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Měi guó de nián qīng rén nìng kě zòng mò shēng rén nà li huò qǔ zī xún。
American young people would rather get advice from strangers.


xī chǔ yú zuò zī de rén zòng yāo dào xī gài de dà tuǐ zhèng miàn bù wèi
The front area from the waist to the knees of a seated person.


wǒ yǐ jiàng qíng kuàng gào su nǐ, suǒ yǐ nǐ bì xū zhuó qíng chǔ lǐ。
I have told you the circumstances, so you must act accordingly.

 除了他那颇为古怪的口音以外, 我没注意到别的.

chú le tā nà pō wèi gǔ guài de kǒu yīn yǐ wài, wǒ mò zhù yì dào bié de.
I didn't notice anything beyond his rather strange accent.


nà tiáo gāo sù gōng lù shàng chē huò fā shēng de yuè lái yuè pín fán。
Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency.


zhè jiā gōng sī bù jiǔ jiù néng cháng huán suǒ jiè de yín háng dài kuǎn.
The company will soon be able to repay its borrowings from the bank.


fù zhe de yù tóng lèi de bù fen huò zǔ zhī zhān zhuó dàn bù róng hé de
Sticking to but not fused with a part or an organ of the same kind.


tā yǒu fēi fán de zì lì de jīng shén huò jiān rèn bù bá de jīng shén。
She have an unusual degree of self-reliance and mental toughness.


wǒ bù zàn chéng sǔn hài yù shēng jù lái de yú mèi de rèn hé shì wù。
I do not approve of anything which tampers with natural ignorance.


hán gǒng de yù gǒng yǒu guān de huò hán gǒng de, yóu zhǐ hán yī jie gǒng de
Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence1.


tā yòng tiǎo dòu de mù guāng kàn le tā yī yǎn, xiū de tā mǎn liǎn tōng hóng。
He gave her a suggestive glance, and she blushed.


tā bèi tí míng wèi xíng zhèng zǒng cái de shì bèi dǒng shì huì pī zhǔn le。
His nomination as chief executive was approved by the board.


yǒu xiē liè huò de fēi qín yī zhí bǎo cún dào kāi shǐ biàn zhì cái pēng zhì.
Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking.


tā de chē huò jǐ le tā yī gè jiào xun, shǐ tā bù zài kāi kuài chē。
His car accident has been a lesson to him to stop driving too fast.

 美元突然贬值, 财经专家无不大伤脑筋.

měi yuán tū rán biǎn zhí, cái jīng zhuān jiā wú bú dà shāng nǎo jīn.
The sudden fall in the value of the dollar has puzzled financial experts.


tā wèi pāo qì yīng ér shì biàn chèng zì jǐ fǔ yǎng bù qǐ.
She rationalized her decision to abandon her baby by saying she could not afford to keep it.


wǒ bǎng zǐ shàng kuà zhuó liǎng jiàn yī fu, huó xiàng yī gè mài jiù huò de。
I held two coats over my arm like a rag-and-bone merchant.


wǒ de xiǎo xiǎo juān xiàn zài jù dà de zǒng é zhòng xiǎo de jī hū kàn bù jiàn。
My small contribution was lost in the grand total.


shàng gè yuè shù bǎi míng fù nu:3 ér tóng sǐ yú pàn jūn de pào huǒ。
Hundreds of women and children fell to the rebels’ gunfire last month.

 19世纪末, 英国许多政客鼓吹扩张主义.

19 shì jì mò, Yīng guó xǔ duō zhèng kè gǔ chuī kuò zhāng zhǔ yì.
Expansionism was advocated by many British politicians in the late 19th century.


dà yuán shuài mǒu yī guó nèi suǒ yǒu wǔ zhuāng bù duì de zuì gāo tǒng shuài
The commander in chief of all the armed forces in certain countries.


jūn zi xié dìng tōng cháng bù néng zài fǎ lu:4 shàng dé yǐ qiáng zhì zhí xíng。
A gentleman's agreement is not usually enforceable by law.


zài fù mǔ de cí ài de fǔ yù xià, wǒ dù guò le xìng fú de tóng nián。
I spent a happy childhood under the loving care of my parents.


lǎo shī shè fǎ bǎ tā de sī xiǎng shèn tòu dào hái zi men de xīn zhōng。
The teacher tried to infiltrate her ideas into the children's minds.


sù sòng jì lù fǎ lu:4 àn jiàn zhòng fǎ tíng sù sòng chéng xù de jiǎn yào jì lù
A brief entry of the court proceedings in a legal case.


shī kòng de tōng huò péng zhàng sì hu zǔ zhǐ zhè yī qū shì de fā zhǎn。
The runaway inflation would seem to put the brakes on such a trend.


zuó zhě zài qián yán zhòng chǎn míng le tā xiě zhè běn shū de yuán yīn。
In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.

