Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第二课 新年到了

    • xīn niánNew Year
  • 祝 大家 新年快乐 !
    zhù dà jiā xīn nián kuài lè!
    A Happy New Year to one and all!

    • xí súcustom; tradition; local tradition; convention
  • 端午节 吃 粽子 是 一种 传统 习俗 。
    Duānwǔjié chī zòngzi shì yī zhǒng chuántǒng xísú.
    Eating "zongzi" during the Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional custom .

    • zhī duō shǎoKnow how much

    • duō shǎonumber; amount; somewhat
    • duō shaohow much; how many; which (number); as much as
  • 这 件 衣服 多少钱 ?
    Zhè jiàn yīfu duōshǎo qián?
    How much does this piece of clothing cost?

    • good fortune; happiness
  • 祝你 幸福 。
    Zhù nǐ xìngfú.
    I wish you be happy/blessed.
  • 祝福幸福快乐福建福气五福临门幸福大福五福有福气祝你幸福阿福家庭幸福

    • dàoto place up side down; but and yet
    • dǎoto fall; inversed
  • 他 受伤 晕倒 了 。
    Tā shòushāng yūndǎo le.
    He passed out due to his injury.
  • 倒进上下颠倒乱倒乱倒垃圾跌倒倒挂倒下颠倒反倒滑倒摔倒撞倒倒水栽倒难不倒

    • hā hā(onom.) laughing out loud
  • 他 哈哈大笑 以 遮掩 紧张 的 心情 。
    tā hā hā dà xiào yǐ zhē yǎn jǐn zhāng de xīn qíng.
    He laughed to cover (ie hide) his nervousness.

    • yú piànfish fillet; slice of fish meat

    • nián niányear after year; yearly; every year; annually

    • yǒu yúto have an abundance

    • āi yāinterjection of wonder, shock or admiration
  • 哎呀 , 你 看 那 是 什么 ?
    ?iyā, nǐ kàn nà shì shénme?
    Hey, look! What's that?

    • dǎ suìto shatter; to smash; to break into pieces

    • píng ānsafe and sound; well; without mishap; quiet and safe; at peace
  • 祝 你 一路平安 。
    zhù nǐ yī lù píng ān。
    I wish you a good journey.