Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2B ‣ 第十三课 你想养什么宠物

    • chǒng wùhouse pet
  • 既然 你养 了 宠物 , 就要 照顾 好 它们 。
    Jìrán nǐ yǎngle chǒngwù, jiù yào zhàogù hǎo tāmen.
    Since you have a pet, take care of them.

    • bái tùWhite rabbit

    • bèng tiàoto hop; to jump

    • yáoswing; wave; shake
  • 花 在 风 中 摇摆 。
    Huā zài fēng zhōng yáobǎi.
    The flower is waving in the wind.
  • 摇摆摇晃摇篮摇头摇摇摆摆摇摇摇椅东摇西摆摇摇头

    • shū máocomb the fur

    • xǐ zǎoto bathe; to take a shower
  • 护士 正在 给 婴儿 洗澡 。
    hù shi zhèng zài jǐ yīng ér xǐ zǎo。
    The nurses were bathing the babies.

    • yòng xīnmotive; intention; to be diligent or attentive; careful
  • 他 皱着 眉头 用心 地 思考 。
    tā zhòu著 méi tóu yòng xīn de sī kǎo.
    His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking.