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zhè gè huà láng shì zhòng shì jì yì shù de bǎo kù。
The gallery is a treasure trove of medieval art.


yáo gǔn yuè shēng zhèn wū yǔ, zòng kè tīng zhuàn lái。
Rock music blasted full from the parlor.


wǒ cóng lái mò tìng guò xiàng zhè yàng de cháng piān fèi huà.
I've never heard such a rigmarole.


gāi zhèng quán shì kào wài guó yuán zhù wéi chí著 de.
The regime had been propped up by foreign aid.


xīn shēng de yīng ér huàn qǐ le tā nu:3 xìng de tè xìng.
Newborn babies bring out the woman in her.


wǒ yòng zhān mǎn yóu wū de suì bù cā wǒ de zì xíng chē.
I use an oily rag to clean my bike with.


gù dìng wù láo gù de ān fàng zài yī gè dì fang de dōng xi
Something securely fixed in place.


wǒ de tìng tā nà xiē mò wán mò le de láo sāo.
I had to listen to a long recital of all his complaints.


tā pèi dài le yī bǎ xiǎo shū zi zuò wéi zhuāng shì pǐn。
She wore a small comb as an ornament.


ān quán jià shǐ zhī guī zé shì yòng yú měi gè rén。
The rules of safe driving apply to everyone.


yǒu shí wǒ men kě yǐ zǔ zhǐ yún chǎn shēng yǔ。
Sometimes we can prevent a cloud from producing rain.


wěi yuán huì gōng zuò yī shǐ jí shí fēn bù lì.
The committee began its work under unfavourable auspices.


shǐ rén fā kuáng de guān liáo zhǔ yì de hùn luàn zhuàng kuàng
Maddening bureaucratic mix-ups.


shān lù yào dào chūn jì mò qī cái néng tōng xíng.
The mountain roads are not passable until late spring.


yī fāng miàn, tā men kě yǐ bǎo chí shuǐ de qīng jié。
For one thing they keep the water clean.


nà sōu yǔ zhòu fēi chuán jiàn luò zài tài píng yáng zhòng.
The spacecraft splashed down in the Pacific.


wǒ xū yào yī gè lòu dǒu bǎ qì yóu guàn jìn yóu xiāng.
I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank.

 他猛力一拧, 将那把手拧了下来.

tā měng lì yī nìng, jiàng nà bǎ shǒu nìng le xia lai.
With a violent twist, he wrenched off the handle.


zhè piàn bō li sì hu shì yī zhǎn dēng de yī bù fen。
This piece of glass seems to be part of a lamp.


zǔ mǔ shì shì shí tā men kāi shǐ fú sàng.
When grandmother died they went into (ie started to wear) mourning.


cái pàn pàn dìng tā zài dì yī huí hé bèi jī bài。
The referee counted him out in the first round.


wǒ men yí hàn de bǎ wǒ men de jué dìng tōng zhī tā。
We informed her with regret of our decision.


tā zhuàng chē hòu jià shǐ zhí zhào bèi diào xiāo le。
His driving licence was revoked after the crash.

 该报发行3 个月后停刊了。

gāi bào fā xí3ng gè yuè hòu tíng kān le。
The newspaper ceased to appear after an existence of three months.

 他不会说法语, 这使他很吃亏.

tā bù huì shuō fa yù, zhè shǐ tā hěn chī kuī.
His inability to speak French puts him at a disadvantage.


xīn lián mù yù dì tǎn de yán sè fēi cháng xié tiáo.
The new curtains tone in beautifully with the carpet.


tā yán jiū fàn zuì xīn lǐ yǒu duō nián jīng yàn.
He has many years' experience of the criminal mentality.


nà wèi nián qīng de mǔ qīn bǎ hái zi bào zài huái lǐ。
The young mother held the baby to her bosom.


fǎ yuàn jiàng fǎ dìng sǔn hài péi cháng jīn pàn jǐ le tā.
The court adjudged legal damages to her.


zhè tái jī qì yóu diàn zǐ mài chòng xìn hào cāo zòng.
The machine is operated by an electronic pulse.


tā de xié zi tài zhòng, jué shàng mò chū le shuǐ pào。
His heavy shoes raised blisters on his feet.

