Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第六课 你怎么上学


    • hóng lǜ dēngtraffic light; traffic signal


    • lǜ dēnggreen light
  • 沿着 这 条 路 直 走 , 到 第三 个 红绿灯 的 地方 右转 。
    yánzhe zhè tiáo lù zhí zǒu , dào dì sān ge hónglǜdēng de dìfang yòuzhuǎn .
    Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light.

    • zhǐ yǒuonly
  • 他们 只有 一 根 钓鱼竿 。
    Tāmen zhǐyǒu yī gēn diàoyúgān.
    They only have one fishing pole.

    • liǎng zhǒngTwo kinds

    • sī jīchauffeur; driver
  • 他 的 爸爸 是 一 个 司机 。
    Tā de bàba shì yī ge sījī.
    His papa is a driver.

    • hóng dēngred light

    • dēng liàng lelight is on

    • jiù yàowill; shall; to be going to
  • 明天 就要 期末考 了 , 她 捧 着 书 , 急得 像 热锅上的蚂蚁 。
    Míngtiān jiù yào qímò kǎole, tā pěngzhe shū, jí dé xiàng rè guō shàng de mǎyǐ.
    Tomorrow, I will take the final exam. She holds the book and is anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

    • tíng chēto pull up (stop one's vehicle); to park; (of a machine) to stop working; to stall
  • 停车场 停满 了 车 , 她 认不出 她 的 车 停 在 哪 了 。
    Tíngchē chǎng tíng mǎnle chē, tā rèn bù chū tā de chē tíng zài nǎle.
    The car park was full of cars and she couldn't recognize where her car was parked.

    • chē zismall vehicle (car, bicycle, cart etc)

    • qián jìnto go forward; to forge ahead; to advance; onward
  • 士兵 们 背 起 行装 , 继续 前进 。
    shì bīng men bèi qǐ xìng zhuāng, jì xù qián jìn。
    The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.

    • hòu láiafterwards; later
  • 最初 她 只是 微笑 , 后来 才 放声 大笑 。
    zuì chū tā zhǐ shì wēi xiào,後 lái cái fàng shēng dà xiào。
    First of all she just smiled, then she started to laugh.

    • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

    • yuè lái yuèmore and more
  • 如果 大家 都 推脱 不 干活 , 家务活 只 会 变得 越来越 多 。
    Rúguǒ dàjiā dōu tuītuō bù gān huó, jiāwù huó zhǐ huì biàn dé yuè lái yuè duō.
    If everyone is free from doing things, housework will only become more and more.

    • wèi lein order to; for the purpose of; so as to
  • 为了 买 喜欢 的 糖果 , 她 跑 了 两公里 去 新开 的 糖果店 。
    Wèile mǎi xǐhuān de tángguǒ, tā pǎole liǎng gōnglǐ qù xīn kāi de tángguǒ diàn.
    In order to buy favorite candy, she ran two kilometers to the newly opened candy store.

    • lái de jíthere's still time; able to do sth in time

    • rén menpeople
  • 人们 正 排队 买 票 。
    rén men zhèng pái duì mǎi piào。
    People are queuing to buy tickets.

    • zhī jiānbetween; among; inter-
  • 我们 之间 的 观点 不 一致 。
    wǒ men zhī jiān de guān diǎn bù yī zhì。
    The views between us are discordant.

    • jiāadd; increase
  • 一 加 一 等于 二 。
    Yī jiā yī děngyú èr.
    One plus one equals two.
  • 新加坡更加增加加倍加倍努力参加加快加拿大加入加上加油新加坡人加把劲新加坡共和国加快脚步加糖

      • jiù shì(emphasizes that sth is precisely or exactly as stated); precisely; exactly; even; if; just like; in the same way as
    • 时间 就是 金钱 。
      shí jiān jiù shì jīn qián。
      Time is money.

      • cháng jiàncommonly seen; common; to see sth frequently
    • 忙中有错 是 很 常见 的 。
      máng zhòng yǒu cuò shì hěn cháng jiàn de。
      Haste makes waste, as is often the case.

      • xíng rénpedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
    • 街上 的 行人 很多 。
      Jiēshang de xíngrén hěn duō. (also lushang)
      There are many pedestrians in the street.

      • shè jìplan; design; to design; to plan
    • 他 脚 受伤 了 , 设计师 专门 为 他 设计 了 方便 行走 的 扶手 。
      Tā jiǎo shòushāngle, shèjì shī zhuānmén wèi tā shèjìle fāngbiàn xíngzǒu de fúshǒu.
      His foot was injured and the designer specially designed a handrail for him to walk.

      • yǒu de(there are) some (who are...); some (exist)
    • 这才 刚刚 进入 春天 , 迎春花 有 的 已经 开放 了 , 有 的 还是 花骨朵 。
      Zhè cái gānggāng jìnrù chūntiān, yíngchūn huā yǒu de yǐjīng kāifàngle, yǒu de háishì huāgūduǒ.
      This has just entered the spring, some of the spring flowers have been opened, and some are still flowering.

      • dào shǔto count backwards (from 10 down to 0); to count down; from the bottom (lines on a page); from the back (rows of seats)
      • dào shùinverse number; reciprocal (math.)

      • jì shíto measure time; to time; to reckon by time

      • rú guǒif; in case; in the event that
    • 如果 可能 的话 , 我 想 环游 世界 。
      rúguǒ kěnéng dehuà , wǒ xiǎng huányóu shìjiè .
      If possible, I'd like to travel around the world.

      • zuò chūto put out; to issue

      • shén me yàngwhat kind?; what sort?