Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1B ‣ 第十一课

    • zuǒ shǒuleft hand; left-hand side

    • yòu shǒuright hand; right-hand side

    • jǔ qǐto heave; to lift; to raise up; to uphold
  • 她 举起 一根 手指 放 在 唇 边 , 示意 肃静 。
    tā jǔ qǐ yī gēn shǒu zhǐ fàng zài chún biān, shì yì sù jìng。
    She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.

    • qián qián hòu hòuthe whole story; from beginning to the end
  • 他 把 院子 前前后后 都 检查 了 一遍 。
    Tā bǎ yuànzi qián qiánhòu hòu dōu jiǎnchále yībiàn.
    He inspected the yard before and after.

    • qián hòuaround; from beginning to end; all around; front and rear
  • 他 坐 在 摇椅 里 前后 摇晃 着 。
    tā zuò zài yáo yǐ lǐ qián hòu yáo huàng zhuó。
    He rocked back and forth in his rocking chair.

    • zuǒ yòuleft and right; approximately; attendant; to control; to influence
  • 我 会 在 5 点 左右 打电话 给 你 。
    wǒ huì zài 5 diǎn zuǒyòu dǎ diàn huà gěi nǐ .
    I'll call you around five o'clock.

    • shàng xiàup and down; top and bottom; old and new; length; about
  • 那幅 画 上下 颠倒 了 。
    nà fú huà shàng xià diān dǎo le.
    That picture is upside-down.

    • pāi pāiPat