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pǔ shí de yàng shì huò fēng gé shàng pǔ shí jiǎn dān de; zhì pǔ de
Pure or simple in design or style; austere.


zhǒng zú qí shì wèn tí shì zhèng zhì shàng de jí shǒu wèn tí.
The racial discrimination issue is a political hot potato.


wǒ shú xī lún dūn, nà shì wǒ dù guò tóng nián de dì fang。
I know London as the place where I spent my childhood.


duì yú zhè zhǒng xīn tǐ zhì, nǐ kàn kuài yǒu shén me wèn tí ma?
Do you foresee any problems with the new system?


tā men shì hé děng jié jìn quán lì lái wán chéng zhè yī rèn wu a!
How they laid about them to fulfill the task!


tú biǎo shàng de qū xiàn tū xiáng zhī後 zhú jiàn qū yū píng wěn.
The graph flattens out gradually after a steep fall.


gēng gǎi, gǎi biàn yóu gǎi biàn dǎo zhì de zhuàng tài; gēng gǎi
The condition resulting from altering; modification.


zhè gǎn suō biāo shì jiāng xī gēn jù dì shí dài zhuàn xia lai de。
The spear descends from the Jiangxi-base days.


shuǐ zāi guò後 wú jiā kě guī de rén bù jì qí shuò.
It's impossible to put a figure on the number of homeless after the flood.


tā men huái zhuó nóng hòu de xìng qu líng tīng zhuó yǎn jiǎng zhě。
They listened to the speaker with profound interest.

 这孩子要有人督促, 否则她什麽也不干.

zhè hái zi yào yǒu rén dū cù, fǒu zé tā shí mó yě bù gàn.
One has to push the child or she will do no work at all.


hái zi men sī kāi cán jiǎn kàn kan lǐ miàn yǒu méi yǒu yǒng。
The children tore the cocoon open to see if there was a pupa.


qián fāng zhí jiē zài qián miàn de dì qū、 bù wèi huò wèi zhi
The area, location, or position directly before or ahead.


tā dòng zhé fà pí qì, nǐ yào xiǎo xīn de duì fu tā。
He gets angry ever easily; you must handle him with kid gloves.


wú lùn jìng yù hǎo huài tā de zhàng fu dōu duì tā zhōng zhēn bù yú.
Her husband stuck by her in good times and bad.


jù dà de, páng dà de guī mó jù dà huò dà dé chū qí de; jù dà de
Of enormous size or magnitude; huge.

 我觉得这儿很憋气, 咱们开几扇窗户好吗?

wǒ jué de zhèr hěn biē qì, zán men kāi jǐ shàn chuāng hu hào ma?
I'm suffocating in here; can't we open a few windows?

 他说他没有时间, 或是诸如此类的藉口.

tā shuō tā méi yǒu shí jiān, huò shì zhū rú cǐ lèi de jiè kǒu.
He said he hadn't got time or made some such excuse.


nu:3 wáng jiàng jué shì tou xián shòu yǔ jǐ wèi jié chū rén shì.
The Queen conferred knighthoods on several distinguished men.

 除酒之外, 烟草在多数国家都要徵税.

chú jiǔ zhī wài, yān cǎo zài duō shù guó jiā dōu yào zhǐ shuì.
Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.


xī luó níng mǔ sī· bó xī shì guài dàn pài huì huà dà shī。
Hieronymus Bosch was a master of the grotesque in painting.


zhè gè cuò wù zhèng míng tā yě shì gè fán rén; rén de cuì ruò
A mistake that shows he's only human; human frailty.


tā cóng shì yú wù lǐ yán jiū/ zhè yī kè tí xǔ duō nián le。
He has worked at physics/the topic for many years.


tā biǎn dī tā suǒ zuò de nǔ lì( rèn wéi shì làng fèi shí jiān).
He decried her efforts (as a waste of time).


tā de nuò ruò de xíng wéi zāo dào le tóng shì men de cháo xiào。
His cowardly behavior was laughed at by his colleagues.


yòu bǔ yī zhòng shǒu duàn, yòng yǐ bǎ… yǐn rù wēi xiǎn de jìng dì
A means used to mislead or lead into danger.


xiǎo xiǎo mì fēng duō máng lù/ lì yòng liáng jī bù fàng sōng。
How doth the little busy bee/Improve each shining hour.


nǐ néng pǐ jǐ wǒ yī fèn yǒu guī gé shuō míng de jià mù shàn ma?
Can you give me a price list with specification?

