Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第五课 今天是学校开放日

    • wèn lùto ask for directions; to ask the way (to some place)

    • hěn yuǎnfar away
  • 天气 晴朗 时 , 从 塔 顶 上 能 看 到 很远 的 地方 。
    tiān qì qíng lǎng shí, zòng tǎ dǐng shàng néng kàn dào hěn yuǎn de dì fang.
    On a clear day you can see for miles from the top of the tower.

    • mí lùto lose the way; lost; labyrinth; labyrinthus vestibularis (of the inner ear)

    • shān yánggoat
  • 他拉着 山羊 的 胡子 , 山羊 疼 得 咩咩叫 。
    Tā lāzhe shānyáng de húzi, shānyáng téng dé miē miē jiào.
    He took the goat's beard and the goat screamed.

    • cóngfollow; from
  • 水 从 洞口 流出 。
    shuǐ zòng Dòng kǒu liú chū。
    Water sluiced out of the hole.
  • 从这以后从前从来从此从来不从来没病从口入从不从军从没从小自从从此以后从早到晚

    • shān pōhillside
  • 春风 吹 过 , 山坡 上 一下子 开满 了 野花 。
    Chūnfēng chuīguò, shānpō shàng yīxià zi kāi mǎnle yěhuā.
    The spring breeze blew, and the hillside was full of wildflowers.

    • xià laito come down; (after verb of motion, indicates motion down and towards us, also fig.); (indicates continuation from the past towards us); to be harvested (of crops); to be over (of a period of time); to go among the masses (said of leaders)

    • xiàng qiánforward; onward

    • hěn jiǔlong time

    • guò láito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
    • guò laito come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of
  • 他 端 着 啤酒 走 过来 。
    Tā duānzhe píjiǔ zǒu guòlái.
    He came over, carrying a tray of beer.

    • zuǒ zhuǎnto turn left

    • huí dáto reply; to answer; the answer
  • 请 举手 回答 问题 。
    Qǐng jǔshǒu huídá wèntí.
    Please raise your hand if you want to answer the question.

    • zhè shíat this time; at this moment

    • shàng qiánto advance; to step forward

    • yǐ jīngalready
  • 车子 已经 旧 了 。
    Chēzi yǐjīng jiù le.
    The vehicle is already old.

    • jiā mén kǒuhome entrance
  • 这 几天 太冷 了 , 家门口 的 河面 都 结冰 了 。
    Zhè jǐ tiān tài lěngle, jiā ménkǒu de hémiàn dōu jié bīngle.
    These days are too cold, and the river at the door of the house is frozen.

    • mén kǒudoorway; gate
  • 往常 放学 的 时候 , 爷爷 都 会 在 学校 门口 接 他 回家 。
    Wǎngcháng fàngxué de shíhòu, yéyé dūhuì zài xuéxiào ménkǒu jiē tā huí jiā.
    When he was out of school, Grandpa would pick him up at the school gate.