half in jest.


yǒu gè nián yòu de xué sheng zài yán yán liè rì xià yùn dào le。
A young student fainted in the hot sun.


tā hěn hài xiū, bù gǎn huò qí tā lu:3 xíng zhě jiāo tán。
She was too timid to talk with other travelers.


zhè sōu chuán de tíng bó shuì yī nián shì wǔ qiān měi yuán.
The vessel tax of anchorage is 5,000 dollars per year.


tā shòu cháng jiē shi de shēn tǐ kàn shàng qù jīng lì chōng pèi。
Her wiry athletic body seems energetic.


nǐ wán quán bù zhī dào zài nà li shì shén me zī wèi。
You have no conception of what it was like to be there.


tā men jiàng wèi bù dé bù gàn nà xiàng gōng zuò ér bào yuàn。
They will grumble about having to do the work.


tā men dī shēng shuō huà, wěi kǒng bèi bié rén tīng jiàn。
They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.


nèi gè tú shū guǎn zòng shàng wǔ9 diǎn dào xià wǔ6 diǎn kāi fàng。
The library is open from 9 to 6.


měi cì tā dòng yī xià tuǐ, jiù fā chū yī shēng shēn yín。
Each time she moved her leg, she let out a moan.


xì yáng wú xiàn hào, zhǐ shì jìn huáng hūn。
The setting sun had boundless beauty, Just because the yellow dusk is so near.


wǒ zài lu:3 xíng qī jiān yú tóng xué men bǎo chí lián xì。
I kept in touch with my classmates during my journey.


wǒ xiǎng jià shǐ huá xiáng jī yī dìng xū yào xiē jì shù。
I guess it must require some skills to fly a glider.


tā chuān zhuó Niǔ Yuē jié chū shè jì shī shè jì de fú zhuāng。
She was dressed by a leading New York designer.


tā jǐ wǒ yī tiáo xiàng liàn zuò wéi zhōu nián jì niàn lǐ wù。
He gave me a necklace as an anniversary gift.

 她不用学跑步技巧, 她天生就擅跑.

tā bù yòng xué pǎo bù jì qiǎo, tā tiān shēng jiù shàn pǎo.
She didn't have to learn how to run: she's a natural.


xiào bāng de yuè qǔ huàn qǐ le tā jí qí fù zá de gǎn qíng。
Chopin aroused very complicated emotions in her.


yī kuài méi tàn zòng huǒ zhòng diào chū lai, shāo huài le de xí。
A coal fell from the fire and burned the mat.


wǒ men bù yīng gāi cháo xiào bié rén de zōng jiào xìn yǎng。
We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs.


wǒ nìng yuàn kǎo bù jí gé, yě bù yuàn yì kǎo shì zuò bì。
I would rather fail than cheat in the examination.


sī jī yīng gāi duì zhè chǎng chē huò fù bù fen zé rèn。
The driver must bear a portion of the blame for the accident.


wǒ men de rén mín zhèng zài bào jūn de tǒng zhì xià shòu kǔ。
Our people are suffering at the hands of an oppressor.


nèi gè hài xiū de xiǎo nán hái yù dào mò shēng rén jiù jǐn zhāng。
The bashful boy was nervous with strangers.


zhè zhāng zhuō zi de tuǐ shì yòng luó sī gù dìng zài dì bǎn shàng de。
The table legs are screwed to the floor.


shǒu xiān, yào xiàng bēi zi lǐ fàng yī xiǎo piàn xīn bǎn。
You should first put a small piece of zinc plate into the cup.


tā yǒu yī tiáo yòng sān jiǎo xíng lán chóu zi zuò de wéi jīn。
She has a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk.


tā guò qu yīn shī bài ér měng xiū, xiàn zài Dōng shān zài qǐ le。
He rose again from the dust of past defeats.


tā men zhè gè xià wǔ mài diào le shí xiāng kuàng quán shuǐ。
They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon.


yǒu de rén kàn dào sè qíng zá zhì néng jī fā qǐ xìng yù。
Some people are sexually excited by pornographic magazines.


méng jūn shuò yǐ bǎi jì de fēi jī hōng zhà le nèi gè guó jiā。
The allied warplanes bombed the country by the hundred.


wǒ de nu:3 ér kàn jiàn le yī tiáo bí tì chóng, jiān jiào le qǐ lai。
My daughter screamed when she saw a slug.


wǒ zhèng zài yòng wǒ xīn mǎi de jiān guō zuò píng guǒ xiàn bǐng。
I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.

