Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第五课 难忘的一天

    • jià qīvacation
  • 你 假期 过得 怎么样 ?
    Nǐ jiàqī guòde zěnmeyàng?
    How did you spend your vacation?

    • qīng chénearly morning
  • 清晨 , 街道 上 很少 有人 活动 。
    Qīngchén, jiēdào shàng hěn shǎo yǒurén huódòng.
    In the early morning, there were very few activities on the street.

    • jiù jiumother's brother; maternal uncle (informal)
  • 我 正 打算 出去 一会儿 , 可 我 舅舅 来 了 。
    wǒ zhèng dǎ suàn chū qù yī huìr, kě wǒ jiù jiu lái le。
    I was just going out for a bit when my uncle came.

    • wán pínaughty
  • 他 像 猴子 那么 顽皮 !
    tā xiàng hóu zi nà mó wán pí!
    He's as mischievous as a monkey!

    • bái máocogon grass (Imperata cylindrica), used as thatching material in China and Indonesia

    • máo cǎosogon grass

    • còu rè naoto join in the fun; to get in on the action; (fig.) to butt in; to create more trouble

    • sāo yǎngto scratch (an itch); to tickle

    • lián huālotus flower (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn, among others); water-lily

    • suí fēngwind-borne; care-free
  • 船帆 随风 摆动 。
    chuán fān suí fēng bǎi dòng.
    The sails were flapping gently in the wind.

    • yáo dòngto shake; to sway

    • wān zhe yāobend over the body

    • yíng jiēto meet; to welcome; to greet
  • 孩子 们 飞跑 过去 迎接 妈妈 。
    hái zi men fēi pǎo guò qu yíng jiē mā ma.
    The children flew to meet their mother.

    • dào láito arrive; arrival; advent

    • bù shǎomany; a lot; not few
  • 地震 让 不少 人 受伤 。
    Dìzhèn ràng bù shǎo rén shòushāng.
    The earthquake injured many people.

    • huà miànscene; tableau; picture; image; screen (displayed by a computer); (motion picture) frame; field of view
  • 天空 和 大海 构成 了 一幅 和谐 的 画面 。
    tiān kōng huò dà hǎi gòu chéng le yī fú hé xié de huà miàn。
    The sky and the sea make a harmonious picture.

    • zhè biānthis side; here
  • 请 往 这边 看 。
    qǐng wàng zhè biān kàn.
    Look this way, please.

    • yǎobite; grip
  • 他 被 蚊子 咬 了 。
    Tā bèi wénzi yǎo le.
    He's been bitten by a mosquito.
  • 咬牙咬咬咬断咬咬牙

    • guǒ ròupulp

    • bā gēcrested mynah bird (Acridotheres cristatellus)

    • plantain or banana palm; fragrant
  • 今晚 有 芭蕾舞 演出 。
    Jīnwǎn yǒu bālěiwǔ yǎnchū.
    There's a ballet performance tonight.

    • jī tāngchicken stock

    • wǎnbowl
  • 她 盛 了 一 碗 饭 。
    Tā chéngle yī wǎn fàn.
    She got herself a bowl of rice. (Lit., "She filled a bowl with rice.")
  • 碗碟洗碗碗盘一碗一碗水

      • zuān jìnto get into; to dig into (studies, job etc); to squeeze into
    • 猫 一 露面 , 老鼠 急忙 钻进 自己 的 洞 里 。
      māo yī lòu miàn, lǎo shǔ jí máng zuàn jìn zì jǐ de dòng lǐ。
      The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.

      • qīn shǒupersonally; with one's own hands
    • 喝下 奶奶 亲手 做 的 豆腐汤 , 她 觉得 心里 暖暖的 。
      Hē xià nǎinai qīnshǒu zuò de dòufu tāng, tā juédé xīnlǐ nuǎn nuǎn de.
      Drinking the tofu soup made by her grandmother, she feels warm in her heart.

      • shuì zháoto fall asleep
    • 别 惊动 他 , 他 睡着 了 。
      biè jīng dòng tā, tā shuì zhāo le。
      Don't disturb him----he has flaked out.