Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1B ‣ 第十二课

    • cè suǒtoilet; lavatory
  • 上 完 厕所 , 不要 忘 了 冲水 。
    Shàng wán cèsuǒ, bùyào wàngle chōng shuǐ.
    After finishing the toilet, don't forget to flush.

    • yǐ hòuafter; later; afterwards; following; later on; in the future
  • 步行 了 四 个 小时 以后 , 我们 开始 累 了 。
    bù xíng le sì gè xiǎo shí yǐ hòu, wǒ men kāi shǐ lèi le。
    After walking for four hours we were beginning to flag.

    • xǐ shǒuto wash one's hands; to go to the toilet
  • 吃饭 前 要 洗手 。
    Chīfàn qián yào xǐshǒu.
    We have to wash our hands before eating.

    • òoh
    • óah
    • éto recite
  • 哦 , 我 很 抱歉 。
    ò , wǒ hěn bàoqiàn .
    Oh, I'm sorry.

    • shuā yáto brush one's teeth
  • 吃 完 东西 要 刷牙 。
    Chī wán dōngxi yào shuāyá.
    You should brush your teeth after eating.

    • xǐ liǎnto wash your face

    • chōng liángto take a shower; to take a bath; to bathe; Cantonese equivalent of 洗澡
  • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
    Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
    Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

    • gān jìngclean; neat
  • 客厅 很 干净 。
    Kètīng hěn gānjìng.
    The living room is very clean.

    • xiāngfragrant; soundly; popular; well liked
  • 玫瑰 真 香 !
    Méigui zhēn xiāng!
    The roses smell very fragrant.
  • 香皂香蕉叶真香香灰莉香香香香甜甜香香的香味香蕉芳香花香清香五香五香粉香肠香料香喷喷香甜

    • zàngorgan
    • zāngdirty; soiled
  • 地毯 有点 脏 。
    Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
    The carpet is a little dirty.
  • 肮脏心脏很脏

    • chòusmelly; disreputable
    • xiùscent; smells
  • 那条 鱼 腐烂 得 发 臭 了 。
    nà tiáo yú fǔ làn de fà xiù le.
    That rotten fish stinks.
  • 臭味臭臭