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bù duàn zēng zhǎng de shī yè dà jūn yǐn qǐ le zhè míng jīng jì xué jiā de guān zhù。
The increasing army of the unemployed has attracted the attention of the economist.

 我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。

wǒ qiáo bù qǐ nà xiē gōng zuò bù shùn xīn jiù ná jiā lǐ rén chū qì de nán rén。
I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.


liǎng gè rén wù wèi mǒu jiàn shì qing fā shēng le yán zhòng huò bù yán zhòng de chōng tū。
Two characters are in disagreement, serious or otherwise, over some matter.


tā men jiàn zào yī gè xīn de guó jiā gōng yuán de gōng chéng jiàng yú míng nián wán gōng。
Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year.


tā men méi yǒu cǎi qǔ xíng dòng, biǎo míng tā men duì zhè gè wèn tí bù gǎn xìng qu。
Their failure to act is indicative of their lack of interest in the problem.


rú guǒ néng kāi fā chū xīn chǎn pǐn, wǒ men Jiāng lè yú yǐn jìn xiān jìn jì shù。
If new product can be developed, we'll be very glad to import advanced technology.


zòng yī jiàn wū zi de liáng dù kě yǐ tuī duàn chū zhěng zuò jiàn zhù wù de dà xiǎo.
One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.


yùn fèi zhòng bù bāo kuò huǒ chē zhàn zhì lún chuán mǎ tóu zhī jiān de yùn shū fèi yòng。
Fares do not include conveyance between railway stations and steamer piers.


bàn dǎo tǐ zài zì dòng huà huò xìn hào shàng mian jí jiāng qǐ zhuó zhòng yào zuò yòng。
Semiconductors are going to play an important part in automation and signalling.


wǒ xī wàng wǒ néng chuān yī jiàn shēn shǎi de yī fu bǎ zhè gè zhèng shì chǎng hé yìng fu guò qu。
I hope I can get by in a dark suit for this formal occasion.


zài tiān qì gān zào shí bǎ diǎn rán de xiāng yān rēng jìn shù lín kě néng kuài yǐn qǐ huǒ zāi。
A cigarette thrown into the woods in dry weather may start a fire.


tā bìng le。 rán ér tā zhào jiù qù shàng bān, bìng qiě jìn lì jí zhōng jīng shén gōng zuò。
She felt ill. She went to work, however, and tried to concentrate.


tā kàn dào zì jǐ bàn gōng zhuō shàng yòu shì yī duī yào chǔ lǐ de dōng xi jiù àn zì jiào kǔ.
She groaned inwardly as she saw the fresh pile of work on her desk.


zhè gōng zuò de fù jiā fú lì bāo kuò yī liàng xiǎo qì chē huò miǎn fèi jiàn kāng bǎo xiǎn。
The fringe benefits of this job include a car and free health insurance.


duì zì jǐ de cuò wù hòu huǐ dào bù zhì zhòng fàn de chéng dù shì zhēn zhèng de hòu huǐ。
To regret one's errors to the point of not repeating them is true repentance.

 我们的职员少一些也能发挥同样效率, 这是言之成理的.

wǒ men de zhí yuán shào yī xiē yě néng fā huī tóng yàng xiào lu:4, zhè shì yán zhī chéng lǐ de.
It is arguable that we would be just as efficient with fewer staff.


Měi guó rù qīn zhè gè guó jiā yī dìng shì chū yú bù kě gào rén de zhèng zhì mù dì。
America's invasion of the country must be done for unspeakable political purpose.


shōu cheng kě néng dī yú píng jūn shuǐ píng, qǐng yǐ tóng yàng jià gé zài cǎi gòu yī xiē。
Crop likely below average will suggest renew purchase contract same price

 行医道德有规定, 禁止医生与病人谈恋爱.

xìng Yī dào dé yǒu guī dìng, jìn zhǐ yī shēng yù bìng rén tán liàn ài.
Medical ethics (ie those observed by the medical profession) forbid a doctor to have a love affair with a patient.


zhèng fǔ duì guó yíng huò sī yíng bù mén de jiù yè qíng kuàng zuò le yī cì diào chá。
The government made an investigation of the employment in the public and private sectors.


huà bào de fēng miàn shàng yìn shàng měi nu:3 bù guò shì xī yǐn gù kè de yī zhòng shēng yi yǎn。
The pretty girl on the cover of the pictorial is just a sales gimmick.

 回程用的时间比平时长, 因为飞机不能飞越战区.

huí chéng yòng de shí jiān bì píng shí zhǎng, yīn wèi fēi jī bù néng fēi yuè zhàn qū.
The journey back took longer than normal, because the plane could not overfly the war zone.