 他跳上马, 朝寺庙方向飞奔而去。

tā tiào shàng mǎ, cháo sì miào fāng xiàng fēi bēn ér qù。
He jumped onto the horse and galloped in the direction of the temple.


wǒ men zài wǎn shàng pù le bái de fù gài wù fáng zhǐ cāng ying。
We spread white covers over the bowls to keep flies away.


zài shén huà gù shì zhòng, mó guǐ hěn cán rěn ér qiě jí rén。
In fairy stories, the ogre is cruel and eats people.


nèi gè Yà zhōu rén lán zhù wǒ, wèn wǒ shì bú shì Zhōng guó rén。
That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.


tā dào nà li hè yī píng qì shuǐ huò jí yī kuài Hàn bǎo miàn bāo。
He go there to drink a soda and eat a hamburger.


yáng guāng tòu guò Wàn Lǐ bì kòng zhào yào zhuó Běi jīng chéng。
From a sky of untarnished blue the sun beamed down upon Beijing.


tā xué de màn, dàn shì tā biǎo xiàn chū bù qū bù náo de yì lì。
He is slow to learn, but shows great perseverance.


hǎo de shuǐ guǒ dōng tiān nán dé xiàn dào, ér qiě jià gé áng guì。
Good fruit is scarce in winter and costs a lot.


tā jiù zǎo qī xīn jiào tú de yì duān xié shuō zuò le yǎn jiǎng。
He gave a speech on the heresies of the early Protestants.


zhè dòng fáng zi zhōu wéi yǒu jǐ ge xiǎo nán hái zài huàng dàng。
There are several young boys loitering around the building.


zhè kē sū gé lán zhí wù shì wǒ de yī gè biǎo qīn jǐ wǒ de lǐ wù。
This Scottish plant was a gift from my cousin.


zhè xie Yóu tài rén shēng huó zài kuài zāo dào jū bǔ de kǒng jù zhī zhōng。
The Jews lived in dread of being caught.


bǎ shū cài zhǔ shà2ng0 fēn zhōng, rán hòu bǎ shuǐ lì diào。
Boil the vegetables for 20 minutes and then drain off the water.


xué zá fèi áng guì, wài guó liú xué shēng fù dān bù qǐ。
The tuition and fees fall heavy on the international students.


tā shú liàn de jià shǐ zhuó qì chē chuān guò xiá zhǎi de jiē dào。
He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.


tā duì rèn hé rén dōu hěn jū jǐn, cóng bù gēn rén shuō xiào。
He is very formal with everyone; he never joins in a laugh.


nà wèi fù wēng zài yí zhǔ zhòng shén me dōu mò jǐ tā ér zi liú xià。
The rich man left his son nothing in the will.


bié rén huí jiā hòu, tā réng zài xué xiào wài mian pái huái。
He lingered outside the school after everybody else had gone home.


ěr mó de zhèn dòng bāng zhù shēng yīn chuán sòng dào dà nǎo。
A vibrating membrane in the ear helps to convey sounds to the brain.


tā xiàng měi yī gè yuàn yì tìng de rén bào yuàn tā de bù xìng。
He moaned about his misfortunes to anyone who would listen.


tā de yòu shǒu shàng dài zhuó yī méi xiāng yǒu lu:4 bǎo shí de jiè zhi。
She wears a ring set with emeralds on her right hand.


tā men zài chuāng hu shàng jiā le chuāng tiáo yǐ fáng dào zéi jìn rù.
They fitted bars to their windows to stop burglars getting in.

