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zòng tā de xué xí chéng jī shàn kě kàn chū tā suàn shù huò shēng wù chéng jī cī.
Her school report shows that she is weak at/in arithmetic and biology.


tā jiàng zhōng biǎo lǐ de fà tiáo qǔ le chū lai, kě xiàn zài zhuāng shàng bù liǎo。
He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back.


xīn wén guǎng bō yuán zhèng zài wèi bā diǎn zhōng de bō yīn jié mù zuò hào zhǔn bèi。
The news announcer is standing by for the broadcast program at8.


tā bǎ dà bù fen dōng xi dōu bān zǒu le, zhǐ liú xià yī xiē líng xīng zá wù。
He's moved most of his stuff, there are just a few odds and ends left.


wǒ zhī dào huǒ chē yǐ jīng tíng le, dàn wǒ jué de huǒ chē zài dào tuì。
I knew the train had stopped, but I had the sensation that it was moving backwards.


tā dā ying zài hái zi men de mā ma shàng yè bān shí zhào gu zhè xie hái zi。
She promised to see after the children when their mother were on the night shift.


lǐ shì men huā le dà bàn gè zhōng tóu fǎn fù rèn zhēn tǎo lùn le zhè gè wèn tí。
The trustees spent the best part of an hour chewing the matter over.


dǎo yóu zài lu:3 yóu jū de qián bù xiàng yóu kè zuò lián xù de xiàn chǎng jiě shuō。
The tour guide give a running commentary from the front of the coach.


nǐ yào xiǎng kàn nà chǎng shí zhuāng biǎo yǎn de huà, jiù de zǎo diǎn er dìng zuò wèi。
You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.


wǒ tìng dǒng le tā men tán huà de dà yì, dàn méi yǒu tìng dǒng qí zhōng de xì jié。
I understood the tenor of their conversation but not the details.

 预计需求会有很大增长, 我们应该开足马力生产。

yù jì xū qiú kuài yǒu hěn dà zēng zhǎng, wǒ men yīng gāi kāi zú mǎ lì shēng chǎn。
In prospect of increase in demand, we should operate at full capacity.

 请在纸的正反两面书写, 但不要写在四周的边上.

qǐng zài zhǐ de zhèng fǎn liǎng miàn shū xiě, dàn bù yào xiě zài sì zhōu de biān shàng.
Please write on both sides of the paper, and don't write in the margin.


fù yán, xù piān rú yī běn shū huò yī piān wén zhāng zhēng wén hòu de fù jiā xìn xī
Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.


nà lǎo hàn bǎ tā zǎo nián zài fù qīn nóng chǎng shàng dù guò de rì zi kàn zuò lǐ xiǎng de suì yuè。
The old man idealizes his early day on his father's farm.


nà liǎng zǔ jiāo tōng dēng bù tóng bù yīn ér fā shēng le jǐ qǐ shì gù.
The two sets of traffic lights were out of phase (ie did not show the same change at the same time) and several accidents occurred.


tā xiān jǐ wǒ men jiǎng le yī gè qīn shēn jīng lì de gù shì, zhè yàng dà jiā jiù tán le qǐ lai。
He led off the conversation by telling us a story of his personal experience.


xīn gōng lù shàng jiàng méi yǒu shí zì lù kǒu, ér dài zhī yǐ guò jiē qiáo huò lì jiāo qiáo。
Cross-roads will not exist on these new highways, but will be replaced by bridges and flyovers.


wǒ xiāng xìn tōng guò shuāng fāng de nǔ lì, jiāo yì wǎng lái dìng kuài cháo zhe hù lì de fāng xiàng fā zhǎn。
I am convinced that with joint effort, business between us will be developing to our mutual benefit.


dà tǐ shàng shuō, zhè lǐ de qì hòu hái shì hěn yí rén de, xià tiān bù tài rè, dōng tiān yě bù tài lěng。
On the whole, the climate here is quite pleasant, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter.


wǒ jīn tiān tí zǎo gōng zuò dōu zuò wán le, dàn shì bié rén dōu huán zài gōng zuò, wǒ bù hǎo yì si huí jiā。
I have gotten my work all done ahead of time today, but I'd feel guilty going home while everybody else is still work.


míng nián zuò xiǎo shēng yi jiàng bì qù nián gèng jiā kùn nan, wǒ men de gèng jiā nǔ lì gōng zuò, yǐ biàn dù guò nán guān。
Next year will be more difficult for small business than last year, and we will have to work even harder to weather the storm.


jī xí nàn yí.
Old habits die hard.


shǎo liàng de guǒ dòng
A dab of jelly.


jiāo chā zhuó shuāng tuǐ
Cross one's legs.


nǐ kuān kuān dà yì ba.
Open your coat.