 我们计算了成本, 清楚表明这项工程不合算.

wǒ men jì suàn le chéng běn, qīng chu biǎo míng zhè xiàng gōng chéng bù hé suàn.
When we had done the costings on the project, it was clear it would not be economical to go ahead with it.


yào shǐ zhè fèn bào gào bāo kuò zuì xīn zī liào, wǒ jǐn yǒu jī diǎn shì shí xū bǔ chōng。
I have only a few additional facts to add to bring the report up to date.


xià tiān shōu huò de dà liàng shuǐ guǒ kě lěng cáng huò zhuāng píng zhuāng guàn jiā yǐ bǎo cún。
In the summer, large crops of fruit may be preserved by freezing or bottling.


zhè zhāng zhào piàn méi yǒu zhēn shí de fǎn yìng chū huā yuán de fēng fù sè cǎi.
The photograph does not do full justice to (ie does not truly reproduce) the rich colours of the gardens.


háng kōng gōng sī yīn yǒu jǐ jià fēi jī zàn shí bù néng shǐ yòng ér zhèng zài péi qián.
With several of their planes temporarily out of commission, the airline is losing money.


wǒ men zài chuān yuè zhè gè dì qū de lu:3 tú zhòng, kàn dào le bù shǎo měi lì de jǐng sè。
We passed through some beautiful scenery on our journey through this district.


jiāng jūn tuī fān le nèi gè guó jiā de zuì hòu yī gè huáng dì, jiàn lì le gòng hé guó。
The general overthrew the last emperor of that country and established a public.

 你显然不大明白办事的手续, 我很快就给你解释清楚.

nǐ xiǎn ran bú dà míng bai bàn shì de shǒu xù, wǒ hěn kuài jiù jǐ nǐ jiě shì qīng chu.
You're clearly rather muddled about office procedures but I'll soon straighten you out.


gēn jù wǒ men de jì lù, nǐ jiè de shū xiàn zài yīng gāi huán jǐ tú shū guǎn le。
According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.

 在过去的两年中, 那家钢铁厂一直提供给我们原材料。

zài guò qu de liǎng nián zhòng, nà jiā gāng tiě chǎng yī zhí tí gōng jǐ wǒ men yuán cái liào。
The steel works has been supplying us with raw material in large quantities.

 这辆新汽车的车身没用多少金属材料, 大部分是塑料的.

zhè liàng xīn qì chē de chē shēn méi yòng duō shao jīn shǔ cái liào, dà bù fen shì sù liào de.
There isn't much metal in the bodywork of this new car; it's mainly plastic.


yī gè guǎn lǐ rén yuán yào xiǎng gǎi shàn guǎn lǐ de huà, jiù bì xū xué diǎn jīng jì xué。
A manager has to learn some economics if he wants to improve his management.


tā huā qǐ qián lái dà shǒu dà jué le, shì qing hěn míng xiǎn, qián shì tōu lái de。
She'd begun spending a lot of money, and the obvious inference was that she'd stolen it.


tā zhèng pǎo kāi shí, wǒ zài bèi hòu jiào tā, tā lián máng zhuàn guò shēn lái kàn kàn wǒ。
I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.


zài shēng yi shàng, nǐ bì xū shì xiān gū jì dào nǐ de jìng zhēng duì shǒu kuài rú hé xíng dòng。
In business, you've got to anticipate how your competitors will act.


bǎ zhè liǎng gè jì huà zǐ xì de jiā yǐ duì bǐ jiù kě yǐ kàn chū yī xiē guān jiàn xìng de chā yì.
Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.


dàng tā kàn dào zhè gè lǐ lùn jiā zhòng le shī yè hòu, tā chè dǐ gǎi biàn le kàn fǎ。
When he saw how the theory increased unemployment, he underwent quite a conversion.


wǒ rèn wéi zhè xie shù jù shì zuì jìn cái dé dào de, dàn wǒ yuè yú jiē shòu gǎi zhèng。
I believe these figures are the most recent available but I am open to correction.


nèi gè cōng míng de nán hái bǎ tā lǎo shī suǒ néng jiào tā de suǒ yǒu de zhī shi dōu xī shōu le。
The clever boy absorbed all the knowledge his teacher could give him.

