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jì xù zhè zhǒng wú liáo de zhēng biàn shì wú yòng de。
It's useless to continue such a barren argument.

 只要交了罚款, 他就会被释放。

zhǐ yào jiāo le fá kuǎn, tā jiù kuài bèi shì fàng。
He will be set free as soon as the fine is paid.


yī gè jié lì gǔ chuī zì yóu zhǔ yì de zhèng zhì jiā
A politician who beats the drum for liberalism.


tā gēn jù qíng kuàng, biàn huàn zhì liáo fāng fǎ。
He varies the treatment according to circumstances.


nèi gè xiōng shǒu xiàng Sī fǎ bù mén tóu àn zì shǒu。
The murderer delivered himself up to justice.


jiān duān yī gè dài jiān huò tū qǐ de wù tǐ de mò duān
The end of a pointed or projecting object.


tā de jūn duì cóng lái bù xiàng qīn lu:è zhě qū fú。
His army never came under the yoke of invaders.


jiè lái de qián shǐ tā zhī chēng dào yuè dǐ。
The money he borrowed carried him through to the end of month.


zhè xie xìn liú lù chū tā de jiào yǎng huò cái huá。
These letters revealed her wit and civilization.


tā duì suǒ shè jí de qián shuò shí fēn kěn dìng.
She was quite positive about the amount of money involved.


tā de shuāng tuǐ hěn pí fá, dàn xīn qíng shū chàng。
His legs were weary, but his mind was at ease.


zhè yī bǎng jià shì jiàn yǐn qǐ le guó jì jiū fēn。
The kidnapping caused an international incident.


kuài suǒ jué dìng zēng jiā bào kān dìng yuè fèn shuò.
The club has/have decided to increase subscriptions.


yǒu jī xiàng biǎo míng qíng kuàng kě néng hǎo zhuǎn.
There are indications that the situation may be improving.


wǒ men yǐ zhù yì dào wēn dù de bō dòng qíng xing.
We had already perceived how the temperature fluctuated.


rén men yǒu jí huì huò fā biǎo yán lùn de quán lì。
People have the rights of assembly and expression.


tā yǐ yóu cāng kù tiáo dào kuài jì shì rèn zhí.
He has transferredfrom the warehouse to the accounts office.


tā zhī suǒ yǐ chéng gōng shì yīn wèi tā gōng zuò qín fèn。
He achieved because he was a hard worker.


nàn mín chǔ jìng cǎn kǔ zhēn jiào wǒ qiān cháng gē dù.
The plight of the refugees really wrung my heart.


zhè zuò gōng yù de guǎn lǐ yuán bù zài gōng yù lǐ zhù.
This block of flats has a non-resident caretaker.


tā è dú de biǎo qíng xià huài le zhè gè xiǎo nu:3 hái。
His venomous look terrified the little girl.


qì chē lǎ ba de jiào shēng shǐ nán hái gǎn dào huāng luàn。
The honking of horns flustered the boy.


tā zhuàng jiàn tā zhèng zài sōu chá tā de fáng jiān.
She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.

 她虽然身有残疾, 却是个游泳好手.

tā suī rán shēn yǒu cán ji, què shì gè yóu yǒng hào shǒu.
She swims well despite her disabilities.


wèi què bǎo chéng kè ān quán ér bù yí yú lì.
Great pains have been taken to ensure the safety of passengers.


chuán jīng shòu zhù le bào fēng yǔ, ān quán dǐ dá。
The ship weathered the storm, and arrived safely.


jiào huáng shì zhòng duō Jī dū tú de zōng jiào lǐng xiù.
The Pope is the spiritual leader of many Christians.


qù nián de chū shēng rén shù dà yú sǐ wáng rén shù。
Last year there were many more births than deaths.


jǐ jīng shī bài zhī hòu, dí jūn bèi pò hòu chè。
After several reverses the enemy was forced to retreat.


gōng sī zài xīn rén guǎn lǐ xià jiù yào kuǎ tái le。
The firm is going to pot under the new management.


yī yīng bàng miàn zhí de chāo piào yǐ tíng zhǐ liú tōng.
Pound notes have been withdrawn from circulation.