 警铃响起, 顾客纷纷(从银行)逃走.

jǐng líng xiǎng qǐ, gù kè fēn fēn( zòng yín háng) táo zǒu.
The customers fled (from the bank) when the alarm sounded.


tā wèi xún huí yí shī de shǒu zhuó tí chū yǐ chóu jīn dá xiè.
She offered a reward for the return of her lost bracelet.

 他的小说我都爱看, 只是最後一部除外.

tā de xiǎo shuō wǒ dōu ài kàn, zhǐ shì zuì後 yī bù chú wài.
I enjoyed all his novels with the exception of his last.

 给你施麻醉後, 你就什麽也感觉不到了.

jǐ nǐ shī má zuì後, nǐ jiù shí mó yě gǎn jué bù dào le.
You'll be under (an) anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing.


bù tǐ tiē de bù kǎo lu:4 tā rén gǎn qíng de; bù dé tǐ de
Lacking in consideration for the feelings of others; tactless.


tā huò mèi mei hé gǔ jīng yíng[ tā men hé huǒ jīng yíng].
She worked in partnership with her sister/They worked in partnership.


wǒ men néng pǐ què dìng zhè yī fàn zuì dòng jī shì chū yū jí dù?
Can we assign jealousy as the motive for the crime?


tā shì gè jīng míng de、 yǒu shí hou lěng kù wú qíng de duì shǒu。
He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.


liǎng chuán xiàng zhuàng zhī後 dōu zhēng zhá著 shǐ jìn hǎi gǎng.
After the collision both vessels managed to limp into harbour.


jiǎng shǒu huà jiǎng zhě, yóu zhǐ huà jiǎng néng shǒu; jiǎng shǒu
A man who rows, especially an expert in rowing; a rower.


nǐ néng biàn rèn chū zhè xie liǎo cǎo de zì jī shì shí mó yì si ma?
Can you work out what these squiggles mean?


wǒ men kě yǐ huí dào zuì chū yǒu guān jí zī de wèn tí shàng ma?
Could we get back to the original question of funding?

 他最後恢复些理智, 同意释放人质.

tā zuì後 huī fù xiē lǐ zhì, tóng yì shì fàng rén zhì.
He was finally brought to his senses and agreed to let the hostages go.


xiàng hòu zhuàn zhuǎn xiàng fǎn miàn, rú zài zhèng cè shàng; dà zhuǎn biàn
A reversal, as in policy; an about-face.


Yīng guó fǎ lu:4 yǒu méi yǒu huò rèn hé guó jì fǎ xiàng dǐ chù?
Do British laws conflict with any international laws?


Qiáo zhì xiān sheng měng liè pēng jī dà xué de zhāo shēng zhì dù。
Mr.George lashed out at the university enrolling system.

 `他是无意中损坏的吗?'`不, 是故意的.'

` tā shì wú yì zhòng sǔn huài de ma?'` bù, shì gù yì de.'
`Did he break it accidentally?' `No, on purpose.'


diàn yuán( xiàng gù kè) shì fàn rú hé shǐ yòng xǐ yì jī.
An assistant demonstrated the washing machine (to customers).


yīn wèi zhàn zhēng, dà liàng de yí mín yǒng rù ōu zhōu。
There was a huge migration of people into Europe because of the war.


jǐn pò de qiǎng qiú lì jí de xíng dòng huò guān zhù de; jí pò de
Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing.


jī dàn huán wèi fū, xiān biè shuò jī chú; mò guò zǎo lè guān。
Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.


wǒ yǐ jīng jiè dǔ le-- dǔ bó wán quán shì làng fèi qián cái。
I've finished with gambling it's a waste of money.


wǒ men yǐ jīng zhǔn bèi hào pāi shè( wǔ tīng de lián xù jìng tóu).
We're ready to shoot (the ballroom sequence).

 那种鸟雄鸟的喙呈橙色, 与雌鸟不同.

nà zhòng niǎo xióng niǎo de huì chéng chéng sè, yù cí niǎo bù tóng.
The male's orange beak differentiates it from the female.