 一些年青人喜欢流行音乐, 但仍有其它人喜欢古典音乐。

yī xiē nián qīng rén xǐ huan liú xíng yīn yuè, dàn réng yǒu qí tā rén xǐ huan gǔ diǎn yīn yuè。
Some young people like pop music, while still others like classical music.


huáng shì de lǐng de bìng fēi shǔ yú guó wáng sī rén suǒ yǒu, ér shì shǔ yú guó jiā de。
Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.


rú guǒ nǐ wàng shù hòu gèng yuǎn chù kàn, jiù zhèng hǎo kě yǐ kàn jiàn yuǎn chù de cūn zhuāng。
If you look beyond the tress, you can just see the village in the distance.


zhè wèi gē shǒu zhōng shēng zhì lì yú yán jiū Zhōng guó xī běi bù de mín jiān chuán shuō。
The singer devoted his whole life in study of the folklore in the northwest part of China.


wǒ xiǎng wǒ men yīng gāi zhì dìng chū yí xiàng xíng dòng jì huà, yòng lái duì fu zhè zhǒng qíng kuàng。
I think we should work out a strategy to deal with this situation.


yī zhòng biǎo shì què dìng de gài niàn huò guān niàn de yǔ yán yuán sù, lì rú zì shù。
An element of language that expresses a definite image or idea, for example, the word tree.


shàn xíng tǐ xíng zhuàng sì sì fēn zhī yī yuán quān de jī qì líng jiàn huò qí tā jī xiè shè bèi
A machine part or other mechanical device that is shaped like a quarter circle.


jù shuō rú guǒ nǐ zài kàn jiàn liú xīng shí xǔ gè yuàn, yuàn wàng jiù kuài shí xiàn。
It is said that if you make a wish when you see a meteor in the sky your wish will be realized.


wǒ xiǎng nín yě xǔ zhī dào Zhōng guó zài duì wài mào yì zhòng cǎi qǔ le líng huó zhèng cè。
I think you probably know that China have adopt a flexible policy in her foreign trade.


zài nián zhōng lián huān huì jì jié, wǎn shang shì jī hū bù kě néng jiào dào jì chéng jū de。
It's next to impossible to catch a taxi at night during the year- end party season.


qì chē zòng chē jiān de yī gè dì fang xiàng lìng yī dì fang yí dòng shí, jiù ān zhuāng hào le。
Motor-cars are assembled as they travel from one part of a workshop to another.


yuán shēng de chū xiàn yú mǒu yī fā zhǎn huò jìn huà zǎo qī jiē duàn de huò jù yǒu qí tè zhēng de
Occurring in or characteristic of an early stage of development or evolution.


zhè gè chéng shì zài fēi sù fā zhǎn, shì zhōng xīn de fáng dì chǎn jià gé yuè lái yuè guì。
The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.


zài guò qu de jǐ nián zhòng wǒ men wèi le guó mín jīng jì de huī fù zuò le dà liàng de gōng zuò。
A lot has been done in the recovery of national economy in the past few years.


tā huà le yī pái yóu jìn ér yuǎn gāo dù dì jiǎn de shù yǐ yǎn shì tòu shì fǎ de guī lu:4.
She drew a row of trees receding into the distance to demonstrate the laws of perspective.


zài xùn liàn bān shàng, tā jiē shòu le yǒu guān zhè gè gōng zuò gè fāng miàn de quán miàn xùn liàn。
On the course she received a thorough training in every aspect of the job.


zhuān yè rén yuán de zhù shǒu shòu guò xùn liàn fǔ zhù zhuān mén rén yuán de fēi zhuān zhí rén yuán
A trained worker who is not a member of a given profession but assists a professional.


wǒ bù kě néng jí shí gǎn dào huì chǎng, chú fēi wǒ gǎn shàng le jiào zhǎo de yī bān huǒ chē。
I couldn't have got to the meeting on time -- unless I had caught an earlier train.


fǎn dòng tǒng zhì zhē fā xiàn yào zhēng fú nà xiē bèi yā pò de dāng dì rén shì hěn kùn nan de。
The reactionary rulers found it very difficult to bring the oppressed natives under.

 我原来一直盼望著能收到她送的礼物, 所以因得不到而失望.

wǒ yuán lái yī zhí pàn wàng著 néng shōu dào tā sòng de lǐ wù, suǒ yǐ yīn de bù dào ér shī wàng.
I was expecting a present from her, so I was disappointed I didn't receive one.


dà duō shù yǔ yán xué jiā dū huì shuō, tā men zhǔ yào yán jiū gè zhǒng yǔ yán de jié gòu。
Most linguists would say they were concerned primarily with the structure of languages.


tā kāi shǐ yán jiū shēng tài xué, bìng jué xīn jiàng tā de yī shēng xiàn shēn yú zhè mén kē xué。
He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science.


wǒ rèn wéi zài zhè xie běn lái shì wú guān jǐn yào de píng lùn zhòng hán yǒu yī dìng de zhēn shí xìng。
I think there is a kernel of truth in these otherwise frivolous comments.


