Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3B ‣ 第十课 我住的地方真干净

      • mí yǔriddle; conundrum
    • 他 把 谜语 的 谜底 封 在 了 信封 的 一角 , 不 让 人 轻易 发现 。
      Tā bǎ míyǔ de mídǐ fēng zàile xìnfēng de yījiǎo, bù ràng rén qīngyì fāxiàn.
      He sealed the riddle's mystery in the corner of the envelope, which is not easy to find.

      • yǒu fāngto do things right; to use the correct method

      • wǔ wèithe five flavors, namely: sweet 甜, sour 酸, bitter 苦, spicy hot 辣, salty 咸; all kinds of flavors

      • sì zhōuall around
    • 她 用 望远镜 向 四周 看 。
      tā yòng wàng yuǎn jìng xiàng sì zhōu kàn.
      She swivelled the telescope (round).

      • wipe; rub; scrub; erase
    • 她 在 擦 窗 上 的 玻璃 。
      Tā zài cā chuāng shàng de bōli.
      She is cleaning the window.
    • 板擦擦掉擦洗摩擦擦破

      • huó lìenergy; vitality; vigor; vital force
    • 休息 了 一周 , 他 又 恢复 了 活力 。
      Xiūxi le yīzhōu, tā yòu huīfù le huólì.
      After resting a week, he regained his vitality.

      • huī chéndust
    • 房间 里 积 满 了 灰尘 。
      Fángjiān lǐ jīmǎnle huīchén.
      Everything in the room is dusty.

      • chī diàoto eat up; to consume
    • 你 的 碗 里 还 剩下 一 小 口饭 , 快 吃掉 , 不要 浪费 。
      Nǐ de wǎn lǐ hái shèng xià yī xiǎokǒu fàn, kuài chī diào, bùyào làngfèi.
      There is still a small bite of rice left in your bowl, eat it quickly, don't waste it.

      • lù pángroadside

      • liǎng bianeither side; both sides

      • guǒ pí(fruit) peel

      • zhǐ zhāngpaper

      • āng zāngdirty; filthy
    • 我们 一 见到 那 旅店 昏暗 肮脏 , 心里 就 很 不 痛快 。
      wǒ men yī xiàn dào nà lu:3 diàn hūn àn āng zāng, xīn lǐ jiù hěn bù tòng kuai.
      Our first sight of the dingy little hotel did not inspire us with much confidence/inspire much confidence in us.