yǒu liǎng gè shāng rén ràng kǒng bù fèn zǐ bǎng jià le.
Two businessmen have been kidnapped by terrorists.


zài wēi làng de měi miào chàn dǒu zhòng huǎn huǎn hé mù。
On the smooth wave in trembling beauty sleep.


zhè xiàng gōng chéng hào fèi le cháng qī de jiān xīn láo dòng
Spent many laborious hours on the project.


gāi cái chǎn chǔ lǐ diào néng huò xiāng dāng de jīn é。
The property can be disposed of for a good sum.


tā xīn luàn rú má nán yǐ zhèn dìng xia lai.
His mind was in such a whirl that he could hardly compose his thoughts.


tā jī è yù jí bìng jiāo jiā, tǐ zhì yǐ xuē ruò。
Hunger and disease had weakened his constitution.


wǒ men quán dōu bèi yāo qǐng cān jiā zhè cì shèng diǎn。
We are all invited to take part in the pageant.

 他打电话时, 她恰巧不在家.

tā dǎ diàn huà shí, tā qià qiǎo bù zài jiā.
She happened to be out/It happened that she was out when he called.


tā zài kěn qiú bō kuǎn xiū jiàn yī suǒ xīn xué xiào。
He was appealing for funds to build a new school.


wǒ men chū guó qián cōng cōng tàn wàng le tā yī cì.
We paid her a fleeting visit before leaving the country.


bèi xiū jiǎn huài hòu sàng shī shēng mìng lì de zhí wù
Plants that lost their vitality when badly pruned.


wǒ men de zhǎo gè jiè kǒu bù qù cān jiā jù huì。
We'll have to find a pretext for not going to the party.


nà hái zi ràng kuáng fēng bào yǔ xià de yào mìng.
The child was frightened to death by the violent thunderstorm.


jiàng dī, huà jiǎn zī chǎn zhàng miàn jià zhí de jiàng dī
A reduction of the entered value of an asset.


dú yè de shū rù dú yè shū rù dòng wù de xì bāo zǔ zhī
Introduction of a venom into animal tissue.

 从整体来看, 这两幢楼是相似的。

zòng zhěng tǐ lái kàn, zhè liǎng chuáng lóu shì xiāng sì de。
The two buildings are similar on the whole.


zhè tiáo lù chuān guò liǎng tiáo shān mài zhī jiān de xiá gǔ。
The road goes through a gap in the hills.


nèi gè fèi pǐn shāng yǒu gè yā suì qì chē de jī qì.
The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars.


lǎo bǎn yāo qiú wǒ men zài jié zhǐ xiàn qī qián wán chéng
The boss is leaning on us to meet the deadline.


zài fèi xū zhòng yī rán tǐng lì zhuó jǐ gēn zhù zi。
Several columns among the ruins still stood upright.


tā dōng bèn xī zǒu le hǎo jiǔ cái dìng jū xia lai。
He kicked about a great deal before settling down.


tā yīn bèi zhǐ kòng chù fàn xuǎn jǔ fǎ ér zāo dài bǔ。
He is accused because offending electoral law.


wú fǎ shí bié yán sè de rén shì sè máng。
People who cannot distinguish between colors are said to be color-blind.


zhè rén shī yè hòu jiù shēng huó zài pín kùn zhī zhōng。
The man lived in poverty after his unemployment.


bǎ jiǔ hào chē chuáng tiáo hào lái jū zhè gè xīn huó sāi。
Get lathe No.9 set to turn the new piston.


wēi xiǎn zhèng bī jìn, wǒ men bì xū bǎo chí jǐng tì。
While danger threatens we must all be on guard.


dāng jú yǐ cǎi qǔ cuò shī fáng zhǐ tōu shuì lòu shuì。
The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud.


zhè zhǒng yán zhòng zuì xíng jīn rì shì bù néng róng rěn de.
Such enormities would not be tolerated today.


zhè gè xué yuàn zhǐ bù guò shì gè wén píng zhì zào chǎng
The college was nothing more than a diploma mill.