 那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上, 司机猛踩刹车.

nà hái zi pǎo dào qì chē qián mian de lù shang, sī jī měng cǎi shā chē.
The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.


zài qiè sī tè de zhǔ jiào zhǔ chí xià jǔ xíng le xīn jiào táng de fèng xiàn lǐ.
The new church was consecrated by the Bishop of Chester.


tā bǎ gùn zi cháo lǐ miàn tǒng le hào shēn, kě shì méi yǒu dòng wù chū lai。
She poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out.


dài guì guān de dài yǐ yuè guì guān huò shì yǐ yuè guà zuò wéi róng yù biāo zhì de
Crowned or decked with laurel as a mark of honor.


kǒng guāng zhèng, guāng kǒng bù duì guāng xiàn bù zhèng cháng huò bù hé qíng lǐ de wèi jù
An abnormal or irrational fear of light.


tā yòng liǎng xiǎo shí zuǒ yòu de shí jiān cǎo cǎo nǐ chū le gù shì de dà gāng。
He batted out an outline of a story in about two hours.


máo máo chóng bì xū jīng guò jiǎn de jiē duàn cái néng biàn chéng hú dié。
A caterpillar must pass through the cocoon stage to become a butterfly.


tā fā jué hěn nàn yù tā de lǎo shī huò tóng xué men xiāng chǔ róng qià。
She finds it difficult to relate to her tutors and fellow students.


yī zhì zhě, fǔ wèi zhě zhì yù bié rén de rén, jù yǒu zhì yù yǐng xiǎng de rén
A person who heals or exerts a healing influence.


sì rén yāo mó chuán shuō huò shén shuō zhòng sì rén de jù rén huò yāo guài
A giant or monster in legends and fairy tales that eats human beings.


chōu tou pū kè pái xì zhòng měi yī cì dǔ zhù de yī bù fen còu jí chéng de qián
A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.


bèi jī bài de jūn duì tōu tōu qián huí dào tā zài shān lǐ de jù diǎn lǐ。
The defeat army slinked back to its stronghold in the mountain.


tā yòng yī miàn tū tòu jìng bǎ yáng guāng zài zhǐ shàng jù chéng jiāo diǎn。
He focused the sun's ray on a piece of paper with a burning-glass.

 假若认为耳聋有趣, 这种幽默感十分不当.

jiǎ ruò rèn wéi ěr lóng yǒu qù, zhè zhǒng yōu mò gǎn shí fēn bù dàng.
If you think deafness is funny, you've got a very misplaced sense of humour.

 这个建议完全是荒唐可笑的, 根本不可能采纳.

zhè gè jiàn yì wán quán shì huāng táng kě xiào de, gēn běn bù kě néng cǎi nà.
The entire proposal is risible: it will never be accepted.


jí mǐ huán bù néng fēn biàn yán sè, tā bǎ zǐ sè huò lán sè jiǎo hun le。
Jimmy doesn't know colors yet; he mixes up purple with blue.


yú mín huò shuǐ shǒu yǒu shí shēng chēng kàn dào guò hǎi lǐ de yāo guài。
Fishermen and sailors sometimes claim to have seen monsters in the sea.


tā xīn zhōng biē zhuó yī gǔ nù huǒ, àn zhào bié rén gào su tā de qù zuò。
He acted on what he was told with a cold fury in his heart.


wǒ men xīn pài qiǎn yī zǔ hù lǐ rén yuán kāi fù shòu zāi zuì zhòng de dì qū.
We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area.

 若肾功能衰退, 可通过渗透作用使血液净化.

ruò shèn gōng néng shuāi tuì, kě tōng guò shèn tòu zuò yòng shǐ xuè yè jìng huà.
Blood can be cleaned by osmosis if the kidneys have failed.


tā lì yòng nà jī huì biǎo dá le duì zhǔ xí jī yā yǐ jiǔ de yuàn qì.
He used the occasion to express all his old grievances against the chairman.


jí tuán de dà bù fen lì rùn shì yóu yuǎn dōng de zi gōng sī jiǎo nà。
Most of the group profit is contributed by the subsidiary in the far east.


bō làng qǐ fú de xiǎn shì duǎn ér zá luàn de bō làng de, bǐ rú zài hǎi cháo zhòng
Exhibiting short, jumbled waves, as a tidal rip.


yóu yú wēn dù qǐ fú bù dìng, tā men de cè yàn jié guǒ hěn bù zhǔn què。
Fluctuations in temperatures put their results oat by a mile.


tā yīn cì tàn gāi guó hǎi jūn jī dì de qíng bào ér bèi qū zhú chū jìng。
He was expelled from the country for spying on their naval bases.


jié kè bù xiǎo xīn chū le chā cuò, lǎo bǎn hěn hěn xùn le tā yī dùn。
Jack's boss jumped all over Jack because he made a careless mistake.

