Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1B ‣ 第十二课

    • chōng liángto take a shower; to take a bath; to bathe; Cantonese equivalent of 洗澡
  • 大热天 从 室外 回家 , 不要 马上 用 冷水 冲凉 , 这样 容易 中暑 。
    Dà rètiān cóng shìwài huí jiā, bùyào mǎshàng yòng lěngshuǐ chōngliáng, zhèyàng róngyì zhòngshǔ.
    Go home from a hot day, don't wash it with cold water right away, it is easy to heat stroke.

    • chōng liáng fángthe bathroom; the shower room
  • 跑步 完 , 我 满头 是 汗 , 可真想 找 个 冲凉房 , 好好 冲个 澡 啊 !
    Pǎobù wán, wǒ mǎn tóu shì hàn, kě zhēn xiǎng zhǎo gè chōngliáng fáng, hǎohǎo chōng gè zǎo a!
    After running, I am sweaty, I really want to find a shower room, take a shower!

    • cè zhǐtoilet paper

    • mǎ tǒngchamber pot; wooden pan used as toilet; toilet bowl

    • xǐ fà shuǐshampoo (liquid)

    • xiāng zàoperfumed soap; toilet soap

    • máo jīntowel
  • 妈妈 用 毛巾 把 婴儿 裹 起来 。
    Māma yòng máojīn bǎ yīng'ér guǒ qǐlái.
    The mother wraps the baby in the towel.

    • jìng zimirror

    • yá gāotoothpaste
  • 我 在 挤牙膏 准备 刷牙 。
    Wǒ zài jǐ yágāo zhǔnbèi shuāyá.
    I am squeezing toothpaste, about to brush my teeth.

    • yá shuātoothbrush
  • 她 平时 刷牙 太 用力 了 , 总是 用 不了 多长时间 , 牙刷 就 会 变形 。
    Tā píngshí shuāyá tài yònglìle, zǒng shì yòng bùliǎo duō cháng shíjiān, yáshuā jiù huì biànxíng.
    She usually brushes her teeth too hard, and it doesn't take long for the toothbrush to deform.