Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第四课 奇妙的变化

    • bá miáo zhù zhǎngto spoil things through excessive enthusiasm (idiom)

    • zhù zhǎngto encourage; to foster; to foment

    • shì qingaffair; matter; thing; business
  • 这 件 事情 很 奇怪 。
    Zhè jiàn shìqing hěn qíguài.
    This matter is very strange.

    • xīn jíhurried; ruffled; impatient; short-tempered
  • 你 不要 心急 , 喝口水 , 慢慢说 , 是 怎么回事 ?
    Nǐ bùyào xīnjí, hē kǒushuǐ, màn man shuō, shì zěnme huí shì?
    Don't be anxious, drink saliva, and slowly say, what's going on?

    • cóng qiánpreviously; formerly; once upon a time
  • 经过 这 许多 年 月 , 他 的 体力 不如 从前 了 。
    jīng guò zhè xǔ duō nián yuè, tā de tǐ lì bù rú cóng qián le.
    His strength has diminished over the years.

    • nóng fūpeasant; farmer
  • 农夫 在 给 牛 喂食 。
    Nóngfū zài gěi niú wèishí.
    The farmer is feeding the cows.

    • hé miáoseedling (of rice or other grain)

    • tài màntoo slow

    • xiǎng chūto figure out; to work out (a solution etc); to think up; to come up with (an idea etc)
  • 他 想 出 了 一个 极好 的 主意 。
    tā xiǎng chū le yī gè jí hǎo de zhǔ yi。
    He worked out an excellent idea.

    • bàn fǎmeans; method; way (of doing sth)
  • 我 总得 想 个 办法 完成 任务 。
    wǒ zǒng děi xiǎng gè bàn fǎ wán chéng rèn wu。
    I must fulfil my task by some means or other.

    • wǎng shàngupward

    • dé yìproud of oneself; pleased with oneself; complacent
  • 他 终于 获得 了 驾驶执照 , 这 使 他 颇 为 得意 。
    tā zhōng yū huò dé le jià shǐ zhí zhào, zhè shǐ tā pō wèi dé yì.
    He is at last the proud possessor of a driving-licence.

    • āi yāinterjection of wonder, shock or admiration
  • 哎呀 , 你 看 那 是 什么 ?
    ?iyā, nǐ kàn nà shì shénme?
    Hey, look! What's that?

    • death; die; dead; the last; extremely
  • 我 累 死 了 。
    wǒ lèi sǐ le .
    I'm really tired. I'm exhausted. I'm very tired.
  • 冻死饿死死里逃生死去死心死罪吓死死掉压死