Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第六课 是我不好

    • zèngto present
  • 购买 指定 商品 还有 赠品 。
    Gòumǎi zhǐdìng shāngpǐn hái yǒu zèngpǐn.
    If you purchase the designated items, you'll get a free gift.
  • 赠送

    • wāng lún(name) Wang Lun

    • lǐ báiLi Bai (701-762), famous Tang Dynasty poet
  • 李白 是 唐朝 著名 的 诗人 。
    Lǐbái shì táng cháo zhù míng de shīrén.
    Li Bai was a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty.

    • chéngride; to take advantage of; to multiply
    • shènghistorical records; an ancient carriage
  • 我 经常 乘 地铁 去 上班 。
    wǒ jīng cháng chéng dì tiě qù shàng bān。
    I go to work on the tube.
  • 乘凉乘船乘客乘着后人乘凉

    • zhōuboat
  • 那种 浅 底 小船 叫 小舟 。
    nà zhòng qiǎn dǐ xiǎo chuán jiào xiǎo zhōu。
    The small shallow boat is called a cockle.
  • 刻舟求剑

    • desire, want, long for; intend
  • 我 生病 时 完全 没有 食欲 。
    wǒ shēng bìng shí wán quán méi yǒu shí yù.
    When I was ill I completely lost my appetite.

    • hū wénto hear suddenly; to learn of sth unexpectedly

    • àn shàngashore

    • tà gēto sing and dance; general term for a round dance

    • gē shēngsinging voice; fig. original voice of a poet
  • 她 的 歌声 很 悦耳 。
    Tā de gēshēng hěn yuè'ěr.
    Her singing is very enjoyable.

    • táo huāpeach blossom
  • 他 看 着 院子 里 的 桃 花 谢 了 , 心里 期盼 它们 早日 结出 桃子 。
    Tā kànzhe yuànzi lǐ de táohuā xièle, xīnlǐ qī pàn tāmen zǎorì jié chū táozi.
    He looked at the peach blossoms in the yard and thanked them for the early birth of peaches.

    • táo huā tán shuǐthe peach blossom pool

    • tán shuǐdeep water
  • 桃花潭水 深 千尺 , 不及 汪伦 送 我情 。
    Táohuā tán shuǐshēn qiān chǐ, bùjí wānglún sòng wǒ qíng.
    Peach Blossom Lake is thousands of feet deep, not as good as Wang Lun.

    • shuǐ shēndepth (of waterway); sounding

    • bù jíto fall short of; not as good as; too late