 这蛾子停在树枝上, 其颜色和树枝几不可辨.

zhè é zi tíng zài shù zhī shàng, qí yán sè huò shù zhī jǐ bù kě biàn.
Its colour makes the moth indistinguishable from the branch it rests on.


yào xiǎng nòng qīng shì shí, wéi yī bàn fǎ shì zuò zhōu mì de diào chá。
The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.

 就技术而言那座建筑物是杰作, 但却没人喜欢.

jiù jì shù ér yán nà zuò jiàn zhù wù shì jié zuò, dàn què mò rén xǐ huan.
Technicallythe building is a masterpiece, but few people like it.


fā sòng huò jiē shōu yī fú xīn de kuài zhào huì fù gài qián mian de tú xiàng。
Send or receiving a new snapshot overwrite the previous image.


xiǎo shù lín quē fá mào mì xià céng shù cóng de xiǎo shù lín huò shù mù qún tǐ
A small wood or stand of trees that lacks dense undergrowth.

 城市遭到轰炸时, 儿童都疏散到乡下去了.

chéng shì zāo dào hōng zhà shí, ér tóng dōu shū sàn dào xiāng xià qù le.
The children were evacuated to the country when the city was being bombed.


suǒ yǒu juān kuǎn, wú lùn shù mù duō me shào, wǒ men dōu shēn biǎo gǎn xiè。
All contribution, however small, will be greatly appreciated.


tā tóng gōng jī tā de rén jìn xíng bó dòu, zuì hòu bǎ tā men gǎn zǒu le。
He struggled with his assailants and eventually drove them off.


qǐng zhǔn bèi yī zhī jiān de qiān bǐ huò yī kuài xiàng pí cān jiā kǎo shì。
Please equip yourself with a sharp pencil and a rubber for the exam.


wáng gōng guì zú yǐ bù xiè yī gù de ào màn tài du duì dài píng mín bǎi xìng。
The nobles treated the common people with haughty contempt.


nǐ men wú wèi jiàng yǒu qíng bǎo mì-- qí shí yǐ jìn rén jiē zhī le.
It's pointless trying to keep your friendship secret it's common knowledge already.


zhè chǎng zhòng yào zhàn yì de shī lì shì wǒ men bài jú yǐ dìng de qián zhào.
Defeat in this important battle was the beginning of the end for us.


zhè xie xì jié yuán zhǔ mì mì, kě shì bù zhī zěn me jǐ xiè lòu chū qù le。
The details were supposed to be secret but somehow leaked out.


kāi de hǎo de niǔ yǎn shì lián xì yì shù yù zì rán de wéi yī huán jié。
A really well- made buttonhole is the only link between art and nature.


zhè huā píng dǐ bù méi yǒu nà jǐ ge xiǎo bān diǎn jiù shí quán shí měi le.
This vase would be perfect but for a few small flaws in its base.


yào cóng xiǎo shī rén nà r zhà chū qián lái, de shī xíng yī cì dà shǒu shù。
It take a major operation to extract money from a minor poet.


wǒ men shè huì zhòng pǔ biàn cún zài著 gēn shēn dì gù de bǎo shǒu sī xiǎng.
There is a deep-seated conservatism running through our society.


yǒu xiàn quān de shè bèi zhè yàng de luó xuán xiàn quān shì zhǔ yào bù jiàn de
Any of various devices of which such a spiral is the major component.


nà xiǎo hái jiǎ zhuāng kuài kàn shū, dàn tā bǎ shū dōu ná diān dǎo le。
The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.


zhuāng zài dùn chuán bó nèi bù róng jī dān wèi, děng yú yī bǎi lì fāng yīng chǐ
A unit of internal capacity of a ship equal to100 cubic feet.


tiáo bō yī zhòng pín lu:4 shì lìng yī zhòng bō pín lu:4 zhěng shù bèi de xié bō
A wave whose frequency is a whole-number multiple of that of another.


wèi le bì miǎn è sǐ, nà xiē mí lù de kān tàn rén yuán jí niǎo dàn chōng jī。
The lost explorers ate birds' eggs to stave off starvation.

 她把一块石头扔进池塘里, 看著水的波纹扩散开.

tā bǎ yī kuài shí tou rēng jìn chí táng lǐ, kàn著 shuǐ de bō wén kuò sàn kāi.
She threw a stone into the pond and watched the ripples spread.


nèi gè tān jí de xiǎo nán hái bǎ yàn huì shàng suǒ yǒu de táng guǒ dōu jí guāng le。
The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party.