 这些都是事实, 你能从中得出什麽结论?

zhè xie dōu shì shì shí, nǐ néng cóng zhōng dé chū shí mó jié lùn?
Those are the facts; what do you conclude from them?


féi xù yǎng féi bèi zǎi de yòu xù( rú yáng gāo、 niú dú)
A young animal, such as a lamb or calf, fattened for slaughter.


tā yǐ jīng( xiàng wǒ) àn shì shuō wǒ dé dào le zhè gè jiǎng.
She has already hinted (to me) that I've won the prize.


bù yào duì tā qī wàng guò gāo; tā zhǐ bù guò shì gè xué sheng。
Don't expect much of him; he is at best a student.


cū bào de, cán rěn de yǐ cán bào wèi tè zhēng de; fēi cháng cán kù de
Characterized by savagery; very cruel.


wǒ men bǎo chí zhèn dìng、 Tóng xīn xié lì jiù méi yǒu wèn tí。
If we keep calm and stick together, we'll be all right.


huàn zhě tóu bù shòu jī後 huàn yán zhòng nǎo zhèn dàng.
The patient is suffering from severe concussion following a blow to the head.


yòng rè shuǐ bǎ cài pán shàng níng jié de yóu zì chōng xǐ diào.
Use hot water to rinse the congealed fat off the dinner plates.


gù tǐ、 yè tǐ hé qi tǐ shì wù zhì de sān zhòng zhuàng tài。
Solid, liquid and gas are three kinds of states of substance.


gē shēng suī yǐ jié shù, dàn měi miào de xuán lu:4 réng zài yíng huí。
The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.


zài wén míng shí dài, zhè mó cán rěn shì bù néng kuān shù de。
In an age of enlightenment such cruelty is unforgivable.


wǒ men de ér tóng shì fǒu shòu著 kōng qì zhòng qiān de dú hài?
Are our children being poisoned by lead in the atmosphere?


nǐ zhī dào[ tīng shuō guo] nèi gè tū tóu jǐng chá de xiào huà ma?
Do you know/Have you heard the one about the bald policeman?


lùn shù, xiáng shù duì yī gè zhǔ tí zhèng shì de xiáng tán; chǎn shù
A formal discourse on a topic; an exposition.

 他被玛丽的魅力迷惑, 对她苦缠不休。

tā bèi Mǎ lì de mèi lì mí huo, duì tā kǔ chán bù xiū。
He was smitten with Mary's attractions and laid siege to her heart.


wǒ men de tìng yī gè guān yū xù jiǔ hài chu de rǒng zhǎng bào gào!
We had to listen to a peroration on the evils of drink!

 马车翻了, 车上的人都(被)摔出来了.

mǎ chē fān le, jū shàng de rén dōu( bèi) shuāi chū lai le.
The carriage overturned and the passengers (were) pitched out.


nǎ ge guó jiā jiàng shì xià jiè Aò yùn huì de zhǔ bàn guó?
Which country will be the host country for the next Olympic Games?


xióng xióng de chái huǒ zài qǐ jū shì de lú zhòng噼 pā zuò xiǎng。
A cheerful wood fire was crackling in the sitting room.


zhè cì xuǎn jǔ後 gāi dǎng yǐ lún wèi wēi bù zú dào de shǎo shù dǎng.
The election reduced the Party to a rump.


nu:3 wáng jiàng jué shì tou xián shòu yǔ jǐ wèi jié chū rén shì。
The Queen conferred knighthood on several distinguished men.


huǐ huài zhè fú huà de shì shì zì yì pò huài gōng wù de rén gàn de.
The damage to the painting is the work of vandals.


qì chē zài gāo dī bù píng de lì shí lù miàn shàng diān bǒ zhuó。
The car bumped on the uneven surface of the gravel road.


zài chú xī chàng` měi hǎo de wǎng rì' shì chuán tǒng fēng sú.
It's a tradition to sing `Auld Lang Syne' on New Year's Eve.


nèi gè shè xiàn jǐng bǔ liè de rén gū dú de shēng huó zài shān lǐ。
The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains.


zhè xie wèn tí zài běn fǎ tíng shěn lǐ fàn wéi zhī nèi[ wài].
These matters fall within/go beyond the cognizance of this court.


dà tú shā dà guī mó shā lù, rú zhàn zhēng zhòng dì dà tú shā; tú zǎi
Massive slaughter, as in war; a massacre.