xiāo xi zǒu lòu le。
The news leaked out.


de xīn yǐn lì dìng lu:4
The law of gravity.


bù liú xuè de zhèng biàn
A bloodless coup.


tí àn tōng guò le。
The motion was adopted.


wēi xiǎn bī jìn tā。
Danger overhangs him.


shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián。
Time is money.


yǒu fēn cùn de shàn yì
A measure of good-will.


dàn gāo fā qǐ lái le。
The cake bulked up.


tā de jì xìng hěn hǎo.
She has a good memory.


biǎo yǎn hěn gāo chāo。
The acting is superb.


duō bǎo zhòng。 zài jiàn。
Take care. bye!


tā mái tóu dú shū.
His head was bent over a book.


wǒ men jué shào wài chū.
We go out very seldom.


shuǐ de mì dù shì1。
The density of water is 1.


cǐ hé tong wú xiào.
This contract is null and void.


tā jiǎ zhuāng chén zhuó。
She affect composure.


bī pò bī pò de xíng wéi
The act of compelling.


tā shēn shǒu qù ná qiāng.
He reached for his gun.


chèn shān yī lu:4 jiǔ zhé.
All shirts have 10% off.


tā nù huǒ zhòng shāo.
He was boiling (over) with rage.


jīn tiān tiān qì qíng lǎng。
It is sunny today.


gàn shā xī shōu shuǐ fèn。
Dry sand absorbs water.


tā hěn shǎo jí zǎo cān。
He seldom eats breakfast.


yǐ dá chéng hé jiě.
An amicable settlement was reached.


wǒ wú néng wèi lì。
There is nothing I can do.


tiáo tíng tiáo jiě zhēng duān
Mediation in a dispute.


nà shì wǒ de zhuān lì fā míng.
It's my patent.


rén de běn xìng nàn yí.
You can't change human nature.


gǎn xiè nǐ de yāo qǐng。
I appreciate your invitation.


tā shì gè xiǎo jī líng guǐ。
He is a smart boy.


tā zhuā zhù wǒ de xiù zi.
She held me by the sleeve.


gōng gào mǒu rén wèi xiǎo tōu
Post a man as a thief.


zhè yào méi yǒu xiào lì。
The drug was of no effect.


tā men shì yī qún bèn dàn.
They're a load of morons.


wǒ jué de wǒ hěn kōng xū。
I feel I am in emptiness.


wǒ zhèng cǎi jí xiāo xi。
I am gathering information.


fèi shì hū xī qì guān。
The lungs are respiratory organs.


lu:è wēi chāo zhòng le diǎn。
It's a little overweight.


tā de chèn yī yǐ pò jiù。
His shirt was in tatters.


tā yào yǎng huo yī jiā rén.
She's got a family to feed.


fēi jī gēng gǎi le háng xiàn.
The plane altered course.


jiē shàng yǒu rén nào shì.
There's rioting in the streets.


rén mín fǎn duì zhuān zhì。
The people resist despotism.


tā shì gè xìng yùn de jiā huo。
He is a lucky dog.


wǒ men kěn qiú tā rěn nài。
We begged him to forbear.


zhōng xìng de diàn lù yuán jiàn
A passive circuit element.


bù yào jí yú xià jié lùn。
Don't jump to conclusions.


tā jīng huāng de tiào le qǐ lai.
He jumped up in alarm.


wǒ què shí méi fǎ duàn dìng。
I really couldn't tell.


zhōng diǎn yǐ jīng zài wàng。
The destination is in view.


yī tiáo kào jìn gǔ pén de dòng mài
A pelvic artery.


fǎ tíng tīng qǔ le zhèng cí.
The court heard the evidence.


tā men bǎ guó wáng chǔ jué le。
They executed the king.


méi huò tiě dōu shì kuàng wù.
Coal and iron are minerals.


tā xū ruò de zhàn bù qǐ lai.
She was too weak to stand.


shì yòng de zhào piàn yìn xiàng
A trial photographic print.


nà xiǎng shēng bǎ wǒ xià huài le.
That noise scared me.


tā yǐ quán piào dāng xuǎn.
He was elected by a unanimous vote.


zhè shì gè shén qí de gù shì。
It's a magical story.


tā men hù xiāng zhēng chǎo。
They quarreled among themselves.


tā yǎng yù le wǔ gè hái zi.
She brought up five children.


tā zhèng zài nào biè niu ne。
She is just being difficult.


tā zài jù tuán gōng zuò。
She works in a theatrical company.


bǐ sài yīn yǔ yán qí。
The game was put off because of rain.


wǒ jué de xīn tóu chén zhòng。
I've got a lot on my mind.


ràng wǒ men miǎn chú lǐ jié。
Let us avoid the etiquette.


bàn shù de lǐ zǐ fǔ làn le.
Half of the plums are rotten.


tā jīng cháng dà fà pí qì.
She regularly throws tantrums.