 他有幽默感, 这是他对付他们的敌对行动的唯一手段.

tā yǒu yōu mò gǎn, zhè shì tā duì fu tā men de dí duì xíng dòng de wéi yī shǒu duàn.
Humour was his only weapon against their hostility.


wǒ men lái dào le chà lù kǒu, bù néng jué dìng zǒu něi yī tiáo chà lù。
We came to a fork in the road and could not decide which fork we should take.


wǒ kòu dòng le bān jī, kě shì qiāng dǎ bù xiǎng, nà lù yě jiù táo zǒu le。
I pulled the trigger, but the gun hung fire and the deer escaped.


luó duàn yǒu zhǎi de hèng léng wén de yī zhòng sī huò rén zào sī de jǐn mì zhī wù
A closely woven silk or rayon fabric with narrow horizontal ribs.


shuǐ yín de yù shuǐ yín yǒu guān de huò hán shuǐ yín de, yóu zhǐ hán èr jie gǒng de
Relating to or containing mercury, especially with valence2.


dà mén suǒ shàng le, dàn shì wǒ men zòng lí bā de quē kǒu zhòng zuàn le chū qù。
The gate was locked but we went through a gap in the fence.


tā de diān fù xíng wéi jiàng shǐ zhěng gè zì yóu yùn dòng sàng shī xìn yù。
His subversive action will give a black eye to the whole liberal movement.


hái zi men hěn xiàn mù gù shì zhòng shēng huó zài xiān jìng lǐ de xiān nu:3 men。
Children admire the fairies in that tale living in cloud cuckoo land.


zài Běi jīng, tā huò lǎo péng you mǐ lēi tài tai zhòng xù jiù rì yǒu qíng。
In Beijing, she had brightened the chain with her old friend Mrs Miller


tā bèi jǐng chá jū bǔ, kòng yǐ qiáng xíng jìn rù tā rén zhù zhái de zuì míng。
He was held by the police or a charge of breaking and entering.


bù hé luó ji de tuī lùn, miù lùn cuò wù de huò bù hé luó ji de guān diǎn huò jié lùn
A fallacious or illogical argument or conclusion.


zhè gè pǔ pǔ tōng tōng de zhǐ huī xiàn dào zhè yàng de yuè pǔ pián rèn shū le。
The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.


dí rén xiàng shān shàng chōng fēng, qǐ tú bǎ wǒ men de bīng lì cuī huǐ diào。
The enemy charged up the mountain, attempting to knock out our forces.


tā bǎ yī kuài shí tou rēng jìn chí táng lǐ, kàn著 shuǐ de bō wén kuò sàn kāi。
She throw a stone into the pond and watch the ripples spread.


rú guǒ fā xiàn nóng nú sī zì tóng jū, jiù kuài shòu dào cán kù biān dǎ。
If slaves were found living together secretly, they were cruelly whipped.


suǒ yǒu dǎng pài de zhèng zhì jiā men dōu yī zhì qiǎn zé tā de xíng wéi。
Politicians from all parties were completely unanimous in condemning his action.


yuán gào fāng miàn yǐ liǎng míng zhèng ren suǒ tí gōng de zhèng jù tí qǐ sù sòng。
The prosecution based their case on the evidence of two witnesses.


yīn wèi nà xiē yě mán de zhù wēi zhě, zú qiú bǐ sài bù dé bù zàn tíng。
The football march had to be paused because of the barbaric supporters.


Yīng guó dì yī tái dǎ zì jī zhuān lì zhèng shū shì yī qī yī sì nián bān fā de。
The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in1714.


dàng kǒng què zhǎn xiàn tā huá lì de wěi ba shí, hái zi men dà shēng jiào zhuó。
Children shout when they see the peacock spread his gorgeous tail.


tú shū guǎn zuì jìn zēng tiān de shū jí shì yī wèi bǎi wàn fù wēng juān xiàn de。
The library's latest acquisitions were donated by a millionaire.


xū bào nǐ de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng yǐ huò qǔ lián jià de bǎo xiǎn shì bù duì de。
It is not right to lie about your health to get cheap insurance.


rú guǒ qíng xing huài dào jí diǎn, wǒ men hái yǒu xiē chǔ bèi jīn kě dòng yòng。
If worst comes to the worst, we still have some money in reserve.


biān jìng shàng de jǐn zhāng jú shì jiā zhòng le wǒ men duì zhàn zhēng de yōu lu:4。
The serious incident along the border increased our fears of the war.


zài chéng lǐ shēng huó de rén wǎng wǎng máng lù de lián hán xuān dōu gù bù shàng。
People who live in towns are often too busy to pass the time of day.


tā jié chū de cái gàn yǐ jīng yóu tā huò dé xùn sù tí shēng ér dé dào zhèng míng.
Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.


tā men pìn qǐng le néng qǐng dào de zuì hǎo de lu:4 shī wèi tā men chén shù àn qíng.
They employed the best lawyer they could get to plead their case.


