Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第六课 你怎么上学

    • zhù yìto take note of; to pay attention to
  • 开车 要 注意 安全 。
    Kāichē yào zhùyì ānquán.
    We need to pay attention to safety when driving.

    • ān quánsafe; secure; safety; security
  • 开车 要 注意 安全 。
    Kāichē yào zhùyì ānquán.
    We need to pay attention to safety when driving.

    • dé shìtaxi
  • 汽车 路线 到此为止 了 , 你 得 叫 辆 德士 。
    qì chē lù xiàn dào cǐ wéi zhǐ le, nǐ de jiào liàng de shì。
    The bus route goes as far as that, so you'll need to take a taxi.

    • mó tuōmotor (transliteration); motorbike

    • mó tuō chēmotorbike; motorcycle

    • qīng guǐlight rail; transit system: underground, at street level or elevated; streetcar; metro; abbr. for 轻型轨道交通

    • qīng guǐ liè chēsky train

    • liè chē(railway) train

    • bān mǎzebra
  • 斑马 的 全身 都 是 黑白 相间 的 。
    Bānmǎ de quánshēn dōu shì hēi-bái xiāngjiàn de.
    The body of a zebra is covered with alternating stripes of black and white.


    • bān mǎ xiàncrosswalk; zebra crossing

    • xíng rénpedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor
  • 街上 的 行人 很多 。
    Jiēshang de xíngrén hěn duō. (also lushang)
    There are many pedestrians in the street.

    • rén xíng dàosidewalk

    • jiǎo tà chēbicycle; bike (Taiwan)
  • 这种 款式 的 脚踏车 是 最新 式 的 。
    zhè zhǒng kuǎn shì de jué tà jū shì zuì xīn shì de。
    This type of bicycle is up to date.

    • chē dàotraffic lane; driveway
  • 不要 偏离 车道 — — 这 一带 沼泽地 多 。
    bù yào piān lí chē dào-- zhè yī dài zhǎo zé dì duō.
    Keep to the track the moor is very boggy around here.

    • dì xiàunderground; subterranean; covert

    • tōng dào(communications) channel; thoroughfare; passage
  • 请 大家 排好队 , 从 左边 的 通道 排队 进场 。
    Qǐng dàjiā pái hǎo duì, cóng zuǒbiān de tōngdào páiduì jìn chǎng.
    Please line up the team and queue up from the channel on the left.

    • tiān qiáooverhead walkway; pedestrian bridge
  • 这 一段 路 被 封住 了 , 他们 建 了 一座 行人天桥 , 方便 行人 通行 。
    Zhè yīduàn lù bèi fēng zhùle, tāmen jiànle yīzuò xíngrén tiānqiáo, fāngbiàn xíngrén tōngxíng.
    This section of the road was sealed. They built a pedestrian bridge to facilitate pedestrians.


    • hóng lǜ dēngtraffic light; traffic signal


    • lǜ dēnggreen light
  • 沿着 这 条 路 直 走 , 到 第三 个 红绿灯 的 地方 右转 。
    yánzhe zhè tiáo lù zhí zǒu , dào dì sān ge hónglǜdēng de dìfang yòuzhuǎn .
    Go straight down this street and turn right at the third light.

    • shí zìcross road; cross-shaped; crucifix; the character ten

    • shí zì lù kǒucrossroads; intersection

    • lù kǒucrossing; intersection (of roads)