Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第四课 我是艺术家

    • kāi fàngto bloom; to open; to be open (to the public); to open up (to the outside); to be open-minded; unrestrained by convention; unconstrained in one's sexuality
  • 当 花儿 开始 在 枝头 开放 , 春天 来 了 。
    Dāng huā er kāishǐ zài zhī tóu kāifàng, chūntiān láile.
    When the flowers began to open on the branches, spring came.

    • zhèng zàiin the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing)
  • 我们 正在 开会 。
    Wǒmen zhèngzài kāihuì.
    We're in a meeting right now.

    • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
  • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
    tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
    They were girding for the exam.


    • zhí xiànstraight line

    • sān jiǎotriangle
  • 他 用 红 笔画 出 三角形 。
    tā yòng hóng bǐ huà chū sān jiǎo xíng.
    He outlined the triangle in red.

    • sān jiǎo xíngtriangle

    • zhèng fāngSquare; tetragonal

    • zhèng fāng xíngsquare

    • cháng fāngRectangular

    • cháng fāng xíngrectangle

    • yuán xínground; circular
  • 正方形 有 四 条 边 , 而 圆形 没有 边 。
    zhèng fāng xíng yǒu sì tiáo biān, ér yuán xíng méi yǒu biān。
    A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.

    • bàn yuánsemicircle

    • bàn yuán xíngsemi-circular

    • dǎ kǒngPunch

    • dìng shū dīngstaple (stationery)

    • tòu míngtransparent; open (non-secretive)
  • 普通 的 白 玻璃 是 透明 的 。
    pǔ tōng de bái bō li shì tòu míng de。
    Plain glass is transparent.

    • jiāo dàitape

    • shuǐ cǎiwatercolor
  • 美术课 上 , 老师 让 大家 合作 完成 一幅 水彩画 。
    Měishù kè shàng, lǎoshī ràng dàjiā hézuò wánchéng yīfú shuǐcǎihuà.
    In the art class, the teacher asked everyone to work together to complete a watercolor painting.

    • tiáo sèto blend colors; to mix colors