běng jǐn de bó mó zhuàng wù jǐ yà de hěn jǐn de píng bǎn huò bó mó, rú gǔ miàn
A tightly stretched sheet or membrane, as on the head of a drum.


zhǐ gōng zuò le yī tiān, tā jiù mán bù jiǎng lǐ de yāo qiú zēng jiā gōng zī。
He had the temerity to ask for higher wages after only a day's work.


zhuō shàng nà bāo táng guǒ duì nà hái zi shì gè nán yǐ kàng jù de yòu huò.
The bag of sweets on the table was too strong a temptation for the child to resist.


bǐ sài jié shù qián shí fēn zhōng luó bù sēn shàng chǎng tì dài wēi ěr jīn sī.
Robson came on in place of Wilkins ten minutes before the end of the game.


luó zi jì wú zú yǐ zì háo de zǔ zōng, yì wú kě yǐ jì tuō xī wàng de zǐ sūn。
A mule have neither pride of ancestry nor hope of posterity.


lún kuò xiàn, wài kuò xiàn yòng yú dìng yì yī xíng zhuàng huò miáo huì yī lún kuò de xiàn
A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.

 有的祸事, 像她的汽车被盗之类, 以前从未发生过.

yǒu de huò shì, xiàng tā de qì chē bèi dào zhī lèi, yǐ qián zòng wèi fā shēng guò.
Such a disaster as her car being stolen had never happened before.


zhè gè pín qióng de nu:3 hái bèi dà shà lǐ de háo huá de chén shè jīng dāi le。
The poor girl was astonished by the sumptuous furnishings of the mansion.


jǐ ge Nán měi zhōu guó jiā huò nà cuì Dé guó duàn jué le wài jiāo guān xi。
Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.


gāi zá zhì bèi guī lèi chéng yín huì chū bǎn wù, yǐ bèi hǎi guān mò shōu。
The magazine is classed as an obscene publication and seized by the customs.

 在专利局, 我们还有许多的想法没有付诸实施。

zài zhuān lì jú, wǒ men hái yǒu xǔ duō de xiǎng fǎ méi yǒu fù zhū shí shī。
In the Patent Office, we still have millions of ideas that are free for use.


qū jī yī kuài shōu suō shí néng wān qǔ shēn tǐ de guān jié huò sì zhī de jī ròu
A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.


zhà zhī jī, zhà zhī qì yòng lái zhà qǔ shuǐ guǒ huò shū cài de zhī yè de qì jù
An appliance that is used to extract juice from fruits and vegetables.


dú zhě kě yǐ gǎn jué dào tā wén zhāng zhòng dì kuáng wàng zì fù lìng rén fǎn gǎn.
Readers may find the pretension and arrogance of her style irritating.


wǒ men de qí zhì bèi yòng yī gēn shéng zi huò liǎng gè huá lún shēng dào le gān dǐng。
Our flag is raised to the top of a pole by a rope and two pulley.


dú le zhè běn shū, wǒ men kuài duì zhǔ rén wēng de dòu zhēng jì yú tóng qíng。
Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle.


shǒu xiàng shì nèi gé wén jiàn xiè mì zhèng zhì jiū fēn de zhōng xīn rén wù.
The Prime Minister is at the centre of a political row over leaked Cabinet documents.


jīng guò jǐ xiǎo shí de jī liè zhàn dòu, wǒ men gǎn zǒu le rù qīn de fěi tú。
After a few hours of fierce fighting, we saw the intruding bandits off.


nà shī zi zài zhè qún lù sì zhōu zhuàn lái zhuàn qù, děng dài zhuó shí jī jìn gōng。
The lion circled about the family of deer, waiting to attack.


luó wén jiē kǒu yòng yú jiē hé diàn qì zhuāng zhì huò yǐn chū hé de luó wén jiē kǒu
A threaded electrical fitting to connect a fixture to an outlet box.


lì fǎ jī guān bān bù le yí xiàng xīn de jiǔ yè fǎ, cuò cí tōng sú yì dǒng。
The legislature has enacted a new liquor law, and he that runs may read.

 这部影片被吹捧为杰作, 可是我觉得令人失望.

zhè bù yǐng piàn bèi chuī pěng wèi jié zuò, kě shì wǒ jué de lìng rén shī wàng.
The film was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing.


zài Zhōng guó yī zhāng chuán tǒng de bā xiān zhuō tōng cháng kě róng bā rén jiù cān。
In China, a traditional big square table usually dines eight persons.


nèi gè bēi bǐ xiǎo rén zài wàn pū kè pái shí zuò bì, yīn cǐ yǐn qǐ yī chǎng dǎ dòu。
A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.


zhè gè táo qì de nán hái yīn wèi dǎo huǐ le fēng fáng ér bèi mì fēng zhuī gǎn。
The naughty boy was chased by the bees because he destroyed the honeycomb.


