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dào tián yī kuài zhuān mén guàn gài de tǔ dì, shuǐ dào shēng zhǎng de dì fang
A specially irrigated or flooded field where rice is grown.


wǒ bù tài dǒng de cí qì, gū jì bù chū zhè xie pán zi de jià qian。
I don't know enough about porcelain to be able to price these plates.


zhèng fǔ yǐ chéng lì gōng zuò zǔ diào chá làn yòng dú pǐn wèn tí.
The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.


sāo luàn è huà, zhèng fǔ zhǐ dé xuān bù jìn rù jǐn jí zhuàng tài。
The rioting grew worse and the government declared a state of emergency.


zú qiú duì shū qiú hòu qiú mí men zài jiē shàng jù zhòng nào shì。
The football supporters ran riot through the town after the defeat of their team.

 把方向盘往右边转转, 好修正驾驶上的偏差.

bǎ fāng xiàng pán wàng yòu biān zhuàn zhuàn, hào xiū zhèng jià shǐ shàng de piān chā.
Turn the wheel to the right to correct the steering.


nǐ gāi zhī dào zuò zhè xiàng gōng zuò yào chéng dān é wài zé rèn。
You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job.


wǒ duì yī zhí fàng zài zǒu láng lǐ de nèi gè bāo guǒ yǒu xiē huái yí。
I'm a bit suspicious about the package that's been left in the corridor.

 问题不一定会发生, 但有备无患并无害处.

wèn tí bù yī dìng kuài fā shēng, dàn yǒu bèi wú huàn bìng wú hài chù.
The problem may not arise, but there's no harm in keeping our powder dry.


shǒu tí xiāng liè kāi le, lǐ miàn de dōng xi fēn fēn luò zài dì bǎn shàng。
The suitcase burst open and its contents rained on the floor.


jǐng fāng zhèng zài diào chá tā juǎn rù nà zhuāng zuì xíng de kě néng xìng。
The police are investigating his possible involvement in the crime.

 近些年来, 很多通讯卫星被送上轨道。

jìn xiē nián lái, hěn duō tōng xùn wèi xīng bèi sòng shàng guǐ dào。
In recent years a number of communications satellites have been put into orbit.


wǒ men hěn kuài jiù dǐ dá yī piàn gāo dù yuē jiǔ shí yīng chǐ de gāo yuán。
Soon we reach a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.


wǒ de péng you Bǐ ěr, jiàng huò tā de nu:3 péng you yī dào lái kàn wǒ。
My friend Bill, is coming to see me in company with his girl friend.


tā nìng kě cí zhí yě bù yuàn cān yù zhè zhǒng bù zhèng dāng de mǎi mài.
She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals.


fǎng fú yī jiàn xiǎo shì yǐn qǐ le yī lián chuàn lián suǒ fǎn yìng sì de。
It is as if a single unimportant event set up a chain of reactions.


nà sōu sǔn huài de chuán zhī zài hǎi dǎo yán àn háng xíng yǐ xún zhǎo gǎng kǒu。
The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.

 大学生们积极投入开展反对核武器的运 动。

dà xué sheng men jī jí tóu rù kāi zhǎn fǎn duì hé wǔ qì de yùn dòng。
The college students are active to crusade against the nuclear weapons.


guò le jǐ tiān, hóng shuǐ cái tuì, shēng huó huī fù le zhèng cháng。
It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal.


tā wèi zì jǐ zài kē yán fāng miàn suǒ qǔ dé de jù dà chéng jiù ér zì háo。
He is proud of his great success in scientific researches.


zài yǒu shòu guò xùn liàn de yǔ háng yuán de huǒ jiàn mǎ shàng jiù yào fā shè le。
A rocket manned by trained astronauts will launch soon.


yóu lún xū qiú liàng de xià jiàng shǐ hěn duō gōng zuò zhí wèi shòu dào wēi xié。
A fall in demand for oil tankers has put jobs in jeopardy.


duì xiāo shòu é de zǐ xì fēn xī xiǎn shì chū míng xiǎn de dì qū chā bié。
Close analysis of sales figures showed clear regional variations.

 我们的秘书刚刚辞职, 下星期特别令人担心.

wǒ men de mì shū gāng gang cí zhí, xià xīng qī tè bié lìng rén dān xīn.
Next week will be particularly fraught as we've just lost our secretary.


zhè xie měi lì de gǔ lǎo gōng diàn shì wǒ men mín zú yí chǎn de yī bù fen。
These beautiful old palaces are part of our national heritage.

 彼得是我们最小的孩子, 我们另外还有三个孩子.

Bǐ dé shì wǒ men zuì xiǎo de hái zi, wǒ men lìng wài hái yǒu sān gè hái zi.
Peter is our youngest child, and we have three others besides.