Dài wéi huò wǒ shì tóng shì。
David and I are colleagues.


cūn zhuāng zài hé duì àn。
The village lies across the river.


jiào huáng xiàng rén qún zhù fú.
The Pope blessed the crowd.


tā jìn lì chù dào le qiú.
He managed to get a touch to the ball.


rěn nài shì tā de cháng chù。
Patience is his strong suit.


chí dào zhě bù dé rù nèi.
Late-comers will not be allowed in.


cān yì yuàn jué yì rú xià...
The senate resolved that...


niǎo yǒu fēi de běn néng.
Birds have the instinct to learn to fly.


tā de kuài huo shì xū jiǎ de。
His cheerfulness is false.


rén mín qǐ lai zào fǎn le.
The people broke out/rose in revolt.


tài yáng zòng dōng fāng shēng qǐ。
The sun rises in the east.


kāi shǐ gòng bù yìng qiú。
Demand began to exceed supply.


wǒ men gòng jì20 rén.
We numbered 20 (ie There were 20 of us) in all.


shì shí jué bù néng fǒu rèn。
There is no denying the fact.


tā shì gè shǒu fǎ de gōng mín。
She is a lawful citizen.


piān lí de, bèi lí guàn lì de
Departing from convention.


tā sì hu zài wú dòu zhì.
All the fight seemed to go out of him.


yǒu jǐng fāng guǎn zhí fǎ.
The police are there to enforce the law.


dēng fā chū àn dàn de guāng。
The lamp threw out a dim light.


bèi jī fā cù dòng de zhuàng tài
The state of being motivated.


tā de zhí yè shì jīng shāng。
He is a merchant in occupation.


háng dào yǒu fú biāo biāo míng.
The channel is marked by buoys.


huǒ chē réng zài shì xiàn nèi。
The train is still in sight.


tā zhèng qǐ cǎo yī fèn jì huà。
He is drawing up a plan.


wǒ yuán liàng le tā de guò shī。
I looked over his faults.


yī míng xiàn chǎng cǎi fǎng jì zhě
An on-the-scene reporter.


wǒ fēi wàng dōng jīng chū chāi。
I flew to Tokyo on business.


zhè duàn lù yǐ jīng fēng bì.
This section of the road is closed.


wǒ nu:3 ér yǒu hěn duō wán jù。
My daughter has many toys.


bù hé guī zé de yòng fǎ cuò wù de
Not in correct usage.


qiū shōu jí jiāng kāi shǐ。
The autumn harvest is about to start.


zhè zhǒng shì shéi dōu nán miǎn。
It could happen to anybody.


mén dì gāo guì de gāo guì xuè tǒng de
Of noble lineage.


tā zài xiě niú dùn de zhuàn jì.
He's writing a life of Newton.


tā yào yǎng huo yī dà jiā rén.
She has a large family to feed.


tā yòng qiāng xiàng tā men shè jī。
She fired her gun at them.


wèn wèn tā shì fǒu néng lái。
Ask him whether he can come or not.


tā duì tā men guò fèn hé qi。
She lavished kindness on them.


jiù jì pǐn yǐ jí sù sòng dào.
Relief supplies were rushed in.


tā gǎn dào jī dòng de fā dǒu。
He felt a quiver of excitement.


tā shì měi dé de huà shēn.
She's the very incarnation of goodness.


tā jué chá dào tā de jī huì。
She awoke to her opportunity.


tā de yě xīn méi yǒu xiàn dù。
Her ambition knows no limit.


shù yè zài fēng zhòng fēi wǔ。
The leaves whirled in the wind.


xīn lǎo bǎn yǒu diǎn gǔ guài.
The new boss is a bit of an oddball.


tā shì tóng xíng de guāng róng.
She is an honour to her profession.


dìng fèi àn jì dù jiāo fù.
Subscriptions should be paid quarterly.


rèn shi dào tā men de jú xiàn xìng
Aware of their limitations.


jù shuō gāi míng xīng bìng zhòng.
The star is reportedly very ill.


xiàn zài de gāng cái zhàng jià le。
Now the steel comes high.


yǔ sǎn zài dōng jì zuì hǎo mài.
Umbrellas sell best in winter.


zài zhuō zi shàng pù shàng tái bù.
Cover the table with a cloth.


shǐ gāng tiě gōng yè guó yǒu huà
Nationalize the steel industry.


tā zài mái tóu dú shū.
Her head was buried in the book she was reading.


tā jí yú xiǎng huí dào jiā lǐ。
She was anxious to get home.


