Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary ‣ 3A ‣ 第二课 我的朋友和家人

    • biǎo gēolder male cousin via female line
  • 我 的 表哥 以 优异 的 成绩 考进 了 本地 最好 的 大学 。
    Wǒ de biǎo gē yǐ yōuyì de chéngjī kǎo jìnle běndì zuì hǎo de dàxué.
    My cousin was admitted to the best local university with excellent results.

    • xìngsurname; family name
  • 请问 尊姓大名 ?
    qǐng wèn zūn xìng Dà míng?
    Would you give me your name?
  • 百姓老百姓姓名姓李

    • chénlay out; display; old; stale; to state
  • 我 认识 陈 先生 。
    Wǒ rènshi Chén xiānsheng.
    I know Mr. Chen.
  • 陈老师陈思思陈嘉庚

    • míng jiàocalled; named
  • 有 个 名叫 弗雷德 的 陌生人 来 找 我 。
    yǒu gè míng jiào Fú léi dé de mò shēng rén lái zhǎo wǒ.
    A strange man, Fred by name, came to see me.

    • yì siidea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire
  • 你 到底 是 什么 意思 ?
    nǐ dào dǐ shì shén me yì si?
    What on earth do you mean?

    • juǎn juǎncurl

    • qiáng zhuàngstrong; sturdy; robust
  • 他 的 身体 很 强壮 。
    Tā de shēntǐ hěn qiángzhuàng.
    His body is very strong.

    • gū mā(coll.) father's married sister; paternal aunt

    • shǔ zhūbe born in the year of pig

    • pàng pangfat

    • fú qigood fortune; to enjoy good fortune

    • xiǎo míngpet name for a child; childhood name

    • jīng chángfrequently; constantly; regularly; often; day-to-day; everyday; daily
  • 童年 的 时候 , 他 经常 陪 着 妈妈 一起 到 河边 洗衣 。
    Tóngnián de shíhòu, tā jīngcháng péizhe māmā yīqǐ dào hé biān xǐyī.
    When he was a child, he often accompanied his mother to the river to wash.

    • yī xiēsome; a few; a little
  • 请 给 我 来 一碗 鱼圆 面 , 面要 煮 软 一些 。
    Qǐng gěi wǒ lái yī wǎn yú yuán miàn, miàn yào zhǔ ruǎn yīxiē.
    Please give me a bowl of fish noodles, and the noodles should be soft.

    • wèn tíquestion; problem; issue; topic
  • 问题 解决 了 。
    Wèntí jiějué le.
    The problem has been solved.


    • hòu tuìto recoil; to draw back; to fall back; to retreat

    • bàn tiānhalf of the day; a long time; quite a while
  • 他 收拾 行李 , 让 我们 等 了 好 半天 。
    tā shōu shi xíng li, ràng wǒ men děng le hào bàn tiān。
    He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.

    • dà xuéuniversity; college; the Great Learning, one of the Four Books 四书 in Confucianism
  • 去 外地 上 大学 , 是 他 第一次 长 时间 离开 家乡 。
    Qù wàidì shàng dàxué, shì tā dì yī cì cháng shíjiān líkāi jiāxiāng.
    Going to college in the field is the first time he left his hometown.

    • xiāng xìnto be convinced (that sth is true); to believe; to accept sth as true
  • 没有 人 相信 我 说 的话 。
    méiyǒurén xiāngxìn wǒ shuō dehuà .
    Nobody believes what I say. Nobody believed what I said.