 他们用无线电跟总部联络上 了.

tā men yòng wú xiàn diàn gēn zǒng bù lián luò shàng le.
They made contact with headquarters by radio.


biān jiāng, biān jìng wèi yú huò kào jìn biān jiè de tǔ dì
Land located on or near a frontier.


jǐng chá dài bǔ le tā huò tā de liǎng gè tóng móu。
The police arrested him and his two accomplices.


wǒ xiǎng bǎ zhè xie měi yuán duì huàn chéng yīng bàng。
I should like to change these dollars to pounds.


tā bǎ nà kuài shí tou zuò chéng yī gè nu:3 rén xiàng。
He chiseled that rock into the figure of a woman.


tā men zhàn lì zài tā de mù de zhōu wéi xiàng tā mò āi.
They stood in silent homage round her grave.


cān jiā jù huì de nán zǐ dà dōu fēi cháng nián qīng。
The men at the party were mostly fairly young.


pà tái nóng shén miào shì yī zuò hóng wěi de jiàn zhù wù.
The Parthenon is a magnificent structure.


jiān zhí yīn yuè jiào shī dìng qī dào xiào shòu kè.
Peripatetic music teachers visit the school regularly.


shéi yě bù huái yí tā néng shèng rèn jiào shī gōng zuò。
No one doubts her competence as a teacher.


nèi gè zuì hàn yáo yáo huàng huàng de chuān guò fáng jiān。
The drunk man staggered across the room.

 跳舞的人旋转著, 裙子也不停地打转.

tiào wǔ de rén xuán zhuǎn著, qún zi yě bù tíng de dǎ zhuàn.
Dancers spun in a swirl of skirts.

 那狗扑向我时, 我用棍子自卫.

nà gǒu pū xiàng wǒ shí, wǒ yòng gùn zi zì wèi.
When the dog attacked me, I defended myself with a stick.


hǎi gǎng de dēng huǒ zài shuǐ píng xiàn shàng shǎn shuò著.
Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.


tā de zhì huì bì wǒ men cāi xiǎng de yào gāo。
She has more intelligence than we suspected her to possess.


zài jiù shè huì lǎo bǎi xìng de shēng huó shì pín kǔ de
The husbandmen's life in old society is poor.


yī míng xīn jiào tú xiàng rén qún fā biǎo le yǎn shuō。
A Protestant delivered a speech to the crowd.


tā xiàng shì xiǎng yào rén jìn xīn jìn lì cì hòu tā.
He seemed to expect to be waited on hand and foot.


bù zhī shén me yuán gù, wǒ jué de bù néng xìn rèn tā。
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.


tā zài shì gù zhòng dà nǎo shòu shāng wú fǎ zhì yù.
He suffered irreversible brain damage in the crash.


zhè xie zhào piàn zhòng dì rén wù zī shì dōu tǐng hǎo.
The subjects are well posed in these photographs.


jué xià yī huá jiù kě néng zòng xuán yá shàng diē xià qu.
One slip and you could fall off the cliff.


cāo zòng zhè tái jī qì yào zhuǎn dòng zhè gè bǎ shǒu.
You operate the mechanism by winding this handle.


zhè zuò jiàn zhù de wài qiáng bèi qī chéng le lán sè。
The outer walls of the building were painted blue.


xuě zòng wū dǐng shàng de liè fèng piāo jìn wū lǐ。
Snow sifted through the crack in the roof into the room.


