Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第二课 我的朋友和家人

    • xìng shìfamily name

    • zhǔ yàomain; principal; major; primary
  • 水稻 是 主要 的 农作物 。
    Shuǐdào shì zhǔyào de nóngzuòwù.
    Rice is the main crop here.

    • huá rénethnic Chinese person or people
  • 到 了 春节 期间 , 牛车水 这 一片 张灯结彩 , 很 有 华人 过年 的 氛围 。
    Dàole chūnjié qíjiān, niú chē shuǐ zhè yīpiàn zhāng dēng jiécǎi, hěn yǒu huárén guònián de fēnwéi.
    During the Spring Festival, the lanterns of Chinatown are full of lights, and there is a Chinese New Year atmosphere.

    • nǎ xiēwhich ones?; who?; what?
  • 这一 程序 有 哪些 功能 ?
    zhè yī chéng xù yǒu nǎ xiē gōng néng?
    What functions can this program perform?

    • yǒu xiēsome; somewhat
  • 有些 广告 毫无 吸引力 。
    yǒu xiē guǎng gào háo wú xī yǐn lì。
    Some advertisements have no pull at all.

    • lì rúfor example; for instance; such as
  • 很多 东西 使 水污染 , 例如 轮胎 、 垃圾 和 塑胶袋 。
    hěn duō dōng xi shǐ shuǐ wū rǎn, lì rú lún tāi、垃圾 huò sù jiāo dài。
    Many things pollute water, such as tires, trash, and plastic bags.

    • sī túminister of education (history); two-character surname Situ

    • ōu yángtwo-character surname Ouyang

    • fù xìngtwo-character surname such as 司马 or 诸葛

    • prefix (when?, where?, why?, how?, what?, who?, which?)
  • 新 汽车 性能 如何 ?
    xīn qì chē xìng néng rú hé?
    How is the new car performing?
  • 任何何方几何如何何其任何人

    • chénlay out; display; old; stale; to state
  • 我 认识 陈 先生 。
    Wǒ rènshi Chén xiānsheng.
    I know Mr. Chen.
  • 陈思思陈嘉庚陈老师

      • wattle; reckless; Hu, ancient non-Han nationalities; moustache; why
    • 他 在 刮 胡须 。
      Tā zài guā húxū.
      He's shaving his beard.
    • 胡椒粉胡椒二胡刮胡子胡夫胡姬花胡闹胡子胡姬

      • gōngbow; bow shaped
    • 弓箭手 向 空中 射出 利 箭 。
      gōng jiàn shǒu xiàng kōng zhōng shè chū lì jiàn。
      The archers sent their shafts through the air.
    • 弓箭

      • surname; a musical note

          • name of warring state; surname
        • 吴国吴先生

          • sūngrandson
        • 爷爷 在 陪 孙女 玩 。
          Yéye zài péi sūnnǚ wánr.
          The grandfather is playing with his granddaughter.
        • 祖孙孙权孙悟空孙子子孙子子孙孙

          • hénghorizontal; transverse
          • hèngharsh and unreasonable
        • 过 马路 要 走 人行横道 。
          Guò mǎlù yào zǒu rénxíng héngdào.
          To cross the street, one should use the crosswalk.
        • 纵横交错横放纵横

          • duō shǎonumber; amount; somewhat
          • duō shaohow much; how many; which (number); as much as
        • 这 件 衣服 多少钱 ?
          Zhè jiàn yīfu duōshǎo qián?
          How much does this piece of clothing cost?

          • bǎi jiā xìngThe Book of Family Names, anonymous Song dynasty reading primer listing 438 surnames