 伤残人士在治疗中, 自助自立是个重要因素.

shāng cán rén shì zài zhì liáo zhòng, zì zhù zì lì shì gè zhòng yào yīn sù.
Self-help is an important element in therapy for the handicapped.


nǐ kě yǐ yòng rè shuǐ bǎ cài pán shàng níng jié de yóu wū chōng xǐ diào。
You may use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.


zhè gè fēn liè chū qù de pài bié shòu dào qí tā zōng jiào tuán tǐ de miè shì。
The break-away sect was contemned by other religious groups.


cǐ shī xiàn cún zuì zǎo de yuán gǎo shōu cáng zài zhè zuò bó wù guǎn lǐ。
The earliest extant manuscript of this poem has been kept in the museum.


yī suǒ xiàn dài huà de jiān yù qǔ dài le nà suǒ wéi Duō lì yà shí dài de jiān yù.
A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one.


jiāng jūn gāo dù zàn yáng le tā zài nà cì zhàn zhēng zhòng dì yīng yǒng shì jī。
His heroism in that war was highly praised by the general.


tǐ yù ài hào zhě men xīn xǐ ruò kuáng de zòng tǐ yù chǎng zhòng fēng yǒng ér chū。
The fans poured out of the stadium cheering wildly.


jīng lǐ yōng yǒu jū yú gāo zhí wèi suǒ jù bèi de zhí zé huò tè quán。
The manager has the duties and privileges appertaining to his high office.


yī shēng men jìn xíng kuài zhěn, jué dìng shì fǒu xū yào dòng shǒu zhú。
The doctors held a consultation to decide whether an operation was necessary.


nà zhòng xīn qì chē yīn yǒu jī xiè quē xiàn zhǐ hǎo chè chū shì chǎng.
The new car had to be withdrawn from the market because of a mechanical defect.


nán hái zǐ men zài yùn dòng cháng de qiáng shàng yòng fěn bǐ huà shàng le qiú mén zhù.
The boys chalked out goalposts on the playground wall.


jīn wǎn dà gài kuài yǒu shuāng dòng, yī dìng yào bǎ huā cǎo dōu zhē gài hào。
It may freeze tonight, so make sure the plant should be covered.


wǒ de yī xiē péng you tōng guò dǎ wǎng qiú duàn liàn tā men gē bo de jī ròu。
Some of my friends develop their arm muscles by playing tennis.


wǒ yě rèn wéi bù wèi shēng, dàn shì wǒ duì bìng jūn de dǐ kàng lì hěn gāo。
I don't think so, either, but my resistance to germs is high.


yǒu rén zòng bèi hòu xiàng wǒ měng rán yī jī, wǒ chóng chóng de dào le xià qu。
Someone hit me from behind and I fell like a ton of bricks.

 在她患病期间, 她的律师一直代理她的业务.

zài tā huàn bìng qī jiān, tā de lu:4 shī yī zhí dài lǐ tā de yè wù.
During her illness her solicitor has been acting for her in her business affairs.


tā jìn qù xiàn tā zhī qián, yòng shuǐ jiàng tóu fa shū lǐ de hěn guāng liàng。
He sleeked back his hair with water before going in to meet her.


gōng sī jǐn zài gù yuán yán zhòng shī zhí de qíng xing xià cái yǔ yǐ jiě gù.
The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct.


fǎ yuàn yǐ jīng fā bù le jìn zhǐ tā men bà gōng yī gè yuè de jìn lìng。
The court has issued an injunction forbidding them to strike for a month.


gōng sī yǒu yī jù dà cái fù, jiù shì yán jiū bù zhǔ rèn zhè gè rén。
The firm has an important asset in the person of the director of research.


zhè yī shì gù kě yǐ zuò wéi zuì jiǔ jià shǐ wēi hài de shí jì jiào xun.
Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving.


cè miàn zòng cè miàn guān kàn de wù tǐ huò gòu zào, yóu zhǐ rén de nǎo dài
A side view of an object or a structure, especially of the human head.


yī wèi kōng zhōng xiǎo jie zǒu guò lai, wèn tā shì fǒu xiǎng yào xiē yǐn liào。
An air stewardess came and asked him if he would like some drink.


tā wèi wǎn jiù zhè jiā qǐ yè, bù xī mào xiǎn tóu rù tā de quán bù jīn qián。
He hazarded all his money in the attempt to save the business.


zhèng fǔ shēng chēng duì shī yè biǎo shì guān zhù chún shǔ zuò zuò zī tài。
The government's claim to be concerned about unemployment is sheer hypocrisy.


rú guǒ tā shēn tǐ zhè me zāo, nà me tā de suǒ yǒu cái fù duì tā háo wú yòng chu。
All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.


shén jīng bìng shén jīng xì tǒng de jí bìng huò yì cháng zhuàng tài xià de shén jīng xì tǒng
A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system.


zhé xué shàng de, lǐ lùn shàng de jiàn lì zài sī biàn huò chōu xiàng de tuī lùn zhī shàng de
Based on speculative or abstract reasoning.


wǒ men zàng zài guàn mù cóng hòu, zhǔn bèi xiàng lái fàn zhě fā qǐ tū rán xí jī。
We hid behind the bushes, ready to pounce on the intruder.


jí jiāng jǔ xíng de huì tán jǐ shí xiàn zhēn zhèng de cái jūn dài lái le xī wàng。
The forthcoming talk hold out the hope of real arms reduction.


wǒ xiǎng tā fǎn zhèng kuài yǐ yǎng jiā wèi lǐ yóu lái jìn xíng biàn jiě。
I suppose that, in justification, he could always claim he had a family to support.


jǐng fāng sōu suǒ le zài zhōu wéi liù yīng lǐ yǐ nèi de shù lín gè chù.
Police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius/within a radius of six miles.


shòu xùn de tū jī duì yuán yào cān jiā lìng rén jīn pí lì jìn de tū jī kè chéng.
Trainee commandos are put through an exhausting assault course.