Yīng guó zhèng fǔ duì zhè xie bào dào bù yú zhèng shí.
Whitehall is/are refusing to confirm the reports.


tā de biàn lùn yīn bèi dǎ duàn ér xiǎn de bù wán zhěng。
The interruption fragmented his argument.


wǒ men shè fǎ dá chéng le mǒu zhǒng lín shí de tuǒ xié.
We managed to achieve a kind of modus vivendi.


tā xiàng shì xiǎng yào rén jìn xīn jìn lì cì hòu tā。
He seems to expect to be wait on hand and foot.


tā chuǎn著 qì hào bù róng yì cái shuō chū le jǐ ge zì lái.
She managed to gasp (out) a few words.


wǒ men de bù duì jǐn shòu dào biǎo miàn shàng de dǐ kàng.
Our troops encountered only token resistance.


bào guǎn lǎo bǎn mò néng wǎn jiù gāi bào de shī bài。
The newspaper owner failed to pull the paper round.


chuāng lián tóng fáng jiān de qì fēn bù xié tiáo。
The curtain is not in tune with the atmosphere of the room.


gǎng kǒu fù jìn de bīng zhàn bèi dí rén zhà huǐ le。
The depot near the harbor was bombed by the enemy.


yuán dīng xiàng wǒ yào yī tái xuán zhuǎn shì gē cǎo jī。
The gardener asked me for a rotatory lawn mower.


fú xià zhè xie yào wán kě bǎo nǐ shuì yī xiù hào jué.
These pills should ensure you a good night's sleep.


tā mò wán mò le de tán huà fáng ài le wǒ de xué xí。
His endless talking hinders me from my study.


tā jīng yà de yǎn zhū zi cī yī diǎn tiào chū lai。
His eyes nearly jumped from their sockets in surprise.


nóng fū ná著 dà bàng zhuī gǎn chuǎng jìn lái de rén。
The farmer came after the intruder with a big stick.


yī zhǎn xiǎo dēng lóng zài hēi àn zhòng wēi wēi shǎn guāng。
A little lantern blinked in the darkness.


wǒ men xīng qī liù de wǔ fàn zǒng yǒu yī dào yóu jiān cài.
We always have a fry-up for Saturday lunch.


xiōng è de nu:3 rén bèi rèn wéi dǎn dà huò xiōng hěn de fù nu:3
A woman regarded as daring or fierce.


fǔ bài de yuán yīn chuán bù fǔ bài huò fǔ xiǔ de gēn yuán
A source of spreading corruption or decay.


wǒ men bǎ zhè zuò jiù fáng zi de chuāng hu dōu dìng sǐ le。
We nailed up the windows of the old house.


tā zhè yàng zuò shí, zhǐ tou wēi wēi zhàn dòng le yī xià。
His fingers trembled while doing so.

 他不只是拳击手, 还是世界冠军呢.

tā bù zhǐ shì quán jī shǒu, hái shì shì jiè guàn jūn ne.
He's not a mere boxer: he's world champion.


tā wú fǎ yǎn gài tā shēn wèi zuò jiā de bù zú zhī chù.
She can't hide her deficiencies as a writer.


nà cì shì gù shǐ tā huǐ róng, zhōng shēng wú fǎ huī fù。
The accident disfigured him for life.


qīn fàn de jiù yào qīn rù huò qīn fàn, rú yǐn sī de
Tending to intrude or encroach, as upon privacy.


Shèng dàn jié huò Fù huó jié shì Jī dū jiào de jié rì.
Christmas and Easter are Christian festivals.


qí shì men chòng xiàng gōng diàn qù bǎo hù guó wáng。
The knights rushed into the palace to protect their king.


nà zhòng zhī wù chén liè zài jīn shǔ zhì de jià zi shàng。
The fabric was displayed on a wired stand.

 别把档案弄乱了, 我刚整理好.

biè bǎ dàng àn nòng luàn le, wǒ gāng zhěng lǐ hào.
Don't mess the files around, I've just put them in order.

