Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 2B ‣ 第十七课 夜市真热闹

    • yè shìnight market
  • 他们 一起 逛 夜市 , 一路 买 了 好 多种 小吃 。
    Tāmen yīqǐ guàng yèshì, yīlù mǎile hǎoduō zhǒng xiǎochī.
    They went to the night market together and bought a variety of snacks all the way.

    • zhēnreal; true; indeed; really
  • 玫瑰 真 香 !
    Méigui zhēn xiāng!
    The roses smell very fragrant.
  • 真好玩真没想到真要真多真的认真真棒真切真实真真真正真是真真切切真会真傻真不错真美真可怜真笨真香真乖真是太真酷真不真不少真能干真不容易认真对待真令人

    • rè naobustling with noise and excitement; lively
  • 夜市 很 热闹 。
    Yèshì hěn rènao.
    The night market is bustling.

    • yǐn liàodrink; beverage
  • 她 把 食物 和 饮料 放 在 客人 面前 。
    tā bǎ shí wù huò yǐn liào fàng zài kè ren miàn qián。
    She set the foods and drink before the guest.

    • yǐn liào tāndrink stall

    • yóu xìgame; to play
  • 喜欢 玩游戏 是 孩子 的 天性 。
    Xǐhuan wánr yóuxì shì háizi de tiānxìng.
    A fondness for playing games is in the nature of children.

    • shè qì qiúshoot balloons

    • qì qiúballoon
  • 风 把 气球 吹 走 了 。
    Fēng bǎ qìqiú chuīzǒu le.
    The wind has blown the balloon away.

    • tào quānFerrule; ring; collar

    • quān quanto draw a circle; cliques; circles

    • xiǎo chīsnack; refreshments

    • bào mǐ huāpuffed rice; popcorn

    • dū dū gāokueh tu tu

    • mián huacotton

    • mián hua tángcotton candy; candyfloss; marshmallow

    • yóu lè yuántheme park

    • huǒ chētrain

    • pèng pèng chēbumper car

    • mó tiānskyscraping; towering into the sky

    • mó tiān lúnFerris wheel; observation wheel

    • fēi tiānflying Apsara (Buddhist art)

    • fēi tiān yǐflying chair

    • kǎo ròubarbecue (lit. roast meat)

    • kǎo ròu chuànkebab

    • xiāng chángsausage

    • zhá jī chìFried chicken wings

    • jī chìchicken wings (fast food)
  • 他 把 鸡翅 放进 锅 里 一热 , 全家 都 飘 着 鸡肉 的 香味 。
    Tā bǎ jīchì fàng jìn guō lǐ yī rè, quánjiā dōu piāozhe jīròu de xiāngwèi.
    He put the chicken wings in the pot and the whole family floated with the smell of chicken.