tā xiàng wǒ zhǎ le zhǎ yī zhǐ yǎn, yì si shì tā zhèng zài kāi bié rén de wán xiào。
He winked at me to show that he was playing a joke on the others.


yī méi qián bì de nèi zài jià zhí shì zào zhè méi qián bì de jīn shǔ de jià zhí。
The intrinsic value of a coin is the value of the metal it is made of.


fèn nù de qún zhòng rǎng dào,“ shā diào zhè gè mài guó zéi, tā gāi sǐ。
The angry crowd shouted,"Knock the traitor on the head. He is not fit to live."


nèi gè guó jiā de qián lì hěn dà, dàn wén míng chéng dù huán bù gòu fā dá。
The country has a big potential but civilization there is still in the rough.


zhèr de shēng huó tiáo jiàn yǒu diǎn jiǎn lòu bù kān, lián chuáng pù dōu méi yǒu。
The living conditions were a bit rough and ready, as there were no beds.


yīn wèi yǒu qián yòu kāng kǎi, tā juān le liǎng bǎi wàn yuán jǐ hóng shí zì kuài。
Rich and generous, he contributed two million dollars to the Red Cross.


tā zài nà chǎng zhàn dòu zhòng dì yīng yǒng shì jī wèi tā yíng dé le yǒng héng de róng yù。
His brave deeds in the battle earned him everlasting glory.


fēi zhōu yǒu yī xiē dì qū zhè shí réng rán chǔ yú zhí mín zhǔ yì de tǒng zhì zhī xià。
Some parts of Africa still remained under colonialism.


Zhōng guó de tóu zī zhèng cè wèi wài guó tóu zī zhě tí gōng le yōu huì dài yù。
China's investment policy provide preferential treatment to foreign investor.


zòng jīng jì xué de guān diǎn lái shuō, guó jiā chǔ yú hěn xīng wàng de zhuàng tài zhī zhōng。
Economically, the country is in a very healthy state.


gōng zhǔ bèi nèi gè kě wù de mó shù shī tōu tōu dài dào le yī gè huāng dǎo shàng。
The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician.


hái zi men xǐ huan jiǎo bàn zuò dàn gāo de hùn hé liào, tóng shí xǔ yī gè xīn yuàn。
The children liked to stir the cake mixture about, making a wish.


hàn wèi xìng dào dé de yùn dòng zhèng zài zhuǎn huà chéng duì chí yì yì rén shì de pò hài.
The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt.


bā bù yà wān shān hú hǎi de yī gè wèi yú xīn jǐ nèi Yà dōng nán àn de dà hǎi wān
A large inlet of the Coral Sea on the southeast coast of New Guinea.


gōng zhòng yú lùn de qū xiàng kàn lai shì zhuǎn xiàng bù lì yú zhèng fǔ de fāng xiàng。
The tide of public opinion seems to be turning against the government.


shàng zhōu mò shī zōng de dēng shān duì zhì jīn xià luò bù míng, quán wú zōng jī。
All trace has been lost of the climbing team missing since last weekend.


péng you gào jiè tā, gàn huó jiā bǎ jìng, fǒu zé jiù kuài diū diào fàn wǎn。
He got the straight tip from his friend-work harder, or you'll lose your job.


dǒng shì zhǎng dǎ suàn zòng běn cì yì shì rì chéng zhòng qù diào liǎng gè yì shì xiàng mù
The chairman wanted two items removed from or take off the agenda.


wǒ de zuǒ xī yī dào yīn shī tiān qì jiù fàn bìng。 tā de guān jié yán yòu fàn le
My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again.


zài mǒu zhǒng yì yì shàng shuō wǒ tóng yì nín, dàn ài chū míng shì rén jiē yǒu zhī de。
I concur with you in a sense, but love of fame is universal.


wǒ nìng yuàn zài huā yuán chú cǎo, yě bù yuàn zài yùn dòng cháng shàng pǎo lái pǎo qù。
I would rather hoe in the garden than run about on the playground.


suǒ dé shuì bì huáng jīn bǎ gèng duō de měi guó rén zào chéng le shuō huǎng zhē。
The income tax have make more liar out of the american people than gold have.


wǒ men de jiào yù shì yè shì huò zǔ guó de fán róng chāng shèng xiū qī xiāng guān de。
Our educational cause is bound up with the prosperity of our country.


qīn lu:è jūn zài nà li héng xíng bà dào, shā rén fàng huǒ, qiāng jié cái wù。
The invading troops rampaged about in the area, killing, burning and looting.


wǒ de xiàng liàn yǒu yī gè xīn xíng de chuí shì, dàn wǒ bìng fēi měi tiān dōu dài tā。
My necklace has a heart pendant, but I don't wear it everyday.


