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Yīng guó yìng bì de zhèng miàn yǒu nu:3 wáng de tou xiàng.
The head of the Queen appears on the obverse of British coins.


zhè gè kuài lè de hái zi yǐ qīng kuài huó po de bù zi zǒu zhuó。
The happy boy walked with jaunty steps.


zhè gè tiáo yuē jiàng chéng wéi chí jiǔ hé píng de kāi duān。
The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace.


wǒ cóng lái bù zàn tóng zhèng zhì shàng de jí duān zhǔ yì.
I have never associated myself with political extremism.


guì bīn men zài dà cān tīng cān jiā yī gè yàn huì。
The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall.


wǒ liú xià le zhāng tiáo zi yǐ biàn yù tā qǔ dé lián xì。
I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her.

 假如我有选择的余地, 我三十岁就退休.

jiǎ rú wǒ yǒu xuǎn zé de yú de, wǒ sān shí suì jiù tuì xiū.
If I had the choice, I would retire at thirty.


tā zàn yáng de huà gǔ wǔ rén men gōng zuò gèng nǔ lì。
Her words of praise were a stimulus for people to work harder.


chuán zhī běn shēn xū yào hǎi jūn huò kōng jūn de bǎo hù。
The ships required the protection of naval and air power.


yī shēng wú fǎ jiě shì gāo shāo hé yǐ chí jiǔ bù tuì。
The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the fever.


cí diǎn zhòng dì cí shì àn zì mǔ shùn xù pái liè de.
The words in the dictionary are arranged in alphabetical order.


tā zhōng yú bǎi tuō le zhè me yí xiàng fá wèi de gōng zuò。
He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task.


yǐ jīng zhèng shí, jì yì cún zài yú mǒu xiē jīn shǔ zhòng。
Memory has been shown to reside in some metals.


zhè hái zi kàn shàng qù liǎn sè bù hǎo, yī fù yǒu bìng de yàng zi。
The child looked pale and wan.


gāi gōng sī yǐ bèi Měi guó yī qǐ yè jí tuán jiē guǎn。
The firm has been taken over by an American conglomerate.


àn zhào guī dìng, rèn hé shí hou jūn xū yǒu rén zhí bān。
The rule is that someone must be on duty at all times.


jiàn zào zhè zuò jiàn zhù wù huā le hǎo jǐ gè yuè shí jiān。
The erection of the building took several months.


wǒ jīng cháng jiē dào wǒ men bù duì zhàn yǒu men de lái xìn。
I often hear from my comrades-in-arms in the army.


zī yuán guǎn lǐ shì yí xiàng zhòng yào de jīng yíng jì néng。
Resources management is an important business skill.


tā men shǐ hé liú gǎi dào yǐ biàn xiàng chéng shì gōng shuǐ。
They diverted the river to supply water to the town.


yù cè diàn zǐ gōng yè de qián tú yī piàn dà hào.
The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.


shū huò wǒ de guān xi zhèng rú tóng shuǐ huò zhí wù de guān xi。
As water is to the plant, so are books to me.


biè làng fèi shí jiān le wǒ men hái yǒu zhèng jing shì yào zuò。
Stop footling about, we have serious work to do.


nà liǎng gè gōng sī yǐ hé zuò yán zhì xīn xíng sài chē.
The two companies have teamed up to develop a new racing car.


shí xíng guó jiā kòng zhì shì gēn běn wéi bèi Měi guó guān niàn de.
Statecontrol is a very un-American notion.


biàn zhì zòng yī zhòng wù zhì xiàng lìng yī zhòng wù zhì de zhuǎn huà
Conversion of one substance into another.


fán shì dìng cháng yuǎn de jì huà dōu nán miǎn chū piān chā.
Long-term planning is always rather a hit-or-miss affair.


tā jué de zhè suǒ xué xiào duì xì jù bù gòu zhòng shì.
He feels that there is not enough stress on drama at the school.


zhè yī zhāng bāo hán著 zuó zhě lùn zhèng de zhǔ yào bù fen.
This chapter contains the meat of the writer's argument.


wǒ jí lì kòng zhì zhù zì jǐ mò duì tā hǎn jiào qǐ lai。
I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.

 她接受多项委托, 设计公共建筑.

tā jiē shòu duō xiàng wěi tuō, shè jì gōng gòng jiàn zhù.
She has received many commissions to design public buildings.


yǔ wén jiào xué jì shì yī mén kē xué yòu shì yī zhòng yì shù。
Language teaching is both a science and art.

