Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第五课 今天是学校开放日

    • wèn lùto ask for directions; to ask the way (to some place)

    • cūnvillage
  • 村庄 在 河 对岸 。
    cūn zhuāng zài hé duì àn。
    The village lies across the river.
  • 村子村民乡村

    • zhǎolook for; seek; call on; give change
  • 你 找 我 有事 吗 ?
    Nǐ zhǎo wǒ yǒu shì ma?
    Did you find me about something?
  • 找出寻找找到找资料找来找水

    • zǒu dàoWalk to

    • lù kǒucrossing; intersection (of roads)

    • zhī dàoto know; to become aware of; also pr. [zhi1 dao5]
  • 我 不 知道 该 怎么办 。
    wǒ bù zhī dào gāi zěn me bàn。
    I have no idea what to do.

    • gāishould; that; the said
  • 该 起床 了 !
    Gāi qǐchuáng le!
    Should get out of bed!
  • 应该不该不应该

    • lǎo rénold man or woman; the elderly; one's aged parents or grandparents
  • 他 帮 老人 提菜 回家 , 老人 称赞 他 是 个 善良 的 人 。
    Tā bāng lǎorén tí cài huí jiā, lǎorén chēngzàn tā shìgè shànliáng de rén.
    He helped the old man to pick up the vegetables and the old man praised him as a kind person.

    • zhèngupright; correct; exactly; main
  • 他 正在 开会 。
    tā zhèng zài kāi huì。
    He is in conference.
  • 正在反正真正正常正对正方形正好正面正确正是正要正方正对着

    • shí toustone
  • 冰 象 石头 一样 坚硬 。
    bīng xiàng shí tou yí yàng jiān yìng。
    The ice is as hard as rock.

    • pángside; nearby; other; broad
  • 大家 坐 在 桌子 旁边 。
    Dàjiā zuò zài zhuōzi pángbiān.
    Everyone's sitting at the table/desk.
  • 旁边两旁路旁一旁身旁

    • xiū xirest; to rest
  • 你 应该 回家 休息 。
    Nǐ yīnggāi huí jiā xiūxi.
    You should go home and take a rest.

    • zǒu shàngEmbark on; walk on

    • shàng qiánto advance; to step forward

    • lǐ màocourtesy; manners
  • 别 对 你 的 父母 这么 没 礼貌 !
    biè duì nǐ de fù mǔ zhè me mò lǐ mào!
    Don't be so rude to your parents!

    • lǎo yé ye(coll.) father's father's father; paternal great-grandfather

      • chū tóuto get out of a predicament; to stick out; to take the initiative; remaining odd fraction after a division

      • zhuǎn shēn(of a person) to turn round; to face about; (of a widow) to remarry (archaic)
    • 我 一 转身 , 忽然 看见 了 汤姆 。
      wǒ yī zhuǎn shēn, hū rán kàn jiàn le tāng mǔ。
      Suddenly I turned and caught sight of Tom.

      • qǐ xiānat first; in the beginning

      • míng baiclear; obvious; unequivocal; to understand; to realize
    • 我 不 明白 你 的 意思 。
      wǒ bù míng bái nǐ de yì si。
      I can't apprehend your meaning.

      • yì siidea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire
    • 你 到底 是 什么 意思 ?
      nǐ dào dǐ shì shén me yì si?
      What on earth do you mean?

      • hòu láiafterwards; later
    • 最初 她 只是 微笑 , 后来 才 放声 大笑 。
      zuì chū tā zhǐ shì wēi xiào,後 lái cái fàng shēng dà xiào。
      First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.

      • zǐ xìcareful; attentive; cautious
    • 我 总是 每天 一 早就 仔细 查阅 我 的 邮件 。
      wǒ zǒng shì měi tiān yī zǎo jiù zǐ xì chá yuè wǒ de yóu jiàn.
      I always start the day by going through my mail.

        • rú cǐin this way; so
      • 我 希望 如此 。
        wǒ xīwàng rúcǐ .
        I hope so.

        • fāng xiàngdirection; orientation; path to follow
      • 他 迷失 了 方向 。
        Tā míshīle fāngxiàng.
        He's lost his way.

        • zǒu qùto walk over (to)