Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1A ‣ 第三课

    • yī yuèJanuary; first month (of the lunar year)

    • èr yuèFebruary; second month (of the lunar year)
  • 二月 是 一年 的 第二 个 月份 。
    èr yuè shì yī nián de dì èr gè yuè fèn.
    February is the second month of the year.

    • sān yuèMarch; third month (of the lunar year)

    • sì yuèApril; fourth month (of the lunar year)

    • wǔ yuèMay; fifth month (of the lunar year)

    • liù yuèJune; sixth month (of the lunar year)

    • qī yuèJuly; seventh month (of the lunar year)

    • bā yuèAugust; eighth month (of the lunar year)

    • jiǔ yuèSeptember; ninth month (of the lunar year)

    • shí yuèOctober; tenth month (of the lunar year)

    • shí yīeleven; 11

    • shí yī yuèNovember; eleventh month (of the lunar year)

    • shí èr yuèDecember; twelfth month (of the lunar year)

    • yī hàonumber one; first day of the month
  • 一月 一号 叫做 元旦 。
    Yī yuè yī hào jiào zuò Yuándàn.
    January 1st is called New Year's Day.

    • jīn tiāntoday; at the present; now
  • 今天 刮 大风 。
    Jīntiān guā dàfēng.
    It's very windy today.

    • zuó tiānyesterday
  • 他 昨天 没 打扫 房间 。
    tā zuó tiān mò dǎ sǎo fáng jiān。
    He didn't clean the room yesterday.

    • míng tiāntomorrow
  • 明天 会 下雨 吗 ?
    míngtiān huì xiàyǔ ma?
    Will it rain tomorrow?

    • jīn niánthis year
  • 今年 的 年画 是 由 家中 的 小朋友 画 的 , 很 有 童趣 。
    Jīnnián de niánhuà shì yóu jiāzhōng de xiǎopéngyǒu huà de, hěn yǒu tóng qù.
    This year's New Year pictures are painted by children at home and are very childlike.

    • qù niánlast year
  • 她 不 记得 去年 的 冬天 有 今年 这样 冷 。
    Tā bù jìdé qùnián de dōngtiān yǒu jīnnián zhèyàng lěng.
    She doesn't remember that this winter was so cold this year.

    • míng niánnext year
  • 我 好 想 明年 暑假 去 一趟 欧洲 。
    wǒ hào xiǎng míng nián shǔ jià qù yī tàng ōu zhōu。
    I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.