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nǎ ge kē mù duì nǐ lái shuō zuì yǒu qù?
Which is the most interesting subject for you?


wěi yuán huì shí mó shí hou zuò chū cái jué?
When will the committee give/make its ruling?


jīn nián de yùn dòng huì yóu něi guó zhǔ bàn?
Which country is hosting the Games this year?


xī dú chéng yǐn de rén cháng cháng chǎn shēng huàn jué.
Drug addicts often hallucinate.


wǒ men dōu xí guàn yū suǒ shòu de jiào yǎng.
We have all been conditioned by our upbringing.


nǐ néng gān xīn yī bèi zi shī yè ma?
Could you reconcile yourself to a lifetime of unemployment?


shì gù後 tā yāo bù yǐ xià tān huàn le.
The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down.


suì dào dǐng tān tā( yà zhù gōng rén).
The roof of the tunnel caved in (on the workmen).


yuè qiú shì jiè fǎn shè yáng guāng ér fā guāng de.
The moon shines with reflected light.


bù zhàn kōng jiān de shè xiàng jī; xiǎo xíng qì chē
A compact camera; a compact car.


tóu zī de shōu yì tóu zī huò lì; huí bào
A profit obtained from an investment; a return.


zhè jǐ xiàng yìng liè zài nǎ ge biāo tí xià mian?
What heading do these items fall under?


wǒ bù yuàn huā zhè mó duō qián mǎi cì pǐn.
I grudge paying so much for such inferior goods.

 你是那麽想的吗? 纯粹是错觉!

nǐ shì nà mó xiǎng de ma? chún cuì shì cuò jué!
You think that, do you? Pure illusion!


tā shì jiǎo( qīng) le dǎng fèi de dǎng yuán.
She's a (fully) ,paid-up member of the party.


tā zuì jìn chū bǎn de shū lùn shù14 xìng shī。
Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.


nǐ jìng gǎn fěi bàng wǒ qī zi de rén gé!
How dare you cast aspersions on my wife's character!


gōng gòng jiāo tōng yīng dāng shòu dào zī zhù ma?
Should public transport be subsidized?


shòu nu:è dài ér tóng jí pèi ǒu de biàn hù rén
Advocates for abused children and spouses.


zài zhè yīn àn de dì fang tā liǎn sè yǒu hēi。
Her face was dark in the shadowy place.


wǒ men kě yǐ yòng zhēng liù fǎ shǐ shuǐ jìng huà。
We may purge water by distillation.


yī liàng jiù jí pǔ chē yàn lù yǐ lǐ ér lái。
An old jeep is putter along the road.


nǐ men jiē shòu wài huì quàn duì huàn quàn ma?
Do you accept foreign exchange certificate?


shì qing bìng fēi xiàng nǐ xiǎng de nà mó zāo。
Buck up! Things aren't as bad as you think.


tā de shōu rù yǒu duō shao xū nà suǒ dé shuì?
What percentage of his income is taxable?


bǎ kā fēi jiǎo yī jiǎo hào ràng zhā zǐ chén diàn.
Stir the coffee to settle the grounds.


jīn yīng zhǎng zhuó hēi huáng de yǔ máo。
An oriole is a bird which has black and yellow feathers.


xīn wén jì zhě yìng bù yīng gāi yǒu diǎn rén qíng wèi?
Should the press be human?


nà chuán zài bào fēng yǔ jiǎn ruò後 qǐ háng le.
The ship sailed when the storm had abated.


bó cí wǎ nà de zhǔ yào shū chū pǐn shì shí mó?
What are the chief exports of Botswana?


wǒ de chéng gōng qián jǐng[ xī wàng] yǐ pò miè.
My prospects/hopes of success have vanished.


mǎ lǐ lín yào de shì ài ér bú shì chóng bài。
Marilyn wanted to be loved, not lionized.


xiān bǎ de píng zhěng hào zài zhí cǎo píng.
The ground should be levelled before you plant a lawn.


cí ài de guān huái; wēn hé rén cí de xīn líng
A kindly interest; a gentle, kindly soul.


jiǎng huà shì fēn shù; chén mò shì zhěng shù。
Speech is fractional; silence is integral.


shí èr yuè shì yī nián de zuì後 yī gè yuè fèn.
December is the last month of the year.


