Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1B ‣ 第十四课

    • kè tīngdrawing room (room for arriving guests); living room
  • 客厅 里 有 一 张 方 桌 。
    Kètīng lǐ yǒu yī zhāng fāngzhuō.
    There's a square table in the living room.

    • lěng qìair conditioning (used in Taiwan)
  • 虽然 天气 很 热 , 但 冷气 不要 开太大 , 小心 着凉 了 。
    Suīrán tiānqì hěn rè, dàn lěngqì bùyào kāi tài dà, xiǎoxīn zháoliángle.
    Although the weather is very hot, don't open too much air, be careful.

    • lěng qì jīair conditioner

    • chá jīsmall side table; coffee table; teapoy (ornamental tripod with caddies for tea)

    • shā fāsofa
  • 她 把 书包 一 丢 , 就 马上 窝进 了 沙发 里 。
    Tā bǎ shūbāo yī diū, jiù mǎshàng wō jìnle shāfā lǐ.
    When she lost her bag, she immediately fell into the sofa.

    • zhé yī fúfold the clothes

    • yī fuclothes
  • 明天 就要 出发 了 , 你 把 衣服 都 打包 好 了 吗 ?
    Míngtiān jiù yào chūfāle, nǐ bǎ yīfú dōu dǎbāo hǎole ma?
    I am going to leave tomorrow. Have you packed your clothes?

    • mǒ chuāngwipe the windows

    • jiāo huāto water flowers

    • mā dìwipe the floor

    • chú fángkitchen
  • 我们 闻到 厨房 里 的 香味 直 流 口水 。
    wǒ men wén dào chú fáng lǐ de xiāng wèi zhí liú kǒu shuǐ.
    The delicious smell from the kitchen made our mouths water.

    • xǐ wǎnto wash the dishes