 我一点头, 就是暗示你把会议中断.

wǒ yī diǎn tou, jiù shì àn shì nǐ bǎ huì yì zhōng duàn.
When I nod my head, that's your cue to interrupt the meeting.


tā zhǐ tīng dào tā men jiāo tán zhòng wú zú qīng zhòng de bù fen.
He only heard the fag-end of their conversation.

 理奇比你占优势, 因为他会讲德语。

lǐ qí bì nǐ zhàn yōu shì, yīn wèi tā kuài jiǎng dé yǔ。
Rich has an advantage over you since he can speak German.


hái zi men bù duàn chǎo jià, pò huài le wǒ men de jià qī。
The children kept quarreling and spoiled our holiday.


rén mín qún zhòng pǔ biàn fǎn duì tū rán shí xíng de biàn gé.
The populace at large is/are opposed to sudden change.


wǒ jué bù jiù zhè yī wèn tí yù tā tōng xìn.
I refused to enter into any correspondence (ie exchange letters) with him about it.


suǒ yǒu fēi jī jūn xū xiān jiā yóu fāng néng zuò cháng tú fēi xíng.
All aircraft must fuel before a long flight.


tā bù zhī dào yǐ hòu děng dài tā de jiàng shì shén me mìng yùn。
She wondered what fate had in store for her next.


wǒ men chuān guò tián yě shí, jīng dòng le yī zhǐ yě tù。
As we were walking across the fields, we started a hare.


tā xiǎng yào dǎ pò shì jiè jì lù, yǐ jiē jìn chéng gōng。
Her attempt to break the world record nearly came off.


zhè cì wēi nàn shì duì tā de yǒng qì huò jì néng de kǎo yàn。
The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.


tā yòng qī piàn shǒu duàn shuō fú tā zài wén jiàn shàng qiān zì。
He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.


zhuān jiā men duì gāi jì huà de kě xíng xìng yì jiàn bù yī。
Experts were divided on the feasibility of the project.


bǎ xué sheng de xìng qu jìn lì yǐn dǎo dào lǐ kē fāng miàn.
Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects.


tā bèi xuǎn dìng zài zhè bù yǐng piàn zhòng bàn yǎn nu:3 zhǔ jué。
She was chosen to play the heroine in this film.


chén zhòng de jiǎo bù shēng xiǎn shì jiào shī yǐ jīng zǒu jìn le。
Heavy footsteps signalled the teacher's approach.


wǒ de xīn mì shū hěn hǎo, què shí shì nán dé de rén cái。
My new secretary is very good; quite a find, in fact.


zhè yī xíng yè de gōng zuò huán jìng yǐ yǒu hěn dà gǎi shàn.
Working conditions in the industry have improved greatly.


jǐ ge xíng rén zài jié bīng de rén xìng dào shàng huā dǎo le.
Several pedestrians had come to grief on the icy pavement.


zhè gè xiǎo dǎo bāo hán著 xiǎo ér wán zhěng de zì rán jiè.
This small island contains the whole of nature in microcosm.


zhèng fǔ shè fǎ gān rǎo yóu jī duì de wú xiàn diàn tōng xùn.
The government tried to jam the guerrillas' transmissions.


lóu shàng de fáng jiān yào bì dǐ céng de nuǎn huó de duō。
The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.


sǔn hài chéng dù bì dāng chū yù xiǎng de yào yán zhòng de duō。
Damage is much greater than was at first anticipated.


yī shēng wú fǎ jiě shì gāo shāo hé yǐ chí jiǔ bù tuì.
The doctor couldn't explain the persistence of the high temperature.


zhè jù yuè bù bèi zhī shi fèn zǐ xiǎo jí tuán bǎ chí著.
The club is dominated by a small clique of intellectuals.


nǐ hěn kuài jiù kuài duì zhè xie chéng xù wán quán shú xī le.
You will soon become fully acquainted with the procedures.


zhè xiōng dì liǎng jué dìng qù Měi guó pèng pèng yùn qi。
These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortunes.


měi gè líng jiàn zài zhuāng pèi qián dōu jīng guò zǐ xì jiǎn chá.
Each component is carefully checked before assembly.


zhè jiā fàn guǎn cháng yǒu zhèng zhì jiā huò jì zhě guāng gù.
The restaurant is patronized by politicians and journalists.


