Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3A ‣ 第九课 我有办法

    • lāo yuè liàngFishing for the moon

    • yè shēnlate at night
  • 夜 深 了 , 街上 悄然无声 。
    Yè shēn le, jiēshang qiǎorán wúshēng.
    It's late at night and the street is quiet.

    • zhōu wéisurroundings; environment; to encompass
  • 房子 的 周围 是 一片 草地 。
    Fángzi de zhōuwéi shì yī piàn cǎodì.
    The house is surrounded by lawn.

    • wán pínaughty
  • 他 像 猴子 那么 顽皮 !
    tā xiàng hóu zi nà mó wán pí!
    He's as mischievous as a monkey!

    • dú zìalone
  • 儿子 独自 一 人 在 玩 。
    ?rzi dúzì yīrén zài wán.
    My son is playing by himself.

    • dà chī yī jīngto have a surprise (idiom); shocked or startled; gobsmacked
  • 我 正在 成人 学校 补习 法语 , 到 时 好 让 他们 大吃一惊 。
    wǒ zhèng zài chéng rén xué xiào bǔ xí fǎ yǔ, dào shí hào ràng tā men dà chī yī jīng。
    I'm brushing up on my French at adult school just to surprise them.

    • chī jīngto be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed
  • 她 才 读 小学 , 却 已 读 过 这么 多 的 书 , 大家 都 很 吃惊 。
    Tā cái dú xiǎoxué, què yǐ dúguò zhème duō de shū, dàjiā dōu hěn chījīng.
    She only read elementary school, but she has read so many books, everyone is very surprised.

    • jí mánghastily
  • 猫 一 露面 , 老鼠 急忙 钻进 自己 的 洞 里 。
    māo yī lòu miàn, lǎo shǔ jí máng zuàn jìn zì jǐ de dòng lǐ。
    The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.

    • qī zuǐ bā shélively discussion with everybody talking at once
  • 在 报社 记者 七嘴八舌 地 高声 向 他 提问 时 , 他 始终 表现 得 镇定自若 。
    zài bào shè jì zhě qī zuǐ bā shé de gāo shēng xiàng tā tí wèn shí, tā shǐ zhōng biǎo xiàn de zhèn dìng zì ruò。
    He kept as cool as a cucumber as the newspaper reporters shouted questions at him at once.

    • shāng liangto consult; to talk over; to discuss
  • 他们 在 商量 新 工作 。
    Tāmen zài shāngliang xīn gōngzuò.
    They're discussing the new job.

    • shàng láiup; to come up; to approach; (verb complement indicating success)
  • 一 条 大 鱼 被 捞 上来 了 。
    Yī tiáo dà yú bèi lāo shànglái le.
    A big fish was caught (in a net).

    • zhōng yúat last; in the end; finally; eventually
  • 我们 终于 爬 到 了 顶峰 。
    Wǒmen zhōngyú pádàole dǐngfēng.
    We've finally reached the highest peak of the mountain.

    • xiǎng chūto figure out; to work out (a solution etc); to think up; to come up with (an idea etc)
  • 他 想 出 了 一个 极好 的 主意 。
    tā xiǎng chū le yī gè jí hǎo de zhǔ yi。
    He worked out an excellent idea.

    • bàn fǎmeans; method; way (of doing sth)
  • 我 总得 想 个 办法 完成 任务 。
    wǒ zǒng děi xiǎng gè bàn fǎ wán chéng rèn wu。
    I must fulfil my task by some means or other.

    • pá shàngto climb up
  • 我们 爬 上 了 一 个 陡坡 。
    wǒmen páshàng le yī gè dǒupō .
    We climbed the steep slope.

    • dào guàlit. to hang upside down; fig. topsy-turvy and inequitable, e.g. manufacturing and trading costs exceed the sale price (of some goods); to borrow more than one can ever repay
  • 猴子 头 向下 倒挂 在 树枝 上 。
    hóu zi tou xiàng xià dào guà zài shù zhī shàng。
    The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.

    • lìng yīanother; the other

    • hé miànthe surface of the river
  • 这 几天 太冷 了 , 家门口 的 河面 都 结冰 了 。
    Zhè jǐ tiān tài lěngle, jiā ménkǒu de hémiàn dōu jié bīngle.
    These days are too cold, and the river at the door of the house is frozen.

    • xià bianunder; the underside; below

    • shēn shǒuto hold out a hand; to ask for sth
  • 我 伸手 到 桌子 那 端 去 拿 果酱 。
    wǒ shēn shǒu dào zhuō zi nà duān qù ná guǒ jiàng.
    I reached across the table for the jam.

    • nǎ rwhere?; wherever; anywhere
  • 我 知道 他 住 哪儿 。
    wǒ zhīdào tā zhù nǎr .
    I know where he lives.

    • tái tóuto raise one's head; to gain ground; account name, or space for writing the name on checks, bills etc
  • 他 抬头 一 看 , 见 是 一个 铁 钩子 正在 他 脑袋 上方 晃来晃去 。
    tā tái tóu yī kàn, xiàn shì yī gè tiě gōu zi zhèng zài tā nǎo dài shàng fāng huàng lái huàng qù。
    He looked up and found an iron hook dangling about his head.

    • chuǎn qìto breathe deeply; to pant