 她擦 去浴室地面上一滩滩的水.

tā cā qù yù shì dì miàn shàng yī tān tān de shuǐ.
She mopped up the pools of water on the bathroom floor.


yǐng piàn jié wěi de bào lì chǎng miàn tài guò fèn le.
The film's violent ending is completely over the top.


lǐng xiù de shì shì duì dǎng shì jù dà de sǔn shī。
The death of its leader was a body-blow to the party.


jiāo tōng yōng jǐ shì xǔ duō jiù chéng zhèn de nán tí。
Heavy traffic poses a problem in many old towns.


gōng sī mào xiǎn jiàng chǎn pǐn xuē jie chū shòu。
The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.


bǎi zài tā miàn qián de shì jì xù chī kǔ shòu zuì。
Ahead of him lay the prospect of continuing hardship.


biān chéng yī běn zì diǎn shì yī gè huǎn màn de guò chéng。
Producing a dictionary is a slow process.


wǒ kuài jì mò, ruò fēi yǒu niǎo yě yǒu huā。
I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers.


yì bān ér yán, nu:3 xìng shòu mìng jiào nán xìng zhǎng。
Generally speaking, women live longer than men.


fàng sōng yùn dòng kě yǐ sōng huǎn shēn tǐ de jǐn zhāng.
Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.


tā shì gè cōng míng de gū niang, dàn quē shǎo yì lì。
She is a clever girl, but fails I perseverance.


wǒ mǔ qīn shàng xīng qī méi yǒu jǐ huā yuán lǐ jiāo shuǐ。
My mother didn't water the garden last week.


zài yī xiē rè dài guó jiā, yǎn jí hěn liú xíng。
Eye diseases are prevalent in some tropical countries.


diàn lì gōng yìng yǐ zài diàn yuán chù jié duàn.
The electricity supply has been cut off/disconnected at the mains.


tā men dìng hūn de shì chéng le zhèn shàng tán lùn de huà tí.
Their engagement is the talk of the town.

 炸弹爆炸时, 他们觉得地都震动了.

zhà dàn bào zhà shí, tā men jué de de dōu zhèn dòng le.
They felt the ground quake as the bomb exploded.


tā men guǎn著 sān jiā gōng chǎng huò yī gè dà cāng kù.
They operate three factories and a huge warehouse.


liǎng gè cūn zi hé zuò xiū jiàn le zhè zuò shuǐ kù。
The tow villages joined forces to build the reservoir.


fǎn hé wǔ qì zǔ zhī yāo qiú jìn zhǐ shǐ yòng hé wǔ qì.
Anti-nuclear organizations want to ban the bomb.


fēng zòng mén de liè fèng zhòng hū hū de guā le jìn lái。
The wind whistled through a crack in the door.


huǒ chē shàng jǐ de wǒ dōu chuǎn bù guò qì lái。
There was such a crush on the train that I could hardly breathe.


zài fān de shí yìng bǎ féi liào jūn yún de hùn rù tǔ rǎng zhòng.
The manure should be well dug in.


nǐ zuì hǎo jǐ diàn xiàn guǒ shàng jué yuán jiāo bù。
You'd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.


tā yòng jīn shǔ chǎn mò píng le dàn gāo pèi liào.
She levelled the surface of the cake mixture with a metal spatula.


bì mù shì jiàng yú sān yuè èr shí wǔ rì jǔ xíng。
The closing ceremony is going to be held on March 25th.


bǎo zhàng shè huì de ān quán shì jǐng chá de zhí zé.
It is the business of the police to protect the community.

 假若你拿不准怎样做, 就来问我好了.

jiǎ ruò nǐ ná bù zhǔn zěn yàng zuò, jiù lái wèn wǒ hào le.
If you're not sure how to do it, ask me.


cái pàn yuán pàn dìng jué sài shuāng fāng fēn shù xiāng tóng.
The judges awarded both finalists equal points.


wǒ men bì xū lì qiú bǎ jì zhàng fāng fǎ zhì dù huà.
We must try to systematize the way we do the accounts.


nà wèi dà shǐ yù qī tā xià cì pài zhù Bā lí.
The ambassador expects that his next posting will be (to) Paris.


yòu zhì de, tiān zhēn de bù shì gù de, tiān zhēn de
Lacking sophistication or worldly experience; naive.


tǒng zhì quán yī guó duì yú tā guó zhī zhī pèi quán lì
The predominant influence of one state over others.


