Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第八课 我真能干

    • bù zhòuprocedure; step

    • yìng zhǐ bǎncardboard

    • zhǐ bǎncardboard

    • shéng zicord; string; rope
  • 他 用力 地 抓住 绳子 。
    Tā yònglì de zhuāzhù shéngzi.
    He grasps the rope tightly.

    • fēn chéngto divide (into); to split a bonus; to break into; tenths; percentage allotment

    • bù fenpart; share; section; piece
  • 部分 航班 延误 了 。
    Bùfen hángbān yánwù le.
    Some flights are delayed.

    • spread on; apply; scribble; mud
  • 他 在 面包 上 涂 黄油 。
    tā zài miàn bāo shàng tú huáng yóu。
    He spread butter on his bread.
  • 糊涂涂鸦涂成乱涂乱涂乱画

    • chuōpoke; stab; sprain

    • xiǎo dòngSmall hole

    • dǎ jiéto tie a knot; to tie