zhōng bù dì qū yī gè guó jiā huò dì qū de zhōng bù huò nèi lù
The middle or interior part of a country or region.


tā shì gè gǎn yú sī kǎo de rén, fù yǒu chuàng xīn guān diǎn。
He is a bold thinker, with lots of original ideas.


jiě fàng hòu, tā bèi rèn mìng wèi zhè gè chǎng de chǎng zhǎng。
He was named director of the plant after liberation.


wǒ bù néng rěn shòu xiàn dài shēng huó de yā lì huò jǐn zhāng。
I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life.


nà wèi chuān jūn zhuāng de rén kǒng pà jiù shì tuán zhǎng le。
The man in the army uniform will be the regiment commander.


wǒ de xiǎo gǒu yī tīng dào dǎ léi jiù zàng dào chuáng dǐ xia。
My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.


zhè gè rén xiǎn shì chū duì xì jù jiè de shǒu jiù tài du。
The man displayed provincial attitudes towards the theatre.


zhè bù diàn yǐng yǐ zài diàn yǐng yuàn jí diàn shì shàng fàng yìng.
The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV.


fù qīn shì liè shì de nèi gè nu:3 hái xué xí fēi cháng kè kǔ。
That girl whose father is martyr studies very hard.


wǒ mǔ qīn huò wǒ yī qǐ xiàng nǐ biǎo shì měi hǎo de zhù yuàn.
Mother joins (with) me in sending you our best wishes.


sǎn yì jiàng luò sǎn dǎ kāi yǐ huò dé kōng qì fú lì de bù fen
The part of a parachute that opens up to catch the air.


yù suàn zhòng dì zuì dà yí xiàng zhào lì shì guó fáng fèi yòng.
As usual, the lion's share of the budget is for defence.


wǒ men pāi zhàn dòu chǎng miàn xū yào shàng bǎi de lín shí yǎn yuán.
We need hundreds of extras for the battle scenes.


chú shī men zài dà duì rén mǎ zhī qián dào le yě de yíng dì。
The cooks arrive on camp in advance of the main party.


wǒ rěn bú zhù cháng hng nà zhī nàn tìng de guǒ dòng guǎng gào gē。
I can't stop humming that awful jelly jingle.


wǒ chéng rèn zhè shì de zé rèn wán quán yóu wǒ chéng dān.
I accept that the responsibility for this lies squarely at my door.


gōng jū shì rú cǐ yōng jǐ, wǒ bèi jǐ de dòng dàn bù dé。
The bus is so full that I am jammed in and can not move.

 我带你出去用餐, 花费多少都无所谓.

wǒ dài nǐ chū qù yòng cān, huā fèi duō shao dōu wú suǒ wèi.
I'm going to take you out to dinner, no expense spared.


zhè liǎng gè dí duì de dǎng pài zhī jiān méi yǒu gòng tóng diǎn.
The two rival parties have no common ground between them.


fù qīn dā ying ràng tā de ér zi dān dú chū guó lu:3 xíng。
The father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.


zhè gè fáng kè yīn wèi méi yǒu jiāo fáng zū ér bèi gǎn chū qù le。
The tenant was evicted for non-payment of rent.

 这些天我运气好, 一切都进行得很顺利。

zhè xie tiān wǒ yùn qi hào, yī qiè dōu jìn xíng de hěn shùn lì。
I am in luck these days and everything goes well.


rén qún xiàng hòu tuì kāi, ràng jiù hù chē kě yǐ kāi guò qu。
The crowd bore back so that the ambulance could pass.


chē shēn jī dòng chē de jīn shǔ huò sù liào de wài bù jié gòu
The metal or plastic external structure of a motor vehicle.


tā mǎi le yī xiē mù cái xià jué liào zuò chú fáng yòng jià zi.
She bought some timber off-cuts to build kitchen shelves.


zuì xiǎo de xiǎng shēng yě kuài xià zhuó zhè gè dǎn xiǎo de hái zi de。
The least noise would startle the timid child.


jiàn quán de jīng shén shì yù jiàn kāng de shēn tǐ bù kě fēn gē de。
A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body.


tā de xùn sù kāng fù shì yóu yú tā de jiàn quán de tǐ zhì。
His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution.


rú guǒ nǐ bù jiā jǐn nǔ lì, nǐ kǎo shì kuài bù jí gé de。
If you don't pull your socks up, you'll fail the exam.


