Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第一课 我的衣服小了

    • zhè tiáothis (bar, etc.)

    • kù zitrousers; pants
  • 他 的 外套 和 裤子 不 相配 。
    tā de wài tào huò kù zi bù xiāng pèi。
    His coat is not in keeping with the trousers.

    • zěn mehow?; what?; why?
  • 你 打算 怎么办 ?
    nǐ dǎ suàn zěn me bàn?
    What're you going to do?

    • zěn me yànghow?; how about?; how was it?; how are things?

    • hěnvery; quite; highly
  • 花 很 香 。
    Huā hěn xiāng.
    The flowers are fragrant.
  • 很多很快很远很少很久很大很苦很厚很有很多年很熟很脏很着急很胖很瘦很重很棒很忙很贵很旧很久以前很穷很美很久很久变化很大

    • chánglong; length; be good at
    • zhǎnggrow; elder; senior; person in charge
  • 树苗 长大 了 。
    Shùmiáo zhǎngdà le.
    The tree seedling has grown.
  • 长方长长的多长时间长尾巴长长短短最长长时间不长多长长大长长生长长耳朵长辈长江校长班长成长家长家长会全长学长长成长城长出长处长短长方形长颈鹿长久长靴长椅组长校长室

    • tài dàToo big

    • leparticle for past tense
    • liǎounderstand; end; settle
  • 船 沉 了 。
    Chuán chén le.
    The ship has sunk.
  • 笑了笑拍了拍红了脸饿极了吃了一惊试了试离不了除了借了了不起控制不了吓了一跳当了棒极了逃不了不了断了线成了门铃响了到了犯了错误得了伤透了脑筋极了算不了什么了解要到了少不了受不了太好了忘不了为了弄坏了就行了摸了摸太棒了美极了笑了起来受了伤抢走了灯亮了好了

    • zhè shuāngthis pair

    • xié zishoe
  • 这顶 帽子 和 鞋子 完全 相配 。
    zhè dǐng mào zi huò xié zi wán quán xiāng pèi。
    The hat and shoes are a perfect match.

    • hé shìsuitable; fitting; decent; to fit
  • 我 认为 他 是 更 合适 的 人选 。
    wǒ rèn wéi tā shì gèng hé shì de rén xuǎn。
    In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate.

    • maparticle (question)
  • 你 有空 吗 ?
    Nǐ yǒukōng ma?
    Are you free?

    • yǒu diǎna little
  • 地毯 有点 脏 。
    Dìtǎn yǒudiǎn zāng.
    The carpet is a little dirty.

    • yǒu diǎn rslightly; a little; somewhat

    • diǎn rpoint; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items

    • bù dànot very; not too; not often

    • also; as well as; too; either
  • 我 也 喝 咖啡 。
    Wǒ yě hē kāfēi.
    I'm drinking coffee too.
  • 也许再也也是再也不会再也不是

    • ā yímaternal aunt; step-mother; childcare worker; nursemaid; woman of similar age to one's parents (term of address used by child)
  • 吴 阿姨 要 我们 静 一些 , 随后 拧开 了 电视 。
    wú ā yí yào wǒ men jìng yī xiē, suí hòu nìng kāi le diàn shì。
    Auntie Wu asked us to be quiet, then turned the television on.

    • qǐng wènExcuse me, may I ask...?
  • 请问 , 银行 在 哪里 ?
    Qǐngwèn, yínháng zài nǎli?
    Excuse me, where is the bank?

    • duō shǎo qiánhow much price

    • xiǎo péng yǒuchild
  • 小朋友 在 画画 。
    Xiǎopéngyǒu zài huàhuà.
    The little kids are drawing.

    • zhè jiànthis piece

    • yī fuclothes
  • 明天 就要 出发 了 , 你 把 衣服 都 打包 好 了 吗 ?
    Míngtiān jiù yào chūfāle, nǐ bǎ yīfú dōu dǎbāo hǎole ma?
    I am going to leave tomorrow. Have you packed your clothes?