Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第一课 美丽的愿望

    • xīn yuàncherished desire; dream; craving; wish; aspiration

    • xiào yuáncampus
  • 消息 很快 传遍 校园 。
    xiāo xi hěn kuài chuán biàn xiào yuán。
    The news soon went round the campus.

    • rěn bu zhùcannot help; unable to bear
  • 我 一 见到 冰淇淋 就 忍不住 想 吃 。
    wǒ yī xiàn dào bīng qí lìn jiù rěn bú zhù xiǎng jí。
    I can never resist an ice cream.

    • jiǎo bùfootstep; step
  • 我们 加快 了 脚步 。
    wǒ men jiā kuài le jiǎo bù.
    We quickened our steps.

    • yī miànone side; one aspect; simultaneously... (and...); one's whole face
  • 这块 布 哪 一面 是 正面 ?
    zhè kuài bù něi yī miàn shì zhèng miàn?
    Which is the right side of the cloth (ie the one intended to be seen)?

    • qiáng shàngOn the wall

    • tiēpaste; keep close to; allowance
  • 她 把 海报 贴 在 墙 上 了 。
    tā bǎ hǎi bào tiē zài qiáng shàng le.
    She pasted posters onto the wall.
  • 贴心贴好贴上去小贴士心贴心

    • gè zhǒngevery kind of; all kinds of; various kinds
  • 她 喜欢 各种 运动 。
    tā xǐ huan gè zhǒng yùn dòng。
    She likes all kinds of sports.

    • gè zhǒng gè yàngvarious sorts and varieties
  • 学校 举办 了 各种各样 的 校外活动 , 丰富 他们 的 课余 生活 。
    Xuéxiào jǔbànle gè zhǒng gè yàng de xiàowài huódòng, fēngfù tāmen de kèyú shēnghuó.
    The school organises a variety of off-campus activities to enrich their after-school life.

    • gè yàngmany different types
  • 超市 里 有 各种各样 的 水果 。
    Chāoshì lǐ yǒu gèzhǒng-gèyàng de shuǐguǒ.
    There are many kinds of fruit in the supermarket.

    • yuàn wàngdesire; wish
  • 希望 我 的 愿望 会 实现 。
    Xīwàng wǒ de yuànwàng huì shíxiàn.
    I hope my dream will come true.

    • bù zàinot to be present; to be out; (euphemism) to pass away; to be deceased

    • nán guòto feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult
  • 听说 他 最好 的 朋友 要 离开 这所 学校 了 , 他 难过 了 很 久 。
    Tīng shuō tā zuì hǎo de péngyǒu yào líkāi zhè suǒ xuéxiàole, tā nánguòle hěnjiǔ.
    I heard that his best friend is leaving this school. He has been sad for a long time.

    • pò mièto be shattered; to be annihilated (of hope, illusions etc)

    • jiān dìngfirm; steady; staunch; resolute
  • 有 了 坚定 的 目标 , 你 会 做 得 很 好 。
    yǒu le jiāndìng de mùbiāo , nǐ huì zuò děi hěn hǎo .
    With a firm goal in mind, you will do well.

    • shí xiànto achieve; to implement; to realize; to bring about
  • 一直 到 今天 , 她 开 画展 的 愿望 才 终于 实现 了 。
    Yīzhí dào jīntiān, tā kāi huàzhǎn de yuànwàng cái zhōngyú shíxiànle.
    Until today, her desire to open a painting exhibition has finally come true.

    • mèng xiǎng(figuratively) to dream of; dream
  • 自从 他 参观 过 天文馆 , 他 就 梦想 着 能 在 天空 中 飞行 。
    Zìcóng tā cānguānguò tiānwénguǎn, tā jiù mèngxiǎngzhe néng zài tiānkōng zhōng fēixíng.
    Since he visited the planetarium, he dreamed of flying in the sky.

    • jué xīndetermination; resolution; determined; firm and resolute; to make up one's mind
  • 他 一旦 下 了 决心 就 毫 不 动摇 。
    tā yī dàn xià le jué xīn jiù háo bú dòng yáo[ wú fǎ shǐ tā gǎi biàn( yì jiàn)].
    Once he's made up his mind, he never budges/you can never budge him (from his opinion).

    • zǒng huìthere will always be; general meeting
  • 车到山前必有路 , 到 了 时候 , 总会 想 出 办法 的 。
    Chē dào shān qián bì yǒu lù, dàole shíhòu, zǒng huì xiǎng chū bànfǎ de.
    There must be a road to the front of the mountain. When it is time, there will always be a way.

    • xiǎng qǐto recall; to think of; to call to mind

    • xīn zhōngcentral point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart

    • gè gèeach one individually; each and every

    • yī kēone (grain, etc.)

    • bàncompanion; partner
  • 你 能 过来 和 我们 作伴 吗 ?
    nǐ néng guò lai huò wǒ men zuò bàn ma?
    Can you come over and join us?
  • 陪伴着伙伴结伴陪伴同伴为伴

    • yáng guāngsunshine; transparent (open to public scrutiny)
  • 太阳光 直 射 在 我们 脸 上 。
    tài yáng guāng zhí shè zài wǒ men liǎn shàng。
    The sun was shining in our faces.

    • fēng yǔwind and rain; the elements; trials and hardships
  • 茅屋 在 风雨 中 摇摆 。
    máo wū zài fēng yǔ zhòng yáo bǎi。
    The hut was shaking in the storm.

    • fā yáto germinate

    • chéng zhǎngto mature; to grow; growth
  • 妈妈 给 他求 了 一个 如意 锁 , 希望 他 能 快快乐乐 地 成长 。
    Māmā gěi tā qiúle yīgè rúyì suǒ, xīwàng tā néng kuài kuàilè lè dì chéngzhǎng.
    Mom asked him for a wishful lock, hoping that he could grow up happily.