 音乐会後她徘徊不去, 希望能一见明星.

yīn yuè huì後 tā pái huái bù qù, xī wàng néng yī xiàn míng xīng.
She lingered after the concert, hoping to meet the star.

 股票市场上人心惶惶, 掀起抛售浪潮.

gǔ piào shì chǎng shàng rén xīn huáng huáng, xiān qǐ pāo shòu làng cháo.
Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling.


wǒ men jiàng qì chē zhì xiāo guī jiù yū hǎi wài xū qiú liàng tài dī.
We blame poor overseas demand for the car's failure.


xié tiáo, hé mù zuò wéi yī zhì de zhuàng tài huò xìng zhì; tiáo hé
The state or quality of being in accord; harmony.


wǒ men suǒ yǒu de bō li huò táo cí qì mǐn dōu fàng zài jǔ chú lǐ。
All our glass and china are kept in the cupboard.


zhè liàng qì chē後 bù zài pèng zhuàng zhòng zào chéng hěn dà de āo xiàn.
The back of the car was badly dented in a collision.


shuāng fāng zài wǔ yè tíng zhǐ dí duì xíng dòng( zhàn dòu).
Hostilities (ie Fighting) between the two sides ceased at midnight.


nà shì gù fā shēng後 bù jiǔ jì zhě jiù dōu gǎn dào le xiàn chǎng。
Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident.


zhè zhǒng lìng rén jīng hài de móu shā chún cuì shì fēng zi de xíng wéi.
This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman.


jiǎ rú shù zǐ zhè zhǒng shù de shèn zhuàng zhòng zǐ, kǎo hòu kě sì
The kidney-shaped seed of this tree, eaten after roasting.


lái yīn hé zòng sī tè lā sī pù rù hǎi zhè yī duàn kě yǐ tōng háng.
The Rhine is navigable from Strasbourg to the sea.

 他终於获得了驾驶执照, 这使他颇为得意.

tā zhōng yū huò dé le jià shǐ zhí zhào, zhè shǐ tā pō wèi dé yì.
He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.


tā zài fáng jiān lǐ kē kē bàn bàn de mō suo diàn dēng de kāi guān.
He blundered about the room, feeling for the light switch.


chí yǒu jī tǐ tǐ nèi yī zhòng zhù cún liú tǐ de yè náng huò xué
A fluid-containing sac or cavity in the body of an organism.


jiǎn jǔ rén yǐ xiàng jǐng fāng gào fà tā( shì kǒng bù fèn zǐ).
An informer denounced him to the police (as a terrorist).


bù yào xiè qì, bù yào xiè qì, wǒ yī zhí duì zì jǐ shuō。
Don't give up. Don't give up, I kept telling myself.


jiù gǎo yào jiā shàng xiān qián kǎo bèi de yuán xīn wén de gǎo jiàn
Previous journalistic copy to which succeeding copy is added.

 罗杰斯和哈默斯坦的音乐喜剧 南太平洋 .

luó jié sī huò hǎ mò sī tǎn de yīn yuè xǐ jù  nán tài píng yáng .
Rogers and Hammerstein's musical South Pacific'.


lì wù pǔ zú qiú duì huò yīng gé lán zú qiú duì shí lì xiāng dāng。
Liver-pool and England are neck and neck in strength.


zhè zhǒng kě chǐ de jì liǎng dōu shì wèi le néng ràng tā dāng xuǎn.
These shameful manoeuvreswere aimed at securing his election.


nǐ cāi zěn me zhe: tā men zuó tiān zài jiē shàng dǎ qǐ lai le。
Guess what: they fall into fight in the street yesterday.


tā zòng qiáo shàng tiào rù shuǐ zhòng qù qiǎng jiù nà niào shuǐ ér tóng.
He dived from the bridge to rescue the drowning child.

 总统最近死後, 酝酿著一场军事政变.

zǒng tǒng zuì jìn sǐ後, yùn niàng著 yī chǎng jūn shì zhèng biàn.
The president's recent death set the stage for a military coup.


zuì zǎo de zài shí jiān huò cì xù shàng shǒu cì chū xiàn de; zuì zǎo de
Occurring first in time or sequence; earliest.

