Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 1B ‣ 第十六课


    • xī guāwatermelon
  • 夏天 吃 西瓜 能 解暑 , 但 也 不能 吃太多 。
    Xiàtiān chī xīguā néng jiě shǔ, dàn yě bùnéng chī tài duō.
    Eating watermelon in summer can relieve heat, but you can't eat too much.

    • rànggivea way; let; allow; elect; blame
  • 让 我 试 试 。
    ràng wǒ shìshi .
    Let me try.
  • 让座礼让不让

    • xiǎo zhūpiggy

    • mǎibuy
  • 我 想 买 一 双 鞋 。
    Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī shuāng xié.
    I want to buy a pair of shoes.
  • 购买买得买书买菜买些先买买到

    • tián lǐin the field

    • zuì dàmaximum

    • kě shìbut; however
  • 亨利 英勇 奋战 , 可是 打败 了 。
    Hēng lì yīng yǒng fèn zhàn, kě shì dǎ bài le。
    Henry put up a good fight, but was beaten.

    • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
  • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
    nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
    What're you going to do?

    • bàohold or carry in the arm; embrace
  • 她 把 孩子 抱 在 怀里 。
    tā bǎ hái zi bào zài huái lǐ.
    She nestled the baby in her arms.
  • 抱怨抱佛脚抱歉抱拳环抱临时抱佛脚拥抱抱住

    • ne(particle.) ne
    • woollen cloth
  • 接下来 怎么 做 呢 ?
    Jiēxiàlái zěnme zuò ne?
    What to do next (about this)?

    • yuán yuánround

    • bù yī huǐ erin a moment
  • 他 把 门窗 关上 , 打开 空调 , 不一会儿 , 家里 就 暖和 了 起来 。
    Tā bǎ ménchuāng guānshàng, dǎkāi kòngtiáo, bù yīhuǐ'er, jiālǐ jiù nuǎnhuole qǐlái.
    He closed the doors and windows and turned on the air conditioner. After a while, the house warmed up.

    • yī huì ra while; also pr. [yi1 hui3 r5]
  • 我 能 休息 一会儿 吗 ?
    wǒ néng xiūxi yīhuìr ma ?
    Can I rest a bit? May I take a rest for a while?

    • huì era period (usually used as 一会儿)

    • ná dāotake a knife; with knife

    • qiē kāicut and split

    • well; why

    • biàn chéngto change into; to turn into; to become
  • 水 沸腾 而 变成 蒸汽 。
    shuǐ fèi téng ér biàn chéng zhēng qì.
    When water boils it turns into steam.


    • xī guā zhīWatermelon juice