bàn dǎo tǐ èr jí guǎn zhǔ yào zuò wéi zhěng liú qì shǐ yòng de yī gè yǒu liǎng duān de bàn dǎo tǐ shè bèi
A two-terminal semiconductor device used chiefly as a rectifier.


xiàn zài rén lèi suǒ shǐ yòng de suǒ yǒu xiān wéi zhī zhōng, yǒu hěn dà de bǎi fēn bǐ shì rén zào de。
Of all the fibers now used by man, a very large percentage is man-made.


hào zhǎng shí jiān, wǒ mā ma huò wǒ sǎo zi yī zhí zhēng lùn zhè yàng xiǎo de xì jié wèn tí。
My mother and my sister-in-law have been arguing about such minor details for a long time.


guān yú nà piān wén zhāng, bào shè shōu dào le dà liàng lái xìn huò jiē dào le dà liàng de diàn huà。
The newspaper received a deluge of letters and phone calls about the article.


yīn cǐ yǒu xiào duì fu zhè xie cháng jiàn bìng jiù shì wǒ men zuì pò qiè xū yào jiě jué de wèn tí。
So the effective handling of the common diseases constitutes our most urgent problem.


zài wǒ huí lai tú zhōng, wǒ tíng xia lai cān guān le zhè gè xiàn gāng jiàn lì de liǎng zuò gōng chǎng。
On my return journey, I stopped to see two factories the county had just established.


wǒ mài jǐ nǐ yī běn xīn de dì lǐ shū, qí yú de qián nǐ kě yǐ néng gòu huán de shí hou huán wǒ。
I'll let you have the new geography and you may pay me the remainder of the money.


rú guǒ hái zi shàng le sī lì xué xiào, tā de fù mǔ jiù yào wèi hái zi de jiào yù fù xué fèi。
If a child attends a private school, his parents pay the school for the child's education.


xiàn zài wǒ men yǐ dǎ kāi mén lù, wǒ men xī wàng zài Zhōng guó kāi pì yī gè guǎng kuò de shì chǎng。
Now we've got a foot in the door, we are hoping to open up a big market in China.


wǒ bú zhù de kàn shǒu biǎo, tā què yī gè jìng er de jiǎng gè mò wán, tā bù néng lǐng huì àn shì。
I kept looking at my watch, but he just continued talking: he can't take a hint.


jù bào dào, jiù bīn kè de shū shì chéng dù lái shuō, zhè jiā bīn guǎn guǎn lǐ de hěn hào。
The hotel was, from all accounts, very well run as far as the comfort of the guests was concerned.


suī rán tā chè dǐ de yòng lì cā xǐ nà zhǐ jiù hú, dàn tā wú fǎ bǎ tā wán quán xǐ gān jìng。
Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.


yī gè Yīng guó rén, jǐn guǎn zhǐ yǒu tā yī gè rén, yě kuài dú gè er pǎi chéng zhěng zhěng qí qí de yī duì。
An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.


lu:3 guǎn gōng zuò rén yuán duì wǒ men zhào gu de wú wēi bù zhì, jìn liàng ràng wǒ men zhù de shū shì,
The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible.


xiāng guā zhǔ zhí wù rèn yī zhòng xiāng guān huò lèi sì zhí wù de tǒng chēng, rú cì guā huò huáng guā
Any of several related or similar plants, such as the bur cucumber or the squirting cucumber.


wǒ zhàng fu xiǎng mǎi yī tiáo xiǎo gǒu, dàn wǒ de zhào liào tā, yīn cǐ wǒ jiān chí bù tóng yì。
My husband wanted to buy a puppy, but I would have to look after it so I put my foot down and said No.


wǒ men bān shàng yǒu sān shí wèi xué sheng, zhǐ yǒu yī wèi tōng guò kǎo shì, qí yú dōu bù jí gé。
We have 30 students in our class; one passed the exam, and the others (=the rest) all failed.


mò xǔ de yǐ wú fǎn yìng huò bù xíng dòng zuò wèi huí yìng ér jiē shòu huò fú cóng yú mǒu yī xíng dòng de
Receiving or subjected to an action without responding or initiating an action in return.

