Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 3B ‣ 第十七课 好孩子

    • lù bù shí yílit. no one picks up lost articles in the street (idiom); fig. honesty prevails throughout society; a time of peace and stability

    • shí yíto pick up lost property; to expropriate other's property; finders' keepers

    • xíng róngto describe; description; appearance; look
  • 那 风景 美丽 得 无法形容 。
    nà fēng jǐng měi lì de wú fǎ xíng róng。
    The scenery was beautiful beyond expression.

    • chéng shíhonest; honesty; honorable; truthful
  • 我 可以 证明 她 是 诚实 的 。
    wǒ kě yǐ zhèng míng tā shì chéng shí de。
    I can certify to her honesty.

    • diū shīto lose; lost
  • 我 因为 丢失 了 钥匙 , 无法 开门 。
    wǒ yīn wèi diū shī le yào shi, wú fǎ kāi mén。
    I can't open the door because I've lost the key.

    • lù shangon the road; on a journey; road surface

    • shāng rénmerchant; businessman
  • 这个 商人 说服 我 买 了 他 的 货物 。
    zhè gè shāng rén shuō fú wǒ mǎi le tā de huò wù。
    This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.

    • lù guòto pass by or through

    • wǔ yáng(place) Wuyang

    • gǎn lùto hasten on with one's journey; to hurry on
  • 半小时 之后 , 我 又 启程 赶路 了 。
    bàn xiǎo shí zhī hòu, wǒ yòu qǐ chéng gǎn lù le。
    Half an hour later I set out again on my journey.

    • qí zhōngamong; in; included among these
  • 他 多 处 受伤 , 其中 三 处 骨折 。
    tā duō chù shòu shāng, qí zhōng sān chù gǔ zhé。
    He had several injuries, including three fractures.

    • yī duànA paragraph; A period; a portion

    • bāo fucloth-wrapper; a bundle wrapped in cloth; load; weight; burden

    • huí quto return; to go back

    • dé dàoto get; to obtain; to receive