Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第四课 我是艺术家

    • yī kēone (tree)

    • yī páirow

    • shù línwoods; grove; forest
  • 树林 里 有 条 水沟 。
    Shùlín lǐ yǒu tiáo shuǐgōu.
    There is a ditch in the forest.

    • xiānfirst; before; earlier; in advance; ancestor
  • 小 女孩 先 上车 。
    Xiǎo nǚhái xiān shàngchē.
    The little girl gets on the bus first.
  • 争先恐后起先首先先辈先后先后顺序先生先贤优先争先祖先最先先买先去先用先要吴先生许先生

    • yuán xínground; circular
  • 正方形 有 四 条 边 , 而 圆形 没有 边 。
    zhèng fāng xíng yǒu sì tiáo biān, ér yuán xíng méi yǒu biān。
    A square has four sides but a circle has no sides.


    • zhí xiànstraight line

    • duì zhéto sell at a 50% discount; to fold in two
  • 把 纸张 对折 再 对折 , 然后 一剪 , 一幅 漂亮 的 窗花 就 出现 了 。
    Bǎ zhǐzhāng duìzhé zài duìzhé, ránhòu yī jiǎn, yī fú piàoliang de chuānghuā jiù chūxiànle.
    Fold the paper in half and then fold it in half, and then cut it, and a beautiful window flower appears.

      • chū láito come out; to appear; to arise
      • chu lai(after a verb, indicates coming out, completion of an action, or ability to discern or detect)
    • 香味 从 厨房 飘 了 出来 。
      xiāng wèi zòng chú fáng piāo le chū lai.
      Delicious smells were emanating from the kitchen.

      • rán hòuafter; then (afterwards); after that; afterwards
    • 先 读 课文 , 然后 解释 生词 。
      xiān dú kè wén, rán hòu jiě shì shēng cí。
      Read the text first and then explain the new words.

      • lā kāito pull open; to pull apart; to space out; to increase