 他们全家除他以外头发都是红的. 正所谓有例外才证明有规律嘛.

tā men quán jiā chú tā yǐ wài tóu fa dōu shì hóng de. zhèng suǒ wèi yǒu lì wài cái zhèng míng yǒu guī lu:4 ma.
All his family have red hair except him. He is the exception which proves the rule.


yī gè xué sheng fàn le cuò wù bù yào guāng qù zé bèi tā, wǒ men zuì hǎo bāng zhù tā gǎi zhèng cuò wù。
Instead of railing at a student for his mistakes, we had better help him to correct them.


wǒ men suǒ bàn bù dào de shì yào shǐ yún chǎn shēng yǔ, rú guǒ tā bú shì suí shí yào chǎn shēng yǔ de huà。
What we can not do is make a cloud produce rain if it is not ready to produce it.

 这两种体系只是在表面上有某种相似之处, 其实根本不同.

zhè liǎng zhòng tǐ xì zhǐ shì zài biǎo miàn shàng yǒu mǒu zhǒng xiāng sì zhī chù, qí shí gēn běn bù tóng.
There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact radically different.


wǒ qián lái kàn nǐ, shì yīn wèi ān dé sēn xiān sheng shuō nǐ duì wǒ men de gōng chéng hěn gǎn xìng qu。
I came to see you on the ground that Mr Anderson said that you were interested in our project.


nǐ běn lái yīng gāi yǒu zú gòu de cháng shí, zài chāi kāi diàn xiàn zhī qián xiān bǎ diàn yuán qiē duàn。
You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.


zhèng zhì jiā bù yīng gāi cān yù nà xiē kě néng kuài yǐng xiǎng qí zhèng zhì pàn duàn lì de shāng yè shì wù。
Politicians should not engage in business affairs that might affect their political judgement.


nián dài zòng mǒu yī jù tǐ rì qī suàn qǐ de yī duàn shí jiān, yě yòng zuò qí nián dài xì tǒng de gēn jù
A period of time as reckoned from a specific date serving as the basis of its chronological system.


nèi gè xiǎo nán hái bù dé bù àn fēn fù de qù zuò, fǒu zé tā gē ge yào jiàng tā tòng dǎ yī dùn。
The little boy had to do as he was told or his brother would have knocked him into the middle of next week.


zhōng jiān shǎi, bàn tiáo shǎi zài guāng xiàn zuì qiáng chù yù hēi sè àn yǐng zhī jiān de yī zhòng sè diào huò míng àn de pèi hé
A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.


zhè tào shū chū bǎn yǐ lái, zài shì chǎng shàng fǎn yìng liáng hǎo, wǒ men jué dìng tuī guǎng zhè zhǒng xué xí fāng fǎ。
The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.

 在人们意识到应当保护自然资源的这个时代, 草原已不容再受破坏了.

zài rén men yì shí dào yīng dāng bǎo hù zì rán zī yuán de zhè gè shí dài, cǎo yuán yǐ bù róng zài shòu pò huài le.
In these conservation-conscious times, areas of grassland are no longer expendable.


nǐ rú guǒ kǎo lu:4 dào tā xué Yīng yǔ cái bù guò liù gè yuè, nà me tā Yīng yǔ jiǎng de dí què bù cuò le。
If you consider that she has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.


rú nín suǒ zhī, yóu yú běn gōng sī cún huò yǐ bù duō, suǒ yǐ duì cǐ xiàng huò wù de xū qiú jí wéi pò qiè。
As you know, we have been in urgent need of these items as we have only a few in stock.


cǐ wài, wǒ fù qīn guò qu shì gè shuǐ shǒu, wǒ xiǎng liǎo jiě tā guò qu cháng qù de nà xiē dì fang de qíng kuàng。
Besides, my father was a sailor, and I want to know about the places he used to go to.

 那影片招致许多人的反感, 尤其是工人不满其中对工人生活的描写.

nà yǐng piàn zhāo zhì xǔ duō rén de fǎn gǎn, yóu qí shì gōng rén bù mǎn qí zhōng duì gōng rén shēng huó de miáo xiě.
The film caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.


zài kàn guò jiàn zhú shī de shè jì tú hòu。 tā hěn róng yì xiǎng xiàng chū fáng zi wán gōng shí de mú yàng。
After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.


hěn duō jiāo jì shàng de fǎng wèn, nǐ yǐ wéi shì lái bài huì nǐ běn rén de, qí shí shì lái bài huì nǐ de jiǔ píng zi。
Many social visits that you think pay to yourself is paying to your bottle.


yōu yuè de wèi zhi tí gōng guǎng fàn quán miàn de guān diǎn huò kàn fǎ de wèi zhi, rú yī gè dì fang huò yī zhòng qíng xing
A position that affords a broad overall view or perspective, as of a place or situation.


zài láo zī jí tǐ tán pàn zhì dù xià, gōng rén zuò wéi yī gè tuán tǐ tóng gōng sī jīng lǐ jìn xíng tán pàn。
In a system of collective bargaining, the workers as a group negotiate with the managers of the company.


