Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3B ‣ 第十七课 好孩子

    • shì juànexamination paper; test paper

    • dài huíto bring back

    • jiā zhǎnghead of a household; family head; patriarch; parent or guardian of a child
  • 到 了 学校 开放日 , 家长 们 会 来到 学校 , 和 孩子 们 一起 上课 。
    Dàole xuéxiào kāifàng rì, jiāzhǎngmen huì lái dào xuéxiào, hé háizimen yīqǐ shàngkè.
    On the school open day, parents will come to the school to attend classes with the children.

    • qiān míngto sign (one's name with a pen etc); to autograph
  • 我 有 许多 著名 足球 运动员 的 亲笔 签名 。
    wǒ yǒu xǔ duō著 míng zú qiú yùn dòng yuán de qīn bǐ qiān míng.
    I've got lots of famous footballers' autographs.

    • zhè cìthis time
  • 这次 画展 , 展出 了 很 多 法国 的 名画 。
    Zhè cì huàzhǎn, zhǎn chūle hěnduō fàguó de mínghuà.
    This exhibition showcased many famous French paintings.

    • kǎo shìto take an exam; exam
  • 他 希望 这 一次 的 考试 能 顺利 通过 。
    Tā xīwàng zhè yīcì de kǎoshì néng shùnlì tōngguò.
    He hopes that this exam will pass smoothly.

    • dé leall right!; that's enough!; have got
    • dé liǎo(emphatically, in rhetorical questions) possible
  • 她 随手 转 了 个 幸运 转盘 , 居然 得 了 一等奖 。
    Tā suíshǒu zhuàn le gè xìngyùn zhuànpán, jūrán déliǎo yī děng jiǎng.
    She turned a lucky turntable and won the first prize.

    • yī bǎione hundred

    • xìng gāo cǎi lièhappy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight
  • 他们 兴高采烈 地 庆祝 胜利 。
    tā men xìng gāo cài liè de qìng zhù shèng lì。
    They celebrated their victory cheerily.

    • yī wànTen thousand

    • jiǎn diàoto subtract; to lose (weight)

    • chóng xīnagain; once more; re-
  • 我们 必须 重新 开始 。
    wǒ men bì xū chóng xīn kāi shǐ。
    We must make a new start.

      • fēn shù(exam) grade; mark; score; fraction

      • jiǎn cháinspection; to examine; to inspect
    • 老师 每天 检查 学生 的 作业 。
      Lǎoshī měitiān jiǎnchá xuésheng de zuòyè.
      The teacher examines the students' homework every day.

      • yào bùotherwise; or else; how about...?; either... (or...)

      • mǎn fēnfull marks

      • gǎn dàoto feel; to sense; to have the feeling that; to think that; to move; to affect
    • 你 感到 紧张 吗 ?
      Nǐ gǎndào jǐnzhāng ma?
      Do you feel nervous?

      • bù ānunpeaceful; unstable; uneasy; disturbed; restless; worried
    • 我 听 了 这 消息 十分 不安 。
      wǒ tìng le zhè xiāo xi shí fēn bù ān.
      The news had me worried.

      • fàng xiato put down; to let go; to set aside; to digress

      • xīn zhōngcentral point; in one's thoughts; in one's heart