wú xiàn diàn huò diàn shì shì zhòng yào de tōng xìn shǒu duàn。
Radio and television are important means of communication.


wǒ men tīng dào le tā zǒu zài lóu tī shàng chén zhòng de jiǎo bù shēng。
We heard his heavy tread on the staircase.


zài píng jìng de hǎi miàn shàng háng xíng wǒ gǎn dào hěn shū fu。
I felt comfortable sailing on the smoothness of the sea.


jǐn guǎn kùn nan zài zēng jiā, dàn wǒ men háo bú huī xīn。
Difficulties were increasing. Even then we did not lose heart.


zhào xiàng jī de jìng tóu bù kě shòu dào yáng guāng de zhí shè。
The camera lens must be screened from direct sunlight.


zhè xie yīn yuè jiā zuò le yī chǎng jué duì wán měi de yǎn chū。
These musicians gave an absolutely faultless performance.


tā yóu yú hū shì ān quán cāo zuò guī chéng ér shòu dào zé bèi。
He was taxed with neglecting the safety regulations.


gè duì wèi qǔ dé dì yī míng zài jī liè de jìng zhēng zhòng zāo yù
The teams met in fierce contention for first place.


shàng cì wǒ qù nà jiā jiǔ bā, hè de jiǔ fèn liàng bù zú。
The last time I went to that pub I was given short measure.


shén jīng wài kē xué shén jīng xì tǒng zhòng rèn hé bù fen de wài kē xué
Surgery on any part of the nervous system.


shēng chǎn chéng běn de zēng jiā bì dìng shǐ jià gé shàng zhǎng。
Any increase in production costs is bound to send up prices.


yīn shòu dào yán zhòng sǔn huài, zhè zuò qiáo bù zài shǐ yòng le。
Seriously damaged, the bridge is no longer in use.


zhè tiáo dà chuán de mǎ dá huài le, wú fǎ zài háng xíng le。
With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.


wǒ yǐ jīng zhù yì dào zhè fú huà zhòng sè cǎi de céng cì。
I have noticed the subtle gradation in colour in this painting.


tā men zhí jiē zòng chǎng shāng nà li gòu mǎi le zhè tái jī qì。
They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.


zài wǒ fāng de chén zhòng dǎ jī xià, dí jūn bèi pò hòu tuì。
The enemy was forced to get back under our massive blows.


zài wǒ men dà duō shù bàn gōng shì rèn zhí de shì zhì yuàn rén yuán。
Most of our offices are staffed by volunteers.


zhè wèi tǐ cāo xuǎn shǒu gǎn yú zuò jīng xiǎn de gāo nán dù dòng zuò
The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.


zhí wù zòng ní tǔ zhòng xī shōu kuàng wù zhì huò qí tā yǎng liào.
Plants draw minerals and other nutrients from the soil.


rú guǒ nǐ wàn yī xiàn dào tā, qǐng dài wǒ xiàng tā zhì yì。
If you should happen to see him, please give him my regards.


tā tóu sù zhè xie wèn tí qīn fàn le tā de gè rén zì yóu.
She complained that the questions were an invasion of (her) privacy.


wǒ men zhèng yào qù dù jià, tā què piān piān shuāi duàn le tuǐ。
He must needs break a leg just before we go on holiday.


wǒ men chū mén sàn bù shí, hái zi men zǒng shì luò zài hòu tou。
The children always lag behind when we go for a walk.


gè gōng sī yìng yāo tóu biāo chéng jiàn xīn gāo sù gōng lù.
Firms were invited to tender for the construction of the new motorway.


tā nà xiē mó hu de xiǎng fǎ biàn chéng le yī gè míng què de jì huà.
His vague ideas crystallized into a definite plan.


wǒ mèi mei měi tiān dōu jí tiān rán shí pǐn, dàn shì wǒ bù jí。
My sister eats natural foods every day, but I don't.


bù dào bàn xiǎo shí hòu, tā kāi shǐ yǒu diǎn rěn nài bú zhù le。
After half an hour, his patience began to wear out.


zhè gè guó jiā bǎi fēn zhī jiǔ shí de dì fang dōu shì wēn dài。
Ninety per cent of the country lies in the temperate zone.


bù néng ràng nǐ zháo liáng。 kuài qù bǎ shī yī fu huàn diào。
I can't have you catching cold. Run and change your wet things.


