Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第六课 是我不好

    • fēi jīairplane
  • 他 家 离 机场 很近 , 他 经常 能 看 到 飞机 起飞 。
    Tā jiā lí jīchǎng hěn jìn, tā jīngcháng néng kàn dào fēijī qǐfēi.
    His home is very close to the airport, and he often sees the plane taking off.

    • mó xíngmodel; mould; matrix; pattern
  • 他 爱好 收集 模型 。
    Tā àihào shōují móxíng.
    His hobby is collecting models.

    • nòng huàito ruin; to spoil; to break

    • rēngthrow; discard
  • 他 向 湖里 扔 了 一块 石头 。
    tā xiàng hú lǐ rēng le yī kuài shí tou。
    He threw a stone into the lake.
  • 扔掉扔进

    • dào qiànto apologize
  • 她 要求 他 道歉 。
    Tā yāoqiú tā dàoqiàn.
    She demanded he apologize.

    • duì bu qǐunworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat)
  • 对不起 , 打扰 了 。
    Duìbuqǐ, dǎrǎo le.
    Sorry to interrupt.

    • bù yào jǐnunimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but
  • 赢 不了 也 不要紧 — — 只要 你 尽力而为 。
    yíng bù liǎo yě bù yào jǐn-- zhǐ yào nǐ jìn lì ér wèi。
    It doesn't matter if you don't win just do your best.

    • yào jǐnimportant; urgent
  • 这 没什么 要紧 , 不要 为 它 烦 心 了 。
    zhè mò shén me yào jǐn, bù yào wèi tā fán xīn le。
    It's not important; don't bother your head about it.