 候选人须 表明他们对单方面裁军所持的立场.

hòu xuǎn rén xū biǎo míng tā men duì shàn fāng miàn cái jūn suǒ chí de lì chǎng.
The candidates had to state their position on unilateral disarmament.


zhèng fǔ de tōng gào yǐ shì wéi mài xiàng jiě jué bà gōng wèn tí de yí bù。
The government's announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike.


suī rán tā jié lì zǔ zhǐ zhè zhuāng hūn yīn, dàn hái shì chéng le shì shí。
He tried to prevent the marriage but it still took place notwithstanding.


jī dòng chē xié huì quàn gào kāi chē de rén zàn shí bù yào shǐ yòng gōng lù。
Motoring organization is urging driver not to travel by road if possible.


nà jiàn fáng zi shì chū shòu de, fáng zi lǐ yǒu nuǎn qì shè bèi huò dì xià shì。
That house is for sale. It has central heating and a base room.


tīng dào shōu yīn jī lǐ zhuàn lái de qīng kuài yuè qǔ, zhè gè bìng rén xiào le。
The patient smiled when he heard the sprightly music on the radio.

 飞机在大西洋中部飞行时, 其中一个发动机出了故障.

fēi jī zài dà xī yáng zhōng bù fēi xíng shí, qí zhōng yī gè fā dòng jī chū le gù zhàng.
One of the plane's engines gave out in mid-Atlantic.


gāi xì tǒng de zhǔ yào ruò diǎn zhī yī shì xiāo hào dà liàng rán liào。
One of the main disadvantages of this system is that it uses very large amounts of fuel.


dàng tā xuān bù jìng sài de yōu shèng zhě shí, dà jiā dōu jìng jìng de qīng tīng。
Everyone was silent as he announced the winner of the competition.


zhè xiàng xié yì de qiān dìng jiàng yǒu zhù yú huǎn hé guó jì jǐn zhāng jú shì。
The signing of this agreement will help to reduce international tension.


wǒ rèn wéi nǐ shuō Měi guó shì shì jiè hé píng de zhàng ài shì bù duì de。
I don't think it is correct of you to say that America is a balk to world peace.


gōng huì shuō tā men jiàng cǎi qǔ xíng dòng wéi hù huì yuán de gōng zuò quán yì。
The union said that they would take action to defend their member's jobs.

 她干起活来倒是相当不错, 不过有时需要加以督促.

tā gàn qǐ huó lái dào shì xiāng dāng bù cuò, bù guò yǒu shí xū yào jiā yǐ dū cù.
She is a fairly good worker, but she needs prodding occasionally.


yóu mù bù luò de dà duō rén dōu shēng huó zài cǎo yuán shàng bìng qiě jū wú dìng suǒ。
Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home.


shā mò nà bian chuī lái de fēng bǎ suǒ yǒu de dōng xi dōu měng shàng le yī céng shā zi.
The wind blew from the desert and covered everything with sand.


shì bīng men zài shān yāo shàng chéng shàn xíng sàn kāi, sōu suǒ nèi gè nán rén。
The soldiers fanned out across the hillside in their search for the man.


wǒ men yǒng yuǎn dōu bù yīng gāi wàng jì Rì běn qīn lu:è zhě fàn xià de bào xíng。
We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.


dàng xiǎo nán hái zǒu dào qì chē qián mian shí, qì chē sī jī àn xiǎng le lǎ ba。
The driver blew his horn when the child stepped in front of the car.


jǐn guǎn tā pín qióng, dàn tā zǒng xiǎng zhuāng chū shàng liú shè huì jiē céng de yàng zi。
Although she was poor, she was living in genteel poverty.


tǎng shǐ nǐ bù fà yī yán, jiù bù huì bèi yāo qiú chóng fù zài jiǎng yī biàn le。
If you do not say anything, you will not be called on to repeat it.


xiǎo nu:3 hái níng shì zhuó zài lán zi lǐ hù xiāng fān lái gǔn qù de xiǎo māo。
The little girl stared at the little cats tumbling over each other in their basket.


tā men jiàng zhú bù jī lěi qǐ yī pī nèi róng duō yàng, bǐ lì shì dàng de cí huì。
Gradually they will build up a varied, well-balanced vocabulary.


nà wèi tǐ tiē de zhàng fu duì qī zi de guān huái shǐ tā gǎn jué hěn bù gāo xìng。
The solicitude of the caring husband for his wife made her feel unhappy.


néng zhèng qián bìng bù yī dìng shì héng liang rén shēng xìng fú de kě kào biāo zhǔn.
Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.


jīng lǐ qǐ tú yǐ jiě gù lái wēi xié, pò shǐ zhí gōng gèng mài lì qì。
The manager tried to bully his men into working harder by threatening them with dismissal.


zhā ěr sī de xīn gōng zuò yāo qiú bù néng tí zǎo xià bān, tā xià bān bì xū dǎ qiǎ。
Charles can't leave early in his new job;he has to ring out.


zhè xie dà sēn lín de huǐ huài kuài dài lái shēng tài shàng de yán zhòng hòu guǒ。
The destruction of these big forests could have serious ecological consequences.


rú guǒ nǐ zài yī gè yuè yǐ nèi cháng huán de huà, wǒ lè yì jiè jǐ nǐ qián。
I do not mind lending you the money provided you pay it back within a month.


dài zhuó pí hù shǒu tào de mó tuō chē shǒu men zhèng zài děng dài bǐ sài kāi shǐ。
Motorcyclists with leather gauntlets are waiting for the start of the game.


tā mù sòng zhuó liè chē shǐ qù, zhí dào tā chéng le yuǎn fāng de yī gè xiǎo hēi diǎn。
He watched the train away until it was only a dot in the distance.


nǎ pà shì chū le zài xiǎo de chā cuò, lǎo bǎn yě kuài duì tā hèng jiā chì zé。
His boss will jump on every little mistake he makes, no matter how trivial.


liǎng guó zhī jiān cún zài zhuó shè jí nèi gè dǎo yǔ guī shǔ de lǐng tǔ zhēng duān。
The two countries had a territorial dispute over which one owned the island.