tā bǎ xiàng pí jīn pā de yī shēng lā duàn le.
He stretched the rubber band till it snapped.


tā de liǎn shàng yǒu bǎo jīng kǔ nàn de lào yìn。
His face bears the stamp of suffering.


zhè chǎng huǒ zāi yīng gāi zhuī jiū shéi de zé rèn?
Who is to blame for starting the fire?


zào fǎn de rén jīng dà shè shì fàng huí jiā.
The rebels returned home under a general amnesty.


tā shǒu bei shàng yǒu yī kuài xiǎn yǎn de shāng hén.
She had a dilly of a bruise on her arm.


wǒ men jìn qī de xìn jiàn juàn zōng zài nǎ li?
Where's the file of our recent correspondence?


gōng chǎng guān bì後 gōng rén shī yè le.
The workshop has shut down and the workers are unemployed.


wǒ jiù shì zhè gè shí hóu bèi jiào huì sī kǎo de。
That was when I was taught to think.


shì shí mó cù shǐ nǐ tuī cè chū zhè yàng de jié lùn?
What made you conjecture that?

 他们一个个都跑了, 把我撇下了!

tā men yī gè gè dōu pǎo le, bǎ wǒ piě xià le!
Every man jack of them ran off and left me!


zhú guāng zài rì guāng xià xiǎn de hěn àn dàn。
The light of a candle is dimmed by sunlight.


tā men zuì後 yì rán jué dìng jié hūn.
They have finally decided to take the plunge and get married.


shēn ào zhī shi、 gǎn qíng huò yì yì de shēn chù
Depth of intellect, feeling, or meaning.


shān hú shì yóu mǒu xiē shuǐ xī tǐ gòu chéng de.
Coral is formed by certain types of polyp.


duǎn zàn de shí shàng: liú xíng yī shí de kuáng rè
A short-lived popular fashion; a fad.


yáng cōng de wèi dao yī zhí dōu bù sàn, shì ma?
The smell of onions clings, doesn't it?


Mǎ lì huò wǒ gé zhuó huā yuán lí bā jiāo tán。
Mary talked with me across the garden fence.


nín xiǎng mǎi jìn kǒu de hái shì guó chǎn de?
Do you want an import brand or a home-make one?


chéng bàn bìn zàng zhě zhǔn bèi mái zàng shī tǐ。
The corpse was laid out by the undertaker.


zhè sōu chuán yùn xíng Duō fó-- jiā lái háng xiàn.
The boat operates on the Dover-Calais run.


sī kè lǔ qí shì duō mó kě wù de lìn sè guǐ ya!
What a miserable old devil Scrooge was!


ān mǎ shì hěn nàn zhǎng wò de qì xiè.
The vaulting horse is a difficult piece of apparatus to master.


Hēng lì yīng yǒng fèn zhàn, kě shì dǎ bài le。
Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.


tàn jīng bàng cháng yòng yú diàn hú dēng。
The stick of carbon is often used in an electric arc lamp.


tā shān dòng qí tā de nán hái zǐ tiáo pí dǎo dàn。
He stirred the other boys to mischief.


nà chǎng hàn zāi guò後 jí bìng cóng shēng.
Outbreaks of disease occurred in the wake of the drought.


jiào shòu xīn bù zài yān de yán tú xiā liù.
The professor bumbled absent-mindedly along the road.


tā de suǒ zuò suǒ wèi jiē qǔ jué yū yī jǐ zhī lì.
Self-interest governs all his actions.


xiōng pú qí tā bǔ rǔ dòng wù de xiāng yìng qì guān
A corresponding organ in other mammals.


zhè shǐ tā wán quán máng rán( ér yù sè) le.
It left him at a complete loss (for words).

 他摔倒时, 额头磕著了(墙).

tā shuāi dǎo shí, é tóu kē著 le( qiáng).
He hit his forehead (against the wall) as he fell.