 她精心策画後, 谈妥了大幅增加工资的事.

tā jīng xīn cè huà後, tán tuǒ le dà fú zēng jiā gōng zī de shì.
By careful strategy she negotiated a substantial pay rise.


yǎn jiè shì yě, lǐ néng néng lì huò jīng lì de fàn wéi; yǎn jiè
Range of vision, comprehension, or experience; outlook.


duǎn zàn de jǐn xiàn yú yī gè chā qǔ chí xù de shí jiān; duǎn zàn de
Limited to the duration of an episode; temporary.


ruì zhì yù jī líng bù tóng, qián zhě kě suí zhe nián líng zēng jiā。
Sagacity, unlike cleverness, may increase with age.


miàn bāo、 tǔ dòu jí qí tā zhǔ shí de jià gé jì xù shàng zhǎng。
Bread, potato and other staple continue to rise in price.


tā men de( xiàng bié rén) qǐ qiú jiù jì lái yǎng huo hái zi.
They had to beg alms (of others) in order to feed their children.


Mǎ lì tán qǐ tā cōng míng líng lì de ér zi cóng bù gǎn dào yàn juàn。
Mary never tires of talking about her clever son.


duì yū kē xué jiā yīng gāi zhǔn xǔ hěn dà de yán jiū zì yóu。
One should permit a scientist a lot of latitude in his research.


zhè zhǒng yào de fù zuò yòng( kē xué jiā) shàng wèi fā xiàn.
The side-effects of the drug are as yet unknown (toscientists).

 他祝这对年轻人生活幸福、 万事如意.

tā zhù zhè duì nián qīng rén shēng huó xìng fú、 wàn shì rú yì.
He wished the young couple a life of happiness and prosperity.


róng jī, tǐ jī dà xiǎo、 tǐ jī huò róng jī, cháng zhǐ hěn dà shí
Size, mass, or volume, especially when very large.


jiē lù, xiè lòu; gōng kāi jiē lù huò jiē fā de xíng wéi huò guò chéng
The act or process of revealing or uncovering.


chéng qún de dǎi tú fàn fǎ hòu qī shēn yú huāng shān zhòng。
Bands of outlaws lived in the desolate mountains after breaking the laws.


chǎng léi yǔ yī zhí ái dào wǒ men huí jiā yǐ hòu cái kāi shǐ xià。
The thunderstorm dept off until we were safely indoors.

 面包、 土豆及其他主食的价格继续上涨.

miàn bāo、 tǔ dòu jí qí tā zhǔ shí de jià gé jì xù shàng zhǎng.
Bread, potatoes and other staples continue to rise in price.


tā men liǎng gè rén de jǔ dòng dōu xiàng hái zi yí yàng, bú shì ma?
Both of them are acting like children, are not they?

 假设你有三个愿望, 这三个愿望都是什麽呢?

jiǎ shè nǐ yǒu sān gè yuàn wàng, zhè sān gè yuàn wàng dōu shì shí mó ne?
If you had three wishes what would you choose?


yī zhèn yān kōng qì、 zhēng qì huò yān wù duǎn cù ér tū rán de sàn fā
A brief, sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke.

 把国家公园私营化? 他们绝对不敢, 对吗?

bǎ guó jiā gōng yuán sī yíng huà? tā men jué duì bù gǎn, duì ma?
Privatize the national parks? They'd never dare, would they?


jùn yù yī gè jiǎn míng, jī zhì, cháng cháng sì shì ér fēi de chén shù
A concise, clever, often paradoxical statement.


gōng rén men bǎ lì qīng huò shā zi、 shí kuài hùn hé zài yī qǐ。
The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together.


zhè duì luán shēng zi xiàng de shǐ rén wú fǎ fēn biàn。
The twins were so much alike that it was impossible to distinguish one from the other.


wǒ bù míng bái tā zěn mó néng róng rěn tā[ rěn shòu tā de nu:è dài].
I don't know how she puts up with him/his cruelty to her.


qǐng bǎ nǐ de gè xiàng kāi zhī liè zài zhè zhāng biǎo gé shàng, hào ma?
Could you detail all your expenses on this form?


tǎo yàn de rén yú dùn de、 wú liáo de huò tǎo yàn de rén; hài rén jīng
An obtuse, boring, or bothersome person; a pest.


wǒ men kě pǐ bǎ zhè xie xiàng mù dōu guī zài` zá fèi' xiàng nèi?
Can we lump all these items together as incidental expenses'?