tā shì gè bèn zhuō de hái zi, jīng cháng bèn shǒu bèn jué de bǎ dōng xi shuāi pò。
He was an awkward child, always falling over himself and breaking things.


zhè gè zhēn tàn fǎn fù zhuó mó xiǎng nòng míng bai nèi gè qiè zéi shì zěn yàng táo pǎo de。
The detective tried to reason out how the thief had escaped.


měi gè rén dōu mán yuàn zì jǐ de jì yì lì, què wú rén mán yuàn zì jǐ de pàn duàn lì。
Everyone complain of his memory, no one of his judgement.


wǒ bù yuàn ràng tā cān jiā jù yuè bù, yīn wèi tā yǒu diǎn dǎo dàn de wèi dao。
I couldn't care for him to join the club, because he is sort of mischievous.


zuó yè yǒu rén kàn jiàn liǎng gè xíng jì kě yí de rén zài xiào yuán lǐ pái huái。
Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.


wǒ men zài wēi Ní sī dù jià shí zēng dào fù jìn de jǐ ge dì fang guān guāng guò.
During our holiday in Venice we went on a few trips/excursions to places near by.


mí huo le shuò xiǎo shí hòu, wǒ zuì zhōng nòng míng bai le, bìng zhǎo dào le dá àn。
After puzzling for hours I finally saw daylight and found the answer.


yī chà nà jiàn, tā cí shàn de jià miàn rēng diào, lù chū le tā de zhēn miàn mù。
For a moment his mask of benevolence fell and the real man was revealed.


fàng mù de, mù chǎng yī piàn shì yí yú shēng chù yóu dàng huò jìn shí de guǎng dà tǔ dì
An expanse of land suitable for livestock to wander and graze on.


jǐng chá fēn jú wèi yú guǎn qū nèi bìng duì qí xíng shǐ guǎn xiá quán de jǐng chá jú
The police station situated in and having jurisdiction over such a district.


ó, duì bù qǐ。 yǔn xǔ wǒ gēng zhèng yī xià, zhè jiàn gǔ dǒng jué duì shì zhēn de。
Oh, I'm sorry, but if I may correct you, this is absolutely real.


mó, bāo dài bāo guǒ xìng de jié gòu huò bāo pí, rú mó huò bìng dú de wài ké
An enclosing structure or cover, such as a membrane or the outer coat of a virus.


huò dé wù huò dé de dōng xi, yóu zhǐ yī què dìng fàn chóu huò qún tǐ zhī wài de
Something acquired, especially an addition to an established category or group.


wǒ hěn zǒu yùn, zài zuì hòu jǐ chǎng Mǎ sài zhòng, jiē èr lián sān de dǔ yíng le。
Fortunately, I picked winners back to back in the last few races.


jù fèng, pǐ hén qiè gē xíng gōng jù rú jù huò fǔ zi suǒ zhì zào de gōu cáo huò āo kǒu
A groove or notch made by a cutting tool, such as a saw or an ax.


Yīng guó huò bì kě néng biǎn zhí, rú guǒ guǒ zhēn rú cǐ, lì lu:4 jiù kuài shàng shēng。
Sterling may fall, if (this should be) so, interest rates will rise.

 他听到他们那令人吃惊的消息时, 脸上呈现异样的表情.

tā tīng dào tā men nà lìng rén chī jīng de xiāo xi shí, liǎn shàng chéng xiàn yì yàng de biǎo qíng.
His face was a study as he listened to their amazing news.


shā kuàng kāi cǎi de yī gè yòng lái qīng xǐ chū yǒu yòng kuàng wù de shā kuàng kāi cǎi de
A place where a placer deposit is washed to extract its mineral content.


tā xiàng jī jīn huì juān le yī dà bǐ qián, wèi jī jīn huì dài lái xīn de shēng jī。
He breathed new life into the fund when he donated a large sum of money.


jīng zhì shí huī jiāo nì jīng zhì shí huī jiāo nì, yòng yú zài huī nì biǎo céng tú mǒ chéng mó
A fine lime cement used as a finishing coat on plaster.


zhè gè shēn sài zhě xià dìng jué xīn wú lùn rú hé yào yíng dé500 gōng chǐ sài pǎo de shèng lì。
The racer meant to win the500-meter race at all risks.


tā jiù shì zhè me gè jiā huo, zì gān duò luò qù piàn lǎo rén men de jǐ wén qián。
He's just the kind that would stoop to swindle old people out of a few pence.


bù liè diān shì dà bù liè diān jí běi ài ěr lán lián hé wáng guó de jiǎn chēng。
Britain is a brief name of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

 我是记者, 在这一政治危机时期我是目睹一切的局外人.

wǒ shì jì zhě, zài zhè yī zhèng zhì wēi jī shí qī wǒ shì mù dǔ yī qiè de jú wài rén.
As a journalist, I was on the sidelines during the political crisis.