qǔ zhuàng wù jù yǒu cǐ zhòng qū xiàn xíng zhuàng de wù tǐ
Something having the general shape of this curve.


fǎ tíng yǐ jīng zuò chū bù hé fǎ shā hài de cái jué。
The court has made a verdict of unlawful killing.


tā hěn kùn juàn, shàng kè shí hou dōu shuì zhāo le。
He was so sleepy that he fell asleep during the class.


zài sān shí nián dài yǒu hěn duō má fēng bìng rén。
There were many people with leprosy around the age of thirty.


wǒ de zhù tìng qì shì guó mín bǎo jiàn shǔ zī zhù de.
I got my hearing aid on the National Health (Service).


zhè fú huà zài tā de shōu cáng pǐn zhòng zuì wéi zhēn guì
The painting has pride of place in his collection.


tā zòng mǔ fāng jiē shòu de yí chuán shì liáng hǎo de。
On the maternal side his inheritance was a happy one.


gǔ wù jìn kǒu liàng shòu zuì gāo xiàn é de yán gé kòng zhì.
Grain imports are controlled by strict quotas.


wǒ jūn duì dí jūn de sī lìng bù fā qǐ tū rán xí jī。
Our army descended on the enemy headquarters.


tā zhèng zài xiě tā de zuì xīn chàng xiāo shū de xù jí。
He is writing a sequel to his latest best seller.


bāng zhù máng rén guò mǎ lù shì zuò hǎo shì.
It is an act of kindness/a kind act to help a blind man across the street.


bǎo xiǎn gōng sī yǐ jīng qīng cháng le tā de suǒ péi kuǎn é.
The insurance company has settled her claim.


shuāi xia lai de qí shǒu zāo fēi bēn mǎ qún jiàn tà.
Fallen riders were trampled underfoot by the charging horses.


yù shì gé jué shēng huó de bù shòu wài jiè gān rǎo de qū yù
The hermetic confines of an isolated life.


wǒ men hù xiāng bāng zhù zuò xià jì de é wài gōng zuò.
We help one another with the extra work in the summer.


yī xiē qiáng zhuàng de rén zài bīng lěng de shuǐ zhōng yóu yǒng。
A few hardy people swam in the icy water.


nèi gè xián yí fàn bèi dài dào jǐng chá jú wèn huà.
The suspect was taken to the police station for questioning.


zǒng lùn, gāng yào xiáng xì de zhāi yào huò zhěng gè lùn wén
A comprehensive digest or complete treatise.


xiàn zài měi gè rén dōu xiǎng yào jǐn kuài fā cái zhì fù。
Everyone is trying to get rich quick nowadays.


tā duì zhè yī wēi jī de chǔ lǐ shǐ wǒ zàn tàn bù yǐ.
Her handling of the crisis fills me with admiration.


wú rén jià shǐ fēi jī wú fēi xíng yuán de yáo kòng fēi jī
A pilotless aircraft operated by remote control.


zhè bù yǐng piàn wéi fǎn le shěn měi de yī qiè zhǔn zé.
This film offends against all the canons of good taste.


shuāng fāng dōu yìng àn xié yì tiáo kuǎn bàn shì。
Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement.


niǔ qū, biàn xíng, niǔ wāi shǐ niǔ wāi de xíng wéi huò lì zi
The act or an instance of distorting.


lu:3 yóu gōng sī de shī wù shǐ wǒ de jià rì pào tāng le。
The travel company's failure bust up my holiday.


wǒ nìng yuàn kàn chǔ yú yě shēng zhuàng tài de dòng wù。
I prefer to see animals living in their natural state.


guān liáo zhǔ yì de liú dú tuō màn le wǒ men de jìn bù.
The dead hand of bureaucracy is slowing our progress.