xǔ duō guó jiā lǐ, nián qīng rén réng bǎo chí zhuó fù nu:3 jié hūn shí chuān bái sè zhǎng lǐ fú de chuán tǒng。
In many countries young people still keep up the tradition that women will get married in a long white dress.


yè lu:4 sù shì shēng zhǎng zài zhí wù zhòng dì lu:4 sè wù zhì, tā néng xī shōu yáng guāng, cù jìn zhí wù shēng zhǎng。
Chlorophyll is a green substance in plants that absorbs energy from sunlight and helps them grow.


dàng yī shù guāng xiàn chuān jìn àn dàn de fáng jiān shí, wǒ men kě yǐ kàn dào kōng qì zhòng yǒu xǔ duō xiǎo kē lì zài fēi wǔ。
We can see many molecules flying in the air when a sunbeam penetrated the dark room.


huò péng you liáo tiān shì yú kuài de, ér zhè zhǒng qíng xing méi yǒu bì huò zhī jǐ de péng you liáo tiān gèng wèi yú kuài。
It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.


xué xiào jiào yù de zuì dà yòng chu, yǔ qí shuō shì jiào nǐ shì wù, bù rú shuō shì jiào nǐ xué xí de fāng fǎ。
The great use of a school education is not so much to teach you things as to teach you the art of learning.


duì yú lì shǐ shàng de shì jiàn, dāng shí de bào dào wǎng wǎng bì xiàn dài lì shǐ xué jiā de píng shù gèng wèi yǒu qù。
Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.


wǒ gǎn shuō, rú guǒ nǐ shòu yāo dào tā men nà r qù zuò kè, nà jiàng shì nǐ yī shēng zhòng dù guò de zuì yú kuài de shí guāng。
If you are invited to visit them you'll have the time of your life, I can tell you.


tiáo kuǎn shū miàn wén jiàn zhòng dì jù tǐ zhāng jié huò yī xì liè zhòng dì tiáo kuǎn, rú hé tong, zhāng chéng huò tiáo yuē
A particular section or item of a series in a written document, as in a contract, constitution, or treaty.


àn yī bān rén zài zhè xie wèn tí shàng de kàn fǎ, xuǎn mín cháng cháng zhuó yǎn yú guó nèi wèn tí lái xuǎn zé hòu xuǎn rén。
According to conventional wisdom, voters usually make their choice on the basis of domestic issues.


yì zhòng yí zhí zhú yòng wài kē shǒu shù de fāng fǎ bǎ mǒu yī gè tǐ huò wù zhòng dì zǔ zhī yí zhí dào lìng yī gè tǐ huò wù tǐ shàng
The surgical grafting of tissue obtained from one individual or species to another.


zài zhàn zhēng qián nà xiē měi hǎo de suì yuè lǐ, sì hu méi yǒu rèn hé dōng xi néng dǎ pò wǒ men píng jìng de shēng huó jìn chéng。
It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.


yī běn hǎo de xué sheng zì diǎn yīng gāi jì tí gōng cí yǔ de hán yì, yòu jǔ chū yìng yòng zhè xie cí yǔ de lì zi。
A good learner's dictionary should give both the meanings of the words and examples of the constructions in which they are used.


dà jiā dōu zhī dào zhè lǎo tóu er jīng shén yǒu diǎn shī cháng, kě shì tā yǒu xiē xiǎng fǎ tìng qǐ lai bìng bù nà me gǔ guài。
Everybody knows the old man's got bats in the belfry, but some of his ideas are not as crazy as they sound.


tā cóng qián xiě guò yī xiē chéng gōng de xiǎo shuō, dàn zài zuì jìn de yī bù zhòng tā cái zhēn zhèng chōng fèn fā huī le zì jǐ de tè zhǎng。
He wrote successful novels before, but he really come into his own with the latest one.


mì mì de tiáo qíng dòng zuò tiáo qíng dòng zuò, qí zhōng yī fāng zài zhuō xià tōu tōu de yòng jué huò tuǐ mó cā duì fāng de tuǐ huò jué
The act of flirting in which one secretly touches the feet or legs of another with one's own, as under a table.


hěn bào qiàn, nǐ de bìng gāng hǎo wǒ jiù jǐ nǐ jiā shàng le xīn de fù dān, dàn què shí méi yǒu bié de rén néng gàn zhè huó。
I am sorry to impose a new burden on you so soon after your illness, but there is no one else who is capable of doing this work.


lù xiàng cí dài yī zhòng bǐ jiào kuān de cí dài, yòng lái jì lù tú xiàng huò duì yìng de shēng yīn yǐ jìn xíng fù fàng huò zhě bō fàng
A relatively wide magnetic tape used to record visual images and associated sound for subsequent playback or broadcasting.


liǎng jiā hù xiāng jìng zhēng de fǎng zhī gōng sī zhòng, jiǎng jīn jiào duō, guǎn lǐ jiào hǎo de yī jiā hěn kuài jiù zhàn le shàng fēng。
Of two rival spinning companies, one is richer and better managed than the other, and therefore soon gets the upper hand.