jǐn guǎn tā de zǔ fù shì guì zú, tā què fēi cháng qióng kùn。
Although his grandfather was a nobleman, he was very poor.


jiǎn yuè guān fāng duì bīng yíng huò bù duì de jiǎn chá huò kǎo chá
Official examination or review, as of barracks or troops.


zhè gè guó jiā quē shǎo yī gè néng qǐ zuò yòng de zhōng lì dǎng pài.
This country lacks an effective party of the centre.


yào xiǎng zhào jí huì yì shén me de, jiù yào chū gè tōng zhī。
If you want to call a meeting or anything, put up a notice.


xiǎo xíng de huò wēi xiǎo de chǐ cun hěn xiǎo huò chǐ cun suō de hěn xiǎo de
Being on a small or greatly reduced scale.

 这个会我来不了, 我让助手代我出席.

zhè gè kuài wǒ lái bù liǎo, wǒ ràng zhù shǒu dài wǒ chū xí.
I can't attend the meeting but I'll send my assistant in my stead.


bèi shū xiǎo xué shēng jiàng yǐ zhǔn bèi hǎo de kè wén kǒu tóu bèi chū lai
Oral delivery of prepared lessons by a pupil.


zài guò qu de wǔ shí nián lǐ, lǎo hǔ de shù mù ruì jiǎn。
The number of tigers has reduced abruptly in the last fifty years.

 他这人疑心太重, 连自己的母亲也不相信.

tā zhè rén yí xīn tài zhòng, lián zì jǐ de mǔ qīn yě bù xiāng xìn.
He's so suspicious he would distrust his own mother.


tā men yīn nèi gè hái zi yǒu shuō fú lì de lǐ yóu xiāng xìn le tā。
They believed the child by his persuasive reasons.


wǒ men suǒ xū yào de jīn shǔ yāo qiú jù yǒu xià liè tè xìng。
The metal we need requires the following particular properties.


tā zé bèi tā jìng bǎ tā men de jié hūn zhōu nián jì niàn rì wàng le.
She reproached him for forgetting their anniversary.


tā duì shì fǒu cān jiā kǎo chá duì réng ná bù dìng zhǔ yi.
He's still hesitating about joining/over whether to join the expedition.


hái zi men de qián tú yí xiàng shì wǒ xīn zhōng zuì zhòng yào de shì。
The children's future is always uppermost in my mind.


dàng bié rén zhù yì tā shí, tā jiù kuài tuì suō yī páng。
He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.


kè wén bìng de yán zhòng yǐ zhì wú fǎ lái shàng kè。
Kevin is so sick that he can't come to class. (=Kevin is too sick to come to class.)


zhǔ jiào zài yí shì shàng wèi xǔ duō rén shī xíng le jiān xìn lǐ.
The bishop conducted a number of confirmations at the service.


méi yǒu rèn hé shì gān rǎo cūn lǐ yí xiàng píng jìng de shēng huó.
Nothing disturbs the peaceful current of life in the village.


lǎo rén jǐ wǒ men jiǎng shù le yī gè kǒu tóu liú chuán de gù shì。
The old man told us a story passed on by oral tradition.


yǒu xiē guó jiā de rán liào gōng yìng fēi cháng yǒu xiàn。
There are some countries where (=in which) the supply of fuel is very limited.


zài chǔ lǐ jǐn jí shì jiàn shí, sù dù shì fēi cháng zhòng yào de。
Speed is of the essence in dealing with an emergency.


lǎo xiāng men gào su wǒ bà ba, tā de chǔ jìng hěn wēi xiǎn。
My father was warned by the villagers that he was in great danger.


zhè wèi xīn wén jì zhě de著 zuò hěn shòu nián qīng rén de huān yíng。
This journalist's works are popular among young people.


zhè yàng yī zhòng cuò wù kě néng dǎo zhì zāi nàn xìng de hòu guǒ。
Such a mistake would perhaps lead to disastrous consequences.


ràng wǒ men tǎo lùn yī xiē zán men kě yǐ zì yóu tán lùn de shì ba。
Let us discuss such things as we can talk it freely.


wǒ rèn wéi néng xiàng gè wèi guì bīn yǎn jiǎng shí fēn róng xìng.
I esteem it a privilege to address such a distinguished audience.


tā nà cì fā zuò shì tā quē fá zì zhì lì de diǎn xíng shì lì.
That outburst was a typical example of his lack of self-control.