 论智力, 她和她哥哥不相上下.

lùn zhì lì, tā huò tā gē ge bù xiàng shàng xià.
She's the equal of her brother as far as intelligence is concerned.


wén shū gōng zuò hào fèi le wěi yuán huì xǔ duō shí jiān。
Paperwork consumed much of the committee's time.


wèi jié shěng kāi zhī xiàn zhèng zhú jiàn cái yuán.
The number of employees is being whittled down in order to reduce costs.


zhè bǐ qián zhǔ yào tóu zī yú zhèng fǔ gōng zhài shàng。
The money is invested principally in government stock.


zhè wèi bù zhǎng wèi fǎn duì nà xiàng jué cè ér cí zhí.
The minister resigned in protest against the decision.


nǐ kě yǐ kàn dào xiǎo hái zài hé duì àn wàn shuǎ。
You can see children playing on the other side of the river.


tā bèi dào xia lai de shù jī zhòng, dāng chǎng sǐ wáng。
He was hit by a falling tree and killed on the spot.


yī shēng yòng xiǎn wēi jìng zuò le xuè jī jiǎn chá。
The doctor had a microscopic examination of traces of blood.


wǒ men de bù bīng huò zhuāng jiǎ bīng jūn bì dí jūn de shào.
We have less infantry and armour than the enemy.


jiù zhì de yīng bàng zhǐ bì yǐ bú shì fǎ dìng de huò bì le.
The old pound note is no longer legal tender.

 今年, 他们已发射了数艘宇宙飞船。

jīn nián, tā men yǐ fā shè le shuò sōu yǔ zhòu fēi chuán。
They have sent up several spaceships this year.


bǎ páng guān zhě qiān chě jìn tā yù jǐng chá de zhēng zhí
Involved the bystanders in his dispute with the police.


wǒ men bù yīng gāi duì pín qióng de hái zi mò rán bù gù。
We should not show apathy towards the poor children.


zhèng fǔ shèn zhì bù kǎo lu:4 tā de péi kuǎn yāo qiú。
The government would not even consider his claim for money.


zhì yú wú jiā kě guī de rén, nà jiù wèi shuò zhòng duō le。
As for the homeless, their name is legion.


yǎn jiǎng jié shù de shí hou, fáng jiān lǐ jì jìng wú shēng。
The room was still at the end of the speech.


wǒ men dào lu:3 chéng zhōng diǎn shí quán dōu lèi kuǎ le.
We were all suffering from fatigue at the end of our journey.


tā de liǎn shàng dài著 shòu guò kǔ nàn de shēn shēn de hén jī.
Her face bore the deep imprint of suffering.


tā chū shì jiǎ zhèng jù, zhè jiù shì miè shì fǎ tíng。
He gave false proof, which set the court at defiance.


wǒ quàn tā bù yào jí jí máng máng dì jiāo cí zhí shū。
I dissuade him from rush in to submit his resignation.


hǎo de yǐn shí xí guàn yǒu zhù yú qiáng shēn fáng bìng。
Good eating habits help to fortify the body against disease.


yī dàn jià gé huí shēng, xún pán jiàng huī fù huó yuè。
As soon as the price picks up, enquiries will revive.


bù duì chèng de, bù yún chèn de shī qù píng héng huò duì chèn xìng de
Having no balance or symmetry.


jiào yǒu pài xìn tú men qiáng liè fǎn duì bào lì huò zhàn zhēng。
Quakers strongly oppose violence and war.


zhè xie zǎo qī yí wù bèi rèn wéi jù yǒu shén qí de lì liang.
The relics are credited with miraculous powers.


rén men rèn wéi tā shì zuì zhēn guì de yào cái zhī yī。
It was reckoned among the most precious medicinal herbs.


kǎ chē fēi zhuāng xiè huò wù shí bù dé zài cǐ tíng chē。
Lorries may only park here when loading or unloading.


bù yán gé de shuō, yī zhòng shù xué huò luó ji yùn suàn fú。
Loosely, a mathematical or logic operator.


yóu yù chí yí bù jué de zhuàng tài huò chí yí bù jué de xìng zhì
The state or quality of being hesitant.


shuāng fāng xuān bù tíng zhàn yǐ bì miǎn zài yǒu shāng wáng。
The two sides called a truce to avoid further bloodshed.


yà lì shān dà dà dì zēng shuài lǐng dà jūn rù qīn Yìn dù.
Alexander the Great invaded India with a large army.