 该国对汽车工业严加保护, 外国汽车甚为罕见.

gāi guó duì qì chē gōng yè yán jiā bǎo hù, wài guó qì chē shèn wèi hǎn jiàn.
The country's car industry is so strongly protected that foreign cars are rarely seen there.


huà ěr jiē jīn róng huá pō yǐn qǐ shì jiè gǔ piào shì chǎng de lián suǒ fǎn yìng。
The slump on Wall Street set up a chain reaction in stock markets around the world.


zhè míng yín yóu shī rén zài quán guó yóu lì, yín chàng tā zì jǐ xiě de shī gē。
The minstrel travelled about the country singing songs and poems written by him.


cháng zhēng zhòng, wǒ men de Hóng Jūn zhàn shì chéng gōng de shè guò le zhǎo zé dì。
In the long March, our Red Army soldiers succeeded in wading through the marshland.


shēn sù mín shì sù sòng zhòng bèi gào duì yuán gào suǒ zuò de chén shù zhuàng de huí dá
A defendant's answer to the declaration made by the plaintiff in a civil action.


chǎn shù jiào yì wú wù de chǎn shì yǒu guān xìn yǎng huò jīng shén de jiào yì shí bù chū cuò de
Incapable of error in expounding doctrine on faith or morals.


zhè shǒu sì zhòng zòu de qǔ zi fǎn yìng le xiàn dài yīn yuè zhòng yī zhòng zhǔ yào de xīn qū xiàng.
This quartet represents a major new trend in modern music.


yán liào róng jiě yè, zhǎn shǎi jì yòng yǐ xī shì yán liào zhì hé shì nóng dù de xī shì yè
A solvent with which paint is thinned to the proper consistency.


xià děng jīn gāng shí jié jīng hěn cī de jīn gāng shí, yòng yú gōng yè qiè gē huò yán mó
Poorly crystallized diamonds used for industrial cutting and abrasion.

 这位部长慷慨陈词为其政策辩护, 反驳批评他的人.

zhè wèi bù zhǎng kāng kǎi chén cí wèi qí zhèng cè biàn hù, fǎn bó pī píng tā de rén.
The minister countered his critics with a strong speech defending his policies.

 在各种医药研究中, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题.

zài gè zhǒng yī yào yán jiū zhòng, yìng shǒu xiān jiě jué xún zhǎo xīn yì miáo de wèn tí.
The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.


xù mù zhǔ yì yǐ wèi yǎng huò fàng mù jiā chù wèi jī chǔ de shè huì huò jīng jì xì tǒng
A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.


yǐ qián yòng yǐ bǎo hù shàng qián qù wéi gōng de shì bīng de huó dòng de píng miàn huò dùn pái
A mobile screen or shield formerly used to protect besieging soldiers.


mù dì shì yào ràng tā zài bù duàn zēng zhǎng de ruì diǎn wēi lì zhòng qǐ zhǔ yào zuò yòng。
She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden.


guān kàn jǐn biāo sài de guān zhòng men diū xià de fèi wù, shí fēi bǐ mò suǒ néng miáo shù。
The rubbish left behind by the Cup Final crowd beggars description.


xiū jiàn xiào shè de jì huà shì zài zēng jiā jiào yù jīng fèi de qián tí xià nǐ dìng de.
The school building programme postulates an increase in educational investment.

 他若能买得起豪华的快艇, 就更能匀出钱来还债了.

tā ruò néng mǎi de qǐ háo huá de kuài tǐng, jiù gèng néng yún chū qián lái huán zhài le.
If he can afford a luxury yacht, then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts.


bào zhǐ shàng mǎn shì guān yú shì jiè zhèng zhì sān jù tóu huì wù de bào dào。
The newspaper was covered with reports of the meeting of the three political titans in the world.


bù, wǒ yào qù kàn yī chū guó jù, Bǐ lì zuó tiān jǐ wǒ yī zhāng zhāo dài quàn。
No, I'm going to see a Chinese opera. Billy gave me a complimentary ticket yesterday.


guān cái jià, shī tǐ jià mái zàng qián yòng yǐ fàng zhì shī tǐ huò guān cái de jià zi
A stand on which a corpse or a coffin containing a corpse is placed before burial.

 昨天的雪崩造成一批滑雪者死亡, 并毁坏了一些树木.

zuó tiān de xuě bēng zào chéng yī pī huá xuě zhě sǐ wáng, bìng huǐ huài le yī xiē shù mù.
Yesterday's avalanche killed a party of skiers and destroyed several trees.


běi yuē duì zhè gè dú lì de guó jiā de qīn lu:è shì duì rén quán de yě mán qīn fàn。
NATO's invasion of this independent country is a brutal violation of human rights.