 那老太太每天去买报纸, 不多时便觉乐在其中, 因为她主要是想和店主聊天.

nà lǎo tài tai měi tiān qù mǎi bào zhǐ, bù duō shí pián jué yuè zài qí zhōng, yīn wèi tā zhǔ yào shì xiǎng huò diàn zhǔ liáo tiān.
For the old lady buying the daily newspaper soon became an end in itself, since she really just wanted to chat with the shopkeeper.


yùn dòng yuán hù shēn yī zhòng yùn dòng yuán yòng de hù shēn tán xìng zhī wù, yǒu yòng bǎo hù xìng de jiān yìng sù liào huò jīn shǔ zhì chéng de jiā qiáng céng
An athletic supporter having a protective reinforcement of rigid plastic or metal.


shè huì shì yóu xíng xíng shǎi shǎi de rén zǔ chéng。 yǒu xiē rén hěn hǎo, yǒu xiē rén hěn huài, yě yǒu xiē rén jiè hū liǎng zhě zhī jiān。
Society is made up of a variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between.


dān bǎo yī zhòng zì jù huò bǎo zhèng, tōng cháng wèi shū miàn de, yǐ bǎo zhèng mǒu zhǒng chǎn pǐn huò fú wù de zhì liàng huò nài yòng xìng
A promise or an assurance, especially one given in writing, that attests to the quality or durability of a product or service.


jì rán sǐ rén zhàn duō shù, wǒ men zài sǐ rén zhī zhōng bì zài shēng rén zhī zhōng yǒu gèng duō de péng you, jiù shì lǐ suǒ dāng rán de shì qing。
The dead being the majority, it is natural that we should have more friends among them than among the living.


cháng qù jiào táng de Yīng guó rén gèng xǐ huan yán gé de bù jiào zhě, yīn wèi tā rèn wéi yī xiē shēn kè de zhēn lǐ bù zhì yú shāng hài tā de lín jū。
The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm.


zài nǐ shēng rì zhī jì, xiàng nǐ zhì yǐ qīn qiè de zhù hè。 shēng rì yì wèi zhe yī gè xīn de kāi duān, yì wèi zhe chóng xīn bǎ wò shēng huó de jī huì。
Affectionate birthday greetings. Birthday means a new beginning and a new chance to take hold on life.


xiàn zài yǒu yī bǎi duō jiā Měi guó dà zhuān yuàn xiào huò jī hū tóng yàng duō de Zhōng guó dà zhuān yuàn xiào jiàn lì le jiào yù shàng de jiāo liú guān xi。
More than one hundred American colleges and universities now have educational exchanges with nearly as many Chinese institutions.


tā zhēn shì shēng mìng。
He holds life dear.


tiě róng yì shēng xiù。
Iron is apt to rust.


tā zhí huàng nǎo dài.
His head keeps jerking.


tā dé le gān ái。
He's got a cancer in his liver.


tā bèn xiàng shū jià。
He ran to the bookshelf.


gǒu lù chū le yá chǐ。
The dog bared its teeth.


tā shàn yú lǐ cái。
She is wise in money matters.


tā xìng gé fàng zòng。
His character is indulgent.


xī yān kě zhì fèi ái.
Smoking can cause lung cancer.


tiě hěn róng yì yǎng huà。
Iron is easily oxidized.


láng zǒng shì chéng qún liè sì.
Wolves hunt in packs.


biàn xíng xíng zhuàng de niǔ qū
A distortion of shape.


tā gēng zhò2ng00 yīng mǒu tǔ dì.
She farms 200 acres.


hán fēng lu:è guò píng yuán.
Cold winds swept the plains.


tā lā gōng fàng le yī jiàn.
He shot an arrow from his bow.


tā chū shēng yú yīng gé lán。
He was born in England.


tǔ dòu měi bà2ng0 biàn shì.
Potatoes are 20 pence a pound.


guǎi gùn yǐ zhé zhù bù dé。
Never lean on a break staff.


zhōu yǒu yì yú xiāo huà。
Porridge is good for digestion.