 别看这辆汽车小, 里面还比较宽敞.

biè kàn zhè liàng qì chē xiǎo, lǐ miàn huán bǐ jiào kuān chang.
Considering the smallness of the car, it is relatively roomy inside.


tā yī diǎnr yī diǎnr zǎn qián zhí dào gòu mǎi yī liàng qì chē.
He saved money bit by bit until he had enough to buy a car.


chéng cháng tú qì chē wéi yī kě qǔ zhī chù jiù shì lu:3 fèi pián yi.
The cheapness of coach travel is its only recommendation.


Zhōng guó hái zi kuài zài chūn jié qián mǎi hěn duō biān pào。
Chinese children like to buy many firecrackers before the Spring Festival.


zhǔ rén jǔ qǐ biān zǐ shí, gǒu dǒu suō zài zhuō zi xià biān。
The dog cowered under the table when his master raised the whip.


wǒ zhèng zài kàn yī běn guān yú Luó mǎ dì guó xìng shuāi de shū。
I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.

 那些孩子在操场上玩, 宣泄过剩的精力.

nà xiē hái zi zài cāo chǎng shàng wàn, xuān xiè guò shèng de jīng lì.
The children were out in the playground letting off steam.


zhè gè chéng shì de gōng yuán yǐ qí huá lì de pēn quán ér著 míng。
The parks of this city are famous for their ornate fountains.


yào tā qù yá kē yī shēng nà li kàn bìng fēi de shēng lā yìng zhuài bù kě.
She had to be dragged into seeing the dentist.


pǔ lǔ shì shì bīng zài jù mù chǎng hòu biān cǎo dì shàng cāo liàn。
The Prussians are drilling in the meadow behind the sawmill.


wǒ men bì xū jiā bèi nǔ lì lái dèng qīng zhè yī shén mì de shì jiàn。
We must multiply our efforts to clear up the mystery.


zào yīn lìng rén tǎo yàn, yóu qí dàng nǐ xiǎng shuì jué de shí hou。
Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.


wǒ xī wàng wǒ de gào jiè kuài cù shǐ tā zuò chū gèng dà de nǔ lì。
I hoped my warning would stimulate her to greater efforts.


zhè zhǐ hàn bǎo bāo bù dàn qì wèi hào wén ér qiě wèi dao hǎo chī。
The hamburger not only smells good but (also) tastes delicious.


fú shè xiè lòu de xiāo xi yǐn qǐ le gōng zhòng de pǔ biàn kǒng huāng。
The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm.


nà rè qì téng téng de dàn gāo duì zhè gè jī è de nán hái shì gè yòu huò。
The steaming cake was a bait for the hungry boy.


liú xíng gē xīng zǒng shì bào yuàn tā men shòu dào gē mí de bāo wéi。
Pop stars are always moaning about being mobbed by their fans.


nǐ zǒng shì suí xīn suǒ yù ér bù kǎo lu:4 wǒ men de qíng gǎn。
You always follow your own inclination instead of thinking of our feelings.


shùn zhuó zhè tiáo dà lù zǒu, zài lù de fèn chà kǒu xiàng yòu guǎi。
Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the right.


tā tīng dào de wéi yī de shēng yīn jiù shì nà tái jī qì de wēng wēng shēng。
The only sound he heard was the hum of the machine.


tā yòng yī zhī bǐ zài dì tú shàng biāo chū le Bō sī wān de wèi zhi。
He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.


zhè wèi kē xué jiā zài xǔ duō zhī shi lǐng yù zhòng dōu shì jié chū de。
The scientist is distinguished in many spheres of knowledge.


zhàn shì men chàng qǐ le gē sòng tā men yīng yǒng zhàn dòu de kǎi gē。
The soldiers sang a song of victory, describing their prowess in battle.

