Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1A ‣ 第十课

    • bānghelp, assist; shoe upper; a group
  • 谢谢 您 的 帮助 。
    Xièxie nín de bāngzhù.
    Thank you for your help. (polite)
  • 帮助帮手帮忙互相帮助好帮手帮帮帮帮我

    • kāi ménopen (the) door
  • 我 因为 丢失 了 钥匙 , 无法 开门 。
    wǒ yīn wèi diū shī le yào shi, wú fǎ kāi mén。
    I can't open the door because I've lost the key.

    • guān ménto close a door; to lock a door; (of a shop etc) to close (for the night, or permanently)
  • 外面 风大 , 请 随手关门 。
    Wàimiàn fēng dà, qǐng suíshǒu guānmén.
    The outside is big, please close the door.

    • sǎo dìto sweep the floor; to reach rock bottom; to be at an all-time low
  • 她 拿 着 扫帚 扫地 。
    Tā názhe sàozhou sǎodì.
    She's using a broom to sweep the floor.

    • huāflower; pattern; colorful; variegated; blurred; fanciful; spend
  • 花 很 香 。
    Huā hěn xiāng.
    The flowers are fragrant.
  • 花园鲜花种花花生白花花园城市白兰花雪花国花烟花棒花果花儿花树花朵桃花烟花白莲花荷花百花盛开爆米花百花采花老花眼镜红花摘花胡姬花一朵花花草花园里花丛小花花果山花草树木花蜜花开花木兰桃花潭水花盆小白花花瓶小红花花香花柏花样花展黄花浇花开花兰花老花莲花棉花天花板花猫西兰花

    • hái yǒufurthermore; in addition; still; also
  • 厨房 还有 汤 , 你 还 可以 去 装 一碗 。
    Chúfáng hái yǒu tāng, nǐ hái kěyǐ qù zhuāng yī wǎn.
    There is soup in the kitchen, you can also go to a bowl.

    • bái yúnwhite cloud
  • 天边 有 一片 白云 。
    Tiānbiān yǒu yī piàn báiyún.
    There is a patch of white clouds on the horizon.

    • xué shengstudent; schoolchild
  • 毕业 以后 , 她 很 想 回到 自己 的 学生 时代 。
    Bìyè yǐhòu, tā hěn xiǎng huí dào zìjǐ de xuéshēng shídài.
    After graduating, she would like to return to her student days.

    • tóng xuéto study at the same school; fellow student; classmate
  • 我们 是 同学 。
    wǒmen shì tóngxué .
    We're classmates.

    • xué xíto learn; to study
  • 他 学习 上 进步 很快 。
    tā xué xí shàng jìn bù hěn kuài。
    He made rapid progress in his studies.

    • jiǔ yuèSeptember; ninth month (of the lunar year)

    • yī rìone day, first day

    • shēng rìbirthday
  • 祝 你 生日快乐 。
    zhù nǐ shēng rì kuài lè。
    I wish you a happy birthday.