tā méi yǒu bèi rén kàn jiàn jiù liū rù le nà jiàn wū zi。
He slipped into the house without being seen.


tā yīn xí jī jǐng chá ér zāo liǎng nián jiān jìn.
He got two years' imprisonment for assaulting a police officer.


wǒ jí xiǎng kàn kan nà guó wáng dàn shēng de fáng zi。
I am curious to see the house where the king was born.


rén mín bù xī fù chū rèn hé dài jià yě yào zhēng qǔ hé píng.
The people wanted peace at any price.


nǐ yīng gāi duì zhǎng bèi huò shàng jí zūn zhòng xiē.
You should show greater respect for your elders and betters.

 我觉得有人扯我的袖子, 便转过身来.

wǒ jué de yǒu rén chě wǒ de xiù zi, pián zhuàn guò shēn lái.
I felt a pull at my sleeve and turned round.


zhè yī wèn tí cǐ kè shǐ wǒ men hěn shāng nǎo jīn.
This problem is exercising our minds very much at the moment.


kōng zhōng bào zhà zhà dàn huò pào dàn de kōng zhōng bào zhà
Explosion of a bomb or shell in the atmosphere.


tā men shèn zhì méi yǒu shì tú qù zǔ zhǐ tā dé dào tā。
They didn't even try to stop him getting it.


wǒ de zǔ mǔ shì wǒ men jiā shǐ de zī liào kù.
My grandmother is a mine of information about our family's history.


jīng jì shuāi tuì de wēi xié lǒng zhào zhuó shì jiè。
The threat of an economic depression hangs over the world.


tā bǎ shī zhòng jì de zhù de dōu bèi sòng chū lai le。
He recited as much of the poem as he could remember.


dàn dà lǒng duàn zī běn jiā bù yuàn yì yào hé píng。
But the big monopoly capitalists do not want peace.


zhǐ huī bù mìng lìng yǔ zhòu fēi chuán fǎn huí dì qiú.
Mission control ordered the spacecraft to return to earth.


jiǎng yǎn de rén fǔ shì著 xià mian wú shù de miàn kǒng.
The lecturer looked down at the sea of faces beneath him.


bù duì qià qià zài zhè shí zhǔn bèi kāi jìn chéng qù.
The troops are even now preparing to march into the city.


tā wèi le rěn zhù tòng chǔ ér jǐn jǐn niē zhù quán guān。
He clenched his fingers firmly to endure the pain.


zuò tián jìng fú xū yào yòng tán xìng qiáng de liào zi。
For tracksuits you need material with plenty of stretch.


wǒ men cè liàng le zhè liàng qì chē de qì yóu xiāo hào liàng.
We have measured the car's fuel consumption.


jīng lǐ shōu dào le èr shí fèn qiú zhí shēn qǐng shū。
The manager received twenty applications for the post.


duì chéng xù jìn xíng xiū gǎi shì tú láo wú gōng de.
Revising the procedure was an entirely profitless exercise.


wǒ men zài gāo sù gōng lù shàng xíng shǐ shí qì yóu yòng wán le.
We ran out of juice on the motorway.


wǒ men zài lán kāi sī tè zhuǎn wān lí kāi le gāo sù gōng lù.
We turned off the motorway at Lancaster.


wǒ huái yí tā men shì fǒu zhēn yǒu zú gòu de rén lì。
I doubt whether they really have sufficient manpower.


tā shì nà yàng jí zào, wǒ jiǎn zhí lā tā bú zhù。
He was so impatient that I could hardly hold him back.


shēn qǐng zhè fèn gōng zuò de rén shù duō de jīng rén.
There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job.


tā huī fù de nà me kuài, wǒ men dōu yǒu xiē jīng yà。
We are surprised by the rapidity of her recovery.


zǒng tǒng de qì chē yóu mó tuō chē jǐng wèi hù xìng.
The President's car was flanked by motor-cycle outriders.


zhè tiáo lù qū zhé de yàn shān pō tōng wàng shàng mian。
The road twists and turns up the side of the mountain.