wǒ zhè jiàn dà yī qǐng nǐ zhào zhè gè shì yàng cái jiǎn。
Please cut out my overcoat according to this pattern.


guǒ shù zāi péi xué duì guǒ shù de kē xué yán jiū huò zāi péi
The scientific study and cultivation of fruit.


jiǎng zhāng huò jiǎng pái shàng de rén xiàng xì dī fú diāo。
In medals and medallions the figures are in low relief.


huáng hòu yāo qiú ér zi qǔ lín guó de gōng zhǔ。
The empress asked his son to marry the princess of the neighboring kingdom.


pí tè hǎo xiàng shè le jiǎo huá de juān tào yào xiàn hài nǐ。
Peter seems to have set a cunning trap for you.


zhè gè jiǎng huà huí bì le suǒ yǒu de mǐn gǎn de wèn tí。
The speech skirted round all the sensitive questions.


wǒ kě yǐ zài wǒ de yù suǒ lǐ wèi nǐ tí gōng yī gè chuáng wèi。
I'll fit you up with a bed at my flat.


bào fēng yǔ bǎ shù zhī zòng shù gàn shàng guā le xia lai.
The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk.


shàng xiào mìng lìng shì bīng men zài jiǎ bǎn shàng jí hé。
The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck.


wǒ quàn tā bù yào chōng jìn qù, dì jiāo cí zhí shū。
I dissuaded him from rushing in to submit his resignation.


wèi chè lí gāi chéng zuò zhǔn bèi de mìng lìng yǐ xià dá。
Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.


jiāo fù jiàng lì fǎ yì àn jiāo guī wěi yuán huì de xíng dòng
The act of referring a legislative bill to committee.


zhèn shàng de miàn fěn chǎng zhǔ yǐ yōu zhì miàn fěn著 chèng。
The town miller was famous for his excellent flour.


tā jí lì yǎn gài tā zài cǐ shì zhòng chōng dāng de jué sè。
She's very defensive about her part in the affair.


tā de suǒ xiàn suǒ wén shǐ tā nèi xīn dà wèi zhèn dòng。
His mind was reeling with all that he had seen and heard.


kuài zhěn shāng yì, yóu zhǐ yī shēng men shēn yǔ de kuài zhěn
A consultation, especially one involving physicians.


tā nìng yuàn sòng fēn shù, yě bù yuàn yāo qiú lì yì。
He would rather give away a point than claim an advantage.


yī zhòng wán gù de shè huì wù xí kuò sàn dào zhěng gè shè qū
A cancer of bigotry spread through the community.


tā měi cì mǎi qì yóu dōu jì zài bào xiāo zhàng mù shàng.
Whenever he buys petrol, he puts it on his expense account.


nèi gè hái zi de cán ji shì jiāo tōng shì gù zào chéng de。
The boy's deformity was caused by a traffic accident.


fǎ tíng cái dìng nèi gè rén fàn le qīn fàn rén shēn zuì。
The court determined that the man was guilty of assault.


wèn tí zhēng qiú huò yāo qiú huí dá de xún wèn de cí jù
An expression of inquiry that invites or calls for a reply.


tā men yuè guò qún shān, dào le nà bian de shān gǔ。
They crossed the mountains and travelled to the valleys beyond.


biàn hù lu:4 shī tí chū lǐ yóu rèn wéi zhèng jù bù chōng fèn.
The defence argue/argues that the evidence is weak.


wǒ men méi yǒu dì fang duǒ bì zhè chǎng fēng bào.
There was nowhere we could take cover (ie go for protection) from the storm.


tā hěn dǎo méi, zài kǎo shì dàng tiān shēng bìng le。
He had the misfortune to fall ill on the day of the examination.


fǎ dìng jiàn hù rén yīng gāi wéi hù zhè gè hái zi de lì yì.
The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child.


wǒ fù qīn yào wǒ láo jì nǔ lì gōng zuò de zhòng yào xìng。
My father impress on me the importance of hard work.


tiān qì cháo shī shì zhè gè dì qū shēng huó de yī gè tè sè。
Wet weather is a feature of life in this area.


zhè běn xiǎo shuō shì qù nián zuì chàng xiāo de shū zhī yī。
This novel was one of last year's best-selling titles.

