Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第一课 我的衣服小了

    • yùn dòngto move; to exercise; sports; exercise; motion; movement; campaign
  • 她 喜欢 各种 运动 。
    tā xǐ huan gè zhǒng yùn dòng。
    She likes all kinds of sports.

    • yùn dòng yīsportswear

    • bèi xīna sleeveless garment

    • wài tàocoat
  • 天冷 了 , 出门 要 加上 厚 外套 。
    Tiān lěng le, chūmén yào jiāshàng hòu wàitào.
    It's getting cold. You'd better put on an overcoat when you go out.

    • chèn shānshirt; blouse
  • 我 想 买 一 件 衬衫 。
    Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yī jiàn chènshān.
    I want to buy a shirt.

    • niú zǎicowboy

    • niú zǎi kùjeans; also written 牛崽裤

    • lián yī qúnwoman's dress; frock; gown

    • tuō xiéslippers; sandals; flip-flops

    • liáng xiésandal

    • yùn dòng xiésports shoes

    • pí xiéleather shoes
  • 宋 先生 穿 褐色 的 皮鞋 。
    Sòng xiānsheng chuān hèsède píxié.
    Mr Song is wearing brown leather shoes.

    • pí dàistrap; leather belt

    • lǐng dàinecktie

    • lǐng zishirt collar
  • 他 竖起 大衣 领子 , 匆匆 冒雨 出去 了 。
    tā shù qi dà yī lǐng zi, cōng cōng mào yǔ chū qù le.
    He turned up the collar of his coat and hurried out into the rain.

    • lā liànzipper

    • xié dàishoelace

    • xiù zisleeve

    • kǒu dàipocket; bag; sack
  • 他 的 手 放 在 裤子 口袋 里 。
    Tā de shǒu fàng zài kùzi kǒudai lǐ.
    He has his hand in his pocket.

    • niǔ kòubutton