 你怎麽竟然做出这种事? 你难道不知羞耻吗?

nǐ zěn mó jìng rán zuò chū zhè zhǒng shì? nǐ nán dào bù zhī xiū chǐ ma?
How could you do such a thing? Have you no shame?


wǒ jiào dān ní· qióng sī。 bù guò wǒ yòng jiào míng de lu:è chèng: dān。
I am Daniel Jones, but I go by my nickname, Dan.


zì lì bǎi tuō le bèi nú yì、 kòu yā huò yā pò de rén de zì yóu
Liberty of the person from slavery, detention, or oppression.


wǒ shāng hài le nǐ de gǎn qíng, gāi zěn yàng lái mí bǔ wǒ de guò cuò ne?
How can I atone for hurting your feelings?

 她说什麽东西也没被偷, 那不过是掩饰罢了.

tā shuō shí mó dōng xi yě mò bèi tōu, nà bù guò shì yǎn shì bà le.
She said nothing was stolen, but that's just a cover-up.


wǒ qīn yǎn kàn jiàn àn shā de qíng jǐng, zhēn lìng wǒ máo gǔ sǒng rán。
I saw the assassination and it got under my skin.


tài rán zì ruò, chén zhuó bù shòu yǐng xiǎng huò bù gān gà; lěng jìng
Freedom from affectation or embarrassment; composure.


fǎ guó dà gé mìng shì ōu zhōu lì shǐ shàng de huǒ shān bào fā。
The French Revolution was a volcanic upheaval in European history.


fǎ guó Mǎ lì A1n Dōng nī huáng hòu shì Lù yì shí liù de qī zi。
Queen Marie Antoinette of France was the wife of Louis the 16th.


tā yòng suì dài zhuāng shì lián yì qún de lǐng kǒu、 zhé biān huò xiù kǒu.
She braided the neckline, hem and cuffs of the dress.


hèng yuè… de háng dào chuān guò( chuán) de háng xiàng, háng xiàn huò lù xiàn
Across the course, line, or length of.

 时间表变动得如此频繁, 似乎没有什麽道理.

shí jiàn biǎo biàn dòng de rú cǐ pín fán, sì hu méi yǒu shí mó dào lǐ.
It seems illogical to change the timetable so often.


yán xìng xué duì yán shí de wēi guān yán jiū、 miáo huì huò fēn lèi
The microscopic study, description, and classification of rock.


qián xiàn, qián yàn zhèn dì zuì kào jìn dí rén de zhàn dòu qū; qián xiàn
The battle area closest to the enemy; the front.


tè yǒu de, gù yǒu de yōng yǒu de běn zhì shàng de tè zhēng; gù yǒu de
Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent.


bǎ dì yī bǐ zǒng é jiā zài dì èr bǐ( huò dì sān bǐ) zǒng é shàng。
Add the first total to the second(and third).


guàn lì shàng yāo qiú zhè yàng de jí huì yīng dāng yǐ qí dǎo kāi shǐ。
Convention requires that such meetings open with prayer.

 我又提示他一次, 他还是不理解(那答案).

wǒ yòu tí shì tā yī cì, tā hái shì bù lǐ xiè( nà dá àn).
I gave him another clue, but he still didn't twig (the answer).


tā zǎo nián suǒ shòu de jiào yǎng shǐ tā rè zhōng yū mào xiǎn huó dòng.
His early training predisposed him to a life of adventure.


jiāo tàn zhā, méi xiè jiāo tàn huò mù tàn zuò chéng hòu shèng xià de zhā zǐ
The refuse left when coke or charcoal is made.


tā bǎ qiú tiǎo gāo yuè guò duì fāng de tou xiàng後 chǎng luò qù.
She lobbed the ball over her opponent's head to the back of the court.

 他供认抢劫银行案後, 又坦白了其他罪行.

tā gòng rèn qiāng jié yín háng àn後, yòu tǎn bái le qí tā zuì xíng.
He confessed to other crimes subsequent to the bank robbery.


gōng dǎng lǐng dǎo rén gēng huàn後 quán dǎng shí lái yùn zhuǎn.
The change of leader led to a turn-around in the fortunes of the Labour Party.