 该镇未采取适当的防洪措施, 现在吃到了苦头.

gāi zhèn wèi cǎi qǔ shì dàng de fáng hóng cuò shī, xiàn zài jí dào le kǔ tou.
The town is now counting the cost of its failure to provide adequate flood protection.


yuán shǐ rén yòng jiān shí kuài huò shòu gǔ wèi zì jǐ zhì zuò yuán shǐ de gōng jù。
Primitive man made himself primitive tools from sharp stones and animal bones.


rén lèi, shì yī duī kě yǐ suí yì chāi xiè de qiān guǎn líng jiàn de qiǎo miào zhuāng pèi。
A human being is an ingenious assembly of portable plumbing.

 把路上的耽搁算进去, 你要用半小时才能到车站.

bǎ lù shang de dān ge suàn jìn qù, nǐ yào yòng bàn xiǎo shí cái néng dào chē zhàn.
It will take you half an hour to get to the station, allowing for traffic delays.


yǒu xiē zhí yuán yào bèi jiě gù, bù guò qǐng fàng xīn, nǐ bù zài cǐ liè。
Some of our staff are to be dismissed, but I hasten to add you won't be among them.


tā shì gè yōu xiù de yùn dòng yuán, tā suǒ yǒu de dòng zuò dōu fēi cháng xié tiáo。
He is an excellent athlete; all his movements are perfectly coordinated.


zhè gè dǎng jié lì zhuāng chū yī fù guān xīn gōng rén jiē jí de xīn xíng xiàng.
The party is trying to project a new image of itself as caring for the working classes.


zhè dì fang yóu yuán lái de yú gǎng fā zhǎn chéng yī gè fán róng de lu:3 yóu shèng dì.
The place has developed from a fishing port into a thriving tourist centre.


zhè gè zhàn chǎng bèi shì wéi shèng dì yǐ jì niàn zhàn sǐ zài zhè lǐ de zhàn shì。
This battle field is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.

 出于个人利益考虑, 男子开始介入女子的工作领域。

chū yú gè rén lì yì kǎo lu:4, nán zǐ kāi shǐ jiè rù nu:3 zǐ de gōng zuò lǐng yù。
Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest.


yī gè xiàn xí jì shù yuán bèi jiàn zhù wù shàng luò xià de yī kuài shí tou zá zhuó le。
A technician on probation was hit by a piece of falling masonry.


dī àn, xiǎo lù gāo chū de dī àn huò xiǎo lù, rú yán zhe yī tiáo gōu qú de dī àn huò xiǎo lù
A raised bank or path, such as one along a canal.


zhè chǎng zhēng lùn duì wǒ lái shuō tài shēn ào le, wǒ yī diǎn dōu gǎo bù míng bái。
The argument was too intellectual for me; I couldn't follow a word of it.


zhè liǎng gè fǎn duì dǎng dá chéng le yí xiàng guān yú zài xuǎn jǔ zhòng jìn xíng hé zuò de xié yì。
The two opposition parties made an electoral pact.


zán men qù cān guān yī xià zhè gè dì fang, pì rú shuō míng tiān huò shì hòu tiān qù。
Let's go and visit the place, say tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.


bǎ quán bù jiā jù dōu sè jìn nèi gè xiǎo fáng jiān shì hěn fèi le yī pān xīn si de。
It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.


tōng huò péng zhàng shuài kě néng shàng shēng。 rú guǒ shì zhè yàng, wù jià jiù kuài shàng zhǎng。
Inflation may be rising, if (it is) so, prices will go up.


chuán chǔ yú dǐng fēng wèi zhi de fēng yǐ zǔ ài chuán zhī qián jìn de fāng shì tuī dòng
In such a way that the wind pushes against the forward side of a sail or sails.


wǒ dòng shǒu bān nà xiē cí zhì shì wù, dàn zài yí dòng shí shuāi le yī zhǐ huā píng。
I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.


tā men jù jué tóng kǒng bù fèn zǐ zuò jiāo yì, yǐ miǎn yuán zé shòu dào sǔn hài。
They refused to compromise their principles by doing a deal with the terrorists.


mǒu yī shí qī de wén xué kě fǎn yìng chū gāi shí qī de jià zhí guān niàn huò shěn měi guān niàn.
The literature of a period reflects its values and tastes.


tā zài bàn gōng shì lǐ lǎo shi mù bù zhuàn jīng de dīng著 wǒ, zhēn bǎ wǒ qì huài le。
I'm extremely annoyed at the way he always stares at me in the office.


hěn nàn nòng qīng chǔ tā men nà tào guān liáo tǐ zhì quán bù xì wēi de céng cì fēn bié。
It was hard to understand all the minute gradations of their bureaucracy.

 他是优秀的学生, 正因为这个缘故, 全班都不喜欢他.

tā shì yōu xiù de xué sheng, zhèng yīn wèi zhè gè yuán gù, quán bān dōu bù xǐ huan tā.
He was an outstanding pupil and, ipso facto, disliked by the rest of the class.