“ sān sī ér hòu xìng” shì wǒ de zuò yòu míng。
Think before you act is my motto.


shuì wù jú fù zé zhēng shōu suǒ dé shuì.
The Inland Revenue is responsible for collecting income tax.


gōng dǎng zò1ng964 nián dàō970 nián zhí zhèng.
The Labour Party was in government from 1964 to 1970.


zhè yì wài de shī bài yóu rú qíng tiān pī lì。
The unexpected defeat came as a thunderbolt.


qiú fàn jué wàng de luàn zhuā láo fáng de mén.
The prisoner clawed at the cell door in desperation.


tā bǎ yī xiǎo kuài qián jìng de bù chán zhù jué wàn.
He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle.


tā huán guǎn tā mǔ qīn jiào“ lǎo tài pó” ne。
He called his mother"old girl", too.


tā de xíng wéi diàn wū le guó jiā de róng yù。
His action profaned the honour of his country.


【 yàn】 wú fēng zé wú mì, bù láo zé wú chóu。
No bees, no honey; no work, no money.


dà yǔ guò hòu, xià shuǐ dào yì chū shuǐ lái。
The drains overflowed after the heavy rain.


【 yàn】 hái zi huò shǎ zi, kǒu zhòng wú zhà yù。
Children and fools tell the truth.


nǐ men shì bú shì dōu dé dào le gōng píng de yī fèn le?
Have you all had a fair whack?


tā wèi fù mǔ qīn xīng jiàn le yī liàn xīn fáng zi。
He has built his parents a new house.


nà shì yī gè níng jìng、 míng mèi de zǎo chén。
It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene.


yōu xīn chōng chōng de jiā zhǎng men kāi le yī cì kuài。
Concerned parents held a meeting.


tā shí fēn qián chéng de chóng bài nu:3 míng xīng。
He adores this screen goddess with godliness.


nǐ dú guò nà běn shū de quán wén bǎn běn ma?
Have you read the unabridged edition of that book?


nóng fū zhèng zài yòng è bǎ niú tào dào lí shàng。
The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.


wǒ jū rán fā xiàn le yī zhǐ jù dà de zhī zhū!
What should I find but an enormous spider!


nǐ bǎ zhè xie xuē zi hǎo hǎo cā yī xià hào ma?
Would you put a good shine on these boots?


tā噼噼 pā pā de huī biān cè mǎ kuáng pǎo。
He cracked his whip and the horses began to trot.


lǐ yí, lǐ jié bīn bīn yǒu lǐ de xíng wéi de xí sú
The conventions of polite behavior.

 盒子有顶面、 底面和四个侧面.

hé zi yǒu dǐng miàn、 dǐ miàn huò sì gè cè miàn.
A box has a top, a bottom and four sides.


jī ròu yùn dòng de xié tiáo; jī ròu yùn dòng fǎn shè
Motor coordination; a motor reflex.


tā máng yū zhào liào sān gè xiǎo hái er.
He's fully occupied in looking after/with three small children.


dí nà mó duì de fáng shǒu kàn qǐ lai yǐ wǎ jiě le。
Dynamo's defence looks disorganize.

 我跟你说话的时候, 你要留心听!

wǒ gēn nǐ shuō huà de shí hou, nǐ yào liú xīn tìng!
Pay attention when I'm talking to you!


nà cì shì gù後 tā de tuǐ shàng liú xià le shāng bā。
The accident left a scar on her leg.


wǒ zì xíng chē de hòu lún jū tāi mò qì le。
I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle.


nǐ zhàng fu má zuì後 huán méi yǒu sū xǐng.
Your husband hasn't yet come round after the anaesthetic.

 海豹、 海龟、 企鹅均有鳍状肢.

hǎi bào、 hǎi guī、 qǐ é jūn yǒu qí zhuàng zhī.
Seals, turtles and penguins have flippers.


tā men bù kě kào[ bú shì wǒ xìn lài de rén].
They're not to be trusted/not people I would trust.


zhè kù fáng de róng liàng shì400 lì fāng yīng chǐ。
The store- room be400 cubic feet in volume.


luǒ lù de shāng kǒu hěn kuài jiù shòu dào le gǎn rǎn。
The open wound soon became infected.


zhè bǐ shēng yi yìng yū míng tiān shùn lì chéng jiāo.
The deal should be buttoned up by tomorrow.


Zhōng guó lì shǐ shàng yǒu duō shao gè cháo dài?
How many dynasties are there in China's history?


zhí bù luó tuó yán shān shàng yǒu xǔ duō dòng xuè.
The Rock of Gibraltar is honeycombed with caves.