 他五十多岁; 嗯, 确切地说是五十六岁.

tā wǔ shí duō suì; ēn, què qiè de shuō shì wǔ shí liù suì.
He's in his mid-fifties; well, fifty-six to be exact (ie more accurately).


zòng shèng tán qiè qǔ Yē sū shòu nàn xiàng shì xiè dú shén líng de xíng wéi.
It is (a) sacrilege to steal a crucifix from an altar.

 虽然事情进行得不如意, 玛丽还是继续尝试。

suī rán shì qing jìn xíng de bù rú yì, Mǎ lì hái shì jì xù cháng shì。
Though things went against Mary, she went on trying.


qiú shén cì fú yū nà xiē jī è、 gū dú huò huàn bìng de rén.
Bless (ie We ask God to bless) all those who are hungry, lonely or sick.

 领导人互相寒暄一番, 然後开始谈判.

lǐng dǎo rén hù xiāng hán xuān yī pān, rán後 kāi shǐ tán pàn.
After an exchange of pleasantries, the leaders started their negotiations.


xiǎo zhí yuán Dí kè hěn kuài jiù bèi pái jǐ chū le zhè jiā diàn pù。
Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.


fǎ guān zhí wèi, fǎ guān quán lì fǎ guān de zhí wèi huò quán lì( quán xiàn)
The office or jurisdiction of a judge.


sǐ xīn tà de yōng hù zhě zhòng dì xiǎo hé xīn; wèn tí de guān jiàn
A small core of dedicated supporters; the core of the problem.


nèi gè pàng zi zuò xia shí, jiù yǐ zi fā chū gá zī de xiǎng shēng。
The old chair gave a groan when the fat man sat down on it.


bù yào xiāng xìn tā de jì yì lì-- tā yǒu diǎn shén bù shǒu shè de。
Don't rely on his memory he's a bit of a dreamer.


gāi shū de quē diǎn zài yū zuó zhě wèi néng bǎ lùn zhèng zhǎn kāi.
The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.


dān shēn yǎng lǎo jīn lǐng qǔ zhě de zhēng shuì qǐ diǎn shì450 měi yuán。
The tax threshold for a single pensioner is 450 dollars.


zhè xie xiǎn hóng sè chuāng lián xiǎn de zōng sè dì tǎn àn rán shī shǎi.
The bright red of the curtains kills the brown of the carpet.


jīng suǐ fù yǔ tè xìng huò zēng tiān huó lì de wù zhì huò xìng zhì
A substance or quality that imparts identity and vitality; essence.


qīn mì de yǐ mì qiè de xiāng shí、 lián xì huò shú xī wèi biāo zhì de
Marked by close acquaintance, association, or familiarity.

 把他说成是英雄、 天才、 笨蛋, 不一而足.

bǎ tā shuō chéng shì yīng xióng、 tiān cái、 bèn dàn, bù yī ér zú.
He was variously described as a hero, a genius and a fool.


cóng shǔ de, xià jí de děng jí、 quán lì huò wēi wàng dī de; fù shǔ de
Lower in rank, power, or authority; subordinate.


shuāi ruò de yóu yú jiǔ bìng děng cuì ruò huò xiāo shòu de; shuāi ruò de
Frail and enfeebled, as from prolonged illness; emaciated.


tā àn nà bú zhù, dà fà pí qì; guò hòu yòu gǎn dào ào huǐ。
His temper ran away with him and later he regretted what he did.


tìng nǐ tán huà( nà kǒu qì), wǒ huán yǐ wéi nǐ shì shǒu xiàng ne。
To hear you talk, I'd think you were Prime Minister.


tā zài shí tou tái jiē shàng( diē dào le,) cā pò le xiǎo tuǐ de pí.
He barked his shins (by falling) against some stone steps.

 你前後矛盾, 开头责备我, 接著又夸奖我.

nǐ qián後 máo dùn, kāi tóu zé bèi wǒ, jiē著 yòu kuā jiǎng wǒ.
You're not very consistent: first you condemn me, then you praise me.


wǒ jué bù tóng jí duān fèn zǐ lái wǎng[ yù jí duān zhǔ yì gé gé bù rù].
I'll have no truck with extremists/extremism.


zài jiā lì fú ní yà jū zhù de hǎo chu jiù zài yū qì hòu yí rén。
The beauty of living in California is that the weather is so good.

