Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第五课 难忘的一天

    • rì ziday; a (calendar) date; days of one's life
  • 上学 第一 天 , 他 一早 来到 学校 , 却 发现自己 记错 了 日子 。
    Shàngxué dì yītiān, tā yīzǎo lái dào xuéxiào, què fāxiàn zìjǐ jì cuòle rìzi.
    On the first day of school, he came to school early, but found himself remembering the wrong day.

    • sān yuèMarch; third month (of the lunar year)

    • shí hào(of date) 10th; number 10

    • tiān liàngdawn; daybreak

    • bù děngunequal; varied

    • bù yòngneed not
  • 不用 麻烦 了 。
    bù yòng má fan le。
    Don't bother.

    • gāng gangjust recently; just a moment ago
  • 刚刚 下 了 一阵 雨 。
    Gānggāng xiàle yī zhèn yǔ.
    A shower just fell.

    • diǎn tóuto nod
  • 她 点头 表示 赞成 。
    tā diǎn tóu biǎo shì zàn chéng.
    She nodded her approval.

    • fù le qiánpaid the money

    • yī shùA bunch

    • xiān huāfresh flowers
  • 我 用 鲜花 装饰 房间 。
    wǒ yòng xiān huā zhuāng shì fáng jiān。
    I ornamented my room with flowers.

    • zhuō yǐtables and chairs
  • 他 和 老师 们 一起 , 把 借 来 的 桌椅 归还 到 礼堂 去 。
    Tā hé lǎoshīmen yīqǐ, bǎ jiè lái de zhuō yǐ guīhuán dào lǐtáng qù.
    Together with the teachers, he returned the borrowed tables and chairs to the auditorium.

    • shì qingaffair; matter; thing; business
  • 这 件 事情 很 奇怪 。
    Zhè jiàn shìqing hěn qíguài.
    This matter is very strange.

    • nán bù dǎonot defeated by difficulties

    • yī zhístraight (in a straight line); continuously; always; from the beginning of ... up to ...; all along
  • 我 一直 想见 你 。
    wǒ yīzhí xiǎng jiàn nǐ. (also jiandao)
    I continuously want to (see/be with) you.

    • xià wǔafternoon; p.m.
  • 我们 周三 下午 没 课 。
    wǒmen zhōusān xiàwǔ méi kè .
    We don't have class on Wednesday afternoons.

    • tiēpaste; keep close to; allowance
  • 她 把 海报 贴 在 墙 上 了 。
    tā bǎ hǎi bào tiē zài qiáng shàng le.
    She pasted posters onto the wall.
  • 贴心贴好贴上去小贴士心贴心

    • zhǐ yǒuonly
  • 他们 只有 一 根 钓鱼竿 。
    Tāmen zhǐyǒu yī gēn diàoyúgān.
    They only have one fishing pole.

    • shōu dàoto receive
  • 你 收到 我 的 明信片 了 吗 ?
    nǐ shōu dào wǒ de míng xìn piàn le ma?
    Did you get my postcard?

    • bàng wǎnin the evening; when night falls; towards evening; at night fall; at dusk
  • 傍晚 的 景色 真 美 。
    Bàngwǎn de jǐngsè zhēn měi.
    The view at dusk is really beautiful.

    • gū gupaternal aunt
  • 每年 拜年 的 时候 , 姑姑 都 会 给 我 一个 红包 。
    Měinián bàinián de shíhòu, gūgū dūhuì gěi wǒ yīgè hóngbāo.
    Every year, my aunt will give me a red envelope.

    • shí wùfood
  • 宴会 上 的 食物 很 丰盛 。
    Yànhuì shàng de shíwù hěn fēngshèng.
    There was a sumptuous array of foods at the banquet.

    • zhǔn bèipreparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund)
  • 他们 正在 准备 考试 。
    tā men zhèng zài zhǔn bèi kǎo shì。
    They were girding for the exam.