Hēng lì xiě jǐ fù qīn de xìn jiǎn míng è yào。
Henry's note to his father was short and sweet.


huá tiě lú zhàn yì de yí zhǐ zài bǐ lì shí。
The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium.


xiān qián de shí jiān shàng xiān fā shēng de; jiào zǎo de
Occurring before in time; earlier.


nǐ zhī dào zhè xiāng shāng pǐn de shāng biāo ma?
Do you know the trade name of this box of merchandise?


ài、 xǐ、 hèn、 jù、 bēi dōu shì qíng gǎn。
Love, joy, hate, fear and grief are all emotions.


wǒ men dà jiā bù yào huí bì jí shǒu de wèn tí。
Let's not skirt round the awkward questions.


dà lǐ shí gǒng mén shì著 míng de lún dūn biāo zhì.
Marble Arch is a famous London landmark.


fàn wéi; qū yù bèi gāi jiè xiàn wéi hé de kōng jiān
The space enclosed by such a boundary.


zhè zhāng zhào piàn yù tōng jī rén xiāng fú.
The photograph answers to the description of the wanted man.


tā yòng téng zhàng chōu duàn le荨 má de dǐng bù.
He swished off the tops of the nettles with his cane.


nǐ tīng dào tā dǎ suàn cí zhí de chuán wén le ma?
Have you heard of her intention to resign?


yǒu bào lì xíng wéi de qiú fàn gé lí qiú jìn.
Violent prisoners are kept separate from the others.


zhè zhǒng yào méi yǒu shí mó bù liáng de fù zuò yòng.
The drug has no undesirable side-effects.


jiàn jiē xuān chuán; jiàn jiē wú xiàn diàn chuán sòng
Black propaganda; black radio transmissions.


xiǎo shuō zhòng dì shì yuǎn xùn yū shí jì tǐ yàn.
Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience.


tā tíng dùn le yī xià rán後 jì xù jiǎng huà.
He paused for a moment, and then continued his speech.


qí yì de bù xún cháng de huò tè bié de; qí miào de
Remarkable or extraordinary; wonderful.


tā yù wǒ men qià tán chéng jiāo後 yòu fān huǐ le.
She welshed on (the bargain she made with) us.


tā yòng mǒ bù bǎ fáng jiān cā de qián qián jìng jìng。
She went over the room with a duster.


gào mì zhě jiǎn jǔ tā rén de rén; gào mì de rén
One who informs against others; an informer.


gōng rén men qīng lǐ( zá wù)後 jiù zǒu le.
The workmen cleaned up (the mess) before they left.


biè zhè mó wō nang, mò shí mó kě pà de ma。
Don't be so soft there's nothing to be afraid of.


shàng wèi duì wǒ men chóng shēn le nà xiàng mìng lìng。
The captain reiterated the command to us.

 她似乎很诚实, 但我可以信赖她吗?

tā sì hu hěn chéng shí, dàn wǒ kě yǐ xìn lài tā ma?
She seems genuine but can I trust her?


piān dù piān chā; yī tè dìng shù liàng de piān chā
Deviation or a specified amount of deviation.


jié wèn zhě de cháo xiào dǎ duàn le tā de jiǎng huà.
Hecklers interrupted her speech with jeering.


tì bǔ de yī lěi ān dǎ; dì èr lěi tì bǔ tōu jī
A pinch single; a pinch steal of second base.


duì zhè xie hái zi de chǔ fá guò yū yán lì.
The punishments inflicted on the children were too severe.


wǒ xīng qī wǔ cí zhí後 dàng tiān jiù lí kāi le。
I resigned on Friday and left that same day.


chéng qún de dǎi tú fàn fǎ後 qī shēn yū shù lín zhòng.
Bands of outlaws lived in the forest.


yě mán de zhǎng xiāng xiōng è de huò miàn mù zhēng níng de
Savage or threatening in appearance.


yòng wǔ gè píng guǒ huàn wǔ gè jī dàn gōng píng ma?
Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange?


dòng jié de xuě zài wǒ men de jué xià gá zī zuò xiǎng.
The frozen snow crunched under our feet.


bǎ huáng yóu jiā rè, zhí dào biàn chéng hè sè wéi zhǐ。
Heat the butter until it browns.


wēi xiǎo biǎo wēi xiǎo de hòu zhuì、 dān cí huò míng chēng
A diminutive suffix, word, or name.


tā de xiǎo zuǐ bā yī juē, yǎn lèi wāng wāng。
Her little mouth pucker up and tear fille her eyes.

