Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第八课 我真能干

    • wǎn fànevening meal; dinner; supper
  • 晚饭 前 , 他 吃 了 一些 饼干 。
    wǎn fàn qián, tā jí le yī xiē bǐng gān。
    He had some biscuits before the dinner.

    • shǒu xiānfirst (of all); in the first place
  • 一说到 新加坡 , 大家 首先 会 想到 鱼尾狮 。
    Yī shuō dào xīnjiāpō, dàjiā shǒuxiān huì xiǎngdào yú wěi shī.
    When it comes to Singapore, everyone will first think of the Merlion.

    • tàng yī bǎnironing board

    • jiē zheto catch and hold on; to continue; to go on to do sth; to follow; to carry on; then; after that; subsequently; to proceed; to ensue; in turn; in one's turn
  • 你 是否 歇 够 了 可以 接着 干 了 ?
    nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
    Are you rested enough to go on?

    • xì xīncareful; attentive
  • 你 应该 再 细心 些 。
    nǐ yīng gāi zài xì xīn xiē.
    You want to be more careful.

    • qǐng qiúrequest
  • 他们 紧急 请求 国际 援助 。
    tā men jǐn jí qǐng qiú guó jì yuán zhù。
    They've made an urgent request for international aid.

    • dā yingto promise; to agree; to reply; to respond
  • 你 答应 了 过年 回家 , 那 你 就 一定 要 回去 。
    Nǐ dāyìngle guònián huí jiā, nà nǐ jiù yīdìng yào huíqù.
    You promised to go home for the New Year, then you must go back.

    • xiǎo jiànSmall pieces

    • hǎo leall right; done
  • 按时 睡 了 一 觉 , 他 的 感冒 竟 就 神奇 般 地 好 了 。
    Ànshí shuìle yī jué, tā de gǎnmào jìng jiù shénqí bān dì hǎole.
    Sleeping on time, his cold was magically good.

    • dà jiànlarge; bulky

    • niú zǎicowboy

    • niú zǎi kùjeans; also written 牛崽裤

    • shàiexpose to the sun; to shine
  • 他们 在 海边 晒太阳 。
    Tāmen zài hǎibiān shài tàiyáng.
    They're sunning themselves at the seashore.
  • 防晒防晒油晒干晒太阳

    • fǎn miànreverse side; backside; the other side (of a problem etc); negative; bad

    • bǎ shǒuhandle; grip; knob

    • kù guǎntrouser leg

    • zhèng miànfront; obverse side; right side; positive; direct; open

    • kù jiǎobottom of a trouser leg

    • yùn dòng yīsportswear

    • wāi lecrooked; inclined

    • luàn lemess

    • quán bùwhole; entire; complete
  • 他 详细 列出 全部 被 盗 的 财物 。
    tā xiáng xì liè chū quán bù bèi dào de cái wù。
    He gave full particulars of the stolen property.

    • lèi detired

    • mǎn tóufull head
  • 他 好不容易 把 钢琴 搬 上楼 , 累 得 满头大汗 。
    Tā hǎobù róngyì bǎ gāngqín bān shàng lóu, lèi dé mǎn tóu dà hàn.
    He managed to put the piano upstairs and was sweaty.

    • dà hánsupreme khan
    • dà hànprofuse perspiration

    • bù huìimprobable; unlikely; will not (act, happen etc); not able; not having learned to do sth

    • sāito stuff; a stopper
  • 交通 事故 导致 塞车 。
    Jiāotōng shìgù dǎozhì sāichē.
    The traffic accident has caused a traffic jam.
  • 塞住堵塞交通堵塞塞进