 他的建议在理论上可以, 但不能付诸实现。

tā de jiàn yì zài lǐ lùn shàng kě yǐ, dàn bù néng fù zhū shí xiàn。
His proposition is good in theory but cannot be put into practice.


diàn shì yǐ chéng wéi chuán bō zhèng zhì sī xiǎng de zhòng yào méi jiè。
Television has become an important vehicle for spreading political ideas.


tā jǐn yǒu de xiāo qiǎn shì hè pí jiǔ huò zài huā yuán lǐ zhòng huā cǎo。
His only recreations are drinking beer and working in the garden.


yù jīn xiāng zài chūn tiān kāi chū yán sè xiǎn liàng de bēi zhuàng de huā duǒ。
Tulip grows large brightly-colored cup-shaped flower in spring.


tāng mǔ měi cì zhuǎn shēn dōu bǎ bèi zi wàng tā nà bian zài lā yī xiē。
Every time Tom rolled over he pulled more of the bedclothes to his side.


zhè wèi jiāng jūn bèi yù wèi lǐng dǎo quán guó yíng dé shèng lì de rén。
The general was extolled as the man who had led the country to victory.


jié kè bù jǐn shì gè hào xué sheng, ér qiě hái shì míng lán qiú duì yuán。
Jack is not only a good student but also a basketball player.


yī bān rén yě xǔ kuài cháo xiào tā de yīn yuè, dàn wǒ men gèng liǎo jiě tā。
The multitude may laugh at his music, but we know better.


wǒ fēi cháng nǎo nù, yǐ zhì jué de fēi jǐ bào shè xiě fēng xìn bù kě。
I was so annoyed that I felt impelled to write a letter to the paper.


tā bǎ Pài kè dà yī dōu mào liǎng biān dōu bǎng de jǐn jǐn de lái dàng zhù xuě。
He held both sides of the parka hood closed against the snow.


yóu yú tóu zī shào, wǒ men de gōng yè shēng chǎn yī zhí tíng zhì bù qián。
Due to low investment, our industrial output has remained stagnant.


tā zhān shī le yī kuài zhǐ jīn, qīng qīng cā qù xiàng liàn shàng de huī chén。
She moistened a tissue and gently wiped the dust off the necklace.


tā tīng dào qì chē shā chē fā chū de jiān ruì de shēng yīn, rán hòu jiù shuāi dǎo le。
He heard a screech of brakes and then fell down.

 木匠量了一下棚屋的尺寸, 立刻估计出它的大小。

mù jiàng liàng le yī xià péng wū de chǐ cun, lì kè gū jì chū tā de dà xiǎo。
The carpenter ran his ruler over the shed and sized it up at once.


zuò shì yàn qián, lǎo shī jǐ wǒ men měi gè rén fà le yī zhāng lu:4 zhǐ。
The teacher gave each of us a piece of filter paper before doing the experiment.

 魔术师口中念念有词, 把兔子从礼帽中掏了出来.

mó shù shī kǒu zhòng niàn niàn yǒu cí, bǎ tù zi zòng lǐ mào zhòng tāo le chū lai.
`Abracadabra,' said the conjuror as he pulled the rabbit from the hat.


wǒ jué de nǐ cháo xiào tā shuō Yīng yǔ de fāng shì cì shāng le tā de zì zūn xīn。
I think you hurt his pride by laughing at the way he speaks English.


zhè gè bǎi wàn fù wēng yǐ bǎ tā yī bàn de gǔ piào yí jiāo jǐ tā de Zhǎng zǐ。
The millionaire has handed over 50 percent of his stock to his first son.


qí tā dì fang gèng yōu hòu de xīn jīn dài yù yòu shǐ tā lí kāi le gōng sī。
He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.


tā men de zhǔ yào chū kǒu huò wù shì fǎng zhī pǐn, tè bié shì sī chóu huò mián bù。
Their main exports are textiles, especially silk and cotton.