zhè gè cūn zhuāng zài hóng shuǐ fàn làn shí bèi yān mò le。
The village was overwhelmed when the floods came.


tā xiǎng dào yào zài dōng tiān yóu yǒng jiù yǒu xiē yóu yù.
He boggled at the thought of swimming in winter.


suí zhe bìng qíng jiā zhòng, tā de shēn tǐ rì jiàn shuāi ruò。
She weakened as the illness grew worse.


wén shū zǔ zhǎng fù zé jiān dū gāi bù mén de gōng zuò.
The chief clerk supervises the work of the department.


gōng sī fà jǐ tā jiǎng jīn yǐ chóu xiè tā gōng zuò nǔ lì。
The firm repaid her hard work with a bonus.


bǎ gǒu fàng kāi, tā yǐ bèi shuān le jǐ ge zhōng tóu le。
Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.


xiàng yì yuán yóu shuì de fǎn hé qún zhòng shēng shì jiàn qiáng。
The anti-nuclear lobby is becoming stronger.


wǒ men bǎ qián yòng zài xīng jiàn guàn gài gōng chéng shàng le.
We used the money to set up an irrigation project.


tā men de gōng zī miǎn qiǎng gòu wéi chí shēng huó de.
Their wages are barely enough to keep the wolf from the door.


wǒ men yào dòng dòng nǎo jīn zhǎo chū jiě jué de bàn fǎ lái.
We must apply our minds to finding a solution.


mǔ qīn shè fǎ péi yǎng ér zi duì yīn yuè de xìng qu。
The mother tried to foster her son's interest in music.


yǐng xiǎng fā zhǎn de zhǔ yào zhàng ài shì quē fá zī běn.
The main impediment to growth was a lack of capital.


wǒ men hěn yí hàn wú fǎ zài kǎo lu:4 nǐ de qíng kuàng。
We regret that we are unable to reconsider your case.


tā men jiē shòu gāi jì huà shí xīn huái bù mǎn.
Therewas an undercurrent of resentment in their acceptance of the plan.


lù jǐng chuī xiǎng le shào zi, huǒ chē jiù kāi dòng le。
The guard blew his whistle, and the train moved off.

 敌军推进时, 士兵都撤出了那地区.

dí jūn tuī jìn shí, shì bīng dōu chè chū le nà dì qū.
The soldiers evacuated the area as the enemy advanced.


wǒ hěn xīn shǎng tā duì gōng zuò de jí duān zhuān zhù。
I really appreciate his complete absorption in his work.


zhè biān yuán bì xū qiè gē dào0.02 háo mǐ de jīng mì dù。
The edge must be machined to 0.02 millimeters.


nà wèi liè rén tóng yì míng tiān dài wǒ men qù dǎ liè。
The hunter agreed to take us to go hunting tomorrow.


tā sài qián liàng tǐ zhòng bì guī dìng xiàn dù shào jǐ bàng。
He weighed in at several pounds below the limit.


shǒu diàn tǒng de guāng shù sào biàn wū nèi gè ge jiǎo luò.
The flashlight's beam scanned every corner of the room.


zài yè kòng de yìng chèn xià xiǎn chū dà shù de lún kuò。
The huge trees were profiled against the night sky.


wǒ diū diào yào shi zhī hòu, zhēn zhèng yù dào le má fan。
I was really up the creek when I lost my keys.


zhù tiě shì yī zhòng bì gāng pián yi de duō de cái liào。
Cast-iron is a much less expensive material than steel.


bǎ zuǐ zhāng dà, ràng wǒ kàn yī xià nǐ de hóu lóng。
Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat.


tā huò tā de wǔ bàn dài tóu tiào yī zhòng kuài bù wǔ。
He led off with his companion in a sort of quick-step.


bào fēng yǔ shǐ rán liào de quē fá zhuàng kuàng gèng jiā è huà。
Heavy storms worsened the fuel shortage.


nǐ de yì jiàn bì xū tōng guò zhèng dāng tú jìng tóu sù.
Your complaint must be made through the proper channels.