 协议中有一条规定, 承租人负担建筑物的修理费.

xié yì zhòng yǒu yī tiáo guī dìng, chéng zū rén fù dān jiàn zhù wù de xiū lǐ fèi.
A clause in the agreement provides that the tenant shall pay for repairs to the building.


nán hái zǐ dà xué bì yè hòu kāi shǐ zhuàn qián shí, pián kě dú lì shēng huó le。
When a boy leaves college and begins to earn money he can live a life of independence.


dǐ kàng yùn dòng kāi zhǎn le yī chǎng fǎn duì zhí mín tǒng zhì zhē de kǒng bù huó dòng。
The resistance movement started a campaign of terror against the colonial rulers.


tā zuò zài shǐ mì sī tài tai de páng biān, tā de shì xiàn luò zài tā nu:3 ér de shēn shàng。
He was sitting next to Mrs. Smith, his eyes resting on her daughter.


dāng qián de mào yì chì zì biǎo míng wǒ men de jìn chū kǒu mào yì yán zhòng shī tiáo.
The current trade deficit indicates a serious imbalance between our import and export trade.


wǒ men de dòu fu shēng chǎn xiàn shì shì jiè shàng zuì wéi xiān jìn de, jiǔ fù shèng míng。
Our bean curd processing line is the most advanced and well- know in the world.


zhàn zhēng jǐ wú gū de rén mín dài lái de tòng kǔ bú shì jīn qián kě yǐ bǔ cháng de。
The suffering of innocent people caused by the war cannot be compensated for by money.


tā píng ān de xiāo xi dào dá tā nà li zhī qián, nà duàn shí jiān sì hu shì wú xiàn màn cháng de。
It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.


duì yú zhè xiàng jiàn yì, wǔ rén tóu piào zàn chéng, bā rén fǎn duì, liǎng rén qì quán。
Five members voted for the proposal, eight voted against, and two abstained.


wǒ men yuán jì huà qù yóu lǎn, dàn hòu lái qì chē chū le gù zhàng, méi yǒu qù chéng。
They made plans for a visit, but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it.


liú xíng gē qǔ de ài hào zhě fēn fēn zòng sì miàn bā fāng xiàng yīn yuè huì de jǔ bàn dì diǎn jù jí.
Pop fans are homing in on the concert site from miles around.


mó fēi huí gù tā zǎo nián de fèn dòu, shǐ tā jué de shēng mìng tè bié chōng mǎn shēng qì。
Murphy looked back on his early struggles as having made him feel especially alive.


tā liào dào zì jǐ de zuò pǐn zǒng guī yào shòu dào pī pàn, suǒ yǐ zǒng shì yǐ gōng wèi shǒu。
He's always expecting criticism of his work, so he's always on the offensive.


yǐ xià shì tā zài huá fǔ suǒ fā biǎo de nà piān著 míng de yǎn jiǎng zhòng dì yī xiē zhāi lù。
What follows is some excerpts of the famous speech he delivered in Washington D.C.


cōng cōng máng máng de dà pī liàng shēng chǎn de zì xíng chē wú fǎ dá dào wǒ men de yì bān biāo zhǔn。
These bicycles have been rushed out and not up to our usual standard.


wén zi kuài xī wǒ men de xuè。 gèng zāo de shì, tā kuài bǎ dú zhù rù wǒ men de tǐ nèi。
The mosquito will suck our blood. What's even worse, it will inject poison into our bodies.


zì cóng dǎo shàng wén zi bèi xiāo miè hòu, nà r chéng le gèng jiā měi hǎo de jū zhù de。
Since the mosquitoes were killed off, the island has become a far pleasanter place to live in.


zài tā bèi jiē shòu wèi gù dìng gù yuán zhī qián jīng guò le sān gè yuè de shì yòng qī。
He was taken on for a three-month trial period before being accepted as a permanent member of staff.

 他仅把结婚当作达到目的的手段, 他只是想要妻子的财产.

tā jǐn bǎ jié hūn dàng zuò dá dào mù dì de shǒu duàn, tā zhǐ shì xiǎng yào qī zi de cái chǎn.
He regarded his marriage merely as a means to an end: he just wanted his wife's wealth.


shǐ mì sī xiān sheng bù xiǎng yīn jiān chí àn shì jià gòu jìn ér shī qù zuò mǎi mài de jī huì。
Mr Smith did not want to lose his market by sticking to having it at the market price.


duǎn qī nèi wǒ men kuài péi qián, dàn zòng cháng yuǎn kàn, lì rùn jiāng huì shì fēng hòu de。
In the short term we will lose money, but in the long term the profits will be very large.


shēng bìng shì zāo gāo de, ér zhè zhǒng qíng xing méi yǒu yī zhòng jí bìng bì ái zhèng gèng wèi zāo gāo。
It is bad to get ill, and with no disease is it worse than with cancer.


wǒ de pàn duàn jīng cháng chū cuò, dàn shì wǒ duì zǔ guó de zhōng chéng shì wú kě zhì yí de。
My judgement was frequently faulty, but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned.


tā duì zì jǐ nà běn shū de shǒu gǎo xiān jìn xìng jiào dìng, rán hòu cái bǎ tā jiāo gěi chū bǎn shè。
He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.


yīn wèi zhǎng shí jiān de gān hàn, nóng mín men duì yú hào shōu cheng de qián jǐng shì huái yí de。
Because of a long drought, the farmers are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.


jǐng chá yīn mài kè chāo sù xíng shǐ ér jiàng tā lán xià, dàn jǐng gào le tā yī xià jiù jiàng tā fàng le。
The police stopped Mike for speeding but let him off with a caution.


dàng tài yáng héng guò xī fāng de hǎi miàn shí, duì zhuó dōng fāng liú xià tā de zuì hòu de jìng lǐ。
The sun goes to cross the Western sea, leaving its last salutation to the East.


xǔ duō zá zhì fā biǎo le yóu E2 guó háng tiān tàn cè qì huò dé de yǒu guān jīn xīng de xìn xī。
Information about Venus obtained by Russian probes has been published on some magazines.