pǐn dé jiù shì zì wǒ zài àn de lǐ dú chù shí de yàng zi。
Character is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in the dark.


shì bīng zài nà chǎng zhàn dòu zhòng yòng jìn le suǒ yǒu de dàn yào。
The soldiers expended all their ammunition in that fight.


zài guò qu shí nián lǐ, yī xué qǔ dé le jù dà de jìn bù。
There have been great advances in medicine in the last ten years.


diàn xiàn kuài mò pò le, shǐ yòng qǐ lai kě néng yǒu wēi xiǎn。
The electric wire is fraying and could be dangerous to handle.


tā xiàng wǒ qǐng jiào nà jiàn shì yǐ biǎo shì duì wǒ de jìng yì。
He paid me the compliment of consulting me about the affair.


jìn dài yán jiū yǐ shǐ zhè gè wèn tí dà wèi míng lǎng huà le。
Modern investigations have thrown great light on this question.


zài xuǎn jǔ qián hòu zhèng kè men zǒng yào xǔ yuàn tǎo hào mín zhòng。
Politicians bid for popular favour around election time.


huáng jiā yuán lín wèi duì bǎo hù huáng jiā sēn lín huò gōng yuán de kàn shǒu zhě
The keeper of a royal forest or park.


duì tóu zī qī xiàn jiào zhǎng zhě kě huò bǎi fēn zhī èr de jiǎng lì.
A premium of 2 per cent is paid on long-term investments.


shàng cì kǎo shì tā jǐ wǒ zhǐ diǎn cuò le, suǒ yǐ wǒ mò jí gé。
He gave me a bum steer on the last exam that I failed.


zhàn shí de jiān kù bāo kuò shí wù pèi jǐ huò rán liào duǎn quē.
Wartime austerities included food rationing and shortage of fuel.


zhè zhǒng shū zhuō de gāo dī kě yǐ àn zhào nǐ de xū yào tiáo jié。
This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.


wǒ yǐ yǎng chéng yī dào jiā jiù dǎ kāi diàn shì jī de xí guàn.
I've got into the habit of switching on the TV as soon as I gethome.


yào jiā rù jù yuè bù bì xū yǒu yī wèi huì yuán zuò jiè shào rén.
To join the club you have to be put up by an existing member.


tā duì nà bǎ mò shuǐ dào fān zài shū shàng de hái zi chòu mà le yī dùn。
He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.


wǒ bù míng bái nǐ men wèi shén me duì zhè jiàn shì gǎn dào rú cǐ hǎo xiào。
I fail to see why you find it so amusing.


wǒ tǎo yàn yù nà xiē méi yǒu rén qíng wèi de dà gōng sī dǎ jiāo dào。
I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.


xià yǔ le, tā men bù dé bù zài lu:3 guǎn lǐ dài le yī zhěng tiān。
It was raining; they had to stay in the inn the whole day.


mù qián, zhè gè guó jiā de rén mín zhèng zài rì yì jué xǐng。
At present the people in this country are increasingly awakening.


gāi dài lǐ jī gòu měi nián kě wèi yuē2000 míng mì shū ān pái gōng zuò.
The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.


zhèng fǔ wèi dào fǎng de yuán shǒu pài chū le wǔ zhuāng wèi duì.
The government provided an armed escort for the visiting head of State.


tā duì tā men de hòu xuǎn rén fā biǎo le yī xiē yǒu lì de píng lùn。
He made several favorable comments about their candidate.


biān jiè zòng běi bù shān dì yī zhí yán shēn dào nán bù hǎi àn.
The frontier ranges from the northern hills to the southern coast.


jì suàn jī shǒu cè jiàng gào su nǐ rú hé lián jiē dǎ yìn jī xiàn
The computer manual will tell you how to attach a line printer.


duì duì yuán de tiāo xuǎn sì hu wán quán shì zhǔ guān jué dìng de。
The choice of players for the team seems completely arbitrary.


zhè xie shāng pǐn xiàn zhèng gōng yìng bù zú, jià gé kuài shàng zhǎng。
These goods are in short supply; the price will be high.


nǐ tài cū xīn le, jū rán lián nǐ mā ma de shēng rì yě wàng le。
It was thoughtless of you to forget your mother's birthday.


bù gēn nǐ fù qīn dǎ gè zhāo hu jiù zǒu shì fēi cháng bù hé shì de。
To go away without telling your father is most irregular.


tā jiào dǎo shuō, zhàn zhēng yǒu zhèng yì de huò fēi zhèng yì de liǎng zhòng。
He taught that wars can be just or unjust.

