Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3B ‣ 第十课 我住的地方真干净

    • qiáng bìwall

    • shào niányoungster; juvenile
  • 少年 们 很 活泼 。
    Shàoniánmen hěn huópo.
    The young boys are very spirited.

    • kuài bùquick step
  • 老人 快步 走开 了 。
    lǎo rén kuài bù zǒu kāi le。
    The old man set off at a quick trot.

    • zǔ zhǐto prevent; to block

    • gēn běnfundamental; basic; root; simply; absolutely (not); (not) at all
  • 他 说 的话 根本 毫无 意义 。
    tā shuō dehuà gēnběn háowú yìyì .
    What he says makes no sense at all.

    • lǐ cǎito heed; to pay attention to
  • 我 恳求 她 帮忙 , 但 她 完全 不 理睬 我 的 请求 。
    wǒ kěn qiú tā bāng máng, dàn tā wán quán bù lǐ cǎi wǒ de qǐng qiú.
    I begged her for help but she shut her ears to all my appeals.

    • tú yāgraffiti; scrawl; poor calligraphy; to write badly; to scribble

    • guǎn xián shìto meddle; to be a nosy Parker; to be too inquisitive about other people's business

    • xián shìother people's business

    • lìng yīanother; the other

    • bù yǐ wéi ránnot to accept as correct (idiom); to object; to disapprove; to take exception to

    • yǐ wéito believe; to think; to consider; to be under the impression
  • 他 的 病 比 医生 原来 以为 的 更 严重 。
    tā de bìng jiào yī shēng yuán lái yǐ wéi de gèng yán zhòng。
    His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.

    • qīng chuclear; distinct; to understand thoroughly; to be clear about
  • 我 必须 戴 眼镜 才 看 得 清楚 。
    Wǒ bìxū dài yǎnjìng cái kàn de qīngchu.
    I have to wear glasses to see things clearly.

    • qiáng shàngOn the wall

    • gǎn jǐnhurriedly; without delay
  • 马上 要 做 早操 了 , 你 赶紧 下楼来 吧 !
    Mǎshàng yào zuò zǎocāole, nǐ gǎnjǐn xià lóu lái ba!
    I have to do morning exercises right away, and you have to go downstairs!

    • wipe; rub; scrub; erase
  • 她 在 擦 窗 上 的 玻璃 。
    Tā zài cā chuāng shàng de bōli.
    She is cleaning the window.
  • 板擦擦掉擦洗摩擦擦破

    • ná láito bring; to fetch; to get

    • qīng jiéclean
  • 早上 五 点 , 清洁工 人 已经 在 清扫马路 了 。
    Zǎoshang wǔ diǎn, qīngjié gōngrén yǐjīng zài qīngsǎo mǎlùle.
    At five in the morning, the cleaners are already cleaning the road.

    • qīng jié jìdetergent; cleaning solution

    • mā bùcleaning rag; also pr. [mo3 bu4]
  • 她 用 抹布 把 房间 擦 得 干干净净 。
    tā yòng mǒ bù bǎ fáng jiān cā de qián qián jìng jìng。
    She went over the room with a duster.

    • mǎn yìsatisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction
  • 那 条 新 裙子 让 她 很 满意 。
    nà tiáo xīn qúnzi ràng tā hěn mǎnyì .
    She was satisfied with the new dress.