 我指出那方案的缺点, 但他申辩说各项计划尚未完成.

wǒ zhǐ chū nà fāng àn de quē diǎn, dàn tā shēn biàn shuō gè xiàng jì huà shàng wèi wán chéng.
I pointed out the shortcomings of the scheme, but he countered that the plans were not yet finished.


zuì hǎo de duì yuán dōu tóu bēn dà jù yuè bù qù le, liú jǐ tā men zhè xie bù zěn me yàng de qiú yuán。
The best players have gone off to the big clubs, leaving them the dross.


jiù lián nǐ suǒ néng xiǎng dào de zuì zhuàng de rén yě bù néng guāng yòng shǒu jiù jiàng mù tou sī liè。
The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.


zài yīn yuè jiā de nǎo hǎi lǐ, yī zǔ shāo zòng jí shì de yīn fú zhú jiàn xíng chéng yī gè qǔ tiáo。
In the musician's mind a fugitive set of notes began slowly to form into a tune.


ài hù zhǔ yì, duì dà bù fen rén lái shuō, zhǐ bù guò shì hài pà bù gōng zhèng suǒ kǔ bà le。
The love of justice be, in most men, nothing more than the fear of suffering injustice.


wǒ men yǒu xiē rén fēi cháng zhòng shì ān níng yù shū shì, yǒu xiē rén zhòng shì kuài lè yù cì jī。
Some of us value peace and comfort very highly. Others value pleasure and excitement.

 马克是个不听话的孩子, 我看他们现在对他的培养方面做得不错.

mǎ kè shì gè bù tīng huà de hái zi, wǒ kàn tā men xiàn zài duì tā de péi yǎng fāng miàn zuò de bù cuò.
Mark's a difficult child and I think they're making a good job of bringing him up.


zhè xie bèi jǐng chá zhuā zhù de fàn zuì fèn zǐ zhǐ shì xiē xiǎo yú, tā men de tóu zi què pǎo diào le。
These criminals arrested by the police are only minnows, their leader has escaped.


kàng dú sù shì dǐ kàng yǒu dú wù zhì bìng fáng zhǐ qí chǎn shēng yǒu hài zuò yòng de wù zhì。
Antitoxin is substance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having a harmful effect.


zhè wèi tuī xiāo yuán gàn de fēi cháng chéng gōng, dào hòu lái, tā tuō lí gōng sī zì xíng kāi yè。
The salesman was so successful that in the end he hived from the firm into his own business.


zài zhū bǎo shì wù de zhì zào zhòng, shǒu gōng yù yì shù de jié hé jué dìng le zhū bǎo de jià zhí。
The conjunction of workmanship and artistry in making jewelry decides the value of the jewelry.


bù zhǎng zài gōng kāi fā biǎo yán lùn shí bì tā zài sī xià pī píng shí de diào zǐ yào huǎn hé yī diǎnr。
In his public statement the minister toned down his criticisms he had made in private.


shǐ mì sī qiāo qiāo de xiàng de xiàng pāi mài rén zuò shǒu shì, rán hòu bǎ chū jià yòu tái gāo lē,000 yuán。
Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.

 利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取.

lì yòng quán lì yà fú bié rén bìng fēi yǒng yuǎn shì shàng cè, yùn yòng shuō fú fāng fǎ huò xǔ gèng wèi kě qǔ.
Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.


zhè jiā shāng diàn qǐ chū zhǐ chū shòu bào zhǐ huò zá zhì, hòu lái yòu zēng shòu qīng shào nián dú wù。
At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.


rèn hé rén rú bāng zhù dí rén wēi hài běn guó, tā de shēng mìng cái chǎn pián bèi guó jiā mò shōu。
If man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were forfeit to the crown.


jiǎ rú wǒ zài róng rěn nǐ xià qu de huà, wǒ kě néng kuài yí bù bù tuì huà zhì chéng wéi lǎo pó yě wèi kě zhī。
If I continue to endure you a little longer, I may by degrees dwindle into a wife.


yī tiān de zhè duàn shí jiān yǒu shuò yǐ bǎi wàn jì de zhí gōng zòng gōng chǎng huò bàn gōng chǎng suǒ yǒng xiàng jiē tóu.
The shops and offices pour millions of workers into the street at this time of day.