 他们闻到做菜的味儿, 知道眼看要吃饭了.

tā men wén dào zuò cài de wèi er, zhī dào yǎn kàn yào chī fàn le.
The smell of cooking told them there was a meal in the offing.


xiàn dài shè huì de měi gè rén dōu miàn lín zhuó jī liè de jìng zhēng。
Everyone in modern society faces the keen competition.


jǐ jiā gōng sī zhèng wèi zhēng qǔ yí xiàng hé tong ér hù xiāng jìng zhēng。
Several companies are competing for the contract.


zhù zhòng zūn yán de rén dū huì qīng shì nà zhòng xíng wéi。
All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.


gāi xiàng zhuāng zhì shì àn zhào rè lì shàng shēng de yuán lǐ yùn zhuǎn de。
The system works on the principle that heat rises.

 从高处往下看, 那些农田像是几何图案.

zòng gāo chù wàng xià kàn, nà xiē nóng tián xiàng shì jǐ hé tú àn.
Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.


tā hěn kuài ràng nà xiē jǐ tā chū nán tí de rén zì tǎo mò qù。
She know how to score off people who ask difficult question.


yīn wèi chǐ zi bèi shū gě zhù le, suǒ yǐ wǒ mò zhǎo dào tā。
I could not find my ruler because it was covered up by the books.


zhè gè hù tóu wèi nǐ tí gōng le yī gè xiàn chéng de shōu rù lái yuán.
This account provides you with a ready source of income.


suǒ yǒu ài hào hé píng de rén dōu qiáng liè fǎn duì jūn bèi jìng sài。
All those who love peace are strongly against arms race.


gēn jù chū shēn bù tóng ér qū bié dài rén shì bù duì de.
It is wrong to differentiate between people according to their family background.


zài fǎ lu:4 shàng, nǐ méi yǒu yì wù fēi huí dá zhè xie wèn tí bù kě。
You are not legally bound to answer these questions.

 我们面临许多问题, 但终将获得成功.

wǒ men miàn lín xǔ duō wèn tí, dàn zhōng jiàng huò dé chéng gōng.
We are faced with a lot of problems but we'll win through in the end.


wú chǎn jiē jí zhuān zhèng shì gòng chǎn zhǔ yì de mù biāo zhī yī.
The dictatorship of the proletariat is one of the aims of Communism.


yī duī, yī dié àn duī pái fàng huò rēng zài yī qǐ de yī xiē dōng xi
A quantity of objects stacked or thrown together in a heap.


rén men rèn wéi zhè zuò shén miào shì gǔ diǎn shì shè jì de fàn lì。
The temple has been considered an example of classic design.


tā men zài wéi qiáng xià mian wā dì dao tōng xiàng yuǎn chù lín zhòng.
They tunnelled along under the walls and up into the woods beyond.


ān zhuāng kě kào de bào jǐng shè bèi yǐ jiǎn dī bèi dào de fēng xiǎn.
To minimize the risk of burglary, install a good alarm system.


nà sī jī děng hòu lu:4 dēng fàng xìng, ràng fā dòng jī kòng zhuàn著。
The driver waited for the green light, his engine racing.


nín yī dìng fā xiàn wǒ men chǎn pǐn de bāo zhuāng měi guān jiǎng jiù。
I think you'll find the packing beautiful and quite well-done.

 他的衬衫很薄, 连里面穿的背心都能看见.

tā de chèn shān hěn bò, lián lǐ miàn chuān de bèi xīn dōu néng kàn jiàn.
His shirt was so thin that his vest showed through (it).


wǒ men yǒu yī tái wàn yī duàn diàn shí shǐ yòng de bèi yòng fā diàn jī。
We have an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.


nǐ yuàn yì gào su shéi jiù gào su shéi-- duì wǒ lái shuō dōu wú suǒ wèi.
Tell whoever you like it makes no difference to me.

 他是地方行政官员, 也就是说是文官.

tā shì dì fang xíng zhèng guān yuán, yě jiù shì shuō shì wén guān.
He's a local government administrator, that is to say a Civil Servant.


tā duì wǒ men de jǐng gào chōng ěr bù wén, jié guǒ mí shī le fāng xiàng。
She turn a deaf ear to our warning and get lose.
