Chinese Vocabulary 华文词汇表

Primary Higher ‣ 4A ‣ 第二课 我们是兄弟姐妹

    • wài tàocoat
  • 天冷 了 , 出门 要 加上 厚 外套 。
    Tiān lěng le, chūmén yào jiāshàng hòu wàitào.
    It's getting cold. You'd better put on an overcoat when you go out.

    • xiào ménschool gate
  • 放学 时 , 他们 排 成 两 条 队 , 手拉手 走出 校门 。
    Fàngxué shí, tāmen pái chéng liǎng tiáo duì, shǒu lāshǒu zǒuchū xiàomén.
    When they were out of school, they lined up in two teams and walked out of the school.

    • wū yúnblack cloud
  • 天空 布满 了 乌云 。
    Tiānkōng bùmǎnle wūyún.
    The sky is covered by dark clouds.

    • mì bùto cover densely
  • 乌云 密布 预示 着 将要 下雨 。
    wū yún mì bù yù shì zhuó jiāng yào xià yǔ。
    The black clouds threatened rain.

    • jǐn jiē zheImmediately after; then

    • qīng péna downpour; rain bucketing down
  • 倾盆大雨 弄湿 了 她 的 鞋袜 。
    Qīngpén dàyǔ nòng shīle tā de xié wà.
    The downpour dampened her shoes and socks.

    • qīng pén dà yǔa downpour; rain bucketing down; fig. to be overwhelmed (with work or things to study)
  • 突然 下 起 了 倾盆大雨 , 她 没 带 伞 , 淋成 了 落汤鸡 。
    Túrán xià qǐle qīngpén dàyǔ, tā mò dài sǎn, lín chéngle luòtāngjī.
    Suddenly there was a downpour, she did not bring an umbrella, and she became a chicken.

    • dà yǔheavy rain

    • hǎo jǐseveral; quite a few
  • 我 昨天 买 了 好几 本 书 。
    wǒ zuó tiān mǎi le hǎo jǐ běn shū。
    I bought several books yesterday.

    • pēn tìsneeze

    • nuǎn nuǎnNuannuan district of Keelung City 基隆市, Taiwan

    • gǎn màoto catch cold; (common) cold
  • 我 嗓子 发痒 — — 大概 是 感冒 了 。
    wǒ sǎng zi fà yǎng-- dà gài shì gǎn mào le.
    I've got this tickle in my throat I think I may be getting a cold.

    • gāng hǎojust; exactly; to happen to be; just recovered

    • gǎn jǐnhurriedly; without delay
  • 马上 要 做 早操 了 , 你 赶紧 下楼来 吧 !
    Mǎshàng yào zuò zǎocāole, nǐ gǎnjǐn xià lóu lái ba!
    I have to do morning exercises right away, and you have to go downstairs!


    • chuān shangto put on (clothes etc)

    • biǎo shìto express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean
  • 他 摇 了 摇头 表示 反对 。
    tā yáo le yáo tou biǎo shì fǎn duì。
    He shook his head in disapproval.

    • shǒu lǐin hand; (a situation is) in sb's hands

    • xiù zisleeve

    • hū ránsuddenly; all of a sudden
  • 刚 出门 , 忽然 下 起 了 大雨 。
    Gāng chūmén, hūrán xiàqǐle dàyǔ.
    It started to rain heavily just when I stepped out the door.

    • líng jīsudden inspiration; bright idea; clever trick
  • 她 灵机一动 , 想出 了 解决 问题 的 好 方法 。
    Tā língjī yīdòng, xiǎng chū liǎo jiějué wèntí de hǎo fāngfǎ.
    She took the opportunity to come up with a good way to solve the problem.

    • líng jī yī dònga bright idea suddenly occurs (idiom); to hit upon an inspiration; to be struck by a brainwave
  • 她 灵机一动 , 想出 了 解决 问题 的 好 方法 。
    Tā língjī yīdòng, xiǎng chū liǎo jiějué wèntí de hǎo fāngfǎ.
    She took the opportunity to come up with a good way to solve the problem.

    • yī dòngmake a move; triggered

    • yī bànhalf
  • 面包 吃 了 一半 。
    Miànbāo chīle yībàn.
    (She) has eaten half of the roll.

    • squeeze; crowded
  • 看 台上 挤满 了 观众 。
    Kàntái shàng jǐmǎn le guānzhòng.
    Spectators crowded the bleachers.
  • 挤到

    • kàolean against; depend; near
  • 我们 靠 码头 停泊 。
    wǒ men kào mǎ tóu tíng bó.
    We moored alongside the quay.
  • 背靠背紧靠靠岸靠近背靠不靠靠着单靠紧靠着

    • jǐn jǐnclosely; tightly

    • qǐ épenguin
  • 企鹅 是 球队 的 吉祥物 。
    Qǐ'é shì qiúduì de jíxiángwù.
    The penguin is the team's mascot.

    • zhè shí hòuAt this moment

    • chēng zhehold on

    • jí mánghastily
  • 猫 一 露面 , 老鼠 急忙 钻进 自己 的 洞 里 。
    māo yī lòu miàn, lǎo shǔ jí máng zuàn jìn zì jǐ de dòng lǐ。
    The mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared.

    • jiàn dàoto see

    • dān xīnanxious; worried; uneasy; to worry; to be anxious
  • 父母 总是 担心 孩子 。
    Fùmǔ zǒngshì dānxīn háizi.
    Parents are always worried about their children.

    • shì bù shìis or isn't; yes or no; whether or not