 我们当初若是稍微再多考虑一下, 也许就能买到我们真正想要的房子了.

wǒ men dāng chū ruò shì shāo wēi zài duō kǎo lu:4 yī xià, yě xǔ jiù néng mǎi dào wǒ men zhēn zhèng xiǎng yào de fáng zi le.
With a little more forethought we could have bought the house we really wanted.


gòu dā shàng de rén suí biàn jié zhì de mò shēng rén, tōng cháng shì zài qī wàng xìng guān xi zhòng jié zhì de rén
A stranger with whom casual acquaintance is made, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.


fēi chuán jià shǐ yuán, qì qiú jià shǐ yuán qīng yú kōng qì de háng kōng qì, lì rú qì qiú de jià shǐ yuán huò dǎo háng yuán
A pilot or navigator of a lighter-than-air craft, such as a balloon.


nà yī qún shuō sān dào sì de cháng kè men jù jí zài xiǎo jiǔ diàn lǐ, yì lùn nà duì yī shēng fū fù。
The regulars are holding a mother's meeting down at the pub to discuss the news about the doctor and his wife.


xiāo shòu kāi shǐ xià diē, gōng sī cái wù bù jiǔ pián chū xiàn chì zì, tā men zhǐ dé bǎ nà chuáng dà lóu mài diào。
Sales began to drop and the company was soon in the red. They had to sell the building.


wǒ men de shāng xìng zhèng chù zài shí zì lù kǒu, tǎng ruò cǐ pān jiāo yì bù néng chéng gōng, wǒ men jiāng huì pò chǎn。
Our business is at the crossing, if this deal does not succeed, we shall be bankrupt.


zhù láng yǒu yóu yuán zhù zhī chēng fáng dǐng de mén láng huò zǒu dào, tōng cháng tōng wàng jiàn zhù wù de rù kǒu chù
A porch or walkway with a roof supported by columns, often leading to the entrance of a building.


dà dū shì wài mian de shēng huó bù diào wǎng wǎng shì huǎn màn de duō, zhè zài qí tā guó jiā yě shì zhēn de nà yàng。
Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries as well.


lìng wài yī xiē rén rèn wéi yīng gāi kāi pì gèng duō de gōng jiāo lù xiàn, yīn wèi gōng gòng qì chē zài kè duō。
Others argue that more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers.


guì shì shǐ mì sī gōng sī xī wàng yù běn gōng sī kāi zhǎn jiāo yì, zhǐ dìng guì chù wèi xìn yòng chū zhèng ren。
Mr. smith co., of your city, desire to open an account with us, and have give us your name as a reference.


yǒu guān fāng miàn jiù wǒ de hūn yīn zhuàng kuàng yǐ jí yín háng cún kuǎn yú é duì wǒ jìn xíng le xiáng xì de diào chá.
I was subjected to a lengthy inquisition into the state of my marriage and the size of my bank balance.


dā lián zhǔ qiáng yǒu yī xié wū dǐng de gòu zào, biān jiē zài jiàn zhù wù cè miàn zuò wéi zhāi tīng huò yán shēn wù
A structure with a single-pitch roof that is attached to the side of a building as a wing or an extension.


wǒ nìng yuàn zhào gu huó rén de dù zi, yě bù yuàn yǐ shí bēi de xíng shì lái zhào gu sǐ zhě de róng yào。
I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than (take care of) the glory of the dead in the form of stone memorials.


huài sǐ yīn chuāng shāng huò jí bìng yǐn qǐ de xì bāo huò zǔ zhī de sǐ wáng, yóu qí zhǐ shēn tǐ jú bù miàn ji de huài sǐ
Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.


wǒ mǎi le yī běn guān yú shén quán zì shǐ tú zhuàn zhì jiào huáng jí qí tā zhǔ jiào de yī mài xiàng chéng de shū。
I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.


duàn zài dōng fāng wǔ shù zhòng, hēi yāo dài de jí bié jīng tōng dá12 jí zhòng dì rèn yī jí, rú róu dào huò kòng shǒu dào
Any of12 levels of proficiency at the grade of black belt in martial arts such as judo and karate.

 他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短.

tā men yù gù zhǔ dá chéng de xié yì shì tā men zài gōng zī fāng miàn jiàng dī yāo qiú, dàn měi zhōu gōng shí yào suō duǎn.
The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.

 我得有经验才能找到工作, 可是没有工作我就无法获得经验--这真是个恶性循环.

wǒ de yǒu jīng yàn cái néng zhǎo dào gōng zuò, kě shì méi yǒu gōng zuò wǒ jiù wú fǎ huò dé jīng yàn-- zhè zhēn shì gè è xìng xún huán.
I need experience to get a job but without a job I can't get experience it's a vicious circle.


diào jià yī gēn zòng liǎng gēn píng xíng de shéng zi xuán guà xia lai de shuǐ píng de duǎn gùn, yòng yú tǐ yù duàn liàn huò zá jì biǎo yǎn
A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes, used for exercises or for acrobatic stunts.


suǒ yǒu quán gòu chéng kòng zhì huò chǔ zhì cái chǎn huò suǒ yǒu quán de hé fǎ quán lì de suǒ yǒu yào sù tóng shí fú hé de tiáo jiàn
The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.


qí zhōng zhī yī jiù shì yǔn xǔ dì fang jiào wěi zài guó jiā jiào xué dà gāng de zhǐ dǎo xià xuǎn zé hé shì zì shēn de jiào cái。
One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline.


yù xiān cè shì wèi héng liang xué sheng shì fǒu yǐ yǒu zú gòu de zhǔn bèi qù jìn xíng gèng gāo yī jí de xué xí ér jǔ xíng de chū bù kǎo shì
A preliminary test given to determine whether students are sufficiently prepared for a more advanced course of studies.


jiǎ shǐ bō qù le rén men de yī fu de huà, dào dǐ bǐ cǐ de jiē jí néng gòu wéi chí dào shén me chéng dù, dào shì yī zé yǒu qù de wèn tí。
It is an interesting question how far men will retain their relative rank if they were divest of their clothes.


huí zhēn fèng zài xiān qián fèng de yī zhēn zhōng jiān jiā fèng de yī zhēn, yǐ biàn shǐ zhēn jué de jiāo cuò chóng dié wèi yuán lái cháng dù de yī bàn
A stitch made by inserting the needle at the midpoint of a preceding stitch so that the stitches overlap by half lengths.