 不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜.

bù zhī wèi shí mó, wǒ yǒu diǎn wèi tā wǎn xī.
I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.


liú huáng shì zhà yào de yī zhòng zǔ chéng chéng fèn。
Brimstone is a component part of explosive.


zhè xie fú hào wǒ wán quán bù míng bái shì shí mó yì si.
These symbols mean nothing to me.

 盖上果酱瓶! 要不准得招黄蜂.

gě shàng guǒ jiàng píng! yào bu zhǔn de zhāo huáng fēng.
Cover the jam! It's sure to invite the wasps.


zěn yàng jiě jué shì lì bù hǎo zhè yī nán tí ne?
How do you cope with the problem of poor vision?


qū xiàng zǒng tǐ de qīng xiàng、 dòng xiàng huò jìn chéng
A general tendency, movement, or course.


guāng hua biǎo miàn bò de、 guāng hua ér fā guāng liàng de miàn
A thin, smooth, shiny coating.


shì fǒu kě zài cǐ gòu mǎi guān guāng bā shì quàn?
Can I get a ticket for the sight- seeing bus here?


zhuāng shàng xīn tiān xiàn後 huà miàn qīng xī duō le.
The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.


guài rén yī gè qí tè huò guài pǐ de rén; guài rén
A peculiar or eccentric person; a character.


wǒ zěn yàng cái néng bǔ jiù wǒ duì tā de yuān wang?
How can I repair the wrong I have done her?

 狗拴著链子, 是怎麽挣脱开的呢?

gǒu shuān著 liàn zi, shì zěn mó zhèng tuō kāi de ne?
The dog was chained, so how did it get free?


yóu yū bà gōng shēng chǎn zhú jiàn tíng dùn xia lai。
The strike brought industry grinding to a halt.


wǒ men yīng gāi zěn yàng tóu rù xué xiào shēng huó?
How should we involve ourselves in school life?


shēn qǐng de jié zhǐ rì[ rì qī] shì5 yuè1 rì.
The closing (ie last) day/date for applications is 1 May.

 别拖延! 今天就定下你休假的日子!

biè tuō yán! jīn tiān jiù dìng xià nǐ xiū jià de rì zi!
Don't delay! Book your holiday today!


wǒ men bǎ pú gōng yīng kàn zuò xī wàng de xiàng zhēng。
We regard dandelion as an emblem of hope.


zhè gè zhǒng liú shì liáng xìng de hái shì yán zhǒng xìng de?
Is the growth benign or cancerous?


zhè píng dǐ guō shàng de táng cí yǒu xiē yǐ tuō luò.
Some of the enamel on this pan is chipped off.

 在书写时, Doctor头衔的缩写是Dr.

zài shū xiě shí, Doctor tou xián de suō xiě shìDr.
In writing, the title `Doctor' is abbreviated to `Dr'.


fù yǔ tè shū tiáo jiàn、 tiān fù huò yōu diǎn de
Endowed with special gifts, talents, or advantages.


wǒ men chāo yuè duì shǒu shí yào mù bù xié shì!
All eyes to the front as we pass the other competitors!


tā men bǎ zhè gè guò shī guī jiù yú wǒ de shū hū。
They charged the fault to my carelessness.


tā táo pǎo yī zhōu後 jǐng fāng cái dài zhù tā.
He was on the run for a week before the police got him.


fú xiǎo shí dí rén xiàng wǒ fáng xiàn kāi le huǒ。
The enemy opened fire on our lines at early dawn.


yí mín guān yuán zài wǒ de hù zhào shàng gě le chuō。
The immigration officer stamped my passport.

 你见到的是实物, 还是鬼魂?

nǐ xiàn dào de shì shí wù, hái shì guǐ hún?
Was it something substantial that you saw, or was it a ghost?


zhǐ dìng, zhǐ míng zhǐ yǒu; biāo míng, zhǐ chū
The act of designating; a marking or pointing out.