 租金已到期, 你的支票来到真是喜从天降!

zū jīn yǐ dào qī, nǐ de zhī piào lái dào zhēn shì xǐ zòng tiān xiáng!
The rent was due, so your cheque came as an absolute godsend!


nǐ yīng gāi jí hú luó bo、 qín cài huò bō cài zhè lèi de shū cài。
You should eat such vegetables as carrot, celery and spinach.


shǎo liàng jīn tiē hěn shǎo yī bù fen jīn qián bǔ zhù、 gōng zī huò jīn tiē
A meager monetary allowance, wage, or remuneration.


tā zòng zhèng sān shí nián zhī後, zhōng yū jué dìng tuì chū zhèng tán。
After thirty years in politics, he is finally bowing out.


tā zài duō dà chéng dù shàng cān yù le zhè xie fàn zuì huó dòng?
To what degree (ie To what extent, How much) was he involved in the crimes?


běn zhì de shì wù tǐ bì bù kě shào de zǔ chéng bù fen; gù yǒu de
Constituting or being part of the essence of something; inherent.


biè ràng tā zài nǐ men zhī jiān tiǎo bō-- tā jiù shì tài jì du le。
Don't let her make mischief between you she's only jealous.


rén men gào su tā nà bēi cǎn de xiāo xi後, tā yǐ liù shén wú zhǔ le。
He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.


zàn qiě bù yào kǎo lu:4 nǐ zòng zhí jué shàng zēng wù tā zhè yī yīn sù.
Set aside for a moment your instinctive dislike of the man.

 把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上.

bǎ wén zhāng xiě zài liàn xí bù lǐ, bù yào xiě zài cǎo gǎo zhǐ shàng.
Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.


fáng wèi jì qiǎo, zì wèi bǎo hù zì jǐ de jì shù huò jì qiǎo; zì wèi
The science or art of defending oneself; self-defense.


suǒ yǒu zhè xie shuō míng yī diǎn-- tā shì yī gè zì sī zì lì de rén。
It all adds up to this-he is a selfish man.


zhè xie xiǎn hóng sè chuāng lián xiǎn de zōng sè dì tǎn àn rán shī shǎi。
The bright red of the curtain kill the brown of the carpet.


yī xiǎo cuō rén zài zhì dìng zhèng cè zhòng yǐ kāi shǐ qǐ zhǔ dǎo zuò yòng.
A smallgroup has begun to predominate in policy-making.


tōng xíng zhèng kě yǐ zì yóu chū rù de xǔ kě、 piào zhèng huò quán lì
A permit, a ticket, or an authorization to come and go at will.


tā yǒu yī zuò yī yuàn, yǒù2 míng jīng guò xùn liàn de yī wù rén yuán。
It has a hospital served by42 trained medical workers.


jīng guò qiān xīn wàn kǔ zhè bù cí diǎn cái zhōng yū dé yǐ wèn shì。
It's been a long haul but at last this dictionary is published.


zhè xie guàn zi kě shèng de yè tǐ duō shao bù děng[ róng liàng bù tóng].
The jars hold different volumes of liquid/have different volumes.


nǐ yī dìng yào jí jí máng máng zǒu ma? wèi hé bù liú xià hè bēi chá ne?
Must you dash off? Why not stay for a cup of tea?


tā de shū zhuā zhù le wén yì fù xīng shí qī rén wén zhǔ yì de jīng suǐ.
Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.


tā zài zú qiú bǐ sài jié shù yǐ後 shòu dào yī bāng bào tú de ōu dǎ。
He is done over by a gang of thug after a football match.


zhè xie zhù shì yǒu zhù yū nòng qīng Wén zhōng zuì nàn dǒng de bù fen。
The note help to elucidate the most difficult parts of the text.


cān tīng lǐ xī yān de yān wù jiù méi yǒu dì fang duǒ de guò qu ma?
Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants?


dú cái tǒng zhì zhē yī gè yǒu zhe wú xiàn quán lì de tǒng zhì zhē; zhuān zhì zhě
A ruler having unlimited power; a despot.
