Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第九课 我有办法

    • sī mǎofficial post of minister of war in pre-han Chinese states; two-character surname Sima

    • shuǐ gāngwater jar
  • 水缸 盛 满 水 了 。
    Shuǐgāng chéngmǎn shuǐ le.
    The water urn has been filled with water.

    • jiù mìngto save sb's life; (interjection) Help!; (interjection) Save me!
  • 他 在 喊 “ 救命 ” 。
    Tā zài hǎn "mìng"gg..
    He's crying "help".

    • ná qǐto pick up

      • dà dòngBig hole

      • shuǐ liúriver; stream
    • 看 到 桥下 水流 很 急 , 他 过桥 的 时候 , 心里 很 紧张 。
      Kàn dào qiáo xià shuǐliú hěn jí, tāguò qiáo de shíhòu, xīnlǐ hěn jǐnzhāng.
      I saw the water flowing under the bridge was very urgent. When he crossed the bridge, he was very nervous.

      • dé jiùto be saved
    • 他 被 困 在 了 地下室 , 过 了 两 个 小时 , 他 才 得救 。
      Tā bèi kùn zàile dìxiàshì,guòle liǎng gè xiǎoshí, tā cái déjiù.
      He was trapped in the basement and he was saved after two hours.