 那不是深宅大院, 只不过是个小农舍.

nà bú shì shēn zhái dà yuàn, zhǐ bù guò shì gè xiǎo nóng shè.
It's not a very grand house, just a little cottage.


wǒ men gōng sī zài jīng jì shuāi tuì shí qī lì jìn jiān xīn。
In the recession, our firm go through a bad time.


zài Yīng guó shí yòng de huáng yóu duō chǎn zì xīn xī lán.
Much of the butter eaten in England comes from New Zealand.


tā jiù rén quán wèn tí tí chū de kàng yì tìng lái hěn kōng dòng。
His protests on human rights sound hollow.


tā qíng yuàn wàn wàn mì fēng yě bù yuàn yù yú rén wéi wǔ。
She will rather fool with a bee than being with a fool.


zhè xiàng tiáo yuē kě yǐ rèn wéi shì wán quán zuò fèi le。
The treaty may be considered to be as dead as a doornail.


pēn shè jī de hēi sè lún kuò zài wù zhòng yǐn yǐn xiǎn xiàn。
The dark outline of a jet loomed through the mist.


tā zhè cì huàn liú xíng xìng gǎn mào huán méi yǒu wán quán huī fù。
She's still recovering from a bout of flu.


xuè yè huán néng zòng shēn tǐ zǔ zhī lǐ pái chū fèi wù。
The blood can also export waste products from the tissues.


gōng rén men zhèng jié jìn quán lì tí gāo shēng chǎn lì。
The workers are trying their best to increase productivity.


tā de yòng yì bú shì zhè gè, zhǐ shì zuò zuò yàng zi bà le。
He doesn't really mean it; it's just an act.


rén men rèn wéi zhè xie zǎo qī yí wù jù yǒu shén qí de lì liang.
Miraculous powers are credited to the relics.


yàn zhè tiáo xiǎo jìng zǒu zhōng jiū huì jiàn dào dà lù de。
Follow the footpath and you'll eventually hit the road.


méi yǒu shén me néng shǐ tā sàng shī duì rén xìng de xìn xīn。
Nothing could extinguish his faith in human nature.


gōng wù yuán xū qiān shǔ zūn shǒu gōng wù bǎo mì tiáo lì.
Civil Servants are required to sign the Official Secrets Act.


tā zhǎn shì le zòng yòu chóng biàn chéng hú dié de guò chéng。
It shows the metamorphosis of a larva into a butterfly.

 我三番五次地告诉过你, 不要做那种事.

wǒ sān pān wǔ cì de gào su guò nǐ, bù yào zuò nà zhòng shì.
I've told you again and again not to do that.


zhè shǒu yuè qǔ shì zhè gè gù shì bì bù kě shào de zǔ chéng bù fen。
The music is organic to the story.


tā zòng mò xī qǔ jiào xun, bù xiǎo de fēn qīng shàn wù。
She never learned to differentiate between good and evil.


wú lùn rú hé, tiān táng shì méi yǒu hūn lǐ zèng pǐn de。
At any rate there will be no wedding presents in heaven.


tā yīn bǎo xiǎn shàn shī xiào wèi de rèn hé bǔ cháng.
He didn't get any compensation because his insurance policy had lapsed.


zhè liǎng wèi yì shù jiā bìng fēi dōu yǒu shěn měi de yǎn guāng。
Not both the artists have a keen eye for beauty.


jǐn guǎn zāo shòu gān hàn, hái shì huò dé le hào shōu cheng。
A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.


yǒu rén gào su wǒ shuō, xī bān yá shì gè làng màn de guó jiā。
I was told that Spain is a romantic nation.

 他非常仔细, 把每一个细节都核对过了。

tā fēi cháng zǐ xì, bǎ měi yī gè xì jié dōu hé duì guò le。
He was careful enough to check up every detail.


tā wèi huò dé é wài shōu rù jué dìng zū chū yī gè fáng jiān.
She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.