shāng kǒu jiàn jiàn yù hé。
The wound gradually scarred over.


qì yóu kuài yào hào jìn le。
The petrol is running out.


bù bīng fáng shǒu shèn jiā。
The infantry are defending well.


wǒ men zài yù zuò qián guì xià.
We knelt before the throne.


cǎo shàng zhān mǎn le lù zhū.
The grass was sprinkled with dew.


tā shì yǔ yīn xué quán wēi.
She's an authority on phonetics.


là zhú yǐ shāo qù yī bàn。
Half the candle had burnt away.


pào dàn zài sì chù bào zhà。
Shells were bursting all around.


mén shāo wēi kāi le tiáo fèng。
The door opened a fraction.


chéng shí shì zuì míng zhì de。
Honesty is the best policy.


qǐng bǎ hú jiāo fěn dì jǐ wǒ。
Please pass me the pepper.


yào shi dōu zài jiē dài chù ne.
The keys are with reception.


yǒu xiē shé zhǎng yǒu dú yá。
Some snakes have poisonous fangs.


tā bèi pàn zǔ dǎng fàn guī。
He was found guilty of obstruction.


jí dōng xi bù yào láng tūn hǔ yè.
Don't wolf down your food.


tā qīng qīng àn xià shǒu bǐng。
He pressed lightly on the handle.


wǒ gǎn jǐn dào shòu piào chù。
I hurried to the ticket-office.


mìng yùn yǒu shí shì cán kù de。
Destiny is sometimes cruel.


tā yòng méi qì lú zuò fàn。
He cooks his meal with a gas stove.


tā miǎn qiǎng dā ying xia lai le。
He gave a reluctant promise.


tā shì gè mǐn ruì de guān chá jiā.
He is an acute observer.


lǎo rén dūn zài lú huǒ páng.
The old man squatted (down) by the fire.


zhè cì jù huì dān diào fá wèi。
The party was a dull affair.


ó, shí jì shàng mò shén me。
Oh, nothing to it, actually.


wǒ zòng cè miàn jǐ tā pāi zhào。
I photographed him in profile.


jìn kǒu shí pǐn kě zhuàn qián。
It is profitable to import food.


tā men qīn fàn le tā de quán lì。
They infringed on her rights.


shù yè shǐ guāng xiàn màn shè。
The light was diffused by the leaves.


jì zhě men wāi qū le shì shí。
The reporter distorted the facts.


tā yǒu cháng qī fàn zuì jì lù。
He has a long criminal record.


zhèn wài yǒu gè垃圾 chǎng。
There is a refuse dump out of the town.


tā de tóu fa zì rán juǎn qǔ。
She has a natural wave in her hair.


tā men zhāi le sān kuāng píng guǒ.
They picked three baskets of apples.


mín zhǔ shì zì yóu de bǎo zhàng.
Democracy is a bulwark of freedom.


tā tí chū le lí hūn shēn qǐng。
She filed a petition for divorce.


wǒ jǐn zhù nín yī qiè shùn lì。
I'd like to wish you every success.


wǎng shì yī qí yǒng shàng wǒ xīn tóu.
Memories crowded in on me.


zhǔ dòng quán yǐ zhuàn dào wǒ fāng.
The initiative has passed to us.


wǒ xǐ huan huà xué shèn yú wù lǐ。
I prefer chemistry to physics.


liè rén bǔ huò le yī zhǐ háo zhū。
The hunter seized a porcupine.


máo wū zài fēng yǔ zhòng yáo bǎi。
The hut was shaking in the storm.


kě duì huàn chéng rì yuán de měi jīn
Dollars convertible into yen.


fǎ láng de duì huàn jie yào tiáo gāo.
The franc is to be revalued.


bō làng chōng jī zhuó yán shí。
The waves are lashing against the rocks.


shì bīng de zhí yè shì dǎ zhàng。
The trade of the soldier is war.


lún dào wǒ zhào gu yīng ér le。
I took my turn to look after the baby.


wǒ gū jì dà yuē yàō00 yīng bàng.
I reckon it will cost about 100.


tā xǐ huan huò wǒ yī qǐ liū bīng。
She likes to ice-skate with me.


zhè liè huǒ chē bàn yè chū guǐ le。
The train wrecked at midnight.


tā zuò le yī gè míng zhì de xuǎn zé。
He made a sane choice.


míng tiān wǒ men qù cài jiāng guǒ。
Tomorrow we'll go to pick berries.


dàng fēng bō li shàng jié le shuāng.
The windscreen was covered with frost.


wú hé de xiǎo shuǐ guǒ róng yì yà làn.
Soft fruit squashes easily.
