Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2A ‣ 第六课 你怎么上学

    • měi lìbeautiful
  • 太阳 照耀 着 美丽 的 城市 。
    tài yáng zhào yào zhuó měi lì de chéng shì。
    The sun shine bright in the beautiful city.

    • hěnvery; quite; highly
  • 花 很 香 。
    Huā hěn xiāng.
    The flowers are fragrant.
  • 很多很快很远很少很久很大很苦很厚很有很多年很熟很脏很着急很胖很瘦很重很棒很忙很贵很旧很久以前很穷很美很久很久变化很大

    • jí leextremely; exceedingly
  • 姐姐 饿极了 , 妈妈 做 了 碗 炒饭 给 她 吃 。
    Jiějiě è jíle, māmā zuòle wǎn chǎofàn gěi tā chī.
    My sister was very hungry, and her mother made a bowl of fried rice for her to eat.

    • gān jìngclean; neat
  • 客厅 很 干净 。
    Kètīng hěn gānjìng.
    The living room is very clean.

    • hǎo chītasty; delicious
    • hào chīto be fond of eating; to be gluttonous
  • 今天 的 菜 , 客人 都 说 好吃 。
    Jīntiān de cài, kèren dōu shuō hǎochī.
    All the guests said the food today was delicious.

    • kāi xīnto feel happy; to rejoice; to have a great time; to make fun of sb
  • 他们 笑 得 很 开心 。
    Tāmen xiào de hěn kāixīn.
    They laughed happily.