yī jiē dào dí rén yào lái de xiāo xi, wǒ men pián fēn fēn jiàng gè zi jiā lǐ de dōng xi dǎ chéng bāo guǒ, lián máng chè dào fù jìn de shān lǐ qù le。
At the new that the enemy was approaching, we parceled up our belongings and hurried to the nearby mountains.


shéi yě jìng ài quán píng yī yǐ zhī lì fèn dòu chéng gōng de rén, yǐ cǐ fǎ huò dé chéng gōng dāng rán bì wán quán wú fǎ chéng gōng yào hǎo de duō。
Everybody like and respects self-made men; it's a great deal better to be made that that way then not to be made at all.


nà shí, zhè lǎo tóu er zhǐ bù guò shì gè nì wǎ gōng bà le。 tā zhī suǒ yǐ fā jī, wǒ rèn wéi kào de shì jīng míng de ér bú shì yè jī。
In his time, the old gentleman was a working mason, and had risen form the ranks more, I think, by shrewdness than by merit.


zhǐ yào yǒu hǎo de fú wù, xiǎo xíng de qì chē lu:3 guǎn kuài jì xù xī yǐn nà xiē nìng yuàn zhù xiǎo lu:3 guǎn ér bú zhù dà lu:3 guǎn de rén。
As long as good service is provided the small motels will continue to have people who choose to stay there rather than in large motels.


diàn yùn zài diàn yùn fàng diàn zhòng zài gāo yā diàn jí chū xiàn de yī zhòng wēi ruò guāng huī, cháng bàn suí yǒu cháo xiàng dī yà diàn jí de diàn liú
A faint glow enveloping the high-field electrode in a corona discharge, often accompanied by streamers directed toward the low-field electrode.


zǔ zhī mì shū fà jǐ běn dǎng dǎng yuán de tōng zhī zài lì fǎ jī gòu zhòng chuán dá jǐ zhèng dǎng chéng yuán de yī gè zài tè dìng shí jiān bǎo zhèng qí chū qín shuài de tōng zhī
A call issued to party members in a lawmaking body to ensure attendance at a particular time.


shǒu xiān, wǒ zhàn zài yī gè rè nao de jiǎo luò, jǐn jǐn shì kàn zhuó rén men, shì tú yǐ shěn shì tā men lái lǐ jiě tā men shēng huó de mǒu xiē dōng xi。
First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.


wǎng wǎng Rì běn rén yǐ zì chuàng de fāng fǎ gǎi liáng wǒ men de jī qì。 jiù xiàng suǒ yǒu qí tā bàn dǎo tǐ gōng sī yí yàng, wǒ men yě xiàn yú kùn jìng。
And often the Japanese have added proprietary engineering to improve our machines. Like all the other semiconductor firms, we are in a box.


yù yán yī zhòng tōng cháng duǎn xiǎo de gù shì, yòng lái biǎo shì qǐ fā huò jǐn shèn de guān diǎn, cháng lì yòng shuō huà huò yǒu rén de xíng wéi de dòng wù wèi jué sè
A usually short narrative making an edifying or cautionary point and often employing as characters animals that speak and act like human beings.


jiā tíng yī shēng dōu pò qiè xī wàng wèi bìng rén tí gōng shì dàng de fú wù, dàn tā men ruò wèi rì cháng chāo chāo xiě xiě de gōng zuò suǒ shù fù, pián bù néng jǐ bìng rén bì xū de guān xīn。
Family doctors are anxious to provide a proper service for their patients, but they can't give them the attention they need if they've shackled with paperwork.


bǎ lu:3 huò qí tā jīn shǔ hùn hé, kē xué jiā men néng gòu zhì zào chū gè zhǒng hé jīn, qí zhōng yī xiē jù yǒu gāng yí yàng de qiáng dù, dàn qí zhòng liàng zhǐ shì gāng de sān fēn zhī yī。
By mixing aluminium with other metals, scientists have been able to produce a variety of alloys, some of which have the strength of steel but weigh only one third as much.


yìn xiàng zhǔ yì yī zhòng wén xué fēng gé, qí tè zhēng shì lì yòng duì xì jié huò gǎn qíng de miáo shù ér bú shì tōng guò duì kè guān de xiàn shí de zài chuàng zào, lái huàn qǐ zhǔ guān de huò gǎn jué de yìn xiàng
A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.


zhǔ yī qún yōng yǒu gòng tóng zǔ xiān huò míng xiǎn tè zhēng de yǒu jī tǐ, yóu zhǐ shǔ yú tóng yī wù zhǒng de yī qún, tōng guò rén gōng xuǎn zé lái fā zhǎn, tōng guò yǒu kòng zhì de fán zhí lái wéi chí
A group of organisms having common ancestors and certain distinguishable characteristics, especially a group within a species developed by artificial selection and maintained by controlled propagation.


yǒu xiē gōng chéng shī rèn wéi, jì rán wèi zhè yī xì tǒng qǐ zuò yòng yǐ fù chū rú cǐ jù dà de nǔ lì, míng zhì de zuò fǎ shì duǎn qī nèi jiàng zhè xiàng gōng zuò jì xù xià qu, ér bú shì cóng tóu zài lái。
Some engineers take the view that since so much effort has been put into making this system work it would be sensible in the short term to continue the same line rather than start afresh.


wǒ bí zi yǎng yang.
My nose tickles.
