Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Sec E ‣ 3B ‣ 第十七课

    • overlord; dominate; seize by force
  • 这个 人 很 霸道 , 不 讲 道理 。
    Zhè gè rén hěn bàdào, bù jiǎng dàoli.
    This person is overbearing and does not speak logically.

    • bà qìaggressiveness; hegemony; domineering

    • bànpetal; segment (of orange alike)
  • 满 地 是 苹果 树 上 飘落 下来 的 花瓣 , 地上 一片 雪白 。
    mǎn de shì píng guǒ shù shàng piāo luò xià lái de huā bàn, dì shang yī piàn xuě bái。
    The ground was as white as snow with petals that had drifted down from the apple trees.

    • bāngstate; country; nation
  • 美国 和 加拿大 是 邻邦 。
    Měiguó hé Jiānádà shì línbāng.
    The U.S. and Canada are neighbors.

    • bǎofort; fortress
  • 城堡 的 墙 很 厚 。
    chéng bǎo de qiáng hěn hòu。
    The castle walls are very thick.
  • 城堡爱丁堡汉堡包沙堡堆沙堡

    • chángreedy; gluttonous; fond of food

    • chèremove; take away; withdraw
  • 该 案 因 证据 不足 而 撤销 。
    gāi àn yīn zhèng jù bù zú ér chè xiāo.
    The case was dismissed because of insufficient evidence.

    • chè líto withdraw from; to evacuate
  • 为 撤离 该 城 作 准备 的 命令 已 下达 。
    wèi chè lí gāi chéng zuò zhǔn bèi de mìng lìng yǐ xià dá。
    Order go out to prepare for the evacuation of the city.

    • chénlay out; display; old; stale; to state
  • 我 认识 陈 先生 。
    Wǒ rènshi Chén xiānsheng.
    I know Mr. Chen.
  • 陈老师陈思思陈嘉庚

    • chéng bǎocastle; rook (chess piece)
  • 城堡 看起来 很 庄严 。
    Chéngbǎo kànqǐlái hěn zhuāngyán.
    The castle looks stately.

    • ér xídaughter-in-law

    • fàng sìwanton, unbridled


    • guǒcooked rice for making cake


    • guǒ tiáoKway Teow; rice noodle

    • hónggreat; grand; magnificent; macro
  • 这些 宏伟 的 宫殿 给 外宾 们 留下 了 深刻 的 印象 。
    zhè xie hóng wěi de gōng diàn jǐ wài bīn men liú xià le shēn kè de yìn xiàng。
    These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply.

    • hóng wěigrand; imposing; magnificent
  • 这些 宏伟 的 宫殿 给 外宾 们 留下 了 深刻 的 印象 。
    zhè xie hóng wěi de gōng diàn jǐ wài bīn men liú xià le shēn kè de yìn xiàng。
    These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply.

    • jiě chánto eat to one's heart's content

    • jiù qǐnto go to sleep; to go to bed (literary)

    • liána tree; in 榴梿 as variant of 榴莲
  • 榴梿

    • liúpomegranate
  • 我 已经 喝 了 一杯 石榴 汁 了 。
    wǒ yǐ jīng hè le yī bēi shí liu zhī le。
    I've drunk a cup of pomegranate juice.
  • 榴梿

    • liú liándurian fruit

    • luòfall; go down
    • leave behind; missing; omit
  • 飞机 降落 了 。
    Fēijī jiàngluò le.
    The plane has landed.
  • 滴落落下来角落里落下去落进日出日落角落降落掉落抖落滑落落汤鸡落下落叶飘落日落落到

    • měngstupid, ignorant, dull

    • měng dǒngconfused; ignorant

    • suddenly, quickly, abruptly

    • mò ránsuddenly; sudden

    • qiān lǐ tiáo tiáofrom distant parts
  • 他 在 二十 岁 的 时候 就 千里迢迢 来到 新加坡 发展 。
    Tā zài èrshí suì de shíhòu jiù qiānlǐ tiáotiáo lái dào xīnjiāpō fāzhǎn.
    When he was twenty, he came to Singapore to develop.

    • qiǎoquiet; silent
  • 房子 里面 静悄悄 的 。
    fáng zi lǐ miàn jìng qiǎo qiǎo de。
    It was quiet inside the house.
  • 悄悄静悄悄悄悄话悄悄的悄悄地

    • qiǎo ránquietly; sorrowfully
  • 夜 深 了 , 街上 悄然无声 。
    Yè shēn le, jiēshang qiǎorán wúshēng.
    It's late at night and the street is quiet.

    • qǐnsleep, rest; bed chamber

    • rǎnlush; delicate

    • rěnsoft; weak; fragile

    • rěn rǎn(of time) to elapse quickly and imperceptibly; to slip by

    • indulge; excess; numeral four; particle meaning now, therefore; shop
  • 她 固然 很好 , 但 有 必要 那样 大肆 吹捧 吗 ?
    tā gù rán hěn hǎo, dàn yǒu bì yào nà yàng dà sì chuī pěng ma?
    She was good, but was it any good to pour it on like that?

    • tiáo[Formal] far; remote; distant

    • weep or sob; grieve

    • xī xū(onom.) to sigh; to sob

    • daughter-in-law
  • 她 是 我 的 媳妇 。
    Tā shì wǒ de xífù.
    She's my wife.

    • xiānlift; raise
  • 她 掀起 锅盖 加点 盐 。
    tā xiān qǐ guō gě jiā diǎn yán。
    She lifted the lid of the pot to add some salt.

    • xiān qǐto lift; to raise in height; to begin; upsurge; to set off (a campaign)
  • 大 海里 掀起 了 巨 浪 。
    Dàhǎi lǐ xiānqǐle jùlàng.
    The ocean is surging with huge waves.

    • breathe out slowly; deep sigh
  • 她 老 是 吹嘘 自己 是 个 游泳 健 将 。
    tā lǎoshi chuīshī zìjǐ shì ge yóuyǒng jiàn jiāng .
    She always boasts of being a good swimmer.

    • yìng bāng bāngvery hard

    • zá chénmiscellaneous; indiscriminate
  • 集市 的 景象 光怪陆离 , 纷 然 杂陈 。
    jí shì de jǐng xiàng guāng guài lù lí, fēn rán zá chén.
    The bazaar was a kaleidoscope of strange sights and impressions.