 这个花园布局很好, 有许多宜人小径.

zhè gè huā yuán bù jú hěn hǎo, yǒu xǔ duō yí rén xiǎo jìng.
The garden is well laid out, with many pleasant walks.

 我倘若知道她病了, 早就去探望她了.

wǒ tǎng ruò zhī dào tā bìng le, zǎo jiù qù tàn wàng tā le.
If I had but known she was ill, I would have visited her.


tā duì jiù yuān jiā de dí duì qíng xù réng rán hěn dà.
The antagonism he felt towards his old enemy was still very strong.


bì xū duì jǐng fāng de quán xiàn zuò chū míng què de guī dìng。
The powers of the police need to be clearly defined.


zhè chuáng jiù fáng zi zài zuó yè de dà huǒ zhòng shāo huǐ le。
The old house burned down last night in the big fire.


shì shí shàng, xǔ duō rén shēn tǐ dōu yǒu mǒu zhǒng quē xiàn。
As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.


zuó tiān shì zhǎng zhǔ chí le shì jiè bó lǎn huì de kāi mù shì。
The mayor dedicated the World Fair yesterday.


bèi lu:3 guǎn fú wù rén yuán xǐ tàng de hěn zhěng jié de chèn yī
Shirts that were neatly laundered by the hotel staff.


zài huán xíng fáng xiàn shàng yǐ bù zhì le jǐ chù gǎng shào.
Guards had been posted at several points around the perimeter.


nà tái chén jiù de fā dòng jī dǒu dòng著 fā chū mó cā de shēng yīn。
The old engine ground and shuddered.

 他在陈述事实, 但他隐瞒了一些事。

tā zài chén shù shì shí, dàn tā yǐn mán le yī xiē shì。
He may be telling the truth but he is keeping something back.


zài zú gòu de zhèng jù miàn qián, zhè gè zuì fàn qū fú le。
In the face of enough witness, the criminal caved in.


xū gòu, niē zào xū gòu zuò pǐn huò niē zào jiè kǒu de xíng wéi
The act of inventing such a creation or pretense.


zhè yī xīn fāng fǎ yòng yú zòng yè yán yóu lǐ tí liàn chū shí yóu。
The new process extracts oil from shale.


tā de chóu rén jié lì xiǎng bǎ tā qiān chě jìn móu shā àn zhòng.
His enemies tried to implicate him (in the murder).


tā yīn zài rén xìng hèng dào shàng luàn rēng zá wù ér bèi fá kuǎn。
He was fined for littering on the sidewalks.


fà gāo shāo shì zhè zhǒng jí bìng de biǎo xiàn zhèng zhuàng zhī yī
A high fever is an early manifestation of the disease.


rén shì bù mén zhèng zài zǔ zhī xīn gù yuán de péi xùn.
Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff.


wǒ bù yīng gāi gù yòng tā men-- jiǎn zhí shì yī qún wài háng.
I shouldn't employ them they're just a bunch of amateurs.


bù dǒng yì shù xīn shǎng de quē fá yì shù pǐn wèi huò shěn měi qíng qù de
Lacking taste or interest in art.


zhè xie fáng yù gōng shì shì shàng cì zhàn zhēng shí xiū jiàn de。
These fortifications were built during the last war.


bīng jiàn hú yóu hǎi shuǐ bīng wéi chéng de yī kuài kāi kuò de shuǐ yù
An area of open water surrounded by sea ice.


tā pīn mìng zài tā de shū zhuō lǐ sōu xún nà fēng xìn。
He was rifling through her desk in a desperate search for the letter.


wǒ zài hēi àn de fáng jiān lǐ mō suo zhuó zhǎo diàn dēng kāi guān。
I groped for the light switch in the dark room.


zhè xie nán hái zhuō nòng nà wèi lǎo rén zhēn shì cán rěn。
It is very cruel of these boys to make a fool of that old man.


tā kāi qì chē xiàng gè fēng zi-- bù dìng něi tiān jiù de zhuàng sǐ.
He drives like a nut he'll kill himself one day.