shì wēi qún zhòng qǐ tú tū pò jǐng chá de fēng suǒ xiàn.
Demonstrators tried to break through the police cordon.


xiǎo cāng shì, chú fáng chuán shàng de xiǎo cāng shì huò chú fáng
A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship.


bào fēng yǔ guò hòu, háng xíng zhě men mí shī le fāng xiàng。
These voyagers lost their way after the storm.


nà xiē bù zhōng fèn zǐ tuō dǎng lìng zǔ le yī gè Xīn dǎng.
Disaffected members have left to form a new party.


nú lì zhì zài xǔ duō guó jiā yǐ jīng bèi fèi chú。
The abolition of slavery had been exercised in many countries.


duì bù qǐ, nín de huì kuǎn huán méi yǒu dào wǒ men zhèr。
Sorry, your remittance have not reach us yet.


yī gè nán rén duì qī zi yǐn mán shì qing shì bù duì de。
It is wrong for a man to conceal things from his wife.


tā yīn wèi dòng zuò fàn guī ér bèi cái pàn jì xià xìng míng。
He was booked by the referee for foul play.


tā de xiǎo shuō shì miáo xiě shì lì xiǎo rén de fèng cì zuò pǐn.
Her novel is a satire on social snobbery.


jǐng fāng zài jìng xuǎn zhī yè zhì zhǐ le jǐ chù sāo luàn。
The police stopped several riots on election night.


tā pí juàn de shí yè zhòng fàn le shí gè cuò wù。
He was tired enough to make ten errors in as many (=in ten) pages.

 有一只老虎跑出, 正在城里东逃西窜.

yǒu yī zhǐ lǎo hǔ pǎo chū, zhèng zài chéng lǐ dōng táo xī cuàn.
An escaped tiger is roaming free in the town.

 根据规定, 申请者一律需经笔试.

gēn jù guī dìng, shēn qǐng zhě yī lu:4 xū jīng bǐ shì.
It is laid down that all applicants must sit a written exam.


tā xiě le yī běn miáo xiě biān jiāng gè xǐng de zhuān著。
He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.


hán lěng de tiān qì shǐ chā yāng tuī chí liǎng gè xīng qī。
The cold weather set back the planting by two weeks.


tā zài zhù zi shàng tú shàng le qǐ bǎo hù zuò yòng de yè tǐ.
He painted the posts with a preservative liquid.


jǐng fāng zhèng zài chá yuè lèi sì àn jiàn de dàng àn.
The police are trawling (through) their files for similar cases.

 飞机著陆时, 乘客感到猛烈的冲撞.

fēi jī著 lù shí, chéng kè gǎn dào měng liè de chōng chuáng.
The passengers felt a violent bump as the plane landed.


zhè gè piào liang de chuāng lián shì yòng líng tóu bù zuò de。
The beautiful curtain is made of remnant materials.


gōng sī jì zǎi le lìng yī gè xiāo shòu é zēng zhǎng nián。
The company had record another year of increase sale.


yī xiǎng dào jiào hái zi zāo zuì wǒ xīn lǐ jiù nán shòu。
It turns me up to think of children being made to suffer.


tā miàn lín kě néng zǎo shì ér shǒu zú wú cuò.
She's finding it difficult to face up to the possibility of an early death.


zǎo chén bā jiǔ diǎn zhōng shì jiāo tōng de gāo fēng shí kè.
Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.


kāi chē de rén zài kuài yào zhuǎn wān shí àn xiǎng le lǎ ba.
The driver tooted his horn as he approached the bend.


zhè gè shào xiān duì yuán fú zhuó máng rén guò le mǎ lù。
The Young Pioneer saw the blind man across the road.

 承蒙足下推荐, 我已获得这份工作.

chéng měng zú xià tuī jiàn, wǒ yǐ huò dé zhè fèn gōng zuò.
I got the job on the strength of your recommendation.


zài bào fēng zhòng wū dǐng de wǎ piàn huá la la de luò le xia lai.
During the gale roof tiles came hurtling down.