wǒ men zhǐ yǒu fēn lèi cài dān.
We only have an a la carte menu.


wǒ de xiù zi pò le yī dà kuài.
There's a big rip in my sleeve.


zhè xie huò wù dìng jià guò gāo.
These goods are priced too high.


wǒ kuài shú liàn de dǎ suàn pán。
I can use abacus skillfully.


wǒ zhèng gōng dú rén shì xué。
I am studying personnel management.


wǒ shàn yú pǐn cháng hào jiǔ。
I have a good palate for fine wine.


gōng zī wèn tí kě shāng yì jiě jué.
The salary is negotiable.


tā yán gé zūn shǒu zhǐ lìng.
He followed the instructions faithfully.


wǒ shì zhuān chéng lái kàn nǐ de.
I came here specially to see you.


tā xiě de lùn wén hěn yōu xiù。
The treatise he wrote is excellent.


guàn zhuàng dòng mài páng tōng jiē hé
Coronary artery bypass graft.


nà wèi guān yuán bì xū miǎn zhí。
That officer must be removed.


wǒ suǒ cāi cè de dōu yìng yàn le.
I was right in my conjectures.


zhè liǎng zhāng dān zi bù xiāng fú。
The two lists do not tally.


qǐng biè wèi cǐ guò yú bù kuài。
Please don't take it too hard.


jīn tiān hǎi miàn fēng làng hěn dà.
The sea is quite lively today.


quán mín kàng jī qīn lu:è zhě.
The whole country resisted the invaders.


rén kǒu mì dù xiǎo de nóng cūn dì qū
Low-density urban areas.


tā zhēng dà yǎn jīng zhù shì tā。
She stared at him with wide eyes.


wǒ dìng yuè le jǐ fèn zá zhì。
I subscribed to several magazines.


wǒ rèn wéi bù néng zé guài tā.
I cannot accept that he is to blame.


zhè xiǎo hái er tù le wǒ yī shēn.
The baby puked (up) all over me.


fáng jiān lǐ luàn qī bā zāo。
The room is in dreadful disorder.


tā cōng róng bù pò de jiǎng huà.
She spoke with unruffled calm.


nǐ bì xū wèi cǐ fù chū dài jià。
You'll have to pay for that.


qǐng bǎ wǒ liè rù míng dān zhòng。
Please include me in the list.


tā men yòng wǔ lì bī tā jiù fàn.
They used force to persuade him.


lì fāng tǐ shì sān wéi wù tǐ。
A cube is a three-dimensional object.


wǒ bǎ tā dàng zuò péng you kàn dài。
I regard him as a friend.


zhè gè xiàng mù yǐ zhōng zhǐ le。
This project has been closed up.


xīn fǎ lì guǎng huò zàn tóng.
The new laws gained widespread acceptance.


qì chē yíng miàn zhuàng dào shù shàng.
The car hit the tree head-on.


tā suí yì dǎ kāi le zhè běn shū。
He opens the book at random.


tā de jiǎng huà bù gòu fēng qù.
Her speeches are rather short on wit.


fǎ tíng de pàn jué duì tā yǒu lì.
The court decided in his favour.


zhè gè hái zi xìng qing wēn hé。
The child had a placid disposition.


hé hū tiáo jiàn de kuò zhāng jì huà
A qualified plan for expansion.


lǎo gǒu xué bù chū xīn bǎ xì。
An old dog cannot learn new tricks.


wǒ zòng wèi xiàn guò běi jí xióng。
I have never seen an arctic bear.


wǒ ān zhì hái zi men qù shuì jiào le.
I've put the children to bed.


tā lùn zhèng de yào diǎn shì....
The burden of his argument was that...


yī nián yǐ qián, tā cān jūn le。
He joined the army a year ago.


lín jū de fū fù zǒng chǎo jià.
The couple next door are always arguing.


tā tǎo yàn duì tā rú cǐ bā jié。
He hates being buttered up so.


guān zhòng zǒng jì dá liǎng wàn rén。
The audience totalled20, 000.


huǒ shān sàn fā zhuó yān huò huī。
A volcano emits smoke and ashes.


tā dān dú qù shì hěn wēi xiǎn de。
It's unsafe for her to go alone.


wǒ què xìn tā zuò shì zhēn chéng。
I'm sure he acted in good faith.


wǒ men yīng gāi zūn shǒu lǐ jié。
We should observe the proprieties.


zhèng fǔ jué dìng jǐn suō tōng huò.
The Government decided to deflate.


tā yǒu xǔ duō jiā tíng jiū fēn。
He has had many domestic troubles.


huài xí guàn bài huài hào fēng sú。
Bad habit corrupt good manners.
