Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1A ‣ 第十课

    • bù gàoposting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce
  • 布告 牌 上 写 着 “ 勿 踏 草地 ” 。
    bù gào pái shàng xiě著` wù tà cǎo dì'.
    The notice said Keep off (ie Do not walk on) the grass'.

    • bù gào bǎnnoticeboard; bulletin board

    • tóu yǐngto project; a projection

    • mù bù(theater) curtain

    • shí wùmaterial object; concrete object; original object; in kind; object for practical use; definite thing; reality; matter (physics)
  • 你 见到 的 是 实物 , 还是 鬼魂 ?
    nǐ xiàn dào de shì shí wù, hái shì guǐ hún?
    Was it something substantial that you saw, or was it a ghost?

    • tóu yǐng yíprojector