 她掐了他(胳膊)一下, 把他叫醒.

tā qiā le tā( gē bo) yī xià, bǎ tā jiào xǐng.
She gave him a pinch (on the arm) to wake him up.


jié chū de zài tóng lèi zhòng xiǎn著 de; jié chū de
Standing out among others of its kind; prominent.


wǒ jiàng wèi nǐ yù dìng zhí fēi lún dūn de háng bān。
I'll book you on a direct flight to London.


xī sī tíng jiào táng de bì huà jǔ shì wén míng.
The frescos in the Sistine Chapel are world-famous.


tā jīng cháng yǐn yòng《 shèng jīng》 zhòng dì zhāng jié.
He's always quoting verses from the Bible.


hòu yán wú chǐ lǔ mǎng de zì wǒ kěn dìng; hòu yán wú chǐ
Bold self-assurance; effrontery.


wǒ men lí bié shí wǒ rú hé rěn de zhù yǎn lèi ne?
How shall I withhold from tears when we part?


biè tìng tā de zhǒng zhǒng jiè kǒu, tā zài sā huǎng。
Don't listen to his pretences; he is lying.


kōng xiǎng de xiǎng xiàng de; bù zhēn shí de; ài kōng xiǎng de
Imaginary; unreal; fanciful.

 她争执一番後, 无可奈何地缴纳了罚金.

tā zhēng zhí yī pān後, wú kě nài hé de jiǎo nà le fá jīn.
She paid the fine under protest.


qiú fàn duì bèi kòng zuì míng zài sān fǒu rèn。
The prisoner repeated denials of the charges against him.

 他陷於绝望, 终於自杀了.

tā xiàn yū jué wàng, zhōng yū zì shā le.
He surrendered (himself) to despair and eventually committed suicide.


guāng liàng de càn làn de shǎn yào de; fēi cháng míng liàng de
Shining brilliantly; very bright.


hé shang zài xiāng lú lǐ fén shàng yī zhù xiāng。
The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner.


tiān zī tiān shēng de néng lì, rú xué xí; tiān zī
An inherent ability, as for learning; a talent.


zì yóu de bù shòu jiān jìn huò nú yì de; zì yóu de
Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty.


tā huò qī zi chǎo jià後 jiù bǎ tā pāo qì le。
He had a row with his wife and just walked out on her.


píng tóng tōng wàng kuàng jǐng de jī hū shuǐ píng de rù kǒu
An almost horizontal entrance to a mine.


tā qī zi qù shì後 tā de shēng huó hěn kōng xū.
There has been a vacuum in his life since his wife died.


tā diē xia lai yě bìng wèi qì něi, jì xù pān dēng。
He continued the climb, undaunted by his fall.


nà qiú fàn zòng qiáng shàng de quē kǒu chù táo zǒu le.
The prisoner escaped through a hole in the wall.


Rex hěn kuài jiù chéng le yī gè kāi mén néng shǒu le。
Rex soon became an expert at opening the gate.


zǒng shì shòu dào jī xiào shǐ rén fēi cháng qì něi。
It's very discouraging to be sneered at all time.


zhè lǐ wǎn jiān méi yǒu shí mó huó dòng de jī xiàng.
There are few signs of life here in the evenings.


tā xǐ huan pú rén qián hū後 yōng de shì hòu tā.
She loves to have servants dance attendance (up) on her.


tā fèn lì kāi chū yī tiáo shēng lù; tā fèn zhàn yī shēng。
He fought his way through life.


zhè yī zhāng de biāo tí shì` wǒ zǎo nián de shēng huó'.
The chapter was headed My Early Life'.


nà shí yī chǎng dà wēn yì zhèng zài gāi chéng sì nu:è。
A great plague was then raging in the city.


bèn dàn bèi kàn zuò ruǎn ruò、 shǎ huò yú chǔn de rén
A person regarded as weak, foolish, or stupid.


hù shi jǐ wǒ shòu shāng de gē bei guǒ shàng bēng dài。
The nurse wound a bandage round my wounded arm.


wǒ zěn yàng cái néng shǐ nǐ xiāng xìn wǒ de chéng yì ne?
How can I persuade you of my sincerity!

 他找到住房之前, 在我家寄膳.

tā zhǎo dào zhù fáng zhī qián, zài wǒ jiā jì shàn.
He boarded at my house/with me until he found a flat.
